Google Spreadsheet - Populate a cell based off different cells content, and use a third cells value - google-sheets

Is it possible to fill a cell with data from another cell based off the content of a different cell? I have a drop down menu in one cell, and when I select something from that menu, I would like the cell next to it to search a database on that sheet that the drop down is based off of. it has a second row with different values I would like to appear in the next column. I think about it, and it should seem easy, but I'm having troubles explaining it.

You could use VLOOKUP() to search the list based on the dropdown cell value. Ref


Google Sheets: Conditional Formatting in Cell based on TEXT in another Cell, Not Number Value

How do I create a conditional formatting rule in Google Sheets that changes the colour of a cell based on the text in another cell?
I want to create a rule whereby if I type "tested" in ANY cell, the two following cells in the row change colour automatically to show the testing window.
The sheet is very large so I need to also know how to make this rule apply to all cells, without all formatting relating to the text in just one cell - it always needs to be the cell with the text relating to the following two cells in the row.
Thanks in advance!
I've tried to use the basic conditional formatting, and tried googling, but all answers are based on a number value and don't apply when I try to use the same custom formula.
and 2 rules. one for B1:Z and 2nd for C1:Z

Cell Condition Google Sheets

This is the google sheet that I need a hand with:
When I choose a category in Column A it automatically triggers the cell right to it to load a respective drop down list.
What I want is that when I would edit/delete category from a Column A - I want everything to be cleared in that particular row.
Can anyone please assist me with this one?

How to highlight cells contains specific text in Google sheet

I have on my sheet many columns, so I want to highlight the cells on column A that contains a specific value. eg. I have on column A 200 rows, I want to highlight the CELLS that contains "2019" value. This is it and please keep in mind that I want to highlight not to change color.
Unfortunately, this type of action can't be done in Google Sheets other than manually holding CTRL key and selecting cells of interest.

Colour a cell based on the colours applied to a key list

I want to apply the colours in a list to an array of cells. The list contains the items that are made available in a data validation drop-down for each cell. This example should show what I mean. I have manually set the backgrounds of the cells to match the key but I want to do this automatically, so that when a cell is assigned from a drop-down it gets the colour from the key table.
Can this be done with conditional formatting (bearing in mind that the key list will get new members/colours)?
No. But the whole range (table and dropdown cells) can be formatted with CF formula rules (one per colour).

Formula missing when Adding Rows in Google Sheets

I have made a simple formula, based on cells in the same row, to indicate to the user that they have entered enough information - and it works as needed .
However, when I click the built in "add more rows" button at the bottom of the sheet the formula is not present in the new cell - but any dropdown menu or validation I've used in the cells not containing the formula are present in the respective added cells of the new row. Any Ideas why just the formula is missing ? Thanks.
Thanks to GimelG at Google Docs Forum..........
When you add additional rows, Sheets assumes you want to continue the same dataset and, therefore, applies the existing formatting as well as Data Validation. It does not, however, copy formulas automatically as that would be adding actual new data to your sheet.
You can use an ArrayFormula version of your formula to populate the entire column, which it would continue to do as you'll add more rows of data. Assuming your data starts at row 2 (below the header), try this:
=arrayformula(if(istext(B2:B)*n(C2:C)*n(E2:E)*istext(F2:F),"Ok",if(len(B2:B)+len(C2:C)+len(D2:D)+len(E2:E)+len(F2:F),"MORE INFO",)))
