Can Astar visit nodes more than once? - a-star

I've been reading wikipedia's Astar article. In their implementaion, they check each node if it's in the closed set, and if so they skip it. Isn't it possible, that if the heuristic is admissible but NOT consistent, that we might need to revisit a node twice (or more) in order to improve it's f value?
This is the relevant code
for each neighbor in neighbor_nodes(current)
if neighbor in closedset //This if condition bothers me
tentative_g_score := g_score[current] + dist_between(current,neighbor)
if neighbor not in openset or tentative_g_score < g_score[neighbor]
came_from[neighbor] := current
g_score[neighbor] := tentative_g_score
f_score[neighbor] := g_score[neighbor] + heuristic_cost_estimate(neighbor, goal)
if neighbor not in openset
add neighbor to openset

The answer to your question is below the psuedocode on the linked page, and also in the Description section on that page. From the remark below the psuedo code:
Remark: the above pseudocode assumes that the heuristic function is
monotonic (or consistent, see below), which is a frequent case in many
practical problems, such as the Shortest Distance Path in road
networks. However, if the assumption is not true, nodes in the closed
set may be rediscovered and their cost improved. In other words, the
closed set can be omitted (yielding a tree search algorithm) if a
solution is guaranteed to exist, or if the algorithm is adapted so
that new nodes are added to the open set only if they have a lower f
value than at any previous iteration.
So yes, the pseudocode does assume the heuristic is consistent and would have to be modified if it was not.


Neo4j: meaning of the iterations in the result of the Label Propagation Algorithm (LPA)

I ran the LPA and I have the following results:
What means ranIterations = 9 ? Is one iteration meaning that the label goes to the next node ? I read the documentation but I'm not sure if I understood it right.
The documentation is pretty clear:
At every iteration of propagation, each node updates its label to the
one that the maximum numbers of its neighbours belongs to. Ties are
broken arbitrarily but deterministically.

How to find a function that fits a given data set?

The search algorithm is a Breadth first search. I'm not sure how to store terms from and equation into a open list. The function f(x) has the form of ax^e1 + bx^e2 + cx^e3 + k, where a, b, c, are coefficients; k is constant. All exponents, coefficients, and constants are integers between 0 and 5.
Initial state: of the problem solving process should be any term from the ax^e1, bx^e2, cX^e3, k.
The algorithm gradually expands the number of terms in each level of the list.
Not sure how to add the terms to an equation from an open Queue. That is the question.
The general problem that you are dealing belongs to the regression analysis area, and several techniques are available to find a function that fits a given data set, including the popular least squares methods for finding the line of best fit given a dataset (a brief starting point is the related page on wikipedia, but if you want to deepen this topic, you should look at the research paper out there).
If you want to stick with the breadth first search algorithm, although this kind of approach is not common for such a problem, first of all, you need to define all the elements for a search problem, namely (see for more information Chapter 3 of the book of Stuart and Russell, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach):
Initial state: Some initial values for the different terms.
Actions: in your case it should be a change in the different terms. Note that you should discretize the changes in the values.
Transition function: function that determines the new states given a state and an action.
Goal test: a check to recognize whether a state is a goal state or not, and so to terminate the search. There are different ways to define this test in a regression problem. One way is to set a threshold for the sum of the square errors.
Step cost: The cost for an action. In such an abstract problem, probably you can consider the unweighted distance from the initial state on the search graph.
Note that you should carefully think about these elements, as, for example, they determine how efficient your search would be or whether you will have cycles in the search graph.
After you defined all of the elements for the search problem, you basically have to implement:
Node, that contains information about the parent, the state, and the current cost;
Function to expand a given node that returns the successor nodes (according to the transition function, the actions, and the step cost);
Goal test;
The actual search algorithm. In the queue at the beginning you will have the node containing the initial state. After, it is updated with the successor nodes.

