Payment through webview controller in IOS app - ios

I am making an app through which people can add fund via their credit card for some social purpose. I am doing it in UIWebview controller provided in objective-c. Can anyone suggest me that
1) Use of UIWebview for payment purpose is allowed in IOS
2) if yes then apple can still deduct its 30% share using this method.
Thanks in advance.

If the payment is not for a digital content/service such as an added feature to your app, you can make use of any payment gateways using an embedded web view. Charity will not comes under IAP(In app purchase). So it is safe to use any payment system. 30% deduction is only for IAP.

It depends on what it's for. If it's to unlock a feature, it's not allowed and your app would be rejected. If it's to buy a physical object, it is allowed and Apple wouldn't take a 30% cut of it.
More info could be found in the In-App Purchase Guidelines by Apple.

-1 yes you can use the UIwebview
2- Apple get the 30% only from IAP and payed apps
better way to do is using SDK example Paypal SDK
Using an SDK helps you to control more what you want to display for the user and you can build your own brand payement UI.


Does Apple rejects app which has react native webview and third party payments in it

We are making web application and using paypal and stripe as payment gatweys for upgrading plan in the web application, now we are trying to make an iOS app using react native webview and using same payment gatways in it.
I have read somewhere that apple reject third parties payment gateway for subscriptions so we are not trying it
So, please help us out because we are confused and not taking any step yet
If your APP contains virtual goods, you must add Apple Pay;
Apple insists on using Apple Pay so they can, I think, have a percentage of the payments (20 or 30%).
If you offer a payment system other than Apple Pay, Apple may simply not validate the app on the stores.

iOS In-App Purchasing prevent charging 30% for subscription via website

I want to make a subscription to my app without using In App Purchase. Instead of it I want new user go to a web site from application and make a subscription with payment using few steps on web site.
Alos here are few steps how to implement it:
using UIWebView that will internally show subscription option from my site
using SFSafariViewController which also works without forcing leaving application.
Will Apple allow to do the subscription like this? Did someone face with the same situation.
You can offer subscriptions through your website, but your application is not allowed to refer to that website or to try directing users to your website, or your app will be rejected.
You can't do that.
11.12 Apps offering subscriptions must do so using IAP, Apple will share the same 70/30 revenue split with developers for these purchases, as set forth in the Program License Agreement
It's against the App Store Review Guidelines so your app will be rejected for trying to go around the IAP program.
NO - You have to use In-app purchase.You can not use any of the work-around but it's depend on what types of apps you are developing. Using website (previously purchased content) is only possible for limited cases.It's only permitted for Reader app, see 3.1.3(a) of in-app purchase guidelines.That's why Spotify and Netflix manage to do it but they fall under this category.

How to use Payment gateway in my iPhone app

I am developing an iOS App. In that I want to sell books to the User. In simple words, I want Payment Gateway Integration in my iOS App. My Research shows that we have option to use Apple Payment Gateway API but for every transaction they will charge 30% for them.
Is there any other way to implement this and Apple will approve ?
The Apple payment gateway/API is for in-app purchases (of virtual goods, apps, etc). For physical items/items which have value outside the app, you're free to use whatever payment gateway/API you wish, such as PayPal (cool new SDK for US-based payers), Square (not available in Asia), or any local online payment gateway that you have available depending on your region.
You can provide a web interface where you can implement payment gateway. and generate a token which user can use for purchase the book.
But still you need to provide In-App purchase (Apple provided) in case of e-book and in case of physical book i don't think you need in-App purchase you can use above way or any other way which you think better.
If you're looking for an SDK to accept physical payments within your app, then check out CardFlight ( They provide the hardware and SDK so that you can accept a physical card swipe and handle the payment processing, all within your own app.
Full disclosure: I am currently working on this. We realized the opportunity for an open payment platform that processes credit card swipes within your own app when we realized there wasn't anything like this on the market.
In terms of payment/charging Apple payment gateway/API is for in-app purchases (of virtual goods etc.). For physical items which have value outside the app, I guess you're free to use whatever payment gateway/API you wish, such as PayPal (new SDK for US-based payers) who introduced a new mobile SDK that allows iOS app developers to integrate PayPal checkout and mobile credit card payment mechanisms directly into their apps.
This means that you are not looking at just having a PayPal button inside the app, where users are redirected to Safari on iPhone to complete their transactions, but with this new SDK users can pay without ever leaving the app or any local online payment gateway that you have available depending on respective region.

How to implement subscription plans in an iPhone application

we got a new requirement for creating an iPad application for a web app (business app). In this web app user can subscribe for a month and after that the subscription will be auto renewed. We need to create an iPad app with same features.
I am having some trouble to take a decision for designing the app, here are some points what is in my mind:
Is it possible to implement monthly subscription plan in an iPad app using iAP, is it okay with the Apple guidelines?
We can use In-App-Purchase for payment options, so is it possible to implement this auto renewal with iAP? Or just use the web app for payment and auto renewal and use the iPad app as a client app?
And is there any Apple guidelines against this kind of design?
I know this is not a technical question, but I am new to this iAP. And I found some apple docs also, but I am not sure how it will be in the app as per our design. I am expecting some expert opinions to take a decision regarding this app design. If someone needs more clarification about the question, feel free to ask.
Please share your ideas and experiences.
Thanks in advance.
With iAP I don't think it is possible to have an auto renewal feature.
According to apple reviews guideline an application shouldn't use a method other than iAP to manage subscriptions (Look for rules under 11.x) (I don't paste them here as there are under NDA)
According to your app you need you want to keep this in AutoRenewable process .Here login with your ituens account and there is an option Manage in App purchases in this fill up the fields accordingly and it will ask an produt id this is very important to you . Hold this with you and you want to add storekit framework for this . And you want to generate an shared secret for this it easy to implement

Selling something inside an application on iOS

I've heard there are some precautions to take to develop a market in an application.
I'm developing an application for a football club. I would like to integrate a kind of market to sell stadium seats.
Someone told me Apple will refuse the application if I integrate it directly inside the app (using Obj-C, communicating with PHP pages).
According to him, I should redirect the user to an external web page (using Safari app for example) to realize the transaction.
Apple does not really communicate about that kind of information.
Do you know anything about it?
You can't use In App Purchase to buy "real life things" such as stadium seats :
The only solution is to use an external payment solution.
The Movies Now app implements such a thing :
Yes, you can use only in-app purchases to sell anything in your app, otherwise Apple will reject your app.
I'm not so sure if Apple will reject your app on these grounds. How can they know what your php pages are doing if you put them in a WebView? Also, think about services like Sky or Spotify that require a subscription. Apple do not take a cut on this, so you could set up a similar thing whereby your users have an account online that they can purchase tickets from and the iPhone is simply a thin client for your online services...
Yes you have to use InApp purchase only to apply unlock functionality,and to use In App purchase there are certain scenarios which can be implemented.
You can find in detail about In App functionality on
Secondly if you want to implement In App purchase,there is a very good tutorial which i found very helpful and was easily able to integrate inApp in my application and it was also later on approved by apple.
You cannot use Apple in app purchase to purchase non digital goods, if you have an existing payment provider or user account you could use that, take a look at the eBay app which has Paypal integration
