Inherit a class with private constructor? Or create a new module? - f#

I'm using the Http type of FSharpData.
type Http private() =
static member Request(url, ?query, ?headers, ?meth, ?body, ?cookies, ?cookieContainer, ?certificate) =
However, I need to extend static memeber Request to handle cookies. I cannot inherit the class since its constructor is private.
type Web () =
inherit Http() // Error
override Request
let ObSSOCookie = new Cookie()
Or I had to create a module with functions that call the static member functions? Can the module has the same name of Http?

The Http type is a static class, because it's stateless, so it doesn't make sense to inherit from it. If you want to use cookies and maintain them across requests, you can just create a CookieContainer and reuse it across requests:
let cc = CookieContainer()
Http.RequestString("url1", cookieContainer = cc)
Http.RequestString("url2", cookieContainer = cc)
If you really want to, you can create a wrapper for it like this:
type HttpWithState() =
let cookies = CookieContainer()
static member RequestString(url, ?params, ?headers, ...) =
Http.RequestString(url, ?params = params, ?headers = headers, ..., cookieContainer = cookies)
and then use it like this:
let http = HttpWithState()
But you won't gain that much over using the Http type directly

I don't believe that you can inherit from this class - this is probably a design desicision.
However, the full path to that type is
so you could create your own type in something like
which could call the original http functions and provide overrides through that method.

You can try adding static extension method to Http class, if it doesn't need to access privates:
type FSharp.Net.Http with
static member RequestWithCookies(...) = ...


Is there a way to access a mixin's private variable in the class using the mixin?

In dart when creating a mixin, you can declare properties and methods like a class. When declaring a private property/method, it seems the inheriting class should also have access to this private member (see below for example).
Is there a way to access a mixin's private variable in the class using the mixin?
If it's not possible, how can I declare a member in the mixin object but make it private in the inheriting class's interface.
mixin A {
String propertyOne = '1';
// This property is not accessible to any inheriting class.
int _privateProperty = 2;
class B with A {
String get mixinString => propertyOne;
// This property is not accessible to the B class.
int get mixinInt => _privateProperty;
No. A property being library private means that you can only express its name inside the same library. In any other library, the identifier _privateProperty is a different name, one private to that other library.
If you cannot declare both mixin and class in the same library, and you definitely need access to the property, then you can do any number of things to allow that.
Make the property public and tell people not to use it except in subclasses. They still can if they want to.
Make the property public and mark it #protected, to have the analyzer tell people to not use it except in subclasses. They still can if they want to.
Keep the property private and provide a separate method to access it:
mixin A {
// This property is not accessible to any inheriting class.
int _privateProperty = 2;
static int getPrivateProperty(A a) => a._privateProperty;
static void setPrivateProperty(A a, int value) {
a._privateProperty = value;
Anyone can still get to the property if they really want to, but they need to know that
it comes from A.

Jenkins Shared Library Immutable Singleton

I have a Singleton patter class in my Jenkins shared library:
public class Configuration {
private static final INSTANCE = new Configuration()
static getInstance() { return INSTANCE }
private Configuration() {
def initialize(env, params) {
Foo = params.FOO;
public String Foo = ''
Later I can call this from elsewhere using something like this:
Configuration.instance.initialize(env, params);
config = Configuration.instance;
println 'FOO: ' + config.Foo
Ideally, I want the benefit of the Singleton pattern, but I don't want some fields to be overridden by consumers.
First Attempt:
On first thought, I would think this would work:
public class Configuration {
private static final INSTANCE = new Configuration()
static getInstance() { return INSTANCE }
private Configuration() {
def initialize(env, params) {
INSTANCE.#Foo = params.FOO;
public final String Foo = ''
groovy.lang.GroovyRuntimeException: Cannot set the property 'Foo' because the backing field is final.
Second Attempt:
On Second thought, I would think initializing in the constructor would work, however I don't seem to have access to params and env, unless these are passed in from the vars function, via the initialize() method.
How can I make this Singleton class immutable, or its fields read only?
I think you Could:
Define your class with "implements Serializable", as documentation advices.
Implement the constructor that would accept 1 parameter of type BaseScript, and pass this to it upon instantiation, relative to that this (which you could call internal script) you can refer to script.params, script.env, etc. and I mean you don't HAVE to use initialize, you can do all you want in the c'tor.
But wait, please tell more:
why does CI/CD code need to have a Singleton?
You're passing its data as parameters [so it's not really an immutable entity :)]
Maybe you could "simply" create an immutable map out of your parameters....
Configuration as singleton feels as if you can delegate configuration management to ... configuration management service (consul, etcd, or others).
Please elaborate, it's very curious!
Also you referred to something as "consumers". are these library consumers? or people running the jobs?
Thank you!

