How to publish ASP.NET MVC on IIS server -

I am struggling with trying to publish a site.
I have made a basic web site with ASP.NET MVC and I now want to host it on a pc.
I have opened ISI manager and added a new site. I set the default directly to the directly where the files for the site are stored but when i navigate to the pc I don't get my site. I get an IIS server error in application error.
What steps do i need to do to get the a basic site to run on the server.

First, you need to have installed iis, this is done you have to register the framework, for this you need to run a command line.
Go to cmd and type:
aspnet_regiis -i
Done so please enter
http:// localhost/AplicationName

If you get an error, then you should really post that error with your question. However, since the most common problem in the scenario you describe is permissions, I'm going to assume that that is your problem.
Unless you're going to put your code in a directory owned by IIS (such as "inetpub"), then you need to give the IIS user or group rights to the directory your code is in. You can do this by right-clicking the directory in Windows Explorer, and choosing "Properties". Then click the "Security" tab. Use the "Edit..." button to add the IIS user or group. It should be named something along the lines of "IIS_*". You'll need to grant full control, so just like any other publicly available directory (including "inetpub"), you should ensure that there's nothing secure or compromising in that directory.


Windows Server 2019: IIS 10: HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden: The Web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory

I am migrating a working .Net Framework Website from IIS 8.5 on a Microsoft Windows Server 2012 to IIS 10 on a Microsoft Windows Server 2019.
The new web site is showing the error
HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden
The Web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory.
As far as I can see the website on the new server is configured the same as on the existing.
Neither have directory Browsing enabled nor a default file set as is recommended by most of the posts which exist discussing this error.
I have run the following which is also recommended.
%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -ir
The problem still exists.
I came across a post saying there might be an issue if paths referenced in the web.config are not correct but they look fine.
Has anyone got any insight into what else might cause this issue?
Are there any differences between IIS 8.5 and IIS 10 or between windows servers 2012 and 2019 which might cause this issue?
This problem occurs because the website doesn't have the Directory Browsing feature enabled. Also, the default document isn't configured. To resolve this problem, use one of the following methods:
Method 1: Enable the Directory Browsing feature in IIS
To resolve this problem, follow these steps:
Start IIS Manager. To do it, select Start, select Run, type inetmgr.exe, and then select OK.
In IIS Manager, expand server name, expand Web sites, and then select the website that you want to change.
In the Features view, double-click Directory Browsing.
In the Actions pane, select Enable.
Method 2: Add a default document
To resolve this problem, follow these steps:
Start IIS Manager. To do it, select Start, select Run, type inetmgr.exe, and then select OK.
In IIS Manager, expand server name, expand Web sites, and then select the website that you want to change.
In the Features view, double-click Default Document.
In the Actions pane, select Enable.
In the File Name box, type the name of the default document, and then select OK.
More information you can refer to this link: HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden when you open an IIS webpage.
All those clowns glibly posting that "HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden: The Web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory" can be fixed by configuring the web site by either enabling the Directory Browsing feature or adding a default document are really not understanding what they are talking about. Anyone can copy a solution from one post and paste to another.
I'm not going to pretend I know what I am talking about but I have fixed my issue and will share what I did here to see in the hope it helps others.
I created a project (of the same type as the application I was trying to deploy) using my IDE (MSVS) in the same .Net version of the application I was trying to deploy. In this case it was creation of an MVC project in .Net Framework 4.5.
I did nothing to it. All I wanted was a skeleton.
I replaced all the files in the home directory of the web site I had an issue with, with the files of this skeleton project.
I attempted to browse to the web site and it worked successfully. Note the directory browsing was not enabled nor was a default directory set.
This proved to me that those settings were irrelevant.
Having googled around, some sites point to paths in config files causing an issue if they do not exist, eg a logging path to d:\logs where that directory was missing. It didn't fix my issue but there's no harm checking.
I stumbled across a post which talked about the roles and features enabled on the server. In Web Server (IIS)/Web Server/Application Development they had selected "Application Initialisation" and "ASP".
The Windows Sever 2012 server I was moving the application from, where it work without a hitch, did not have those selected so had not selected them on the Windows Server 2019 I was moving them to when I set that server up.
It made no sense that this would be the solution but having tried everything else I activated those two options.
Stone me if the issue was resolved.
As a check I removed those two options and the problem came back and when I reselected them it went away again.
This struck me as pretty conclusive only having thought I'd found the cause of the problem I built the website from scratch and the problem came back again.
It took a number of iterations but eventually I got there, more by luck than judgement and whatever the cause was it was due to an issue in the application which wasn't being logged in event viewer so focus on permissions to files being written to: not only that the app pool account is set up on the directories it needs access to but also that it has modify or even full control.
All those muppets robotically posting advice on configuring the web site by either enabling the Directory Browsing feature or adding a default document will no doubt copy this and paste it into their posts to claim the credit but c'est la vie.
I hope this post is of use to someone, apart from those muppets.

