Suspicious pointer conversion - turbo-c

I got a suspicious pointer conversion error here. What might be the reason of this error?
I also initialized the code[] array globally as int *code[128]={0};
void encode(const char *s, int *out)
out+=strlen(code[*s++]); //this is where i got the error.

When you will assign a particular type pointer variable with address of different type, such type of automatic type conversion is known as suspicious type conversion.
strlen requires const char *, while int *code[128] means code is an array of int *, so code[*s++] is a int *.
When int * is supplied to const char *, you get this error.
Generally supply int * pointer to strlen isn't a good idea because strlen will end when a byte is '\0'. You have a good chance to have 0 in a 4 bytes int. E.g., an integer 3 will have 3 bytes of 0, and 1 byte of 3.


Get memory address of Objective C object?

Is there any better way to get the memory address than this?
NSLog(#"%p", anObject);
I would rather get the plain long value.
Also you can caste some Type* to intptr_t, and look at this address in decimal representation:
NSLog(#"%lu", (uintptr_t)anObject);
To represent pointer address as integer in C exists 2 types: intptr_t and uintptr_t.
intptr_t is defined as __darwin_intptr_t.
and __darwin_intptr_t defined as long:
typedef long __darwin_intptr_t;
uintptr_t defined as unsigned long:
typedef unsigned long uintptr_t;
I think what for uintptr_t I should use %lu and for intptr_t I should use %li:
NSLog(#"%lu", (uintptr_t)anObject);
NSLog(#"%li", (intptr_t)anObject);

Passing an object that undergoes default argument promotion to 'va_start'

This is my first Xcode app and objective-c so give me some slack :)
I tried googling on the issue but I cannot see any help regarding Xcode and app development. I added the error masseages after //
- (id)initWithBytes:(int8_t)byte1, ... { //Error: 1. Parameter of type 'int8_t' (aka 'signed char') is declared here
va_list args;
va_start(args, byte1); //Error: Passing an object that undergoes default argument promotion to 'va_start' has undefined behavior
unsigned int length = 0;
for (int8_t byte = byte1; byte != -1; byte = va_arg(args, int)) {
if ((self = [self initWithLength:length]) && (length > 0)) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, byte1); // Error: Passing an object that undergoes default argument promotion to 'va_start' has undefined behavior
int i = 0;
for (int8_t byte = byte1; byte != -1; byte = va_arg(args, int)) {
_array[i++] = byte;
return self;
Thank you in advance!!
va_start() saves the pointer to the first argument passed to the function into a va_list.
The arguments themselves are passed via a hardware stack.
The issue with int8_t comes from the way the hardware stack is implemented. (in x86 at least)
Just like the SSE and MMX does, the stack requires elements stored on it to have an alignment equal to a multiple of 16bits, so everything passed to the function WILL have at least 16 bits of size, regardless of its type.
But the problem is va_arg() doesn't know about all that. Historically, it was a macro, and all it does is returning a pointer stored in va_list, and incrementing va_list by sizeof(type).
So, when you retrieve the next argument, the pointer returned does not point to the next argument but one byte before it, or not - depending on whether the va_arg is a macro or a compiler built-in function.
And this is what a warning is about.
IMO at least. Pardon my English, It's my 2nd language.

Sizeof const char* wrong value

NSString *lang = #"en";
const char* ar = [lang UTF8String];
int size_of_array = (sizeof ar) / (sizeof ar[0]);
size_of_array is equal to 4 and (sizeof ar) = 4 and sizeof ar[0] = 1.
Why? I think it (size_of_array) has to be 2.
sizeof ar will get the size of the type char *, which is a pointer and so takes 4 bytes in memory. You want to get the length of the string, so use the function strlen instead of sizeof ar
It isn't clear what you are trying to do.
Your third line of code references an array "ar" that isn't declared anywhere in your post, and doesn't seem to relate to the code before it.
Also, the bit sizeof ar[] doesn't make much sense. That will give you the size of a single element in your ar array, whatever that is. So you are taking the size of the pointer variable ar, and dividing it by the size of one element in the ar array.
Are you trying to determine the memory size of the ASCII string lang_ch?
If so, then you want
int size_of_array = strlen(lang_ch) + 1;
That will give you the length of the string you get back, including the null terminator.

How do I convert a cdata structure into a lua string?

I'm in the middle of writing a small application that needs to read some complex binary messages in LuaJit.
I've been using the bit module and string.rep a lot. However, it's all very cumbersome. I'm new to using LuaJit and think there might be a much easier way using FFI.
In C I can declare a structure like this:
struct mystruct
uint32_t field1;
char field2[6];
uin64_t field3;
short field4;
} __attribute__(packed);
In reading LuaJit's FFI it seems you can declare
#pragma pack(1)
struct mystruct
uint32_t field1;
char field2[6];
uin64_t field3;
short field4;
I can then create a mystruct and access the fields like this:
local ms ="mystruct")
ms.field1 = 32;
// ... etc
But, how do I convert this back into a lua string?
I tried this, but it didn't seem to do what I wanted.
local s = tostring(ms)
and this:
local s = ffi.string(ms)
produces the following error "bad argument #1 to 'string' (cannot convert 'struct mystruct' to 'const char *')"
So I tried a cast:
local s = ffi.string(ffi.cast("char*", ms))
No error, but it looks wrong on the wire.
You have to explicitly specify the length when using ffi.string with a non-string-like parameter:
str = ffi.string(ptr [,len])
Creates an interned Lua string from the data pointed to by ptr.
If the optional argument len is missing, ptr is converted to a "char *" and the data is assumed to be zero-terminated. The length of the string is computed with strlen().
When running the following code, I get the expected (little endian) result:
ffi = require 'ffi'
typedef unsigned long uint32_t;
typedef unsigned long long uint64_t;
#pragma pack(1)
struct mystruct
uint32_t field1;
char field2[6];
uint64_t field3;
short field4;
function string.tohex(str)
return (str:gsub('.', function (c)
return string.format('%02X', string.byte(c))
ms ='struct mystruct', 1, {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}, 8, 9)
s = ffi.string(ms, ffi.sizeof(ms)) -- specify how long the byte sequence is
print(s:tohex()) --> 0100000002030405060708000000000000000900
Update: I know this is not a part of the original question, but I just learned this trick, and in order to be complete, here is a way to convert Lua string back to FFI cdata:
data ='struct mystruct') -- create a new cdata
ffi.copy(data, s, ffi.sizeof(data)) -- fill it with data from Lua string 's'
print(data.field1, data.field4) --> 1 9
The previous has an error.
According to current luaffi implementation, you can cast it to void* . Use ffi.string(ffi.cast("void*",ms),ffi.sizeof(ms)) to do so.

What does the syntax of the ivar structure _tableFlags in UITableView.h mean?

In UITableView.h, in the interface declaration for UITableView, there is an ivar struct _tableFlags. The struct's members are all defined as unsigned int, however the title of each member is followed by a colon and then a number.
struct {
unsigned int dataSourceNumberOfRowsInSection:1;
unsigned int dataSourceCellForRow:1;
unsigned int longPressAutoscrollingActive:1;
unsigned int adjustsRowHeightsForSectionLocation:1;
unsigned int customSectionContentInsetSet:1;
} _tableFlags;
Cocoa tends to make common use of this syntax in its header files, but I've no clue what it means and what its function is. What does the colon and the number following the member title mean?
These are bit fields. The number after the colon is the number of bits the variable takes in the structure.
See also: how to declare an unsigned int in a C program
