automatic pseudo code to c language converter - parsing

I'm trying to write a translator for pseudo-code to c language.which phases of compiler are necessary?
I tried lexical,syntax,semantic,intermediate code is enough or machine code is necessary.
I tried flex,bison for the above phases. Is it correct?

Yea, following the replies on your question; you want to basically design a compiler for a 'new' language.
The new language will have it's own syntax (the algorithm you mentioned) so you'll just need to design a compiler with that configuration, take in algorithim and output valid C code


Add #include's to the headers of a program using llvm clang

I need to add headers to an already existing program by transforming it with LLVM and Clang.
I have used clang's rewriter to accomplish a similar thing in the changing function names and arguments, etc.
But the header files aren't present in clang's AST. I already know we need to use PPCallbacks ( but I am in dire need of some examples on how to make it work with the rewriter if at all possible.
Alternatively, adding a #include statement just before the first
using namespace <namespace>;
Also works. I would like to know an example of this as well.
Any help would be appreciated.
There is a bit of confusion in your question. You need to understand in details how the preprocessor works. Be aware that most of C++ compilation happens after the preprocessing phase (so most C++ static analyzers work after that phase).
In other words, the C++ specification (and also the C specification) defines first what is preprocessing, and then what is the syntax and the semantics of the preprocessed form.
In other words, when compiling your compiler see the preprocessed form foo.ii that you could obtain with clang++ -C -E > foo.ii
In the 1980s the preprocessor /lib/cpp was a separate program forked by the compiler (and some temporary foo.ii was sitting on the disk and removed at end of compilation). Today, it is -for performance reasons- some initial processing done inside the compiler. But you could reason as if it was still separate.
Either you want to alter the Clang compiler, and it deals (like every other C++ compiler or C++ static analyzer) mostly with the preprocessed form. Then you don't want to add new #include-s, but you want to alter the flow of AST given to the compiler (after preprocessing), and that is a different question: you then want to add some AST between existing AST elements (independently of any preprocessor directives).
Or you want to automatically change the C++ source code. The hard part is determining what you want to change and at what place. I suppose that you have used complex stuff to determine that a #include <vector> has to be inserted after line 34 of file Once you've got that information (and getting it is the hard thing), doing the insertion is pretty trivial. For example, you could read every C++ source line, and insert your line when you have read enough lines.

how to parse kotlin code?

I need to analyse kotlin files code, to detect the keyword "data" and "?".
The issue is I don't find any libs like JavaParser.
I don't need powerfull tools, just something who return me the number of the lines.
Any idea?
I use antlr4 to do it. And I create an open source lib:
Besides the tools mentioned in other answers, here is another one someone may find useful:
You would need to either find a Kotlin parser, or write your own.
For this subset of parsing you may be able to cheat, as data is a keyword, so if you see data with non letters each side you know it is the keyword.
For ?, it depends which meaning you want, the elvis one can be detected by the dot else try the nullable meaning if the ? is next to a letter.
You can try Kastree -- simple library to manipulate Kotlin source code as a set of AST objects.
See this [0] Kotlin code parsing related discussion. They talk about using antlr v4 grammar to parse the Kotlin code.
I have not yet written a Kotlin language grammar for it.
But I have implemented a parser in Kotlin, id that is any use.
It is Kotlin common code, so should work for any target platform.
There is an article about it here, and the code is on github.

Vala - Equation parsing

I am trying to learn a bit about Vala and wanted to create a Calculator to test how Gtk worked. The problem is that I coded everything around the supposition that there would be a way to parse a string that contained the required operations. Something like this:
string operation = "5+2/3*4"
I have done this with Python and it is as simple as using the compilers parser. I understand Python is math oriented, but I thought that perhaps there would be Vala library waiting for me as an answer... I haven't found it if it does exist, but as I was looking at the string documentation, I noticed this part:
/* Strings prefixed with '#' are string templates. They can evaluate
* embedded variables and expressions prefixed with '$'.
* Since Vala 0.7.8.
string name = "Dave";
println (#"Good morning, $name!");
println (#"4 + 3 = $(4 + 3)");
So... I thought that maybe there was a way to make it work that way, maybe something like this:
I understand that this is not an accurate supposition as it will just substitute the variable and require a further step to actually evaluate it.
Right now the two main doubts I am having are: a) Is there a library function capable of doing this? and b) Is it possible to work out a solution using string templates?
Here's something I found that would do the work. I used the C++ libmatheval library, for this I first required a vapi file to bind it to Vala. Which I found here. There are a lot of available vapi files under the project named vala-extra-apis, and they are recognized in GNOME's Vala List of Bindings although they are not included at install.
You could parse the expression using libvala (which is part of the compiler).
The compiler creates a CodeContext and runs the Vala parser over a (or several) .vala file(s).
You could then create your own CodeVisitor decendant class that visits the necessary nodes of the parse tree and evaluates expressions.
As far as I can see there is no expression evaluator that does this, yet. That is because normally vala code is translated to C code and the C compiler then does compile time expression evaluation or the finished executable does the run time evaluation.
Python is different, because it is primarily a scripting language and has evaluation build directly into the runtime / interpreter.

Geany custom folding for custom filetype

Company i work develops a new programming language which will ease job of engineer. My job is to supply this language with a nice editor which is also involves code folding. I need to have custom code folding which is not include "{" and "}". I am working with Geany filetypes. I add new filetype. I want to fold some structure like below.
if %condition% then for each %element% in %range% do
%statement% %statement%
else if %condition% then end for
end if
I know my language far from c type , however add such line to my code for enabling syntax coloring.
Any kind of help will be appreciated.
I dont know exact answer but i know how i can dig it up. As far there is no an answer i am going to write how can the answer can be appeared. Using scintilla and its lexers can take us to solution of this problem. Both Geany and Scintilla documentations mention about support of that feature.
Under Debian :
cp /usr/share/geany/filetypes.c ~/.config/geany/filedefs/
chown myUser:myGroup ~/.config/geany/filedefs/filetypes.c
Edit the file. Under the section [lexer_properties] add the line:
Save the file.
Open geany. You are now able to put userfoldings using the default //{ and //} delimiters in c and in cpp. These do not influence your code because to c and cpp it are comments.

Can I get lex to put out a yylex() function with a different name?

I want to have two lexers in one project, and I don't want to run into problems with having multiple yylex functions in the build. Can I make lex output with a different prefix?
You can use the -Pprefix parameter for flex in your makefile. Using flex -Pfoo you would effectively prefix all yy generated functions. Have a look at the manual page for further details.
flex lets you do that. Just define the YY_DECL macro. Dunno about actual Unix(tm) lex(1) though.
You could build a C++ lexer. This means all the state information is held in an object.
Then it is just a matter of using the correct object!
