angular.dart components with bootstrap.js fails due to shadow dom - dart

I am playing around with Angular.dart as app framework and trying Twitters Bootstrap components and CSS for styling. I did run into an issue almost immediately, since Bootstrap does not seem to handle ShadowDOM, and Angular.dart uses the ShadowDOM for Components.
This would essentially mean I cant build Angular components with Bootstrap.js. Using Bootstrap components only requiring CSS works fine with applyAuthorStyles: true in NgComponent annotation.
Is there any way to also build angular.dart components using bootstrap js components?

Several things can be fixed using applyAuthorStyles: true but selectors that cross the shadowDOM boundary don't work. You would have to change Bootstrap's css.
applyAuthorStyles is deprecated or already removed
Here Feature Request: Add templates for NgDirectives or a NgComponent non-shadow dom option is also a discussion going on about this topic.
It mentions a ng-pseudo directive that should help solving this issue.
AFAIK ShadowDOM will be ported to AngularJS as well maybe this creates some ally and eventually an improvment.
Polymer (JS and Dart) have the same problem.


Bootstrap Carousel not working if not put jquery

so the problem is this, I made a carousel with bootstrap and I just put bootstrap.js for javascript. But why does slide carousel not work? whereas if I put jquery, then it can work !! Is not there a javascript in the bootstrap.js file to call the carousel? any solutions? I want to create a carousel using bootstrap.js without using jquery.js
Bootstrap's JavaScript components depend on jQuery:
Bootstrap is an open source toolkit for developing with HTML, CSS, and JS. Quickly prototype your ideas or build your entire app with our Sass variables and mixins, responsive grid system, extensive prebuilt components, and powerful plugins built on jQuery.
The quick start guide also states that jQuery is required:
Add our optional JavaScript plugins, jQuery, and Popper.js) near the end of your pages, right before the closing </body> tag. Be sure to place jQuery and Popper.js first, as our JavaScript plugins depend on them. While we use jQuery’s slim build in our docs, the full version is also supported.
You cannot get around this. If you want a carousel without jQuery, you should forget Bootstrap's carousel and look for another option. (For example here)
This is the first line of code from the bootstrap.js file for v3.3.7
if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('Bootstrap\'s JavaScript requires jQuery')
the next line of code states that you need a minimum version of jquery 1.9.1 and a maximum of jquery 4 to be able to use bootstraps javascript

Angular2, PrimeNG, Calendar, jQuery, webpack datepicker is not a function

I started a project using ng-admin by akveo The PrimeNG website specifies that one needs to add jQuery ui datetimepicker and jQuery datepicker in order to use their Calendar component. I did an npm install jquery-ui --save and it installed the files. However I'm clueless on how to add the reference on the webpack file and reference it properly.
thank you.
Yes, we call libraries like jQueryUi and jQuery 'broken modules' because they execute and rely on eachother in the global context. There are a few different methods to shim these kind of modules.
Here is a list of different options (as the solution cam vary per library). I like using the ProvidePlugin or using alias and externals.
I had the same error message, without using webpack yet. The solution, for this specific message, is in fact to declare/include jQuery BEFORE primeng.
So I just moved up the html tag adding jQuery to my page(s) and it went fine after that.
I don't know how to use webpack, but if there is a declaration order, just declare jQuery (or its subscript datepicker and datetimepicker) before primeng.

Dart, Polymer and Foundation CSS

I tried mixing polymer web component w/dart and Foundation CSS framework and so far things simple things are working like button, grid, menu. I guess if i run into an issue, I just need to port the javascript I need to dart. Anyone try this or thinking of trying this?
This was trick to get CSS to leak into component.
class ClickCounter ... {
bool get applyAuthorStyles => true;
Yes I try this too.
The first thing I tried was create one style file for each component and use the sass #extends to make each component style, my goal was to abstract the zurb, so if I want change the theme, or css framework I just need change the sass file.
But zurb-foundation depends on a base file that have to be include, I can't create one file just for buttons, because de buttons in foundation depend on variables seted in the main file, this generate a huge file with redundant css for each component.
The second thing I tried was warp the basic components, like button, lets say a
Then in my sass file I include the zurb button file, and make x-button #extends .button or #include .button that make buttons and x-button with the same look. This work for basic elements.
The other way is to applyAuthorStyles and let the css leak
I'm not sure what is the best way, because each approach has its pitfalls.
Why I wrap basic components? To have common behavior and API. For example: enable and disable components, in a form. All my basic components in polymer (x-button, x-input, etc) extends from my framework class, in this framework class I have the common behavior enable and disable, so I can progamattic enable and disable components with the same API.
This is a slow work in proggress, more for fun, and I stop working on this because I need to spend more time creating applications and not creating frameworks. Unfortunately there is no good component framework for Dart as in Javascript like ExtJs and Dojo.
But the Idea was make a component set (with common behavior) and use sass frameworks to the visual effect, maybe abstract the css framework in a way it can be plug and change the look and feel of the application, and that is not easy because some components have specific html markup

Can I use Twitter Bootstrap and jQuery UI at the same time?