I can't display/browser my images in Virtual Directory in IIS

From a remote server with Microsoft Server 2016 where I am admin, I publish my ASP.NET Core MVC web app in Visual Studio 2019 via IIS Server 2016 as a Website called "demo".
dotnet-hosting-3.0.2-win, dot-net-3.0.102 sdk bundler and urlrewrite2 are installed.
The project is just the simplest "Hello" demo, it works.
Then in I add a Virtual Directory to my website in order to display images from a shared folder.
When I create this Directory, I tried both methods:
- "Connect as" / my user log. "Test settings" gives an OK icon.
- "Application user" + Edit Permissions / Security / Edit / Add / IUSR
Once my Directory added, I can see the content of it in Content View panel, 2 images.
I also tried to add the Directory to wwwroot of my website.
I precise that in Features View panel, Directory Browsing is enabled.
I also tried to access my images via code.
This is what I get:
I am pretty new with deployment, still I have read a lot of documentation, but I can't make it work. What did I miss? Is there something to do with a webconfig in IIS?
I am not expert but as per my little understanding of IIS and ASP.NET MVC, please try following.
Click on your "demo" site in iis manager and on the right side, under "actions" pane click browse. And then navigate to your images folder from browser.
Also, you can only see individual files under this directory and not a list of files.
You can access individual file using the spcefic URL, for example http://localhost/images/image1.jpg
If you hit "http://localhost/images" this URL, IIS will try to find a controller or action method by this name.
Lost my problem thanks to this link:
Virtual directory inside of ASP.NET Core app in IIS
The big picture I get is Net Core is just not designed by default for IIS/Virtual Directory, but you can get your stuff by modifying the applicationHost.config of IIS manager.
Supposing your Virtual Directory is called "bilder" in the website "democore", you would write this at the end of your applicationHost.config:
Hope it will help.

Can you run an ASP.NET MVC application from its project folder?

In IIS 5.1, I have setup a website to point to my ASP.NET MVC project directory, and I get a "Service Unavailable" error when I try to access it after building the project. It seems I have to publish the site to a separate directory and point IIS to the published version to get it to work.
I have already tried "aspnet_regiis" but that did not fix the issue. I have also setup wildcard mapping so all requests are sent through the ASP.NET pipeline.
I'm not sure why I would have to publish the files in order to view them. The published version appears to only remove unnecessary files, but the published files seem to be identical to the ones in the actual project directory.
Do you have to publish an ASP.NET MVC website to a different directory in order for IIS to serve it?
Ideally, I would want to set it up such that all I have to do is build the project, and I can immediately view the updated website by visiting localhost.
The version is set to 2.0, and when I get home I will check if the IUSR account has sufficient privileges. I can't imagine why it wouldn't because the published folder apparently had them by default.
Update #2:
The errors in the event log are:
Failed to initialize the AppDomain:/LM/W3SVC/1/Root
Exception: System.IO.FileLoadException
Message: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. Access is denied.
Failed to execute the request because the ASP.NET process identity does not have read permissions to the global assembly cache. Error: 0x80070005 Access is denied.
I have given the MY_MACHINE\ASPNET account "Act as operating system" privileges and I still get this error.
Update #3:
So this is interesting... I have XP Media Center Edition, so I forgot I don't have a security tab to verify permissions.
I decided to copy and paste the entire solution into a newly created folder and it works perfectly. This indicates that it's a permission issue but not with the ASPNET user. I will try to activate the Security tab and make a 4th (and hopefully final) update.
Update #4:
It turns out that when I copied the directory, the permissions changed to allow Everyone access to it. When I checked the original project directory, the ASPNET user was not granted any permissions in the directory.
The simple solution was to grant the ASPNET user read privileges on the project directory.
No problems at all. I've been running an MVC app on IIS5.1 for 6 moths while developing it.
First off check the version of ASP.Net used for your site.
If that isn't the problem check that the user account used to run your website has permissions to the directory and all the files and folders contained within it and make sure that the network service has permissions.
take a look at this link - which might help:

MVC ActionLink adds VS solution name to url

For some reason when I run my project locally, everything works just fine. When I publish my site live to my shared hosting server, the actionlink causes links to come out as
when it should be
Any ideas?
Check whether you published to a virtual directory named MySolutionName under the root of the web site. If you did, then this is expected behavior.
I thought that this was an option under the Publish screen (or maybe under the Project settings screen). I'm running on my MacBook so I can't confirm. Have you checked there to see?
Can you show some of the ActionLink code that you're talking about...?
(BTW: I have no idea why this site won't let me log back in. I never got an OpenID when I put in my new user info, wtf?)
I publish to a folder on my desktop and then upload via FTP. On my host I set the folder as an application directory since it's a subfolder of my root.
Each folder is it's own application directory where I put different sites. There are no virtual directories that I know of. Since I cant see the server config, i can't be sure of that statement.


What is the best way to get hosting of an ASP.NET MVC application to work on IIS 5 (6 or 7). When I tried to publish my ASP.NET MVC application, all I seemed to get is 404 errors. I've done a bit of googleing and have found a couple of solutions, but neither seem super elegant, and I worry if they will be unusable once I come to use a shared hosting environment for the application.
Solution 1
Right-click your application virtual directory on inetmgr.exe.
Properties->Virtual Directory Tab-> Configuration.
Add a new mapping extension. The extension should be .*, which will be
mapped to the Executable
or the appropriate location on your
computer (you can simply copy this
from the mapping for .aspx files). On
the mapping uncheck "check that file
3 X OK and you're good to go.
If you want, you can apply this setting to all your web sites. In
step1, click on the "Default Web Site"
node instead of your own virtual
directory, and in step 2 go to the
"Home Directory" tab. The rest is the
It seems a tad hacky to route everything through ASP.NET.
Solutions 2
Edit the MVC routing to contain .mvc in the URL and then follow the steps in solution 1 based around this extension. Edit: The original image link was lost, but here it is from Google's Cache:
Answer is here
If *.mvc extension is not registered
to the hosting , it will give 404
exception. The working way of hosting
MVC apps in that case is to modify
global.asax routing caluse in the
following way.
new MvcRouteHandler()) {
Defaults = new RouteValueDictionary (new{ controller
= "YourController"} ) });
In this way all your controller
request will end up in *.mvc.aspx,
which is recognized by your hosting.
And as the MVC dlls are copied into
your local bin , no special setttings
need to be done for it.
I think either way you'll have to do Solution 1.
Consider the HTTP Request pipeline.
A request comes into IIS.
IIS checks port/host header to see if it has a web site set up to capture requests for that host header/port.
IIS investigates the file extension of the request (.php, .asp, .aspx) and hands it off to an ISAPI that can handle that type of request.
Only at this point does ASP.NET (or a PHP runtime) kick in. If IIS does't have that mapping then it'll never hand off the request to the ASP.NET runtime and the request will never reach your code. That's why you need that glob (*) mapping to the ASP.NET ISAPI.
ASP.NET MVC framework urls often end with no file extension at all. If you want these requests to get handled by ASP.NET (or some other runtime) you have to map all requests regardless of the file extension to that ISAPI (ie. aspnet_isapi.dll).
This is often also done for HttpHandlers that need to serve off media like .jpg, .gif. For the handler to be hit it needs to get mapped to your code even though .jpg isn't a "normal" ASP.NET file extension.
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_isapi.dll -i
This will reset IIS registry settings for aspnet user.
Create the virtual directory:
1. Right click on the directory you want to convert
select Properties
under Directory, select Create.
under Configuration, select Add.
for Executable insert:
for Extension insert: .*
uncheck “Check that file exists”
under Documents add entry point file, ie: Default.htm, index.htm, Global.asax
under Directory Settings
select Edit...
select Anonymous access
uncheck Allow IIS to control password
uncheck Basic authentication
uncheck Integrated Windows authentication
under ASP.NET, make sure version = v4.0.30319
TAKE NOTE of User Name ie: IUSR_AVSJ82S
Set sharing permission of physical directory:
In windows explorer, go to the physical directory that was converted to a virtual directory.
Right click the directory name
select properties
under security tab, select Add
enter the IIS User name ie: IUSR_AVSJ82S click check name.
click OK
set permissions to Read and Write.
FYI:On server 2003 (developing an app that had to connect to the RPS), it didnt' allow me to add the extension .*, I used the alternate solution modifying the route clause, and that
Have you tried adding .aspx to the end of the controller name?
It worked for Stack Overflow question Where can I get ASP.NET MVC hosting?.
