How to find available versions for a bower dependency - bower

Let's say I want to include the latest version of jquery-ui in my bower.json. Is there any way of finding out which versions are available?
I see that I can find available components on!/search/jquery-ui but there doesn't seem to be any mention of versions.

You can use info command to get information
for example:
Open a terminal and type
bower info jquery-ui
You will get a list of available versions as well
BTW: You can search via your terminal with:
bower search jquery-ui

Try bower-update. It will check for updates and allow you to update packages one-by-one.
From it's own description:
Updates Bower project’s components to the really latest versions, no matter what bower.json requires.

In case you are working with IntelliJ IDEA (or WebStorm), you can use its bower plugin to browse through through all available components find out their latest version:
It also offers a nice tabular view displaying current vs. latest versions of your installed components.


How to change TypeScriptToolsVersion from 3.7 to 3.8

I am developing a project in VS2019. When I compile it, I receive the following warning:
warning : Your project specifies TypeScriptToolsVersion 3.7, but a matching compiler was not found. The latest available TypeScript compiler will be used (3.8). To remove this warning, install the TypeScript 3.7 SDK or update the value of TypeScriptToolsVersion.
I was trying to find where TypeScript version is specified but I did not find it. Microsoft.TypeScript.targets does not define it, however, if it would, I think I could change the value by not modifying that file directly.
Where can I fix that?
Go to your project Properties -> "TypeScript build" tab and in the field: "TypeScript version" either choose specific version or select "Use latest available"
Look for TypeScriptToolsVersion tags in your csproj files and update to required version.
#BogdanRB answer above only displayed "Use latest available" and "4.2" for me. I did some research and apparently "4.2" is the SDK version installed together with Visual Studio 2019 (which I couldn't remove since it's required for lots of other VS components).
I was working on a legacy project that uses TypeScript "3.1.1", the version specified in package.json installed via npm. In order to line up the editor's IntelliSense and the compilation, and avoid using unsupported TS syntax, I've opened my ASP.NET Core MVC .csproj file and removed the following line:
Now Visual Studio's IntelliSense is compatible with the one specified in the npm package. It even works inside *.vue templates, in case you're using Vue with TypeScript.

How to install in the ide 2 different version of the same component library?

I have one project who need the version 1.0.0 of a visual components library (devExpress). I also have another project who need the version 2.0.0 of the devExpress. Probleme in delphi I can install only one version of the library. How can I handle this ?
To avoid possible source file collisions, installing several different versions of DevExpress VCL controls on a single machine is not supported. However, there are workarounds provided in the How to have several build versions installed on one machine article.

SalesForce: How to automate managed package installation in Continuous Integration

I have successfully set up continuous integration process using TeamCity for non-SalesForce projects, but need help with automating SalesFoce manage packages installation.
To migrate metadata from source to target org, I used ant migration tool, but how to do in case of managed packages?
How will TeamCity know that the new package has been created? I may watch the changes in source code tool, but not in the cloud where the created package is stored.
How to get the latest version of the package from the cloud? I need to compare the versions of the packages: the installed one and the new one
How to install the package?
Please help.
I checked SF documentation and found that SF API provides ability to install, upgrade and uninstall Managed Packages. Also it provides ability to run some Apex code after these actions. I think, you need to move in this way. Here is related documentation.

yo meanjs not recognizing generated project

I've created a new MeanJS project using Yeoman. It installs just fine. When I want to add a new module using yo meanjs:angular-module mymodule, it tries to create a new project ("Which mean.js version would you like to generate") instead of just adding the new module.
Where should I look for errors?
I'm using node v0.12.7 and npm v2.11.3.
Yeah, I know this could be confusing, at least when you starting with Meanjs. You probably used a version greater than 0.3.0 (stable) and sub-generators like yo meanjs:angular-module are only available (by that time of writing this) with version 0.3.0 (stable). Look at the red message top at this page: What's confusing here is that they recommended on their page to install the application using the yeoman but after you did that you expect to be able to use sub-generators... If you want use subs, please use 0.3.0. and I suggest you to use supported Node.js and npm versions (
MongoDB version 2.4.x is supported.
Node version 0.10.x is supported.
npm version 1.3.x is supported.

netbeans - plugins require HTML Editor Library to be installed

I am attempting set up Netbeans 7.1 as my RoR editor. When trying to install plugins I get the following error:
Some plugins require plugin HTML Editor Library to be installed. The
plugin HTML Editor Library is requested in version >= 1.21 (release
version 1) but only 2.0.1 (of release version different from 1) was
found. The following plugin is affected:       
Embedded Ruby (RHTML)
I looked for this HTML plugin so I could install it but I can't seem to find it anywhere.
It seems that the Ruby on Rails plugin has some problem (i.e. does not support) Netbeans 7.1 and 7.2. But it works with version 6.9 and 7.
If I'm not wrong this is the lovely 207075 from the bugtracker:
In fact there's a workaround for this issue:
good luck.
If you want to install it on a newly downloaded Netbeans (7.1 in my case), you should first go to Tools > Plugins, select Updates Tab and install the updates. Then, after restart, you'll go to the mentioned above Plugins, and now you will able to install all the required updates (HTML Editor will be among them.)
Lastl thing, as #skripted already mentioned, just install the plugin by following the instructions on this page.
