Why does my UIPickerView in my storyboard on a view controller, display as all white colour? - ios

I have added a PickerView to a ViewController in my iPhone storyboard, however it doesn't display in the correct default colours, it displays as all white, except the text colour which is black. I'm using the latest version of Xcode and building for iOS v7.

iOS 7 has changed the UI of the components like UIPickerView. This is the new look of iOS 7 and it has the default background as transparent.


More Tab icons colour in iOS 8 and later

I am working on an application with multiple tabs, so there is a more tab on the right.
In iOS 7, the colour of icons in more tab was grey, which is Apple's default.
But from iOS 8 and later, the colour of those icons are changed to blue.
I want the icons colour in the more tab to be grey.
I have tried multiple solutions related to UITabBar icon's images, but no one worked.
I have attached the images for both iOS7 and iOS8-and-later.
Try changing your application's global tint color. If you are using Storyboards, this option is available in the Documents section of the File Inspector.
According to Apple's documentation here, "If you don’t specify a tint for the window, it uses the system default color."

UIButton background color becomes white when running on iOS6

I wonder why the buttons of my iPhone app is not displaying properly when running on an iOS 6 device. I have set the buttons' background color to a blue color in Interface builder. However, when running on iOS 6 the buttons background became white.
This is how the button look like when running on iOS7
And this is how the buttons look like when running on iOS6
Make your button Custom instead or System or RoundRect
Change the button type to custom button in Interface builder.

setting tint color for navigation bars reverts back to iOS 6 blue color

I have an iOS 6 application that sets the tint color for all navigation bar buttons to a green color by using the following:
[[UIBarButtonItem appearance] setTintColor:[UIColor colorWithRed:(100.0f/255.0f) green:(190.0f/255.0f) blue:(100.0f/255.0f) alpha:1.0f]];
This is done at the launch of the application. This works fine on phones running iOS 6 but on phones running iOS 7 the tint color is sometimes there and and sometimes not. It especially happens when an AlertView is displayed. This wipes out the tint color of any buttons displaying the correct green tint and reverts the buttons back to the standard iOS 6 blue tint.
To confirm it isn't something I'm doing in my larger project, I have created a basic template Master-detail xcode project to confirm and only added the above line and an alertview popup and this happens there as well.
I am wondering if 1.) anyone else is experiencing this 2.) if so, have you found a work-around and 3.) anyone know if Apple has confirmed this as a bug.
At this time we are not looking to convert this app to the iOS 7 look-and-feel so that is not an option. Thx.
From the official Apple Documentation:
In iOS 6, tintColor tinted the background of navigation bars, tab
bars, toolbars, search bars, and scope bars. To tint a bar background
in iOS 7, use the barTintColor property instead.
You should refer to the complete UI transition guide to see what UI elements behave in a different way in iOS 7. If you want to support both you can check the iOS version and put different code for each version:
if (floor(NSFoundationVersionNumber) <= NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_6_1) {
// Load resources for iOS 6.1 or earlier
} else {
// Load resources for iOS 7 or later

navigation bar color on IOS 7

When I tried to run my app developed using xcode 4.6 on IOS 7, the navigation bar colors looked different, they appear on the default blue color while the back button is showing the same color as you assigned to, Is there any way to fix that? to change the navigation bar color?
Thank you

Make the keyboard in my iOS 7 app translucent/transparent

I've seen that iOS 7 brings some cool features in terms of design, and I was wondering whether I can make the keyboard transparent, as I've seen in some apps.
If so, how can I do it?
I've done a bit of research but haven't found much about it.
Assuming you're working with Xcode 5, the keyboard in iOS 7 IS transparent by default. You don't have to do anything. In IB/Storyboard, place a UITextField onto a ViewController, and turn that ViewController's view green (or some other color). When you click in the UITextField and the keyboard comes up, you'll notice that you can see the view's background color through the keyboard.
In order for the keyboard to be translucent by default, you will need to build your app on Xcode 5 with your Base SDK set to iOS 7.
If you are using an IB file originally created in an earlier Xcode, click on the File Inspector and change the View As property to Xcode 5.
