Theory regarding jump functions? - instruction-set

In an ISA of type MIPS,there are two types of addressing for the functions Branch and Jump.These are PC-relative and pseudodirect.I want to know why do we use two different ways of addressing for two types of instructions? is this neccessary?Also,What is the maximal size of the jump of a branch instruction? what about the jump?

Branches require more bits to describe the operands and branch comparison type. Jump instructions need less information, and so they can devote more bits to the immediate. Thus, jumps can jump further away than branches.
I don't understand the difference between PC-relative and "psuedodirect" - they're BOTH PC-relative. The only real difference is how many bits the immediate is.
PC-relative is needed so the compiler can move the code around, and not care about where the branch and target end up exactly. Also, it requires fewer bits to describe "branch ahead 10 instructions" versus describing the absolute location of the target. Again, jumps have more immediate bits available, so they can jump further away. The exact distance a branch or jump can go depends on the specific ISA. Typically, a RISC ISA with 32b-sized instructions can jump 2^i words away (or 4*(2^i) bytes), where i is the size of the immediate.


Largest amount of entries in lua table

I am trying to build a Sieve of Eratosthenes in Lua and i tried several things but i see myself confronted with the following problem:
The tables of Lua are to small for this scenario. If I just want to create a table with all numbers (see example below), the table is too "small" even with only 1/8 (...) of the number (the number is pretty big I admit)...
max = 600851475143
numbers = {}
for i=1, max do
table.insert(numbers, i)
If I execute this script on my Windows machine there is an error message saying: C:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\lua.exe: not enough memory. With Lua 5.3 running on my Linux machine I tried that too, error was just killed. So it is pretty obvious that lua can´t handle the amount of entries.
I don´t really know whether it is just impossible to store that amount of entries in a lua table or there is a simple solution for this (tried it by using a long string aswell...)? And what exactly is the largest amount of entries in a Lua table?
Update: And would it be possible to manually allocate somehow more memory for the table?
Update 2 (Solution for second question): The second question is an easy one, I just tested it by running every number until the program breaks: 33.554.432 (2^25) entries fit in one one-dimensional table on my 12 GB RAM system. Why 2^25? Because 64 Bit per number * 2^25 = 2147483648 Bits which are exactly 2 GB. This seems to be the standard memory allocation size for the Lua for Windows 32 Bit compiler.
P.S. You may have noticed that this number is from the Euler Project Problem 3. Yes I am trying to accomplish that. Please don´t give specific hints (..). Thank you :)
The Sieve of Eratosthenes only requires one bit per number, representing whether the number has been marked non-prime or not.
One way to reduce memory usage would be to use bitwise math to represent multiple bits in each table entry. Current Lua implementations have intrinsic support for bitwise-or, -and etc. Depending on the underlying implementation, you should be able to represent 32 or 64 bits (number flags) per table entry.
Another option would be to use one or more very long strings instead of a table. You only need a linear array, which is really what a string is. Just have a long string with "t" or "f", or "0" or "1", at every position.
Caveat: String manipulation in Lua always involves duplication, which rapidly turns into n² or worse complexity in terms of performance. You wouldn't want one continuous string for the whole massive sequence, but you could probably break it up into blocks of a thousand, or of some power of 2. That would reduce your memory usage to 1 byte per number while minimizing the overhead.
Edit: After noticing a point made elsewhere, I realized your maximum number is so large that, even with a bit per number, your memory requirements would optimally be about 73 gigabytes, which is extremely impractical. I would recommend following the advice Piglet gave in their answer, to look at Jon Sorenson's version of the sieve, which works on segments of the space instead of the whole thing.
I'll leave my suggestion, as it still might be useful for Sorenson's sieve, but yeah, you have a bigger problem than you realize.
Lua uses double precision floats to represent numbers. That's 64bits per number.
600851475143 numbers result in almost 4.5 Terabytes of memory.
So it's not Lua's or its tables' fault. The error message even says
not enough memory
You just don't have enough RAM to allocate that much.
If you would have read the linked Wikipedia article carefully you would have found the following section:
As Sorenson notes, the problem with the sieve of Eratosthenes is not
the number of operations it performs but rather its memory
requirements.[8] For large n, the range of primes may not fit in
memory; worse, even for moderate n, its cache use is highly
suboptimal. The algorithm walks through the entire array A, exhibiting
almost no locality of reference.
A solution to these problems is offered by segmented sieves, where
only portions of the range are sieved at a time.[9] These have been
known since the 1970s, and work as follows

NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies (NEAT) and global innovation number