SARSA Implementation

I am learning about SARSA algorithm implementation and had a question. I understand that the general "learning" step takes the form of:
Robot (r) is in state s. There are four actions available:
North (n), East (e), West (w) and South (s)
such that the list of Actions,
a = {n,w,e,s}
The robot randomly picks an action, and updates as follows:
Q(a,s) = Q(a,s) + L[r + DQ(a',s1) - Q(a,s)]
Where L is the learning rate, r is the reward associated to (a,s), Q(s',a') is the expected reward from an action a' in the new state s' and D is the discount factor.
Firstly, I don't undersand the role of the term - Q(a,s), why are we re-subtracting the current Q-value?
Secondly, when picking actions a and a' why do these have to be random? I know in some implementations or SARSA all possible Q(s', a') are taken into account and the highest value is picked. (I believe this is Epsilon-Greedy?) Why not to this also to pick which Q(a,s) value to update? Or why not update all Q(a,s) for the current s?
Finally, why is SARSA limited to one-step lookahead? Why, say, not also look into an hypothetical Q(s'',a'')?
I guess overall my questions boil down to what makes SARSA better than another breath-first or depth-first search algorithm?
Why do we subtract Q(a,s)? r + DQ(a',s1) is the reward that we got on this run through from getting to state s by taking action a. In theory, this is the value that Q(a,s) should be set to. However, we won't always take the same action after getting to state s from action a, and the rewards associated with going to future states will change in the future. So we can't just set Q(a,s) equal to r + DQ(a',s1). Instead, we just want to push it in the right direction so that it will eventually converge on the right value. So we look at the error in prediction, which requires subtracting Q(a,s) from r + DQ(a',s1). This is the amount that we would need to change Q(a,s) by in order to make it perfectly match the reward that we just observed. Since we don't want to do that all at once (we don't know if this is always going to be the best option), we multiply this error term by the learning rate, l, and add this value to Q(a,s) for a more gradual convergence on the correct value.`
Why do we pick actions randomly? The reason to not always pick the next state or action in a deterministic way is basically that our guess about which state is best might be wrong. When we first start running SARSA, we have a table full of 0s. We put non-zero values into the table by exploring those areas of state space and finding that there are rewards associated with them. As a result, something not terrible that we have explored will look like a better option than something that we haven't explored. Maybe it is. But maybe the thing that we haven't explored yet is actually way better than we've already seen. This is called the exploration vs exploitation problem - if we just keep doing things that we know work, we may never find the best solution. Choosing next steps randomly ensures that we see more of our options.
Why can't we just take all possible actions from a given state? This will force us to basically look at the entire learning table on every iteration. If we're using something like SARSA to solve the problem, the table is probably too big to do this for in a reasonable amount of time.
Why can SARSA only do one-step look-ahead? Good question. The idea behind SARSA is that it's propagating expected rewards backwards through the table. The discount factor, D, ensures that in the final solution you'll have a trail of gradually increasing expected rewards leading to the best reward. If you filled in the table at random, this wouldn't always be true. This doesn't necessarily break the algorithm, but I suspect it leads to inefficiencies.
Why is SARSA better than search? Again, this comes down to an efficiency thing. The fundamental reason that anyone uses learning algorithms rather than search algorithms is that search algorithms are too slow once you have too many options for states and actions. In order to know the best action to take from any other state action pair (which is what SARSA calculates), you would need to do a search of the entire graph from every node. This would take O(s*(s+a)) time. If you're trying to solve real-world problems, that's generally too long.

Which Improvements can be done to AnyTime Weighted A* Algorithm?

Firstly , For those of your who dont know - Anytime Algorithm is an algorithm that get as input the amount of time it can run and it should give the best solution it can on that time.
Weighted A* is the same as A* with one diffrence in the f function :
(where g is the path cost upto node , and h is the heuristic to the end of path until reaching a goal)
Original = f(node) = g(node) + h(node)
Weighted = f(node) = (1-w)g(node) +h(node)
My anytime algorithm runs Weighted A* with decaring weight from 1 to 0.5 until it reaches the time limit.
My problem is that most of the time , it takes alot time until this it reaches a solution , and if given somthing like 10 seconds it usaully doesnt find solution while other algorithms like anytime beam finds one in 0.0001 seconds.
Any ideas what to do?
If I were you I'd throw the unbounded heuristic away. Admissible heuristics are much better in that given a weight value for a solution you've found, you can say that it is at most 1/weight times the length of an optimal solution.
A big problem when implementing A* derivatives is the data structures. When I implemented a bidirectional search, just changing from array lists to a combination of hash augmented priority queues and array lists on demand, cut the runtime cost by three orders of magnitude - literally.
The main problem is that most of the papers only give pseudo-code for the algorithm using set logic - it's up to you to actually figure out how to represent the sets in your code. Don't be afraid of using multiple ADTs for a single list, i.e. your open list. I'm not 100% sure on Anytime Weighted A*, I've done other derivatives such as Anytime Dynamic A* and Anytime Repairing A*, not AWA* though.
Another issue is when you set the g-value too low, sometimes it can take far longer to find any solution that it would if it were a higher g-value. A common pitfall is forgetting to check your closed list for duplicate states, thus ending up in a (infinite if your g-value gets reduced to 0) loop. I'd try starting with something reasonably higher than 0 if you're getting quick results with a beam search.
Some pseudo-code would likely help here! Anyhow these are just my thoughts on the matter, you may have solved it already - if so good on you :)
Beam search is not complete since it prunes unfavorable states whereas A* search is complete. Depending on what problem you are solving, if incompleteness does not prevent you from finding a solution (usually many correct paths exist from origin to destination), then go for Beam search, otherwise, stay with AWA*. However, you can always run both in parallel if there are sufficient hardware resources.

