Can I consolidate my Linq to Sql query results as part of the query? For example the following query would return list A below. I want my list to be consolidated like list B below.
IEnumerable<JoinClass> points =
from c in db.Users2
join e in db.Categories on c.Id_Users2 equals e.FK_Users2
join f in db.Programs on e.Id_Category equals f.FK_Categories
join g in db.Points on f.Id_Programs equals g.FK_Programs
where c.EEID == UserEEIDCast
orderby g.EntryDate ascending
select new JoinClass
Category = e.Category,
Programs = f.Programs,
Points = g.Points,
EntryDate = g.EntryDate,
Name = c.Name
return View(points);
List A
Name Program Points
Jim Running 10
Jim Running 3
Jim Walking 7
Jim Walking 4
Bob Running 2
Bob Running 1
List B
Name Program Points
Jim Running 13
Jim Walking 11
Bob Running 3
points = points
.GroupBy(x => new { x.Name, x.Program } )
.Select(x => new JoinClass() {Name = x.Key.Name, Program = x.Key.Program, Points = x.Sum(y => y.Points) /* copy other properties to the new JoinClass here */ });
This code groups the result using a composite key (Name and Program), then for each group it creates a new JoinClass with Points equal to the sum of all the points in that group.
I am trying to convert below query in entity framework core but not able to access field in select query after apply group by.
Select ProdCatg.Category As [Category]
,Prod.FKProdCatgID As [FKProdCatgID]
,SUM(Dtl.Qty + LD.ProdConv1 + Trn.CashAmt ) As [DistributionRateValue]
From tblSalesInv_Dtl Dtl
Left Join tblSalesInv_Trn Trn on Trn.PKID=Dtl.FKID And Trn.FKSeriesID=Dtl.FKSeriesID
Left Join tblProdLot_Dtl LD on Dtl.FKLotID=LD.PKLotID And LD.FKProdID=Dtl.FKProdID
Left Join tblProd_Mas Prod ON PKProdID=Dtl.FKProdID
Left Join tblProdCatg_Mas ProdCatg On PKProdCatgID=Prod.FKProdCatgID
Where Trn.DraftMode=0
Group By Prod.FKProdCatgID,ProdCatg.Category
Order By Category
I am trying convert like this but but not able to access Dtl.Qty + LD.ProdConv1 + Trn.CashAmtfields
var result1 = (from dtl in _context.TblSalesInvDtl
join ser in lstSeries on dtl.FkseriesId equals ser
join trn in _context.TblSalesInvTrn on new { s1 = dtl.Fkid, s2 = ser } equals new { s1 = trn.Pkid, s2 = trn.FkseriesId }
join lot in _context.TblProdLotDtl on new { s1 = dtl.FklotId, s2 = dtl.FkprodId } equals new { s1 = lot.PklotId, s2 = lot.FkprodId }
join p in _context.TblProdMas on dtl.FkprodId equals p.PkprodId into pr
from Prod in pr.DefaultIfEmpty()
join pl in _context.TblProdMas on dtl.FklinkedProdId equals pl.PkprodId into plid
from ProdLinked in plid.DefaultIfEmpty()
join t in _context.TblTaxMas on dtl.FktaxId equals t.PktaxId into tid
from Tax in tid.DefaultIfEmpty()
join c in _context.TblProdCatgMas on Prod.FkprodCatgId equals c.PkprodCatgId into cid
from Catg in cid.DefaultIfEmpty()
where trn.EntryDate == Convert.ToDateTime("1-12-2018")
group Catg by new { Prod.FkprodCatgId, Catg.Category } into gb
//, dtl, lot, Prod
select new
CategoryName = gb.FirstOrDefault().Category,
DistributionRateValue = gb.Sum(a => (gb.Key.dtl.Qty + gb.Key.lot.ProdConv1+ gb.Key.lot.CashAmt)),
FKProdCatgID= gb.Key.Prod.FkprodCatgId,
can anybody help me how can I access multiple table fields in sum with groupby in entity framework core.
