ok so I have basically finished building my first module with quite a bit of help from this site.
I have fully tested the module and it works awesomely however because the module is about embedding videos and one of them of course is YouTube.
the problem I am having is that some YouTube videos use - in there video key and I am having a problem with getting preg_replace to recognize it as it is used as a through for like 0-9 or a-z and this is where the problem comes in.
how can I extinguish - as its own character that preg_replace needs to recognize
I have tried preg_replace('#[^a-z_-0-9]#i', '', $_POST['youtube']);
Just don't put the dash next to a range like 0-9
preg_replace('#[^a-z0-9_-]#i', '', $_POST['youtube']);
I'm working on a Salesforce coding issue. Let me preface this by saying I'm not a developer or Salesforce expert.
What language is this?
Data Type FormulaThis formula references multiple objects
IF (Fulfillment_Submission_Form_URL__c <> "" && CONTAINS(Fulfillment_Submission_Form_URL__c, "qualtrics"),
Fulfillment_Submission_Form_URL__c &
(IF (CONTAINS(Fulfillment_Submission_Form_URL__c,"?SID="), "&", "?")) &
(IF (CONTAINS(TEXT(Type__c), "Site Visit"),
"&CoachType="&SUBSTITUTE(Statement_of_Work__r.Work_Type__r.Name," ","%20")&
"&CoachName="&SUBSTITUTE(Statement_of_Work__r.Contractor_Name__c," ","%20")&
"&InstitutionName="&substitute(substitute(SUBSTITUTE(Institution_Name__c," ","%20"),")",""),"(","")&
IF (CONTAINS(TEXT(Type__c), "Feedback"),
"&InstitutionName="&substitute(substitute(SUBSTITUTE(Institution_Name__c," ","%20"),")",""),"(",""),
Essentially it's pulling a link from another product we've integrated it with. We then take the basic link and reformat it to add parameters.
The problem is when it pulls in some parameters (ex: CoachName) the Coach entered their name in strange formats like: John (Coach) Doe.
So when the script outputs a URL that includes parameters it breaks at the &CoachName=John%20(Coach)% portion of the URL. Any easy way to work around this by modifying the script? Unfortunately we DO need that (Coach) identifier because the system we push to grabs that as well.
It's formula syntax, I'd compare it to Excel-like formulas. There's self-paced training if you don't want to read documentation. And as it's not exactly code-related you may have more luck on dedicated site, https://salesforce.stackexchange.com/. More admins lurk there.
So you do want that "(Coach)" to go through but it breaks the link? Looks like ( is a special character. It's not technically wrong to have unescaped parentheses, if it breaks that other site you might want to contact them and get their act together. RFC doesn't force us to encode them but looks like you'll have to to solve it at least in the short term: https://webmasters.stackexchange.com/questions/78110/is-it-bad-to-use-parentheses-in-a-url
Instead of poor man's encoding (SUBSTITUTE(Statement_of_Work__r.Contractor_Name__c," ","%20") try using proper URLENCODE(Statement_of_Work__r.Contractor_Name__c).
Or there's bit more "pro" function called URLFOR but the documentation doesn't make it very clear how powerful the 3rd parameter is with the braces [key1 = value1, key2 = value2] syntax. Basically just pass the parameters and let SF worry about encoding special characters etc.
Read my answer https://salesforce.stackexchange.com/a/46445/799 and there are some examples on the net like https://support.docusign.com/s/articles/DFS-URL-buttons-for-Lightning-basic-setup-limitations?language=en_US&rsc_301
I have a problem passing special parameters from a bash script to a browser URL bar.
I would like to open a PDF file on a certain page, and with a certain zoom factor, and at a certain position (relative to a page corner, I think that's called "focus") in Brave, from the command line.
I thought that should work like this:
$ brave-browser file:/home/user/foo.pdf#page=5&zoom=150,50,50
(the ",50,50" would be the "focus") but it doesn't. It just provokes an error message.
Copy/pasting the entire line with all the special characters manually to the URL bar works fine, but I would like to do that without the mouse or keyboard, from the CL. In other words, copying the string
and pasting that straight into the URL bar will open the file the way I want in Brave.
This shortened command works from the CL:
$ brave-browser file:/home/user/foo.pdf#page=5
but adding the &zoom=150,50,50 provokes an error message from Brave.
I just can't get my head around how to format the rest of the line so that the file opens in the browser as intended (zoomed and focussed), when called from the CL.
I begin to wonder if that is possible at all.
I have tried everything that was suggested here:
Shell script to open a URL
and a couple of other ideas I had (mainly, creative use of quotation marks)
I also read this, but I am not sure if it refers to the same question - and the post is 11 years old. Was hoping that things changed:
Can a website pass focus to the browsers url field?
Thanks a lot for any help!
Just found out that all it takes is a backslash in front of the ampersand...
Strange: no matter how I do write that here, with the *** before and after the code, or without the three *** , I can never see the backslash in the post's preview!
browser file:/home/user/foo.pdf#page=5 \ &zoom=150,50,50
I have to type blanks before and after the hash to make it visible in this post as above. Looks wrong but this is the only way I can show what I mean. Also strange: the hash # works without the backslash \
Thanks, should someone have looked into this in the meantime!
I tried following the answers gave here, but I get the error Imported Xml content can not be parsed.
Here's what I tried:
None of them worked..