Package for fast determination of similarity between two bit sequences

I need to compare a query bit sequence with a database of up to a million bit sequences. All bit sequences are 100 bits long. I need the lookup to be as fast as possible. Are there any packages out there for fast determination of the similarity between two bit sequences? --Edit-- The bit sequences are position sensitive.
I have seen a possible algorithm on Bit Twiddling Hacks but if there is a ready made package that would be better.
If the database is rather static, you may want to build a tree data structure on it.
Search the tree recursively or in multiple threads and per search keep an actual difference variable. If the actual difference becomes greater than what you would consider 'similar', abort the search.
E.g. Suppose we have the following tree:
0 1
0 1 0 1
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
If you want to look for patterns similar to 011, and only want to allow 1 different bit at most, search like this (recursively or multi-threaded):
Start at the root
Take the left branch (0), this is similar, so difference is still 0
Take the left branch (0), this is different, so difference becomes 1, which is still acceptable
take the left branch (0), this is different, so difference becomes 2, which is too high. Abort looking in this branch.
take the right branch (1), this is equal, so difference remains 1, continue to search in this branch (not shown here)
Take the right branch (1), this is equal, so difference remains 0, go on
take the left branch (0), this is different, so difference becomes 1, which is still acceptable, go on.
This goes on until you have found your bit patterns.
If your bit patterns are more dynamic and being updated in your application, you will have to update the tree.
If memory is a problem, consider going to 64-bit.
If you want to look up the, let's say 50, most matching patterns, and we can assume that the input data set is rather static (or can be dynamically updated), you can repeat the initial phase of the previous comment, so:
For every bit pattern, count the bits.
Store the bit patterns in a multi_map (if you use STL, Java probably has something similar)
Then, use the following algorithm:
Make 2 collections: one for storing the found patterns, one for storing possibly good patterns (this second collection should probably be map, mapping 'distances' to patterns)
Take your own pattern and count the bits, assume this is N
Look in the multimap at index N, all these patterns will have the same sum, but not necessarily be completely identical
Compare all the patterns at index N. If they are equal store the result in the first collection. If they are not equal, store the result in the second collection/map, using the difference as key.
Look in the multimap at index N-1, all these patterns will have a distance of 1 or more
Compare all the patterns at index N-1. If they have a distance of 1, store them in the first collection. If they have a larger distance, store the result in the second collection/map, using the difference as key.
Repeat for index N+1
Now look in the second collection/map and see if there is something stored with distance 1. If it is, remove them from the second collection/map and store them in the first collection.
Repeat this for distance 2, distance 3, ... until you have enough patterns.
If the number of required patterns is not too big, and the average distance is also not too big, then the number of real compares between patterns is probably only a few %.
Unfortunately, since the patterns will be distributed using a Gaussian curve, there will still be quite some patterns to check. I didn't do a mathematical check on it, but in practice, if you don't want too many patterns out of the millions, and the average distance is not too far, you should be able to find the set of most-close patterns by checking only a few percent of the total bit patterns.
Please keep me updated of your results.
I came up with a second alternative.
For every bit pattern of the million ones count the number of bits and store the bit patterns in an STL multi_map (if you're writing in C++).
Then count the number of bits in your pattern. Suppose you have N bits set in your bit pattern.
If you now want to allow at most D differences, look up all the bit patterns in the multi_map having N-D, N-D+1, ..., N-1, N, N+1, ... N+D-1, N+D bits.
Unfortunately, the division of bit patterns in the multi_map will follow a Gaussian pattern, which means that in practice you will still have to compare quite some bit patterns.
(Originally I thought this could be solved by counting even 0's and uneven 1's but this isn't true.)
Assuming that you want to allow 1 difference, you have to look up 3 slots in the multi_map out of the 100 possible slots, leaving you with 3% of the actual bit patterns to do a full compare.