I was not able to find why we should have a global innovation number for every new connection gene in NEAT.
From my little knowledge of NEAT, every innovation number corresponds directly with an node_in, node_out pair, so, why not only use this pair of ids instead of the innovation number? Which new information there is in this innovation number? chronology?
Is it an algorithm optimization?
Note: this more of an extended comment than an answer.
You encountered a problem I also just encountered whilst developing a NEAT version for javascript. The original paper published in ~2002 is very unclear.
The original paper contains the following:
Whenever a new
gene appears (through structural mutation), a global innovation number is incremented
and assigned to that gene. The innovation numbers thus represent a chronology of the
appearance of every gene in the system. [..] ; innovation numbers are never changed. Thus, the historical origin of every
gene in the system is known throughout evolution.
But the paper is very unclear about the following case, say we have two ; 'identical' (same structure) networks:
The networks above were initial networks; the networks have the same innovation ID, namely [0, 1]. So now the networks randomly mutate an extra connection.
Boom! By chance, they mutated to the same new structure. However, the connection ID's are completely different, namely [0, 2, 3] for parent1 and [0, 4, 5] for parent2 as the ID is globally counted.
But the NEAT algorithm fails to determine that these structures are the same. When one of the parents scores higher than the other, it's not a problem. But when the parents have the same fitness, we have a problem.
Because the paper states:
In composing the offspring, genes are randomly chosen from veither parent at matching genes, whereas all excess or disjoint genes are always included from the more fit parent, or if they are equally fit, from both parents.
So if the parents are equally fit, the offspring will have connections [0, 2, 3, 4, 5]. Which means that some nodes have double connections... Removing global innovation counters, and just assign id's by looking at node_in and node_out, you avoid this problem.
So when you have equally fit parents, yes you have optimized the algorithm. But this is almost never the case.
Quite interesting: in the newer version of the paper, they actually removed that bolded line! Older version here.
By the way, you can solve this problem by instead of assigning innovation ID's, assign ID based on node_in and node_out using pairing functions. This creates quite interesting neural networks when fitness is equal:
I can't provide a detailed answer, but the innovation number enables certain functionality within the NEAT model to be optimal (like calculating the species of a gene), as well as allowing crossover between the variable length genomes. Crossover is not necessary in NEAT, but it can be done, due to the innovation number.
I got all my answers from here:
It's a good read
During crossover, we have to consider two genomes that share a connection between the two same nodes in their personal neural networks. How do we detect this collision without iterating both genome's connection genes over and over again for each step of crossover? Easy: if both connections being examined during crossover share an innovation number, they are connecting the same two nodes because they received that connection from the same common ancestor.
Easy Example:
If I am a genome with a specific connection gene with innovation number 'i', my children that take gene 'i' from me may eventually cross over with each other in 100 generations. We have to detect when these two evolved versions (alleles) of my gene 'i' are in collision to prevent taking both. Taking two of the same gene would cause the phenotype to probably loop and crash, killing the genotype.
When I created my first implementation of NEAT I thought the same... why would you keep a innovation number tracker...? and why would you use it only for one generation? Wouldn't be better to not keep it at all and use a key value par with the nodes connected?
Now that I am implementing my third revision I can see what Kenneth Stanley tried to do with them and why he wanted to keep them only for one generation.
When a connection is created, it will start its optimization in that moment. It marks its origin. If the same connection pops out in another generation, that will start its optimization then. Generation numbers try to separate the ones which come from a common ancestor, so the ones that have been optimized for many generations are not put side to side that one that was just generated. If a same connection is found in two genomes, that means that that gene comes from the same origin and thus, can be aligned.
Imagine then that you have your generation champion. Some of their genes will have 50 percent chance to be lost due that the aligned genes are treated equally.
What is better...? I haven't seen any experiments comparing the two approaches.
Kenneth Stanley also addressed this issue in the NEAT users page:
Should a record of innovations be kept around forever, or only for the current
In my implementation of NEAT, the record is only kept for a generation, but there
is nothing wrong with keeping them around forever. In fact, it may work better.
Here is the long explanation:
The reason I didn't keep the record around for the entire run in my
implementation of NEAT was because I felt that calling something the same
mutation that happened under completely different circumstances was not
intuitive. That is, it is likely that several generations down the line, the
"meaning" or contribution of the same connection relative to all the other
connections in a network is different than it would have been if it had appeared
generations ago. I used a single generation as a yardstick for this kind of
situation, although that is admittedly ad hoc.
That said, functionally speaking, I don't think there is anything wrong with
keeping innovations around forever. The main effect is to generate fewer species.
Conversely, not keeping them around leads to more species..some of them
representing the same thing but separated nonetheless. It is not currently clear
which method produces better results under what circumstances.
Note that as species diverge, calling a connection that appeared in one species a
different name than one that appeared earlier in another just increases the
incompatibility of the species. This doesn't change things much since they were
incompatible to begin with. On the other hand, if the same species adds a
connection that it added in an earlier generation, that must mean some members of
the species had not adopted that connection now it is likely that the
first "version" of that connection that starts being helpful will win out, and
the other will die away. The third case is where a connection has already been
generally adopted by a species. In that case, there can be no mutation creating
the same connection in that species since it is already taken. The main point is,
you don't really expect too many truly similar structures with different markings
to emerge, even with only keeping the record around for 1 generation.
Which way works best is a good question. If you have any interesting experimental
results on this question, please let me know.
My third revision will allow both options. I will add more information to this answer when I have results about it.

