Enable Codelens on VisualStudio.com - tfs

I hosted my TFS on visualstudio.com but I can't seems to find the tfsconfig on my local machine and unable to enable codeindex from the web interface. Anyone has similar issue?

April 17th this year Codelens is now live for all accounts on Visual Studio Online.
Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate with update 4 or higher for TFVC
Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate with update 3 or higher for Git
Visual Studio 2015 Professional or higher for TFVC and Git
In case this doesn't work:
Close all instances of Visual Studio.
Delete all the cached data in the folder %localappdata%\Microsoft\VisualStudio Services\5.0\
Restart Visual Studio and re-open the solution from Visual Studio Online.

There is an update!
Currently CodeLens is being developed for VSO, currently in Public Preview for what I have read so far, in US and West-Europe.
Be using Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 Update 4, or Visual Studio 2015
(Preview or later version).
Check your code into Team Foundation
Version Control in Visual Studio Online.
Just updated to VS Ultimate Update 4, already had a solution setup on VSO, works great as expected.
troubleshoot, CodeLens not appearing?
Close all Visual Studio Instances.
Remove the cache from %localappdata%\Microsoft\VisualStudio Services\5.0\
Reopen Visual Studio, open the solution from Visual Studio Online.
I'm not sure if it was necessary to do this for me, I did it, looked like it had no effect and the codeLens still didn't appear. While I was typing out a new question they suddenly appeared. So it could take a few minutes.
Source: CodeLens in VSO is now in public preview

I don't believe CodeLens works against VSO yet.


Visual Studio 2013 Team Explorer is not working

Having installed VS 2013 Premium Update 4 on my VDI going along with Team Explorer for VS 2013 and TFS 2013 Power Tools Update 2 there is a problem with missing Team Explorer extension. While opening VS error occurs as on attached screenshot:
Honestly I have no idea, what causes the problem. I tried to reinstall VS, TFS and several oder hints like clearing Team Explorer cache folder. With no result. And it seems to be VS problem, because from command line I can call TFS and my workspaces are listed properly, so It is installed for sure. As a clue there is kind of error, which occurs while opening solution, and 2 from event viewer:

How can Remove other work-spaces from Visual studio TFS 2019?

However VS 2019 is the best IDE, sometimes we want to do somethings and we can not do it. for example, you work on a project and suddenly your PC is crashed and you have some class check out on TFS.
In new PC when you get source you see some sources check out with your user in another pc and you can not check-in or undo them in VS 2019. What can you do?
A tip for solving the problem with another work-space in TFS
The best way that I find without any writing commands is:
Install VS 2013 and after that get Power Tools for TFS vs 2013
After install power tools, when you get the source with vs 2013 and go to source control explorer, you can right-click on your project and go to find--->findByStatus
and click on find.
you see all files which are checked out by other workspaces and you can undo them
that's easy
Next step. close vs 2013 and open VS 2019 and get your sources and start again write code. (please write clean code :))
You can also use the Attrice TFS Sidekicks available here there are multiple versions for different Visual Studio but they all work against 2019. From the workspace sidekick you can list and remove old workspaces.
Also you can run from the TF.exe command line do remove old workspaces Microsoft doc available here

Team Explorer - Builds shows "(X) Not Found"

First day trying new VS Community 2015 RC Version 14.0.22823.1 D14REL.
Our TFS server is still TFS 2010; I'm wondering if that's the source of the problem.
Other Team Explorer sections are working fine -- Work Items, Source Control Explorer, Pending Changes. I even did a merge and checkin successfully.
But the Builds section shows this:
I'm not even sure where to look for an error log.
VS.NET 2012, still installed on the machine, shows the Builds section correctly.
As support for TFS 2010 ends before VS 2015 releases don't expect the support to be awesome. If you don't have SP1 then your are already out of support. None of the editions of Visual Studio 2015 (and 2013) officially support TFS 2010 RTM.
I would recommend that you upgrade to TFS 2013, or TFS 2015 at your earliest opportunity. If you need support for that then get a consultant to help who has a good relationship with MSFT.
If your ops team is inside of keeping software up to that's and with the applications support model then you should seriously consider moving to VSO so that you don't have to worry about It any more.
Reinstalling VS 2015 after my Windows 10 debacle, I found that suddenly everything was working including builds! With the server still on TFS 2010. Apparently my problem was that I had the VS 2015 Community Release Candidate, not the final release.

Where is Alerts Explorer in TFS Power Tools 2013?

I'm running TFS client 2013 with Visual Studio 2013, TFS Server 2010.
I've installed TFS Power Tools 2013 but I am unable to locate Alerts Explorer
How do I open Alerts Explorer or is there some configuring I am missing?
I know that in TFS 2012 and 2013 this is part of the product but I still need the functionality while using TFS 2010 with a more recent version of Visual Studio. Is there a way to have that functionality? The default Project Alerts functionality which is built-in is useless as it does not provide any control.
Hate to be a buzzkill but what you are trying to do simply will not work. There is no Alerts Explorer present in the Visual Studio 2013 client, even with the TFS 2013 Power Tools installed. Why? It appears they moved this functionality into the TFS 2013 web access so they didn't include it in the VS 2013 client. The VS 2013 client is not backwards compatible with TFS 2010 with respect to managing alerts.
The Alerts Explorer is a feature of TFS 2010 Power Tools. What you need to do is install the Visual Studio 2010 Team Explorer shell (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=329) and then install TFS 2010 Power Tools on top of that. It's going to be a pain to have to boot up the VS2010 shell just for alerts management but there's pretty much no other option. In case you are wondering the VS2010 shell looks just like VS2010 but it only contains the features for connecting to TFS. It's free... no licensing fees, etc.
Microsoft states this pretty plainly even though they use the word "might"...
Q: How do I manage alerts when I connect to TFS 2010?
A: The instructions in this topic require you to connect to TFS 2012 or TFS 2013. If you have upgraded to VS 2012 or VS 2013 and are connecting to TFS 2010, then you might have to install Team Explorer 2010 side-by-side to manage alerts stored on TFS 2010.
Reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms181334.aspx
You can also get to the alerts via Visual Studio using the menu. Team > Project Alert. This will navigate to your TFS web access (something like http://tfs:8080/tfs/TFS/PROJECT/_Alerts).
You don't need it anymore, that functionality is now part of Team Foundation Server 2012 and 2013.
In TFS Web Access click on your Name (top-right) and go to My Alerts -> Custom Alerts -> Other

How can I rename a team project and area paths in TFS?

How can I rename my Team Project that is hosted in Microsoft's Team Foundation Service? And how can I rename the area paths?
Unfortunately it is not possible in TFS 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, or 2013. However the work to complete this has been done and it is now available on VSO and will ship in TFS 2015.
You can now rename team projects in Visual Studio Online and the upcoming TFS 2015 release: https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/news/2015-apr-24-vso
The idea status changed to STARTED
Visual Studio Team (Product Team, Microsoft) responded On Feb 27, 2015:
Im am excited to announce that today we are planning to enable project
rename for TFS 2015. We don’t have an ETA yet for Visual Studio
If you want to see our progress, visit the Future Feature Development
page at http://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/news/release-archive-vso.
Ewald Hofman TFS Program Manager
