Would it be possible to have a bookmark on my iPhone homescreen which calls a URL with a url-encoded json rpc?
If yes, what way is there to get it on the iPhone? Enter it manually in safari and then add the bookmark?
Yes! Why not. If you can open the URL in Safari, you can also save it as a bookmark.
I have set up Universal links in my iOS app, and it works with full URL like : example.com/path/
Recently, I want short URL like: t.cn/m , which map to example.com/path/ , can be opened in my App directly. So I added appplinks:t.cn at association domain in Capabilities.
But it doesn't work. It can't be opened directly in my App.It's opened with safari and i have to click the "open" button on pull-down-banner in safari to open in my App.
It seems like short URL can't be opened directly in my App, can it?
try applink instead of appplinks
from documentation
[iOS] I'd like to make facebook messenger bot that sends a URL. Once the URL is tapped, I want it to open the URL in native safari.app instead of an in-app browser in Messenger.app. I tried Safari-search URL scheme, but it doesn't work. Is there any way to open native safari by modifying URL without modifying iOS native source code because, you know, I can't make any change for FB messenger native app?
Typical scenario:
I am managing bot and send FB message with amazon product URL, let's say, https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00T85PMWY/.
The receiver tap the url.
Safari will open and show the page.
Open Facebook url in Safari instead of native app go get your answer
I have an iOS RSS reader app and want to add a new feature to it - be able to launch my app from Safari if the user clicks the rss feed button on a web page.
As I know - launching is possible via URL-scheme, but what kind of URL-scheme do I need?
Check out this link: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/FileManagement/Conceptual/DocumentInteraction_TopicsForIOS/Articles/RegisteringtheFileTypesYourAppSupports.html
It seems like what you are searching for
Solved this issue with the help of feed URL scheme.
Moreover, you have to register additional URL type with the app name.
My issue is I need to find a way where I can have my action extension run in Safari and open up the website currently being viewed in Safari in my app (my app is a special web browser).
Here's a screenshot:
When the rED extension is clicked, the extension opens up "rED://" which is my custom URL scheme. This launches the app and everything works fine.
However, I want the extension to grab the URL of the webpage being viewed in safari and open that website in my app, so the URL scheme call would look something like "rED://google.com".
What sort of code/methods would I need to implement, and in which .m file would it go in?
Apple provides a method on NSExtensionContext for opening apps via URLs, however that only works for Today extensions (verified by an Apple employee at https://stackoverflow.com/a/24709883/3943258). This technically isn't currently possible.
I'm trying to write an iOS Objective-C app to login to an old website. Note I don't have control of the website so I have no way of changing the login.
The procedure is:
Open browser at specific URL.
User enters their username and password.
Website returns a file called something like bad_link.smith.
App reads file to get key to use for API.
Is it possible to do this in iOS - open a URL from an app and have the file returned?
You could use UIWebView Delegates for this
Implement this https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/documentation/UIKit/Reference/UIWebViewDelegate_Protocol/index.html#//apple_ref/occ/intfm/UIWebViewDelegate/webView:shouldStartLoadWithRequest:navigationType: delegate method and get the URL the user is going to and if the URL matches the URL you want to download then you can get the URL by the NSURLRequest and download it seperately. :) Hope I helped you.
What other thing you could do is make the code native and without the browser and simulating as a browser in the code. Can be used if no CAPTCHA is there. Do tell if you need more info on this.