What is the idiomatic Groovy and Grails way of casting to a Domain Model class?

Given the Grails Domain Classes "Apple.groovy" and "Orange.groovy", not strictly related, and the following Grails Service invoked from the Controllers:
package test
import grails.transaction.Transactional
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
class UploadService {
def uploadApple(HttpServletRequest request, Apple o) {
def file = request.getFile('payload')
o.payload = file.getBytes()
o.filename = file.originalFilename
o.contentType = file.contentType
def uploadOrange(HttpServletRequest request, Orange o) {
def file = request.getFile('payload')
o.payload = file.getBytes()
o.filename = file.originalFilename
o.contentType = file.contentType
How would one go about unifying this code under a common method? I was hoping Groovy's optional types would handle this for me, but I can't seem to be able invoke .save() successfully if I remove the types from the method signature.
Thanks in advance
Avoid passing request to service and pass File to service. Did you try it this way?
def upload(file, obj) {
obj.payload = file.getBytes()
obj.filename = file.originalFilename
obj.contentType = file.contentType
Unlike Java, Groovy does duck typing. Typing is concerned with assigning a type to any object. Duck typing is concerned with establishing the suitability of an object for some purpose.
Now you have to be careful because this will not work for every object. The reason that it works for Apple and Orange is because both have exactly the same set of attributes and attribute types.
One would wonder, why you would have two different domain that behave exactly the same, but that's obviously is a different discussion.
In Grails 3, domain classes implement the GormEntity trait, which is where the save() method comes from. But that doesn't solve the issue with the payload, filename, and contentType properties.
What you can do is create an interface which declares the methods and properties common to both domain classes and also implements org.grails.datastore.gorm.GormEntity. Then, have the domain classes implement the interface:
interface Uploadable extends GormEntity {
byte [] payload
String filename
String contentType
class Apple implements Uploadable {
byte [] payload
String filename
String contentType
Then, you can use the interface in your service.
class UploadService {
def upload(HttpServletRequest request, Uploadable o) {
def file = request.getFile('payload')
o.payload = file.getBytes()
o.filename = file.originalFilename
o.contentType = file.contentType
Note: Since Grails injects the GormEntity trait into the domain classes automatically, I don't know what happens if you use it explicitly as shown.

Autofac get decorated QueryHandler by convention based on constructor parameter name?

