My view automatically goes up when keyboard come in ios - ios

In my storyboard I have two navigation controllers, say A and B. I bring NavB as a modal controller when a button is clicked on NavA. I have a textfield in my NavB. I have connected this textfield to the controller from storyboard and also have set the textfield delegate. When I click on this textfield, my view automatically animates up. I did some research and found that this happens when I set the delegate for textfield. This dont happen when I push my controller.
I have no clue how to fix it.
Please help!

I believe your viewController is UITableViewContoller, no?
The autoscroll-behavior is located in the UITableViewController functionality. To disable the automatic scrolling there are two ways:
use instead of the UITableViewController simply a UIViewController - set the datasource and delegate on your own.
Override the viewWillAppear-Routine - and DON´T call [super viewWillAppear: animated].
Hope this fixes your issue, cheers :)

I would like to just make sure that your view is not a class of TPKeyboardAvoiding. Since its description says that:
A drop-in universal solution for moving text fields out of the way
of the keyboard in iOS
I have used in the login/sign controllers and observed that when a UITextField goes in edit mode, the TextField goes out of the way and view scrolls accordingly.

I fixed the issue. I had unticked 'Under top bars' in the storyboard and thats why i was getting this behaviour.


LNPopupController makes UIKeyboard unclickable

I'm using LNPopupController ( in my project. I also have an UISearchController for my Table View.
But when I imported the LNPopupController in the project, the UIKeyboard on the Search Controller is not clickable. As soon as I click on a letter on the keyboard, the search controller just gets dismissed. Please let me know the reason for this bug.
The issue has been fixed. The issue was, a view was added to an internal controller of Apple, which caused them to return an incorrect tappable view on the keyboard. I changed the logic to more correctly only load the helper view if needed and not necessarily on first layout.
I looked at the sample code you provided.
Here's what's going on.
LNPopupController has categories that swizzle (override) methods in UITabViewController and UIViewController, which affect your view controllers when they load.
The effect you're seeing when the search is active is the same behavior if you clicked the dimmed background (of the tableView above the keyboard) -- the search is cancelled.
In other words, the touch events aren't being handled by the keyboard overlay, but by your view controller, as if the keyboard overlay wasn't even present.
If you want to use the LNPopupController project, you should open an issue on GitHub so the maintainer can fix it.

UIViewController is already set up but I want to use SlackTextViewController

How can I still maintain my storyboard view controller and add SlackTextViewController for my keyboard and input purposes?
No need for crazy hacks. Simply subclass SLKTextViewController instead of UIViewController and it will just work. Have a look at the sample projects too, they are very useful!
Present the slack view controller modally and set the background clear if you want so you can see your presenting view controller underneath. When you enter the text and the user presses send, send the text back to your other view controller with a notification and do whatever you want with it there.

iOS: show segue prevents UITableViewController to auto scroll when UITextField gets focus

I have a UITableViewController that is presented via a show (push) segue. Its rows have UITextFields. On the iPhone, when a textfield get focus, the keyboard hides the textfield if said textfield is towards the bottom of the screen.
This only happens on the iPhone, with any segue except "present modally" or "present as popover" ones. For these latter segues, the table scrolls up the textfield so that it's not covered by the keyboard - the standard behavior for UITableViewController.
On the iPad it works as expected (auto-scrolling the table), regardless of the segue type. Any idea why?
I've created a new project just to test this, it works as expected. In the initial project where it doesn't work, the UITableViewController is a secondary controller of a SplitViewController.
I've tested with or without auto-layout, same results.
The first screenshot shows the table with no textfield having focus
The second one was taken after the last textfield got focus. It is covered by the keyboard.
PS: I've tried the same with just a UITableViewController, not a subclass of UITableViewController as initially. I know in subclasses there is a problem if for example you override viewWillAppear but do not call super. This is not the case.
Relevant Apple documentation excerpt:
Note: A table view controller supports inline editing of table view rows; if, for example, rows have embedded text fields in editing mode, it scrolls the row being edited above the virtual keyboard that is displayed. It also supports the NSFetchedResultsController class for managing the results returned from a Core Data fetch request.
The UITableViewController class implements the foregoing behavior by overriding loadView, viewWillAppear:, and other methods inherited from UIViewController. In your subclass of UITableViewController, you may also override these methods to acquire specialized behavior. If you do override these methods, be sure to invoke the superclass implementation of the method, usually as the first method call, to get the default behavior.
I have checked the behaviour and faced this kind of issue in iPhone 6.
In viewDidLoad method -
self.tableView.tableFooterView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero];
I wish I could tell you why the code below works, but I can't; I am aware that makes this a bad answer. With that said, it does work consistently across my application.
Add a simple completion block to your view controller dismissal. In my code, that means the viewWillAppear is called twice, once before dismissal and once after (as I said, I don't know why this works but it does for me).
dismissViewControllerAnimated(true) { self.viewWillAppear(true) }