I have a 'Skill' table where i store skills. And in 'Job' table i store all required skill when post job like UpWork. Employeers have checkbox to select all required skills. But i store skillID like: 1,5,6,8 in job table. When i retrieve the job details, i want to get name of the all skills because i want to show SkillName with other details of the Job from job table. My Web Api:
public object BrowseJobs()
var skills = db.Skills.ToDictionary(d => d.SkillID, n => n.SkillName);
var jobData = (from j in db.Jobs where j.Preference==2
//from cj in j.ClosedJobs.DefaultIfEmpty()
join cj in db.ClosedJobs.DefaultIfEmpty()
on j.JobID equals cj.JobID into closedJob
where !closedJob.Any()
join c in db.Categories on j.Category equals c.CategoryID
join jobContract in
from appliedJob in db.AppliedJobs.DefaultIfEmpty()
from offer in appliedJob.JobOffers.DefaultIfEmpty()
from contract in db.Contracts.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new { appliedJob, offer, contract }
on j.JobID equals jobContract.appliedJob.JobID into jobContracts
where !jobContracts.Any(jobContract => jobContract.contract.CompletedDate != null)
select new
JobTitle = j.JobTitle,
JobID = j.JobID,
ReqSkillCommaSeperated = j.ReqSkill,
Category = c.CategoryName,
TotalApplied=(from ap in db.AppliedJobs where j.JobID == ap.JobID select ap.AppliedJobID).DefaultIfEmpty().Count()
.Select(x => new
JobID = x.JobID,
JobTitle = x.JobTitle,
Category = x.Category,
Budget = x.Budget,
Deadline = x.Deadline,
JobDetails = x.JobDetails,
PublishDate = x.PublishDate,
SkillNames = GetSkillName(x.ReqSkillCommaSeperated, skills),
TotalApplied = (from ap in db.AppliedJobs where x.JobID == ap.JobID select ap.AppliedJobID).DefaultIfEmpty().Count()
return jobData.AsEnumerable();
private string GetSkillName(string reqSkill, Dictionary<int, string> skills)
if (reqSkill == null) return string.Empty;
var skillArr = reqSkill.Split(',');
var skillNameList = skillArr.Select(skillId => skills[Convert.ToInt32(skillId)])
return String.Join(",", skillNameList);
My Problem is that the code is working well in my VS 2013. But when i uploaded it on a Godaddy live server, it doesn't work! returns 500 internal server error
Now i want to Make a SQL query instead of Linq. Can i do SQL with my desired result?
your sql code is well worked. But i have others condition to be put on.
1. I need to show those job which is not closed yet (ClosedJobs table take the closed jobs ID).If a job ID is found on ClosedJobs table, it will not return in the list.
join cj in db.ClosedJobs.DefaultIfEmpty()
on j.JobID equals cj.JobID into closedJob
where !closedJob.Any()
Those job which is not found on Contracts table(Contracts table take the jobID of a job that is started as contract)
2nd Edit===================
join jobContract in
from appliedJob in db.AppliedJobs.DefaultIfEmpty()
from offer in appliedJob.JobOffers.DefaultIfEmpty()
from contract in db.Contracts.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new { appliedJob, offer, contract }
on j.JobID equals jobContract.appliedJob.JobID into jobContracts
where !jobContracts.Any(jobContract => jobContract.contract.CompletedDate != null)
EXP: Job table has relation with AppliedJobs table. AppliedJobs table has relation with JobOffers. JobOffers has relation with Contracts.
i don't want to show those jobs that are completed.(Contracts.CompletedDate != null). When a contract starts the field CompletedDate is set to null. After completing the contract ,it is changed null to the completed date.
Where i will apply the condition?
How can i do that? Can you help me? #John Cappelletti
Below is a simple example of using Stuff() and XML. If the sequence is important, then we must split the string first.
To be clear #Skills and #YourData are table variables and simply demonstrative.