EDIT: The functions are intermittently working. Seems there's an issue specifically with the Amazon site as sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn't (and I get "imported content cannot be parsed"). When it doesn't, sometimes if I add or remove the trailing slash it works again. No problem with other sites. Seems a known issue: https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/docs/UuMGRl7Asew https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/docs/yWPaNDK0Kpg
What's a mistery is the cause.
if you try //* xPath, then you'll see that Amazon is making a robot check. That is the reason of unsuccessful parsing.
Unfortunately, I can't see the obvious way to overcome this.
And, as to changing comma to semicolon and vice versa - it doesn't work, because it depends on your local settings for Google Spreadheet, which delimiter you have to use in functions. For some countries it's a comma, for others it's a semicolon.
Try this:
I changed the colon to semicolon and removed the trailing slash of the URL to make sure that no HTTP redirects are done.
I'm working on a Rails site that uses the Radiant CMS and am building stateful navigation as per the first method in this link.
I'm matching the URL on regular expressions to determine whether or not to show the active state of each navigation link. As an example, here are two sample navigation elements, one for the Radiant URL /communications/ and one for /communications/press_releases/:
<r:if_url matches="/communications\/$/"><li class="bottom-border selected">Communications</li></r:if_url>
<r:unless_url matches="/communications\/$/"><li class="bottom-border">Communications</li></r:unless_url>
<r:if_url matches="/communications\/press_releases/"><li class="bottom-border selected">Press Releases</li></r:if_url>
<r:unless_url matches="/communications\/press_releases/"><li class="bottom-border">Press Releases</li></r:unless_url>
Everything's working fine for the Press Releases page--that is, when the URL is /communications/press_releases the Press Releases nav item gets the 'selected' class appropriately, and the Communications nav item is unselected. However, the Communications regular expression doesn't seem to be functioning correctly, as when the URL is /communications/ neither element has the 'selected' class (so the regex must be failing to match). However, I've tested
>> "/communications/".match(/communications\/$/)
=> #<MatchData:0x333a4>
in IRB, and as you can see, the regular expression seems to be working fine. What might be causing this?
TL;DR: "/communications/" matches /communications\/$/ in the Ruby shell but not in the context of the Radiant navigation. What's going on here?
From Radiant's wiki, it looks like you don't need to add /s around your regexs or escape /s. Try:
<r:if_url matches="/communications/$"><li class="bottom-border selected">Communications</li></r:if_url>
<r:unless_url matches="/communications/$"><li class="bottom-border">Communications</li></r:unless_url>
<r:if_url matches="/communications/press_releases/"><li class="bottom-border selected">Press Releases</li></r:if_url>
<r:unless_url matches="/communications/press_releases/"><li class="bottom-border">Press Releases</li></r:unless_url>
What is happening behind the scenes is that Radiant calls Regex.new on the string in matches, so the regex you were trying to match before was this one:
Regexp.new '/communications\/$/'
# => /\/communications\/$\//
which translates to 'slash communications slash end-of-line slash' which I really doubt is what you want.
Ruby Regexs are interesting in that there are symbols for both start(^) and end of line($) as well as start(\A) and end of string(\Z). That's why sometimes you will see people using \A and \Z in their regexes.
As part of a web application I need an auth-code to pass as a URL parameter.
I am currently using (in Rails) :
Digest::SHA1.hexdigest((object_id + rand(255)).to_s)
Which provides long strings like :
However it is too long and I think I might be able to "compress" this chain using more legal characters in an URL like the whole uppercase and lowercase alphabet in addition to numbers.
Do you have a code snipplet which does just that ?
your_auth_code = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest((object_id + rand(255)).to_s)
your_shortened_code = your_auth_code.to_i(16).to_s(36)
Converts your auth_code from base 16 (hexadecimal) to base 36 which uses [0-9a-z]
Personally I'd just cut the code in two if you feel it's too long.
Courtesy of a coworker of mine:
CHARS = [*'a'..'z'] + [*'A'..'Z'] + [*0..9]
def create_token
self.token = (0..9).map { CHARS[rand(CHARS.size)] }*''
There's also one that uses a bunch ascii characters from range 32+, but it isn't suitable for your use case (urls) due to illegal characters, but you might want to use for password salts, etc. This one courtesy of James Buck:
Array.new(32) { 32 + rand(95) }.pack("C*")
With those two snippets you can probably customize it for your needs.
What gpaul is getting at is that hash functions are still hash functions even if they're truncated, there's just a higher chance of collision though with only 10 bits it's still quite a low rate of collision. If you look at bit.ly for instance their hashes are completely miniscule but as you noted they're using base-32 instead of base-16, it doesn't really matter that much.
What's important is for you to ask what's at risk if people collide, because even with full SHA1 there's still the chance (cryptographically impossible). If there's really not a huge danger I think you could go down to 5-10 characters.
But the question still remains of why it matters. In your emails presumably you're sending a link which people just click on correct? There may be a better option entirely if you can tell us why the url is too long.
That is correct : my app has Users which click a link on an email containing an auth code.
When the user clicks the link, he ends up on the webapp but he is not redirected. The auth code will stay in the URL bar.
Each one of my users has an auth code. What's at stake if collision occur is that two users cannot be distinguished between each other.
Thanks to your very valuable input I was able to figure out what to type in google to get info on that topic : "base 62".
So I found the base62 gem : http://github.com/jtzemp/base62
And now, my formula is :
Digest::SHA1.hexdigest((object_id + rand(255)).to_s).to_i(16).base62_encode.slice(0..10)
which gives me an auth_code like : Fw1eDr701PY
Its a good compromise. If my app conquers the world, I can still add a DB lookup to avoid duplicates but for now I will stick to it.