M-x command cannot run - emacs24

I met a problem after reinstalling emacs24 and update the installed packages, that the command M-x cannot execute any command, for example, M-x shell.
There is an error message:
Wrong number of arguments: execute-extended-command, 2
Can any one can help me to figure out this problem?


Git Bash: "bash: env: command not found" but only after running the 'export' command first. Why?

I use git bash on a windows 10 machine through Windows Terminal. The command 'env' works perfectly every time I start up a session in git bash. However, if I try to do any 'export' command, running any 'env' command after that will raise the error 'bash: env: command not found'. If I close my session and start another one, 'env' works perfectly again. Why is this happening?
I've tried all permutations of the 'env' command, but nothing works. The 'export' command always works, which I know because I tested it to see if it does indeed modify my PATH.
Note: I'm not sure what relevant system info would be helpful to include here, so please tell me what you'd need to solve this issue, but I'd prefer to include as little as possible for privacy.

py.test' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file while executing through command prompt

I need your support in order to resolve the below issue. I highly appreciate it if could help here.
I have checked the related post, there was one similar issue but that is during installation. In my case, I have successfully installed the py.test, and I was using it was working as well. Post Jenkins installation I am facing the issue. I have passed the command line in the shell script and tried to execute the Job through Jenkins it is failed. To cross-check, I have verified in the command prompt it throws " py.test' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file". Can you please let me what all checks need to be done to rectify the issue?
Analysis from my end:
Checked in the system variables, there I can see python has been declared.
I have a work-around solution for that. If you uninstall jenkins from your PC and install&start jenkins from CMD with java -jar jenkins.war, it will resolve the problem. Now it can find and execute batch commands.

Trying to run the command 'appium-doctor' on Windows Command Prompt but getting an error

I installed Appium Desktop for windows and used the Command Prompt to install Appium server and appium-doctor via npm but I get the following error after typing 'appium-doctor' in the command prompt:
'appium-doctor' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
How can I get appium-doctor to run?
Edit: I found out what was wrong. In %PATH%, I had two variable locations written down in the same line separated by a semicolon:
C:\Users\xyz\AppData\Roaming\npm;C:\Program Files\nodejs
I removed the semicolon and put the two variable locations in different lines:
C:\Program Files\nodejs
Everything is working now
you either need to specify the full path in cmd, or add the path to the executable in your os PATH environment variable

Different software binary being executed on Jenkins for the same path

I have installed gems binary at two places on my jenkins server, each is different version:
[myserver]$ /opt/chef/embedded/bin/gem --version
[myserver]$ /opt/chefdk/embedded/bin/gem --version
I am running a job on this jenkins server with following command : /opt/chefdk/embedded/bin/gem inabox
and I get an error saying :
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::CommandLineError)
Unknown command inabox
However when i run the same command from the command line , it identifies the inabox option.
To debug , when I ran this command /opt/chefdk/embedded/bin/gem help commands from the console and command line the options available are different and the console output doesnt include "inabox" option.
To make sure that I use the correct binary , I have also exported the binary path : PATH=$PATH:/opt/chefdk/embedded/bin in the job , but that also doesnt solve any thing.
I suspect that for some reason , /opt/chef/embedded/bin/gem binary is getting executed instead of /opt/chefdk/embedded/bin/gem , but I am not sure how and how do I solve it. Any pointers?
Here is output of echo $PATH
Here is the output of the command when I run through Jenkins console : /opt/chefdk/embedded/bin/gem help commands
Here is the output of the command when I run through command line :
1) Restart Jenkins every time you make changes to environment variables
2) if jenkins is executing the code on a slave, you need to define the PATH in your Jenkins settings.
We identified that a GEM_PATH variable being injected into the Jenkins job was causing the gem command to not work as intended. To resolve the issue, we added the “unset GEM_PATH” line to the beginning of the shell portion of the Build steps. This allowed the gem command to again recognize the “inabox” option and successfully upload gems to the Ruby Gems server.

Meep installation and run on Cygwin

I needed to use Meep for one of my simulations and am trying to figure out how to do it. I installed Meep on Cygwin platform as detailed in this website:
After installation, I open the cygwin bash shell and type meep, which gives me the Meep prompt : meep>
But whenever I try to run some example files provided along with the installation and stored in C:\meep\meep-1.3\examples\, eg:
meep> bend-flux.ctl
I get the same error :
ERROR: Unbound variable: bend-flux.ctl
ABORT: (unbound-variable)
Any help to figure out how to run the .ctl files would be really helpful.