Is it possible to clear the FPU?

I'm using Delphi XE6 to perform a complicated floating point calculation. I realize the limitations of floating point numbers so understand the inaccuracies inherent in FP numbers. However this particular case, I always get 1 of 2 different values at the end of the calculation.
The first value and after a while (I haven't figured out why and when), it flips to the second value, and then I can't get the first value again unless I restart my application. I can't really be more specific as the calculation is very complicated. I could almost understand if the value was somewhat random, but just 2 different states is a little confusing. This only happens in the 32-bit compiler, the 64 bit compiler gives one single answer no matter how many times I try it. This number is different from the 2 from the 32-bit calculation, but I understand why that is happening and I'm fine with it. I need consistency, not total accuracy.
My one suspicion is that perhaps the FPU is being left in a state after some calculation that affects subsequent calculations, hence my question about clearing all registers and FPU stack to level out the playing field. I'd call this CLEARFPU before I start of the calculation.
After some more investigation I realized I was looking in the wrong place. What you see is not what you get with floating point numbers. I was looking at the string representation of the numbers and thinking here are 4 numbers going into a calculation ALL EQUAL and the result is different. Turns out the numbers only seemed to be the same. I started logging the hex equivalent of the numbers, worked my way back and found an external dll used for matrix multiplication the cause of the error. I replaced the matrix multiplication with a routine written in Delphi and all is well.
Floating point calculations are deterministic. The inputs are the input data and the floating point control word. With the same input, the same calculation will yield repeatable output.
If you have unpredictable results, then there will be a reason for it. Either the input data or the floating point control word is varying. You have to diagnose what that reason for that is. Until you understand the problem fully, you should not be looking for a problem. Do not attempt to apply a sticking plaster without understanding the disease.
So the next step is to isolate and reproduce the problem in a simple piece of code. Once you can reproduce the issue you can solve the problem.
Possible explanations include using uninitialized data, or external code modifying the floating point control word. But there could be other reasons.
Uninitialized data is plausible. Perhaps more likely is that some external code is modifying the floating point control word. Instrument your code to log the floating point control word at various stages of execution, to see if it ever changes unexpectedly.
You've probably been bitten by combination of optimization and excess x87 FPU precision resulting in the same bit of floating-point code in your source code being duplicated with different assembly code implementations with different rounding behaviour.
The problem with x87 FPU math
The basic problem is that while x87 FPU the supports 32-bit, 64-bit and 80-bit floating-point value, it only has 80-bit registers and the precision of operations is determined by the state of the bits in the floating point control word, not the instruction used. Changing the rounding bits is expensive, so most compilers don't, and so all floating point operations end being be performed at the same precision regardless of the data types involved.
So if the compiler sets the FPU to use 80-bit rounding and you add three 64-bit floating point variables, the code generated will often add the first two variables keeping the unrounded result in a 80-bit FPU register. It would then add the third 64-bit variable to 80-bit value in the register resulting in another unrounded 80-bit value in a FPU register. This can result in a different value being calculated than if the result was rounded to 64-bit precision after each step.