Declare #Skills table (SkillID int,SkillName varchar(50))
Insert Into #Skills values
Declare #YourData table (ID int,ReqSkill varchar(50))
Insert Into #YourData values
Select A.ID
,Skills = Stuff((Select ',' +SkillName
From #Skills
Where charindex(concat(',',SkillID,','),','+A.ReqSkill+',')>0
For XML Path ('')),1,1,'')
From #YourData A
-- Your WHERE Statement Here --
ID Skills
1 ASP,JavaScript,AngularJS,WordPress,Joomla
2 AngularJS
3 JavaScript,AngularJS,WordPress,Joomla
Based on user design I have to union together four queries and put them in a repeater.
var qryIssuer = from l in dbRRSP.LOA
join lrb in dbRRSP.LOAOrReferredBy on l.LOAOrReferredById equals lrb.LoaOrReferredById
join lat in dbRRSP.LOAAccessType on l.LOAAccessTypeId equals lat.LOAAccessTypeId
join iss in dbRRSP.Issuer on l.IssuerId equals iss.IssuerId
l.PersonId == personId
select new
LOAOrReferredByDescription = lrb.LoaOrReferredByDescription,
PersonType = "Issuer",
LOAName = iss.CompanyName,
var qryEMD = from l in dbRRSP.LOA
join lrb in dbRRSP.LOAOrReferredBy on l.LOAOrReferredById equals lrb.LoaOrReferredById
join lat in dbRRSP.LOAAccessType on l.LOAAccessTypeId equals lat.LOAAccessTypeId
join emd in dbRRSP.Agent on l.AgentId equals emd.AgentId
l.PersonId == personId
select new
LOAOrReferredByDescription = lrb.LoaOrReferredByDescription,
PersonType = "EMD",
LOAName = emd.CompanyName,
var qryEmdRep = from l in dbRRSP.LOA
join lrb in dbRRSP.LOAOrReferredBy on l.LOAOrReferredById equals lrb.LoaOrReferredById
join lat in dbRRSP.LOAAccessType on l.LOAAccessTypeId equals lat.LOAAccessTypeId
join ar in dbRRSP.AgentRepresentative on l.EMDRepresentativeId equals ar.AgentRepresentativeId
join arp in dbRRSP.Person on ar.PersonId equals arp.PersonId
l.PersonId == personId
select new
LOAOrReferredByDescription = lrb.LoaOrReferredByDescription,
PersonType = "EMD Rep",
LOAName = arp.FirstName + ' ' + arp.LastName, l.DateAdded
var qryLOAPerson = from l in dbRRSP.LOA
join lrb in dbRRSP.LOAOrReferredBy on l.LOAOrReferredById equals lrb.LoaOrReferredById
join lat in dbRRSP.LOAAccessType on l.LOAAccessTypeId equals lat.LOAAccessTypeId
join lp in dbRRSP.LOAPerson on l.LOAPersonId equals lp.LOAPersonId
l.PersonId == personId
select new
LOAOrReferredByDescription = lrb.LoaOrReferredByDescription, lat.LOAAccessTypeDescription,
PersonType = "Person",
LOAName = lp.LOAPersonName,
This is the four queries. And the trickiest part is that the last field is a datetime, which is causing me some issues. I know how to union two of them together like this:
var qryMultipleLOA = qryIssuer.Union(qryEMD).ToList().Select(loa => new ExtendedLOA
LOAOrReferredByDescription = loa.LOAOrReferredByDescription,
LOAAccessTypeDescription = loa.LOAAccessTypeDescription,
PersonType = loa.PersonType,
LOAName = loa.LOAName,
DateAdded = DateTime.Parse(loa.DateAdded.ToString()).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")
But I'm at a loss on how to add the last two queries - first I tried wrapping it in brackets and adding a .Union which didn't work, and then when I tried to nest them with appropriate .ToLists, that didn't work either.
Below is the code to bind it to the repeater.
rptLOA.DataSource = qryMultipleLOA;
Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Did you try something like?
var qryMultipleLOA = qryIssuer.Union(qryEMD).Union(qryEmdRep).Union(qryLOAPerson).ToList();
Provided your queries' footprints are the same, this shouldn't be an issue to chain them upon each other.
I would also recommend the following:
Create a class to hold an instance of the resultant data.
Instead of creating lists of dynamic variables generated from Linq and hoping they all match, funnel the linq results into a List. That way you can tell immediately if you have a type mismatch.
