warning on typedef enum when converting app to 64-bit - ios

I am converting my iOS app to 64-bit. I have the latest Xcode 5.1 (beta 4) installed.
When I compiled the app, I received over 100 warnings and most of them are pretty easy to fix. However, I have a warning on the following code:
+ (CommentResponseStatus)commentReponseStatusCodeWithStatusString:(NSString *)_status
NSArray *commentStatusString = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"success", #"needConfirmation", #"stopped", nil];
return [commentStatusString indexOfObject:_status];
Where CommentResponseStatus is declared as:
typedef enum {
} CommentResponseStatus;
I have a warning "Implicit conversion loses integer precision: 'NSUInteger' (aka 'unsigned long') to 'CommentResponseStatus'"
The warning is on the line return [commentStatusString indexOfObject:_status];
In NSArray we have - (NSUInteger)indexOfObject:(id)anObject;
I am confused about this warning and don't know for now how to fix it. Any quick help would be appreciated.

According to apple docs about 64-bit changes.
Enumerations Are Also Typed : In the LLVM compiler, enumerated types can
define the size of the enumeration. This means that some enumerated
types may also have a size that is larger than you expect. The
solution, as in all the other cases, is to make no assumptions about a
data type’s size. Instead, assign any enumerated values to a variable
with the proper data type
To solve this, create enumeration with type as below syntax.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, CommentResponseStatus) {
typedef enum CommentResponseStatus : NSUInteger {
} CommentResponseStatus;


Compiling lambda as Objective-C++ causes block cast

I have a non-copyable C++ lambda which captures a unique_ptr, and certain situations when compiling with Apple Clang as Objective-C++ cause the lambda to get converted to a block pointer, at which point the compilation fails due to an attempted copy of the lambda. A simple example is as follows:
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
std::unique_ptr<int> myHeapInt = std::make_unique<int>(4);
int myStackInt = 0;
auto myLambda = [&, myHeapInt = std::move(myHeapInt)]()
myStackInt = *myHeapInt;
if(bool(myLambda)) //Error ar this point
*myHeapInt = 5;
return 0;
The error is as follows:
Call to implicitly-deleted copy constructor of 'const lambda...
Implicit capture of lambda object due to conversion to block pointer here
Is there a way around this conversion?
What is that bool(myLambda)? I have no clue.
The only thing you can do with a lambda is evoke it: myLambda(). You cannot test for whether it exists or anything.
So, I'm not entirely seeing the relevance of Objective-C++ here, as this code doesn't compile as C++ either:
objc++-noncopy-lambda.cpp:15:9: error: cannot convert '(lambda at objc++-noncopy-lambda.cpp:9:21)' to 'bool' without a conversion operator
if (bool(myLambda))
1 error generated.
The error message is different; I assume there's some attempt at implicitly converting lambdas to blocks in Objective-C++, I've tried to stay away from weird edge cases like that, but it seems that in the absence of an operator bool it might try the conversion to a block first.
Either way the code you're attempting to write doesn't make any sense and the compiler is correctly rejecting it.
I see in the comments that you're actually trying to do something different. Could you perhaps post a reduced version of the code you're actually trying to write, which supposedly compiles as C++ but not as Objective-C++?
I was trying to compile a templated header-file class replacement for std::function (github.com/Naios/function2) as Objective-C++, which implements a vtable and optimises it if the callable implements operator bool() or can be converted to bool.
In the end I just decided to disable this optimisation if compiled as Objective-C++ as converting to a block pointer is by design in Clang for block-lambda interoperability (http://clang.llvm.org/docs/LanguageExtensions.html#interoperability-with-c-11-lambdas).

Remove warning in sqlcipher Integation in IOS

I have implemented sqlCipher in my IOS Project and when I run it shows 25 warnings like 'implicit conversion loses integer precision 'size_t' (aka 'long') to 'int''.So Please suggest How to get rid of these warnings. Any help will be appreciated.
Change datatypes from int to long and your warning will be not shown anymore.
for example below statement giving that warning mentioned in question,
int i = [self someMethod]; //this method's return type is NSInteger
So it will give this warning so change it like,
long i = [self someMethod];

Warnings in IOS 8.1 with openAL in the soundOAL.m?

I've opened an old game project in Xcode 6.1.1 (made with Xcode 5.x) started it in the simulator with the iPad Air simulator and discovered after compiling it lots of strange warnings in the SoundOAL.m in many lines of this file. They mostly say something like this:
"Incompatible pointer types passing 'NSUInteger *' (aka 'unsigned long *') to parameter of type 'ALuint *' (aka 'unsigned int *')"
I think I know what it means (ps: app works without problems), but I was wondering if anything has changed and needs to be changed by me. I tried to find something in the iOS 8 docs but I could not read anything. Maybe someone knows it better?
They're warnings due to their now being 64 bit support. You can ignore them, but if you see any unexpected results you should look there.
Since iOS devices support 64-bit, NSUInteger is 64-bit. Your code is passing a pointer to an NSUInteger to a method that takes an ALuint, which is defined in al.h as being 32-bit:
/** unsigned 32-bit integer */
typedef unsigned int ALuint;
To remove the compiler warnings, change your NSUInteger variable types to ALuint or cast them where appropriate, eg:

NSLog giving error when trying to print a single unformatted integer

Hi this is third day of mine using Objective-C today I was writing few simple programs and i ecncountered the following warning
main.m:19:5: warning: passing argument 1 of 'NSLog' makes pointer from integer without a cast [enabled by default]
which finally resulted in the Segmentation fault.. Here is my program..
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface SomeClass: NSObject
int x;
#property int x;
#implementation SomeClass
#synthesize x;
int main(){
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc]init];
SomeClass * obj = [[SomeClass alloc]init];
obj.x =20;
int res = obj.x;
NSLog(res); //error
/* But the error was not seen when I replaced the above statement with
NSLog(#"The value is : %d",res);
[pool drain];
return 0;
The error message that I got was :
Compiling the source code....
$gcc `gnustep-config --objc-flags` -L/usr/GNUstep/System/Library/Libraries -lgnustep-base main.m -o demo -lm -pthread -lgmpxx -lreadline 2>&1
main.m: In function 'main':
main.m:19:5: warning: passing argument 1 of 'NSLog' makes pointer from integer without a cast [enabled by default]
In file included from /usr/GNUstep/System/Library/Headers/Foundation/NSObject.h:30:0,
from /usr/GNUstep/System/Library/Headers/Foundation/FoundationErrors.h:29,
from /usr/GNUstep/System/Library/Headers/Foundation/Foundation.h:33,
from main.m:1:
/usr/GNUstep/System/Library/Headers/Foundation/NSObjCRuntime.h:146:16: note: expected 'struct NSString *' but argument is of type 'int'
GS_EXPORT void NSLog(NSString *format, ...) NS_FORMAT_FUNCTION(1,2);
Executing the program....
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Please help by making me understand why NSLog behaves like this ? Where did I go wrong?
Thank you...
You can't use the NSLog like this, You need to specify the control string and use like:
The format should be specified for NSLog(), please check the NSLog and NSLogv reference for more information
Logs an error message to the Apple System Log facility.
void NSLog ( NSString *format, ... );
Simply calls NSLogv, passing it a variable number of arguments.
Logs an error message to the Apple System Log facility.
void NSLogv ( NSString *format, va_list args );
Logs an error message to the Apple System Log facility (see man 3
asl). If the STDERR_FILENO file descriptor has been redirected away
from the default or is going to a tty, it will also be written there.
If you want to direct output elsewhere, you need to use a custom
logging facility.
The message consists of a timestamp and the process ID prefixed to the
string you pass in. You compose this string with a format string,
format, and one or more arguments to be inserted into the string. The
format specification allowed by these functions is that which is
understood by NSString’s formatting capabilities (which is not
necessarily the set of format escapes and flags understood by printf).
The supported format specifiers are described in “String Format
Specifiers”. A final hard return is added to the error message if one
is not present in the format.
In general, you should use the NSLog function instead of calling this
function directly. If you do use this function directly, you must have
prepared the variable argument list in the args argument by calling
the standard C macro va_start. Upon completion, you must similarly
call the standard C macro va_end for this list.
Output from NSLogv is serialized, in that only one thread in a process
can be doing the writing/logging described above at a time. All
attempts at writing/logging a message complete before the next thread
can begin its attempts.
The effects of NSLogv are not serialized with subsystems other than
those discussed above (such as the standard I/O package) and do not
produce side effects on those subsystems (such as causing buffered
output to be flushed, which may be undesirable). Availability
You cant declare the NSLog like that see the tutorial for NSLog its may be useful for you.
Objective-C has a number of built-in data types:
int – integer constant
float – real numbers with fractional component
double – double precision floating point number
char – a single character
short – short integer (2 bytes)
long – double short
long long – double long
BOOL – boolean
The utility function NSLog() can be used to print to the debug console in Xcode. NSLog() uses the NSString formatting services. The easiest way to create a NSString is to use the #”" notation. Inside a format string a % is a placeholder for a value. The character after the % determines the value expected, be it an int or a float and so on. If we declare an integer “int i = 5″ and want to print the value of i with NSLog() we can do it with NSLog(#”The value of i is %d”, i);
You can use %d to print the value of an int, %f for a float and double, %c for a char. For a full listing of all format specifiers supported by NSString formatting methods read through the documentation.
For More Reference Click Here
keep learning..:)
The 1st argument to NSLog is an NSString that should be a string with 0 or more format specifiers.
NSLog(#"res = %d", res);
or just:
NSLog(#"%d", res);
Have a look at the reference docs for NSLog for details.
You should specify the compiler that what kind of data type you want to print in Log,
You should not never use NSLog(variable) directly. Instead, use NSLog(#"%d", variable) for integers or NSLog(#"%#", object) for objects.

Can I enable warning for comparing a enum and a non enum values?

I recently debugged an issue which was caused because an enum was being compared with a non-enum value. Here is a simplified example:
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, MyType) {
MyType type = TypeVal1;
int randomValue = 0;
BOOL compareTypeAndPrimiative = (randomValue == typeA); // No warning
Is it possible to turn on a warning for this?
I could suppress if if needed by explicitly casting:
BOOL iKnowWhatImDoing = (randomValue == (int) typeA);
There is no support for this kind of warning because C enums are not strongly typed, and I believe the standards require them to be treated as ints (or unsigned ints). Comparing them with regular integers has always been allowed as part of the C standard, and a warning of this type would end up flagging a lot of correct code. I'm sure somebody can link to the appropriate section of the C standards.
Particularly with iOS and Apple APIs, you will find that enum values are often used as bitmasks. In these situations it is common to write code like this:
if ((value & flag) == kFlag) { ... }
You could argue that using enums for this purpose is a bad idea, but you would probably end up having to disable this warning for all sorts of code.
I just ran through LLVM manual and it seems there is no option for this. Then I tried to turn on all the compiler warnings (-Weverything), however there was no warning your enum case.
So the answer is no.
The best solution to avoid such bugs is to name the variables/constants appropiately. Make obvious what the variable/constant represent. Then the error in comparison should be obvious, too.