If that resulting value is then stored in a 64-bit floating-point variable then the compiler might write it to memory, rounding it to 64 bits at this point. But if the value is used in later floating point calculations then the compiler might keep it in a register instead. This means what rounding occurs at this point depends on the optimizations the compiler performs. The more its able to keep values in a 80-bit FPU register for speed, the more the result will differ from what you'd get if all floating point operation were rounded according to the size of actual floating point types used in the code.
Why SSE floating-point math is better
With 64-bit code the x87 FPU isn't normally used, instead equivalent scalar SSE instructions are used. With these instructions the precision of the operation used is determined by the instruction used. So with the adding three numbers example, the compiler would emit instructions that added the numbers using 64-bit precision. It doesn't matter if the result gets stored in memory or stays in register, the value remains the same, so optimization doesn't affect the result.
How optimization can turn deterministic FP code into non-deterministic FP code
So far this would explain why you'd get a different result with 32-bit code and 64-bit code, but it doesn't explain why you can get a different result with the same 32-bit code. The problem here is that optimizations can change the your code in surprising ways. One thing the compiler can do is duplicate code for various reasons, and this can cause the same floating point code being executed in different code paths with different optimizations applied.
Since optimization can affect floating point results this can mean the different code paths can give different results even though there's only one code path in the source code. If the code path chosen at run time is non-deterministic then this can cause non-deterministic results even when the in the source code the result isn't dependent on any non-deterministic factor.
An example
So for example, consider this loop. It performs a long running calculation, so every few seconds it prints a message letting the user know how many iterations have been completed so far. At the end of the loop there's simple summation performed using floating-point arithmetic. While there's non-deterministic factor in the loop, the floating-point operation isn't dependent on it. It's always performed regardless of whether progress updated is printed or not.
while ... do
if TimerProgress() then
count := 0
count := count + 1;
sum := sum + value
As optimization the compiler might move the last summing statement into the end of both blocks of the if statement. This lets both blocks finish by jumping back to the start of the loop, saving a jump instruction. Otherwise one of the blocks has to end with a jump to the summing statement.
This transforms the code into this:
while ... do
if TimerProgress() then
count := 0;
sum := sum + value
count := count + 1;
sum := sum + value
This can result in the two summations being optimized differently. It may be in one code path the variable sum can be kept in a register, but in the other path its forced out in to memory. If x87 floating point instructions are used here this can cause sum to be rounded differently depending on a non-deterministic factor: whether or not its time to print the progress update.
Possible solutions
Whatever the source of your problem, clearing the FPU state isn't going to solve it. The fact that the 64-bit version works, provides an possible solution, using SSE math instead x87 math. I don't know if Delphi supports this, but it's common feature of C compilers. It's very hard and expensive to make x87 based floating-point math conforming to the C standard, so many C compilers support using SSE math instead.
Unfortunately, a quick search of the Internet suggests the Delphi compiler doesn't have option for using SSE floating-point math in 32-bit code. In that case your options would be more limited. You can try disabling optimization, that should prevent the compiler from creating differently optimized versions of the same code. You could also try to changing the rounding precision in the x87 floating-point control word. By default it uses 80-bit precision, but all your floating point variables are 64-bit then changing the FPU to use 64-bit precision should significantly reduce the effect optimization has on rounding.
To do the later you can probably use the Set8087CW procedure MBo mentioned, or maybe System.Math.SetPrecisionMode.