Once you have four lists of the same List, Unions as per my syntax above will be a snap.
Dynamic Linq lists can be a pain, unwieldy and a single property type change can throw of your code at runtime rather than design time. If you follow the steps above, your code will be much more maintainable and clear to you and others.
I hope this helps in some way.
I have created a set of search results, and I wish to create a filter of available cats, with the number of results within that filter. however I get the most strangest error when trying to do this.
Unable to create a constant value of type 'NAMESPACE.Models.Products'. Only primitive types ('such as Int32, String, and Guid') are supported in this context.
this is the code i have tried:
var cats = (from p in ctx1.SubCategories
where myCats.Contains(p.subCategoryId) && p.enabled
select new
CategoryName = p.subCategoryName,
Id = p.subCategoryId,
TotalItems = model.Count(x => x.subCategoryId == p.subCategoryId)
Products is the object that is called model on the line of totalItems.
I have also tried this:
var cats = from c in ctx1.SubCategories
join p in model on c.subCategoryId equals p.subCategorySubId
group p by c.subCategoryName
into g
select new
CategoryName = g.Key,
Id = 0,
TotalItems = g.Count()
with the same error, and dont like this because i dont know how to get the name of the category and its ID.
help much appreciated.
p.s I am using Entity framework 4.1, .net 4 and MVC 3, mysql
in short i am trying to run this in linq, but were the the products side is already a result
select c.*, (select count(productId) from Products where Products.subCategoryId = c.subCategoryId) as counter from SubCategories c
You could try turning your list of products into a list of subCategoryId's so EF can understand it. Something like:
var subCategoryIds = model.Select(m => m.subCategoryId);
var cats = (from p in ctx1.SubCategories
where myCats.Contains(p.subCategoryId) && p.enabled
select new
CategoryName = p.subCategoryName,
Id = p.subCategoryId,
TotalItems = subCategoryIds.Count(x => x == p.subCategoryId)
I am getting the last 20 updated records in the database by using the following
var files = (from f in filesContext.Files
join ur in filesContext.aspnet_Roles on f.Authority equals ur.RoleId
join u in filesContext.aspnet_Users on f.Uploader equals u.UserId
orderby f.UploadDate descending
select new FileInfo { File = f, User = u, UserRole = ur }).Take(20);
I am then splitting the results in my view:
<%foreach(var group in Model.GroupBy(f => f.UserRole.RoleName)) {%>
//output table here
This is fine as a table is rendered for each of my roles. However as expected I get the last 20 records overall, how could I get the last 20 records per role?
So I end up with:
//Last 20 Records relating to this UserRole1
//Last 20 Records relating to this UserRole2
//Last 20 Records relating to this UserRole3
I can think of three possible ways to do this. First, get all the roles, then perform a Take(20) query per role, aggregating the results into your model. This may or may not be a lot of different queries depending on the number of roles you have. Second, get all the results, then filter the last 20 per role in your view. This could be a very large query, taking lots of time. Third, get some large number of results that will likely have at least 20 entries per role (but is not guaranteed) and then filter the last 20 per role in your view. I would probably use the first or third options depending how important it is to get 20 results.
var files = (from f in filesContext.Files
join ur in filesContext.aspnet_Roles on f.Authority equals ur.RoleId
join u in filesContext.aspnet_Users on f.Uploader equals u.UserId
orderby f.UploadDate descending
select new FileInfo { File = f, User = u, UserRole = ur })
<% foreach (var group in Model.GroupBy( f => f.UserRole.RoleName,
(role,infos) =>
new {
Key = role.RoleName,
Selected = infos.Take(20)
} )) { %>
<%= group.Key %>
<% foreach (var selection in group.Selected)
{ %>
You could either count the elements and skip the first (length - 20) elements or just reverse/take 20/reverse.
foreach (var group in Model.GroupBy(f => f.UserRole.RoleName))
// draw table header
foreach (item in group.Reverse().Take(20).Reverse())
// draw item
// Or
int skippedElementCount = group.Count() - 20;
if (skippedElementCount < 0) skippedElementCount = 0;
foreach (item in group.Skip(skippedElementCount))
// draw item
// draw table footer