Disappearing UITextField text

The issue I am having is that text in a UITextField disappears every other keyboard tap on iOS. This issue has happened in multiple view controllers, but previously I have been able to resolve the issue by making the textfield taller, giving it more room to draw the text inside.
That solution is not working for this particular situation. I am using a custom font for my app, so I have used a subclass of UITextField for the text fields that automatically sets the custom font. I have tried reverting back to the basic UITextField, but this does not solve the problem.
I have also tried commenting out the delegate methods I've implemented in the problem view controller and this does not solve my issue. I don't really know what else to try, so I'm hoping someone else here can point me in the right direction. Here are the things I've discovered about my problem so far:
The text disappears and reappears with every key tap, though tapping the backspace button does not change the appearance/disappearance of the text (i.e. if tapping backspace when the text is visible, text is deleted normally. If tapping while the text is hidden, characters are deleted from the textfield's text, but the user can't see what's happening)
Text appears at the bottom of the textfield when it is visible and the textfield is the first responder
When a different text field becomes first responder, the text in the problematic text field will be drawn properly, centered vertically in the textfield, and always visible.
Making a textfield first responder when it has text in it already will cause the text to redraw and appear as if it is scrolling up/down within the textfield. The text will alternately be drawn centered in the textfield and "scroll" down out of view, or be drawn out of view and "scroll" up into view, resting at the bottom of the textfield.
The view controller only has problems in one of the two modes it is presented in. It is either presented modally as the root view controller of a UINavigationController, or it is pushed onto a modally-presented UINavigationController's stack as the navigation controller's third view controller. In the first case, where it is the root view controller, the textfields work perfectly fine and exhibit none of the strange behavior described above. The strange behavior occurs consistently in the second case.
A good example of this problem can be seen in the video posted in this similar question: UITextField text disappears on every other keystroke. The answers to the question itself are not useful and do not solve my problems.
I've been successful in reproducing the issue that I was having before. It turns out that the issue was caused by adding a subview to the navigation controller's view, then removing it while a UITextField was in focus. If the subview is removed while the UITextField is not being edited, the bug will not occur.
In my case, a loading image was added as a subview to the navigation controller during a net call, and removed after the completion of said call. During this time, a UITextField would be active, which would cause the visual bug I describe above.
I've recreated the bug in a standalone example project I've uploaded here: Also note that if you tell the textField to become first responder in the viewDidLoad implementation for the view controller, this bug will occur right at the beginning and persist.
It's easy enough for me to just avoid putting the loading view in the navigation controller's view, but doing so gives me a nice effect of having the loading view 'float' in the same position on the screen, whereas putting it into a view controller's view on a nav stack raises a bunch of visual issues (moving loading view position when view controller is pushed onto stack, loading view is obscured by other view controllers, etc.).
Is there any way to reproduce this kind of look without putting the view into the navigation controller's view, or perhaps a safe way to put it into the navigation controller's view without performing strange workarounds like stopping editing on all UITextFields in the duration of the subview's presentation?
I've got the same issue here, didn't have in a previous version.
thanks to your project I've test, I've found that the issue is coming from presenting a view controller embedded in a navigation controller with a translucent navigation bar.
I set opaque bar in the simulated metrics of the navigation controller I was presenting and no more issue with UITextField.
On my case at least, everything were resolved at the moment I set opaque bar for top bar in simulated metrics in InterfaceBuilder for my UINavigationController which embed a UIViewController I've wanted to present modally
Hope it will be the same for you as well.
I had a similar problem where the UITextField was showing the text fine but when I came back from the background it was not show the text and the textfield seemed to not respond. However, I noticed that it was actually accepting input. It just wasn't visible. Showing the view in xcode's debut mode revealed that the textfield had moved down and was layered under other views and not visible. In my case I disabled AutomaticallyAdjustScrollViewInsets to NO and the problem was cured!