We inject IQueryHandler<TQUery,TResult> into our MVC controllers. We globally register all of these in the container
We have written a decorator that can cache the results of IQueryHandler.
We want to sometimes get cached reults and other times not from the same handler.
Is it possible to conditionally get a decorated handler based on the name of the constructor parameter. e.g. inject IQueryHandler<UnemployedQuery, IEnumerable<People>> cachedPeopleHandler if we prefix constructor parameter name with cached we actually get it wrapped with decorator?
Just trying to use a more convention over configuration approach to simplify things.
Yes it's possible to do it. Below is a simple working example on how you can achieve it:
class Program
public interface IQueryHandler{}
private class QueryHandler : IQueryHandler
private class CacheQueryHandler : IQueryHandler
public interface IService
private class Service : IService
private readonly IQueryHandler _queryHandler;
private readonly IQueryHandler _cacheQueryHandler;
public Service(IQueryHandler queryHandler, IQueryHandler cacheQueryHandler)
_queryHandler = queryHandler;
_cacheQueryHandler = cacheQueryHandler;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("_queryHandler is {0}; _cacheQueryHandler is {1}", _queryHandler,
static void Main(string[] args)
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
// Register the dependency
// Register the decorator of the dependency
// Register the service implementation
// Register the interface of the service
builder.Register(c =>
var ctor = typeof (Service).GetConstructors()[0];
var parameters =
.Where(p => p.Name.StartsWith("cache"))
.Select(p => new NamedParameter(p.Name, c.ResolveKeyed("cache", p.ParameterType)));
return c.Resolve<Service>(parameters);
using (var container = builder.Build())
var service = container.Resolve<IService>();
Basically you need to:
1. Think up a general convention. Prefix "cache" of ctor parameter name in your case.
2. Register your dependencies as usual.
3. Register your decorators, so they don't overwrite your original dependencies and you can easily resolve them basing on your convention. e.g. Keyed, Named, via Attribute, etc.
4. Register you actual implementation of class that uses decorators
5. Register your interface that describes the class via lambda expression that has all magic inside.
Note: I provided just a simple and working example. It's on you to make it nice, easy to use and fast e.g. make it as an extension, generic, cache reflection results etc. It's not difficult anyway.

What does Cannot create delegate without target for instance method or closure mean

I am using vala.
This is the source code that gives that compile time bug :
private Gee.HashMap<string,VoidFunc> fill_actions()
var actions = new Gee.HashMap<string,VoidFunc>();
MainWindow win = window;
actions["t"] = () => _puts(win.title);
return actions;
First I tried to access this.window directly but that gave another error so I tried this with a local scope variable.
Error when doing directly this.window :
This access invalid outside of instance methods
It sounds like VoidFunc is declared with [CCode (has_target = false)]. What that means is that no context information is passed to it, and AFAIK that is the only way delegates work as generic type arguments. The reason for this is limitations in C, so assuming VoidFunc looks like this:
[CCode (has_target = false)]
public delegate void VoidFunc ();
What you'll get in C is something like this:
typedef void (*VoidFunc)();
As opposed to something like this if you didn't have the [CCode (has_target = false)]:
typedef void (*VoidFunc)(gpointer user_data);
When you pass around callbacks in C you generally do so with between one and three arguments. Something with all three would look like this:
void foo (VoidFunc void_func, gpointer user_data, GDestroyNotify notify);
The first parameter is the actual function. The second parameter is the value to pass as user_data to the callback, and is what Vala uses to pass context information to the callback (which is what allows it to act as an instance method, or even a closure). The third parameter is used to specify a function to free user_data when it is no longer needed.
What [CCode (has_target = false)] means is that the delegate doesn't have a user_data argument, and therefore cannot be used as a closure or instance method.
The reason this is necessary with a generic argument is that generics look something like this at the C level:
void foo_bar (gpointer data, GDestroyNotify notify);
The first parameter is the data that you want to use as a generic value, the second is actually only added if the generic argument is owned (as it is in the case of the set methods in Gee), and is called with user_data as an argument when user_data is no longer needed.
As you can see, when trying to use a delegate as a generic, there is nowhere to put the user_data argument, which is why Vala only allows delegates without targets to be generic arguments.
The solution is basically to wrap the delegate in a class:
public delegate void VoidFunc ();
public class YourClass {
private class VoidFuncData {
public VoidFunc func;
public VoidFuncData (owned VoidFunc func) {
this.func = (owned) func;
private Gee.HashMap<string,VoidFuncData> fill_actions() {
var actions = new Gee.HashMap<string,VoidFuncData>();
string win = "win";
actions["t"] = new VoidFuncData (() => GLib.debug (win));
return actions;
