App folder in Dropbox - ios

In my application I want to fetch all audio files from Apps/App Folder using Dropbox api. I have used sync api and Datastore api but I am not able to create App folder inside 'Apps/'.
Please any one help me to find where I am wrong.

Once you authenticate the app within iOS it should create the folder for you, it's root dir would be '/'. As seen on their docs:
Near the bottom? This will show you how to list all files.
From the link you gave me:
"With a file system in hand, you can start reading and writing files
(represented by a DBFile). If you're using the App folder permission,
your App Folder won't contain any files when a user first links with
your app, but it's easy to create one."
"App folder
A dedicated folder named after your app is created within the Apps folder of a user's Dropbox. Your app gets read and write access to
this folder only and users can provide content to your app by moving
files into this folder. Your app can also read and write datastores
using the Datastore API."


How to access user selected folder in iOS

I'm looking for an iOS API that allows accessing a user-selected folder in place (without importing it). It seems to be possible with native frameworks from Apple. How I expect it to work:
User selects a folder using the native document picker.
App gets access to the folder and can read and write its content.
Access is persisted when the app is killed and restarted.
This functionality can be seen in the LumaFusion app. The feature is called "Linked Folders". It allows to add user-selected folders with a native document picker, which are then available for the app. The app can load assets from the previously selected folders. The content of the linked folders is not copied, so it's not an import. External changes to the content of linked folders are immediately visible in the app. Access to the folders is persisted, even if the app is killed and restarted, so the user won't have to choose the folder again.
Any hints of which API can be used to implement such a feature will be appreciated. I would also love to learn if there are any limitations, like the kind of the selected folders, will it work with any destination, including iCloud Drive and third-party file providers, etc. I believe it has to be documented somewhere but can't find the correct Apple Documentation page.
Not sure why I missed it previously, but it seems this documentation answers my question:
Providing Access to Directories
Use UIDocumentPickerViewController to get access to the user-selected directory URL.
Save the URL as a Bookmark for later using bookmarkData method.
Use startAccessingSecurityScopedResource and stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource methods when accessing the bookmarked URL content.

How to allow the folder to be modified by the app only?

I've a strange requirement regarding for my app which using the Google Drive SDK. I'm creating a folder and a file(Single File) through app on the Google Drive. Now I want that folder to be modified by the app only. Is this feasible?
Why I need this?
I'm writing/syncing my app data to the user's drive. I'm creating a Folder and a file on the Drive.
Now the file can be modified by the user if he visit the Drive on browser or by some other medium.
So, If the file is modified, user will not be able to access his synced data on other devices.
I do not have my own server where I can store the data.
So, I want that file should be modified by the app only. How can I do this? Is this feasible with the current SDKs available? What else are the alternatives for me to get the project done?
Please Note : I do not have my own server.
I don't think this is feasible for the reason that I haven't read anything about it in the docs nor have I seen a working implementation of it.
The closest thing I can relate to this is Permissions for Shared Files's. But the restricting of file/folder happens to both browser and native app. They're always synced.
You can set the restricted folder to Reader role. Users will only be allowed to:
-Read the metadata (e.g. name, description) of the file or folder
-Read the content of the file
-Read the list of items in the folder
Check this iOS code on how to set the permissions.

iCloud drive - is it possible to access user files

I configured my IOS project to work with iCloud drive. Now I'm able to store and read files from my app's ubiquitous container.
Is it however possible to access also files from root directory of iCloud?
Let's assume the user put some movie file into his iCloud Drive folder on Mac. The movie file can be now seen and downloaded using iCloud Drive application on Iphone. Can I also access this file from my application?
Or, to put it in other way, can I query for and access files uploaded by user to his iCloud root folder?
From my investigation it looks that the only way to access these files is using UIDocumentPickerViewController. I didn't find any solution to access the files programatically so that I can filter them and display to user using custom UI.

How to Impliment Browse functionality in ios

I want to Implement Browse functionality in my Ipad App.
Actually My requirement is,When i chick on button need to open the all document are existed in device same like as "widows my computer".After Browsing that document,Select any document and I need to Upload the selected document to server.
You only have access to the "sandbox" of your application. It is by default an empty folder. It is called the application documents folder (see here how to get it). Unfortunately, unless you have a jailbroken phone, you have (mostly) no access to other folders.
If you populate this folder with files you can certainly show them in your UI and send them to a server.

Dropbox integration for iOS

Is there any API method by which I can dig into all the folders of dropbox and look for a particular kind of files like a pdf or mp3 or txt? Or is there any search API in which I can pass my search parameter and ask the API to look for it every folder of dropbox. My task is to load all songs in my app from dropbox and its a real pain doing it by using the following method
[[self restClient] loadMetadata:#"/"];
and then keep on checking if the metadata is a directory or a file and if its a file then look for its extension, and if its a directory then again dig into it which can further contain more directories. I have suggested my client to have one folder for our app in which user will drop the songs but he has already denied it and wants to access whole dropbox and filter all the music files in it. I just want to get assured that its not possible before telling my client that its not possible. and if its possible then please throw some light on the procedure.
You can use Dropbox Core API directly for search:
Dropbox iOS Sync SDK doesn't support all features of Dropbox Core API.
Useful wrapper class for integrating DropBox in IOS
