Make FireMonkey TListBox in XE5 transparent - delphi

I have done some FireMonkey stuff in XE2, in this case I'm having troubles with a customized TListBox.
In XE2 I built this customized TListBox by removing it's background and surrounding rectangle (basically I only need the 'grouping of child items' functionality provided by TListBox. This was simple, drop a TListBox, hit 'edit custom style', select the background rectangle, edit the fill and the stroke and you're golden.
Now we're moving to XE5 and I cannot reproduce the same behavior. Using the style book editor I can see the background (which is now TStyleObject and not TRectangle), but I cannot make the changes I could make before. I see tutorials on how to add stuff to a TListBox, but not on how to take default behavior away.
Can someone explain how to achieve this specific behavior, or point me towards a good tutorial?

Try changing the StyleLookup property of the list box to transparentlistboxstyle


What is the ideal way to modify sub control styles in a custom firemonkey control?

I am attempting to develop my first proper custom control for the Firemonkey framework and have ran into what may possibly be an obvious (or not) solution.
Inside my Firemonkey control I have declared FPanel: TPanel; which is then created in the constructor and freed in the destructor. The panel is created along with my control when I add it to a new Multi-Device Form without any problems.
By default the TPanel has borders around the sides of the control which I do not need in my control.
So my question is, what is the ideal way to remove the borders of a TPanel which is child to my custom control? I could not see an obvious property to change, unless I am mistaking I believe we must modify the style of the panel which I assume would be done via a TStyleBook.
Am I right then in thinking that I need to add a TStyleBook to my control, and from there add the panel to the Style book and modify it this way? Unless I am missing something this seems like a lot of extra work for what should be a very quick and simple change.
Assuming this is the correct way, is there an example of modifying a TStyleBook through code?
Because all Firemonkey controls can be parents, one way is to not use TPanel at all and instead replace it with another Firemonkey control such as the TRectangle shape.
The TRectangle shape can then be customised directly through its properties to remove the border which can be achieved by setting the Corners and Sides to False.
Additionally if you don't require any borders whatsoever then the TLayout control behaves just like a TPanel but without the borders.

Creating a forms editor in Delphi

My goal is to create a simple forms editor like the one that we find on Delphi IDE.
Right now the user can select and add the components making it parent of a TPanel that is the holder of the form. For simplicity, please consider also TPanel as the visual components added to the form.
I have 2 missing parts I want to find out ideas/code to help complete:
1 - how to move the created visual component? The same effect that in IDE for moving the visual component, for example Tpanel, around, chaning its top and left position
2 - how to draw that hooks for the component with focus on the form editor
3 - how to resize using the hooks
I only want the part related to handle the visual part. I am not generating DFM or anything like that.
Simply put your moving code needs to do this:
When the mouse goes down, check if the mouse position is over a control that can be dragged. If so, then set a variable named FDragControl to refer to that control. This code lives in an OnMouseDown event handler.
When the mouse moves, if FDragControl is not nil, move the control. This code lives in an OnMouseMove event handler.
When the mouse goes up, set FDragControl to nil.
That's pretty much all there is to it. The main nuance is that you must also remember the X, Y values of the mouse when the drag commenced. So in your OnMouseDown handler you write:
FStartMousePos := Point(X, Y);
FStartDragControlPos := Point(FDragControl.Left, FDragControl.Top);
And then in the OnMouseMove your position code reads:
FDragControl.Left := FStartDragControlPos.X + (X-FStartX);
FDragControl.Top := FStartDragControlPos.Y + (Y-FStartY);
You will also need to capture the mouse when you start dragging.
The resizing code is similar. Again, you need to decide in the OnMouseDown that you are resizing rather than dragging, but the code still involves handling mouse down, move and up events.
As for painting, you need to force a repaint whenever one of your event handlers changes a property that will influence the visual appearance of your form. You can use the value of FDragControl to decide whether or not to use special drawing of your control and indicate that it is being dragged. And likewise for resizing.
I've not coded up a full working implementation since your question is high level and conceptual. The implementation is down to you.
// I have made this an answer as I have just read your latest update which really should have been made as an edit to your original question but, anyway.
You can download the Cindy Components Pack and use the cyResizer Component which will do pretty much everything you need and is very customisable as well.
You can download it from here:
Searching more for an answer I could find these articles:
How to Move and Resize Controls at Run Time
How to Add Size Handles to Controls being Resized at Run-Time
Pretty much with all the information to complete this task with source code example.
These articles show how to implement and use a TMover class. I have done it and work correctly.
I have also downloaded the TcyComponents Pack and used the TcyResizer. It is a full featured form editor with pretty much everything that is required for a Delphi like forms editor. I recommend. It comes with source code and works fine with XE2 version.

