Prevent native video player in sencha touch 2 - ios

I'm building an app for iOS and android using sencha touch 2.3.1 (using sencha architect 3 as my IDE if that's useful to know) and I want to be able to play video inline, as opposed to an embedded video that opens up the native video player after the user taps on it. A perfect example of the functionality I'm after would be the Vine app (at least for iOS, I haven't looked at it on android), videos simply play right there on the page without the native iOS video player taking over.
I'm aware of the allowsInlineMediaPlayback property of UIWebView, but I have no clue how to set that, or even whether I can, since I'm not building a native app in xcode (in fact I have no experience doing so, this is my first attempt at building any sort of mobile application).

How do you plan to package your application to run on a mobile device? The html/js/css what you are creating needs to be packaged on some way to have a mobile app. You can use sencha cmd for that but phonegap is sort of more popular for that. If you will use phonegap then you can set this in the config.xml. See

I managed to get this working by installing cordova on my machine, then running the
sencha cordova init
command on my sencha project folder. After that I simply made sure allowsInlineMediaPlayback was set in my cordova config and that my video tag/object in Architect had the webkit-playsinline attribute set to "1".
If you're interested I am still able to continue my normal development and build workflow in Architect (Architect is now compatible with Cordova, though make sure you add
"path": "cordova.js",
"remote": true
to your app.json manually. Note you only need that entry in the js section of your app.json and DO NOT NEED THE ACTUAL CORDOVA.JS FILE TO BE IN YOUR PROJECT FOLDER, Architect will handle this when you run your build command).


Ionic v2 app iOS

I'm having trouble with my app when I build it using ionic emulate ios. My loading page is always running (so the index.html) without charging my app. Yet it perfectly works with Chrome Developper Tools.
Does someone know why ?
Thanks by advance !
From the description of your problem, somewhere in the app.ts file you've enabled on launch a loading function but without any explicit duration or was set too long.
If you are using any Cordova Plugins, some bugs won't appear on the Chrome Developer since native functions are not tested so when you use an emulator native bugs become apparent. Try disabling or removing select cordova plugins to determine the root cause.

Is it possible to create a IOS app that can download plugins and extension later?

we have a ios app that provides the platform for many similar games. When you install this app. This app already contains binaries of x number of games.
Now we are having size issue. So just wanted to know is it possible to create a ios app that can get installed and after that as per user selection can download the games binaries separately and then run. Like a app that can download games as plugins or extensions.
I work on game side part so i dont know anything about ios apps. but so far my understanding is -> when you create the ios executable then while compiling you should have all the code present (app + all the games it will run).
It is not possible to download a native executable and run it -- that is not a capability provided by app extensions.
One loophole you might consider: it is perfectly permissible to download and run javascript, or anything else that runs in a UIWebView or WKWebView, which are both sandboxed from your iOS App's process, and have access to OpenGLES 2.0 in the form of WebGL. There are also apps which have been accepted in the App Store which can run code in interpreted languages like Python.

Change Volume in Cordova/iOs app using Opentok/Tokbox Plugin

I'm developing a Cordova application that utilizes Tokbox to allow conference calls. It's using the following cordova plugin:
With a little head scratching here and there everything works fine now, except for one thing:
I can't change the audio volume on iPad and iPhone.
On Android using the volume keys works. The volume slider on the iPad and the volume buttons on the iPhone do nothing.
Does anyone know how to get it working, or does it work for you without extra effort?
What i've tried so far:
I looked though the opentok.js library and noticed that setting audio
volume programmatically is not implemented.
Checked the issue tracker for the opentok plugin to see if this is a known issue.
Tried several cordova libraries that promise to allow changing the volume of html5 audio/video tag.

PhoneGap application requires native iOS code for background service?

I have a PhoneGap app and it checks your location every 5 minutes and reports it back etc.. to do this When the app needs to run in put at the background .
For Android I have written native code but for iOS will this work?
I'm not even sure how you would implement native objective c into PhoneGap as they are very different compilers etcthe it pause.
Any advice would be appreciatedWhen it come back to front, it will resume all remaining operation.
You need to write a Plugin to do this. A plugin will allow you to write Objective-C code and link it back to a JS function. Here are a few tutorials:
From Apache
From Adobe
Here is also a big list of Plugins people have already created: iOS Plugins

Embed Adobe Air/Flex application inside a standard iOS application

I have a native (Obj-C, standard Xcode project) application and I'd like to integrate a partners iOS application (or specifically, it's functionality) into it as just another view in my application. The problem is that their application is a Flex/Air app. I really don't understand the Adobe compilation process on how it gets from a bunch of flex code down to an IPA. I don't see intermediate projects, shared objects, etc on the disk to produce that IPA. It looks like it doesn't rely on the Apple tool chain... as I understand it, you can produce the IPA on Windows as well.
Is there any way to build that Flex app in such a way that I can import it into Xcode so I can link against it and use it as a library from within my application?
While I specifically used iOS as an example since that is the most important platform, we'll want to apply this solution to our respective Android and Blackberry 6 apps as well.
No, you cannot embed an application within another application. This is true for all applications. Only thing you could do is get the swf of your partner's code and embed that into an Air application, but since you're not using Actionscript/Flex, it won't be possible.
Only other way would be to have an app link to the other application.
