weather app infomation in ios - ios

Can we able to get information from weather app like temperature and other stuff programmatically. Do we have any framework in IOS or should we use apis from Google or Yahoo.

Nothing is built into the iOS SDK directly, if that's what you are asking.
You'll either need to use API's from Google or Yahoo or Weather Underground (, or you might be able to use third party frameworks that folks have made available publicly or commercially.
If it helps you, here is a sample GitHub project that uses Wunderground API's.

I also had a similar query. I found the OpenWeatherMap API to be very helpful. I wrote a simple wrapper for it so that you can manipulate weather data directly using dot notation.

I created sample iOS Weather app using- Swift,Protocaol oriented programming(POP), Codable, OpenWeatherMap Api, MVVM design pattern with Unit Test.
May be it will helpful.


How to use Walmart API with iOS app in Xcode? (swift language)

I've recently installed Walmart's API into my iOS app. The app's purpose is for the user to search for items using Walmart's API and then display the queried items to the user. However I am having a hard time finding any examples on how to use Walmart's API with Xcode and Swift language. Was curious if anyone could point me in the direction of how to properly use the API while using Swift language or if anyone has experience using the Walmart API in Xcode? I feel like it shouldn't be hard to accomplish what I am trying to do but right now I am a bit lost. All help and advice is appreciated in advance! Thanks.
Whenever An API is Created The Author gives out a Documentation, about the usage of the API, Requests Parameters etc.
So, Go through the Documentation of Your Needed API,
Once the Requests Are made in-app, they Generally respond you in JSON, XML etc.
Using these Incoming data you can Populate data in your APP

Confused with Apple Map Vs Google Map

This might be a very stupid question for some people but I want to be make sure about this.
In iOS6 Apple has updated its Map application and added his own map. Now if I develop any native application and include map(MKMapView) into this so are their any changes which I should be aware of them?
Previously, I was using Google web service to fetch the latitude and longitude between two locations and draw direction. Does Apple provide its own web services for the same?
are their any changes which I should be aware of them?
MKMapView will still work fine, but the map it displays will look a little different. Also, if you limit your app to iOS versions that use only Apple's maps, you might not be subject to Google's terms and conditions. Read your agreements.
Does Apple provide its own web services for the same?
There's CLGeocoder. It's a class, not a web service, but that just makes it easier to use.
Using MKMapView framework didn't change just because the images are different. It should work fine.
Google's Terms Of Service say that you can't show their data on someone else's maps. So if your app is still getting data from a Google webservice you'll need to use the Google Map SDK that they have put out, not the usual MKMapView on iOS 6+.
If you are only using Google's webservice to turn a human readable address into lat/long then you can do that using CLGeocoder as Caleb suggested, but Google offer other services too.

Using Parse to make an iOS Social Network App?

I want to make an iOS Scocial Network, almost like Facebook. But I only do it to test my Objective C programming skills so it wont be massive like Facebook (though it will have all features that Facebook has).
What I want to ask is:
Can I only use my Objective C knowledge to build my front-end app and use Parse Services ( to build my back-end? Or I need some tools, knowledge etc...?
Again, I do not make a very very big iOS Social Network app like Facebook but I do a smaller one that has all features Facebook has.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Yes, you can use Objective-C to create the app and use to host your data. You can use the Parse SDK to allow the app to easily access the backend data. It will work well (depending on how well you design the Parse data storage) and you won't need to write any (or much) backend code. actually has a couple tutorials that would be very helpful in creating your social app. It may even be exactly what you are wanting.
Parse is the way to go. You might want to check out Helios and Stackmob as well. They do the same thing as parse. However, I like Parse much better because of it's documentation.
Happy learning.

iOS: Google Calendar Example

Searching around the net for almost 1 day I still did not see any simple good example of an app that implements the Google Calendar API. Or even simple explanation on how to implement the API is still not available. Can someone help me please? I'm a newbie to iOS. I need to learn how to create an event using the Google Calendar API through my app in iOS. I need a sample simple code...
Here are some very useful links when trying to figure out the google calendar api. and mainly I just downloaded the source code from the second link and worked from there. It was great!
The Google Calendar API, like most Google API's, provides a straightforward REST interface. Instead of focussing first on how to create calendar events, learn how to interact with a RESTful web service. Once you know how to do that, you only have to learn what calls to make to accomplish your goal, and that's already well documented.

Which one is better for social networking integration in iOS development?

I have searched on net for social networking integration in iOS projects (For example: Facebook, Twitter, etc)
I found there are also SDKs available for particulars and some OpenSource projects/frameworks are also available for the same which combines all into one like (ShareKit).
What is the difference in those two? Which one is better to use? Is there any problem to upload an app on AppStore which is using ShareKit framework/code?
Thanks in advance.
If you are using ARC in your project ShareKit is a big waste of time.
Twitter can be added very easily using the Twitter framework and TWTweetComposeViewController. Not sure about any others.
#mrunal check Socialize out: and see what you think. Full feautre list at
If you are only looking to use Twitter and Facebook, then it is simple enough to just use their API and implement it in your code.
If you are new to development or want to use more (Delicious, Tumblr, Read It Later,, Mail), then I would highly recommend using ShareKit. It allows for sharing of text, URLs and even images. It takes less than an hour to setup even when using ARC and comes with a sample app to play around with. It is also easy to update when more features are added or the API of one the sites changes.