Delphi: Styled TMainMenu and TToolBar in TCoolBar

I'm attempting to create an application menu and toolbar in Delphi XE3 that looks like the following (from a program I have):
I'm able to replicate a portion of this look by doing the following:
Create a new VCL Forms application
Add a TMainMenu and insert template menus for File/Edit/etc.
Add a TCoolBar to the form
Add a TToolBar to the TCoolBar
Add a TToolButton to the TToolBar for each of File/Edit/etc. and choose the Group property
Delete the Menu property from the form (so no program menu shows)
Assign the MenuItem property for each TToolButton to the corresponding File/Edit/etc.
Add a second TToolBar to the TCoolBar beneath the first one
Here's what it looks like:
It's somewhat similar but is still missing all the style elements to modify the look of the new application menu.
My question is, does anyone know of how to achieve a similar look, perhaps with a third-party component library? It seems likely that the original developer used a third-party VCL library. I'd like the drop shadow in addition to the styled menus and TCoolBar.
I've tried Raize Components, TMS Advanced Toolbars & Menus, and am in the process of trying DevExpress VCL components. None of them seem to provide a solution, but perhaps I'm not familiar enough with them yet to figure it out.
Delphi has come with an ActionBands demo that can show you how to obtain this appearance "out of the box" for your menus using TActionMainMenuBar (and TActionToolBar). Just change the Style menu to XP Style in the demo:
The rest of your steps seem pretty well complete. For the images on the menu items and toolbar buttons, see the use of ImageList components in association with the TActions on the menu and toolbar in the demo.

How do I write a TDBCtrlGrid VCL Style custom class?

There are lots of questions here about XE2 VCL Styles and custom colors for Buttons, Panels, edits, etc, and VCL Styles. As much as I wish the existing questions covered it, they don't... So DB Control Grids appear to be Yet Another Special Case.
In the DB Control Grid VCL sources, it registers a style hook thusly: TCustomStyleEngine.RegisterStyleHook( TDBCtrlGrid, TScrollingStyleHook);
However, that's not what you would descend from if you want to write your own DB Control Grid VCL style hook. If you do, you get the whole control painted like a very large scrollbar.
So how do you custom-theme a DB Control grid? When you disable the themes completely, it seems to still not allow the active row to be custom painted. So I think that one must have to write a custom subclass and override the Paint method, plus write a VCL style hook class, for this purpose.
It appears that one should probably mostly just customizing using the regular owner draw events OnPaintPanel, and that adding that event, if you didn't, fixes the biggest VCL Styles glitch that I see for TDBCtrlGrid, which is that it doesn't ever use the SelectedColor and just paints everything in flat gray or whatever else is the base color. If anyone can confirm that, or tell me otherwise, it would be appreciated.

Add shortcut to a TForm or Panel.Transparent?

To thwart the nit-pickers, let me start with, I searched here with this and could not find an answer, and yes, also I did scroll through the "Similar questions."...
Adding shortcuts to a TForm
I want to drag and drop some shortcuts from the Desktop to a TForm in my application. I am using Anders Melander's brilliant Drag Drop Suite (DDS).
I tried putting a TImage on the form but the DDS does not drop to an Image so I added a TPanel with a TImage on it. I could then drop on the panel and assign the image to the TImage.Picture. Problem was the Panel has no Transparent Property so the shortcut on the form looks clunky with the visible Panel behind it.
I need to be able to drop to the TImage or make the underlying TPanel transparent.
Can anyone help with code-snippets for either of those options, or better yet, a method of dropping a Shortcut directly on to my Form.
Coincidentally I needed to make a TWinControl (the base for every visible control with a window handle, including TPanel) transparent. I found numerous results and applied them to this answer.
It's been a while since I implemented drag and drop, but I assume you call some API and pass it the handle of the panel? That answers the question why you can't use TImage. TImage is a graphic control, a control without a handle, that relies on its parent for recieving messages and drawing itself.
It should be possible to use the form, though, since that has a handle too.
If the TImage is directly on the TForm, then let the TForm handle the drop, no TPanel needed. OLE Drag&Drop operations (which Ander's components implement) provide coordinates where dragging and dropping occurs. The TForm should be able to detect when a drag is over the area occupied by the TImage and what type of data is being dragged, and only allow dropping of supported types within that area, extracting the dropped data and updating the TImageas needed, and denying anything else that does not match that criteria.