How is RAM able to acess any place in memory at O(1) speed

We are taught that the abstraction of the RAM memory is a long array of bytes. And that for the CPU it takes the same amount of time to access any part of it. What is the device that has the ability to access any byte out of the 4 gigabytes (on my computer) in the same time? As this does not seem as a trivial task for me.
I have asked colleagues and my professors, but nobody can pinpoint to the how this task can be achieved with simple logic gates, and if it isn't just a tricky combination of logic gates, then what is it?
My personal guess is that you could achieve the access of any memory in O(log(n)) speed, where n would be the size of memory. Because each gate would split the memory in two and send you memory access instruction to the next split the memory in two gate. But that requires ALOT of gates. I can't come up with any other educated guess, and I don't even know the name of the device that I should look up in Google.
Please help my anguished curiosity, and thanks in advance.
This is what I learned!
quote from yours "the RAM can send the value from cell addressed X to some output pins", here is where everyone skip (again) the thing that is not trivial for me. The way that I see it, In order to build a gate that from 64 pins decides which byte out of 2^64 to get, each pin needs to split the overall possible range of memory into two. If bit at index 0 is 0 -> then the address is at memory 0-2^64/2, else address is at memory 2^64/2-2^64. And so on, However the amout of gates (lets call them) that the memory fetch will go through will be 64, (a constant). However the amount of gates needed is N, where N is the number of memory bytes there are.
Just because there is 64 pins, it doesn't mean that you can still decode it into a single fetch from a range of 2^64. Does 4 gigabytes memory come with a 4 gigabytes gates in the memory control???
now this can be improved, because as I read furiously more and more about how this memory is architectured, if you place the memory into a matrix with sqrt(N) rows and sqrt(N) columns, the amount of gates that a fetch memory will need to go through is O(log(sqrt(N)*2) and the amount of gates that will be required will be 2*sqrt(N), which is much better, and I think that its probably a trade secret.
What the heck, I might as well make this an answer.
Yes, in the physical world, memory access cannot be constant time.
But it cannot even be logarithmic time. The O(log n) circuit you have in mind ultimately involves some sort of binary (or whatever) tree, and you cannot make a binary tree with constant-length wires in a 3D universe.
Whatever the "bits per unit volume" capacity of your technology is, storing n bits requires a sphere with radius O(n^(1/3)). Since information can only travel at the speed of light, accessing a bit at the other end of the sphere requires time O(n^(1/3)).
But even this is wrong. If you want to talk about actual limitations of our universe, our physics friends say the absolute maximum number of bits you can store in any sphere is proportional to the sphere's surface area, not its volume. So the actual radius of a minimal sphere containing n bits of information is O(sqrt(n)).
As I mentioned in my comment, all of this is pretty much moot. The models of computation we generally use to analyze algorithms assume constant-access-time RAM, which is close enough to the truth in practice and allows a fair comparison of competing algorithms. (Although good engineers working on high-performance code are very concerned about locality and the memory hierarchy...)
Let's say your RAM has 2^64 cells (places where it is possible to store a single value, let's say 8-bit). Then it needs 64 pins to address every cell with a different number. When at the input pins of your RAM there 'appears' a binary number X the RAM can send the value from cell addressed X to some output pins, and your CPU can get the value from there. In hardware the addressing can be done quite easily, for example by using multiple NAND gates (such 'addressing device' from some logic gates is called a decoder).
So it is all happening at the hardware-level, this is just direct addressing. If the CPU is able to provide 64 bits to 64 pins of your RAM it can address every single memory cell (as 64 bit is enough to represent any number up to 2^64 -1). The only reason why you do not get the value immediately is a kind of 'propagation time', so time it takes for the signal to go through all the logic gates in the circuit.
The component responsible for dealing with memory accesses is the memory controller. It is used by the CPU to read from and write to memory.
The access time is constant because memory words are truly layed out in a matrix form (thus, the "byte array" abstraction is very realistic), where you have rows and columns. To fetch a given memory position, the desired memory address is passed on to the controller, which then activates the right column.
Memory cells are etched onto a silicon wafer in an array of columns
(bitlines) and rows (wordlines). The intersection of a bitline and
wordline constitutes the address of the memory cell.
So, basically, the answer to your question is: the memory controller figures it out. Of course that, given a memory address, the mapping to column and row must be easy to calculate in a constant time.
To fully understand this topic, I recommend you to read this guide on how memory works:
There are so many concepts to master that it is difficult to explain it all in one answer.
I've been reading your comments and questions until I answered. I think you are on the right track, but there is some confusion here. The random access in which you are implying doesn't exist in the same way you think it does.
Reading, writing, and refreshing are done in a continuous cycle. A particular cell in memory is only read or written in a certain interval if a signal is detected to do so in that cycle. There is going to be support circuitry that includes "sense amplifiers to amplify the signal or charge detected on a memory cell."
Unless I am misunderstanding what you are implying, your confusion is in how easy it is to read/write to a cell. It's different dependent on chip design but there IS a minimum number of cycles it takes to read or write data to a cell.
These are my sources:
To avoid a humungous answer, I left most of the detail out but all three of these will describe the process you are looking for.

False autovectorization in Intel C compiler (icc)

I need to vectorize with SSE a some huge loops in a program. In order to save time I decided to let ICC deal with it. For that purpose, I prepare properly the data, taking into account the alignment and I make use of the compiler directives #pragma simd, #pragma aligned, #pragma ivdep. When compiling with the several -vec-report options, compiler tells me that loops were vectorized. A quick look to the assembly generated by the compiler seems to confirm that, since you can find there plenty of vectorial instructions that works with packed single precision operands (all operations in the serial code handler float operands).
The problem is that when I take hardware counters with PAPI the number of FP operations I get (PAPI_FP_INS and PAPI_FP_OPS) is pretty the same in the auto-vectorized code and the original one, when one would expect to be significantly less in the auto-vectorized code. What's more, a vectorized by-hand a simplified problem of the one that concerns and in this case I do get something like 3 times less of FP operations.
Has anyone experienced something similar with this?
Spills may destroy the advantage of vectorization, thus 64-bit mode may gain significantly over 32-bit mode. Also, icc may version a loop and you may be hitting a scalar version even though there is a vector version present. icc versions issued in the last year or 2 have fixed some problems in this area.