I have this exactly same problem on two search bars and several UITextFields in my app. It seems to come and go inexplicably and happens across multiple device types in the simulator and on multiple real devices. Rebooting the actual phone seems to make the issue go away in an app that's been installed on the phone. I'm guessing this is an Apple bug...but I really have no leads and none of the solutions here seem to fix the issue.
Ok, I may have solved it...I have a login controller that is shown before this text field, and I've found that if I open the keyboard on that login controller (like I don't just pre-fill in the username and password) then this behavior occurs. But if I don't open the keyboard, then it's totally fine.
So it turned out that when the user or password textfield in the login controller were selected, one of them became the first responder. When the user hit Login and the view went away, those fields never resigned from being the first responder, so it put the keyboard in a state of flux for the rest of the app.
Having the text fields resign as the first responder like below in my login method solved the issue:
if (_emailTextField.isFirstResponder) {
[_emailTextField resignFirstResponder];
if (_passwordTextField.isFirstResponder) {
[_passwordTextField resignFirstResponder];
} login stuff
I had same problem . I was using becomeFirstResponder method inside viewDidLoad. But then I felt that becomeFirstResponder should be inside ViewDidAppear because didLoad method renders whole view at that time there is no user interaction . actual user interaction starts after viewDidAppear so I moved becomeFirstResponder inside the viewDidAppear method and everything works fine now.
[self viewDidLoad];
[self.textField becomeFirstResponder];
[self.loginTextField becomeFirstResponder];
It seems to be a quite common bug from Apple and people have solved it in many different ways.
I came across the same problem. After some trials, I found my case is because I hide the navigation bar when certain textField "didBeginEditing". Once this bug occurs, it occurs all around the app, not only in that controller.
I eliminated this bug by not hiding the navigation bar (which is not what I really wanted but had no choice).
Hope this will help someone. In a nutshell, this bug can happen for various reasons. Try to undo some change until the bug disappears then you know where exactly it comes from.
I had the similar problem on some of the UITextFields added on UIView and found that it was a bug created by myself not by apple . I am setting textfield.setContentScaleFactor on textFieldDidBeginEditing delegate.
[textField setContentScaleFactor:10.0];
Removing the above line and it works without doing any other stuff.
My View hierarchy ---> UIScrollview --> UIImageView --> UIView --> UITextField
Hope it helps anyone.
I had a similar issue. Solved it by resigning keyboard for a previous screen.
The previous screen had a textfield which has a keyboard type of Numpad. So before coming to the screen where textfield flickers, i called resignFirstResponder.
The EDIT from the Ziewvater's original question solved my problem. I had several textfields being loaded at runtime and whenever I'd navigated back, those views were disposed/removed and then it'd instantiate new textfields each time. After reloading once, it would be clear text, but after editing did end, the textfield.text property would be set and you could see the text.
var responder = View.FindFirstResponder(); //(i'm in Xamarin)
if(responder != null)
Doing this in the viewwilldisappear fixed my problem. THANKS!!!!!!!

UITextField focus before navigation view push?

I have a UITextField set up in a UITableViewCell, for a control mimicking that in Apple's own Contacts app, when you go to edit a field. This is all mostly working fine, except for a little UI bug.
The UITableView is part of a UIViewController created and loaded from a XIB, but the text field is being created programmatically (and becoming first responder) in tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:, so that it can be added to the cell.
This results in a slight keyboard lag, where the view controller is pushed onto the stack, with the keyboard coming soon after.
The Contacts app, however, pushes it all as one.
How can I correct this lag? I've tried moving the text field creation and first responder-ing to viewDidLoad, and this didn't help. I even tried creating a layoutSubviews and calling it from outside the view controller, before it was pushed to the stack.
Unfortunately, it doesn't seem as though the text field actually becomes the first responder until it is part of the cell—well after the view has been pushed.
You have to let the UITextField become the first responder in viewWillAppear.
I have created an example project here:
