Openears asking for permission to use microphone - ios

I have made an app that uses Openears framework to readout some text. But I haven't used any of Openears' speech recognition/speech synthesis features, just the talk to speech feature. My app got rejected by apple telling that the app asks for permission to use microphone while the app doesn't have any features of that kind. The following is the rejection message from apple:
During review we were prompted to provide consent to use the microphone, however, we were not able to find any features or functionality that use the microphone for audio recording.
The microphone consent request is generated by the use of either AVAudioSessionCategoryRecord or AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord audio categories.
If you do not intend to record audio with your application, it would be appropriate to choose the AVAudioSession session category that fits your application's needs or modify your app to include audio-recording features.
For more information, please refer to the Security section of the iOS SDK Release Notes for iOS 7 GM Seed.
I have searched the app for AVAudioSessionCategoryRecord or AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord audio categories as mentioned in the message but couldn't find any. How can I disable the prompting for permission to use microphone?

Your application got rejected because you don't need the microphone feature, openears by default interface with the use of the microphone feature hence why the user permissions came up. These user permissions are not dismissible as apple increased the security features for users so that they can be in more control of what they want their applications to be able to do. If you have to use OpenEars audio management feature for speech recognition see Update 1 otherwise continue on for a different solution using Apples Siri's Speech Synthesizer on iOS 7.
In your case, if all you want to do is read out some text, then you can use iOS7 Speech Synthesizer, which is the same synthesizer used to create Siri's voice.
It's SO easy to setup and I am currently using it for one of my projects to interact with the user via voice. Here's a quick tutorial on how to get it all setup:
Speech synthesizer tutorial
After #halle's comment, I decided to update the post for those that have to use the OpenEars framework who will be using only the FliteController Text To Speech feature without any sort of OpenEars speech recognition.
You can set the FliteController property noAudioSessionOverrides to TRUE so that you ensure that OpenEars wont interface with the Audio recording stream and this will stop the Microphone permissions alert from popping up.
[self.fliteController setNoAudioSessionOverrides:TRUE]
Based on #Halle's comment, you no longer need to do update 1:
Just an update that starting with today's update 1.65, FliteController won't ever make audio session calls on its own, so there is no further rejection danger here and it isn't necessary to set noAudioSessionOverrides.

I'm sorry your app was rejected. To use TTS only without any of the audio session management related to speech recognition in OpenEars, set FliteController's property noAudioSessionOverrides to TRUE. This will result in no audio session changes/no use of the mic stream.
I'll see if I can make the documentation for this setting a bit more prominent for developers doing TTS with OpenEars' FliteController only.
For completeness' sake, the documentation on how to greatly reduce your app binary size when using OpenEars, since that was also an issue for you:
Edit: starting with today's version 1.65 of OpenEars and its plugins, if you just use FliteController there is no danger of rejection because the TTS classes no longer make any calls to the audio session by themselves. Thanks for the heads-up about this and, again, sorry you had a rejection due to this.


Voice Command without Pressing a Button on iOS

Currently, I am working on developing the iOS App that triggers an event upon voice command.
I saw a camera app, where a user says "start recording," then the camera starts to the recording mode.
This is an in-app voice control capability, so I am thinking it is different from SiriKit or SpeechRecognizer, which I have already implemented.
How would I achieve it?
My question is NOT the voice dictation where a user has to press a button to start dictation.
App needs to passively wait for a keyword, or intent, which is something like "myApp, start recording" or "myApp, stop recording", then the app starts/stop that event function accordingly.
OpenEars : Free speech recognition and speech synthesis for the iPhone.
OpenEars makes it simple for you to add offline speech recognition in many languages and synthesized speech/TTS to your iPhone app quickly and easily. It lets everyone get the great results of using advanced speech app interface concepts.
Check out this link.
Building an iOS App like Siri
Thank you.
How would I achieve it?
There's an iOS 13 new feature called Voice Control that will allow you to reach your goal.
You can find useful information in the Customize Commands section where all the vocal commands are available (you can create a custom one as well):
For the example of the camera you mentioned, everything can be done vocally as follows:
I showed the items names to understand the vocal commands I used but they can be hidden if you prefer (hide names).
Voice Control is a built-in feature you can use inside your apps as well.
The only thing to do as a developer is eventually adapting the accessibilityUserInputLabels properties if you need specific names to be displayed for some items in your apps.
If you're looking for a voice command without pressing a button on iOS, the Voice Control is THE perfect candidate.

Managing text-to-speech and speech recognition at same time in iOS

I'd like my iOS app to use text-to-speech to read to the user some information that it receives from a server, and I'd also like to allow the user to stop such speech by a voice command. I have tried speech recognition frameworks for iOS like OpenEars and I find the problem that it is listening and detecting the information the app itself is "saying" and it intereferes in the recognition of user's voice commands.
Has somebody dealt with this scenario in iOS and found a solution for that? Thanks in advance
It is not a trivial thing to implement. Unfortunately iOS and others record the sound which is playing through speaker. The only choice you have is to use the headset. In that case speech recognition can continue listening for input. In Openears recognition is disabled during TTS unless headset is plugged in.
If you still want to implement this feature which is called "barge-in" you have to do the following:
Store the audio you play though microphone
Implement noise cancellation algorithm which effectively will remove the audio from the recording. You can use cross-correlation to find a proper offset in the recording and spectral subtraction to remove the audio.
Recognize the speech in remaining signal.
It is not possible to do that without significant modification of openears sources.
Related question is Android Speech Recognition while music is playing

How To Push Music Playable Data Streamed From Spotify To A Device That Does Not Use The SDK Provided By Spotify

I apologise for the possibility of the title of my question would lead to confusion of the problem. For that I will explain my purpose in detail.
We are currently developing our own wifi speaker which is built with MIPS. The speaker comes with an app that will be used to manage it. One of the features that would we would like to include in the app is accessing contents of Spotify and be able to play them on the speakers.
Unfortunately, after going through the iOS SDK Documentation, and did some tests on Web API Console provided by the official of Spotify, I noticed that Spotify does not allow developers to directly get URL of a song, except for preview purposes. I also wasn't able to find any way to get the data bytes of the music streamed from the server. Every content comes with a corresponding URI which is used for a request.
For the device(WiFi Speaker) part, we recently tried to contact Spotify and ask for an SDK that can be used for development. However, one problem is that Spotify told us that they have SDK for x86, and ARMs architecture only. They don't have MIPS.
Now, here are my questions:
Is there any way for me to push music from an app to the WiFi Speakers without having to use SDK (for backend device)?
If Spotify can provide an SDK for our device, then how can we integrate the SDK with our platform?
I'll explain my 2nd question for clarity. Like for instance, in Android and iOS, these are popular platforms and are widely used by mobile devices. So if they provide SDKs for the two OS, then they can use default system frameworks to access the player for playing the content. (In iOS, it's the AVFoundation Framework). However, if Spotify were able to provide the SDK that we need, how would we able to integrate that with our own platform?
I will answer your question no 1:
You should be able to push music from an app using a buffer that you can read from using Core Audio and also forward to a device of your choice. I think what you are looking for can be found at CocoaLibSpotify

How does Audiobus for iOS work?

What SDK's does Audiobus use to provide inter-app audio routing? I am not aware of any Apple SDK that could facilitate inter-app communication for iOS and was under the impression that apps were sandboxed from each other so I'm really intrigued to hear how they pulled this off.
iOS allows inter-app communication via MIDI Sysex messages. AudioBus works by sending audio as MIDI Sysex message. You can read details from the developer himself:
My guess is that they use some sort of audio over network, because I've seen log statements when our app gets started even on a different device.
Don't really know about the details of the implementation, but this could be a way of staying in the "sandbox" constraint.
The Audiobus SDK (probably) use the Audio Session rules to "organize" all the sound output from the apps using their SDK, as you can see on their videos (on bottom of the page), the apps have an lateral menu to switch back and forwards between apps.
The Audio Session Category states:
Allows mixing: if yes, audio from other applications (such as the iPod) can continue playing when your application plays sound.
This way Audiobus can "control" the sound and allow the session to be persistent between the apps.

iOS6 multi route audio

iOS 6.0 brought "multi-route audio" support to the iPhone / iPad.
DJay app for example benefits of it by allowing the user to hear one deck in headphones while playing the other.
The only mention of it is in the AVAudioSession class reference :
Allows you to output distinct streams of audio data to different output devices at the same time. For example, you would use this category to route audio to both a USB device and a set of headphones. Use of this category requires a more detailed knowledge of, and interaction with, the capabilities of the available audio routes.
This category may be used for input, output, or both.
Available in iOS 6.0 and later.
How to route two distinct streams to different routes ? Especially using Remote I/O ?
Answering to myself : there's actually no information in iOS Developer Library, but hopefully, there's all the info needed in WWDC developer sessions.
Search for: WWDC 2012 Session 505: Audio Session and Multiroute Audio in iOS by Torrey Holbrook Walker.
I hope that may help somebody else.