I am using Twitter Bootstrap and I want to use an "auto-suggest" which is not available in Bootstrap, whereas jQuery UI has its own methods for auto-suggest.
Can I use both? Will it overload the bandwidth?
Check out jquery-ui-bootstrap. From the README:
Twitter's Bootstrap was one of my favorite projects to come out of
2011, but having used it regularly it left me wanting two things:
The ability to work side-by-side with jQuery UI (something which
caused a number of widgets to break visually) The ability to theme
jQuery UI widgets using Bootstrap styles. Whilst I love jQuery UI, I
(like others) find some of the current themes to look a little dated.
My hope is that this theme provides a decent alternative for others
that feel the same. To clarify, this project doesn't aim or intend to
replace Twitter Bootstrap. It merely provides a jQuery UI-compatible
theme inspired by Bootstrap's design. It also provides a version of
Bootstrap CSS with a few (minor) sections commented out which enable
the theme to work along-side it.
just to update this, bootstrap v2 no longer conflicts with jquery ui
Edit: as #Freshblood there are a few things that still conflict. However, as originally posted Twitter suggests that they are working on this and it largely works, specially compared to v1.
For future reference (since this is google's top answer ATM), to prevent jQuery UI from overriding bootstrap's or your custom style, you need to create a custom download and select the no-theme theme. That will only include jQuery UI's resets, and not overload bootstrap's style for various elements.
While we're at it, some jQuery UI components (such as datepicker) have a native bootstrap implementation. The native bootstrap implementations will use the bootstrap css classes, attributes and layouts, so should have a better integration with the rest of the framework.
In my limited experience I am coming across issues as well. It appears that JQuery elements (such as buttons) can be styled using bootstrap CSS. However, I am experiencing issues having created a JQuery UI tab and wanting to lock a bootstrap only input (using the input-append class) to the bottom of each tab, only the first sits correctly. So, JQuery tabs + Bootstrap buttons = probably not.
Bootstrap still doesnt work with Jquery UI, for example the modal.Bootstrap has nice style but as a framework with Twitter behind isnt that good.
If you're running into javascript namespace collisions, you can use Bootstrap's noConflict() function make it cede functionality to jQuery UI.
Although this question specifically mentions jQuery-UI autosuggest feature, the question title is more general: does bootstrap 3 work with jQuery UI? I was having trouble with the jQUI datepicker (pop-up calendar) feature. I solved the datepicker problem and hope the solution will help with other jQUI/BS issues.
I had a difficult time today getting the latest jQueryUI (ver 1.12.1) datepicker to work with bootstrap 3.3.7. What was happening is that the calendar would display but it would not close.
Turned out to be a version problem with jQUI and BS. I was using the latest version of Bootstrap, and found that I had to downgrade to these versions of jQUI and jQuery:
jQueryUI - 1.9.2 (tested - works)
jQuery - 1.9.1 or 2.1.4 (tested - both work. Other vers may work, but these work.)
Bootstrap 3.3.7 (tested - works)
Because I wanted to use a custom theme, I also built a custom download of jQUI (removed a few things like all the interactions, dialog, progressbar and a few effects I don't use) -- and made sure to select "Cupertino" at the bottom as my theme.
I installed them thus:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/font-awesome.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/cupertino/jquery-ui-1.9.2.custom.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap-3.3.7.min.css">
<!-- <script src="js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script> -->
<script src="js/jquery-2.1.4.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery-ui-1.9.2.custom.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/bootstrap-3.3.7.min.js"></script>
For those interested, the CSS folder looks like this:
- bootstrap-3.3.7.min.css
- font-awesome.min.css
- style.css
- [cupertino]
- jquery-ui-1.9.2.custom.min.css
- ui-bg_diagonals-thick_90_eeeeee_40x40.png
- ui-bg_glass_100_e4f1fb_1x400.png
- ui-bg_glass_50_3baae3_1x400.png
- ui-bg_glass_80_d7ebf9_1x400.png
- ui-bg_highlight-hard_100_f2f5f7_1x100.png
- etc (8 more files that were in the downloaded jQUI zip file)
If don't store it locally and use the link that they provide you might have an improved performance.The client might have the scripts already cached in some cases. As for the case of jQueryUI i would recommend not loading it until necessary.
They are both minimized, but you can fire up the console and look at the network tab and see how long it takes for it to load, once it is initially downloaded it will be cached so you shouldn't worry afterwards.My conclusion would be yes use them both but use a CDN
Yes you can use both. js bootstrap from twitter is a collection of jquery plugins. There shohuldn't be any conflict with jQuery UI.
Regarding bandwidth overload, it really depends on how you handle the requests to load all of your js files. if you really dont want to make multiple requests to the server to request for each file, just append them together and minimize. Or you probably can get rid of some js bootstrap plugins you dont need. it is very modular.
Kendo UI has a nice bootstrap theme here and a set of web UI comparable to jquery-UI.
They also have an open source version that works nicely with the theme.
I have site developed using jquery ui, I just tried to plug in bootstrap for future development and styling but it breaks virtually everything.
So No they are not compatible.
Because this is the top result on google on jquery ui and bootstrap.js I decided to add this as community wiki.
I am using:
Bootstrap v3.2.0
and somehow when I include bootstrap.js it disables the dropdown of the jquery ui autocomplete.
my three workarounds:
exclude bootstrap.js
or more to typeahead lib
move from bootstrap.js to bootstrap.min.js (strange, but worked for me)
The data-role="none" is the key to make them work together. You can apply to the elements you want bootstrap to touch but jquery mobile to ignore.
like this
input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Search" data-role="none"

How do I themeroll jGrowl

I am working on building a site and i'm trying to use jquery ui themes for as much of the styling as possible. and the jGrowl site says it can be theme rolled.
from the site:
Changes in 1.2.2
Notification can now be theme rolled for jQuery UI, special thanks to Jeff Chan!
there isn't really any explanation as to how and i searched far and wide for an explanation to no avail.
You do not need to do anything, simply include the jquery-ui css. There are example files included for different themes in the download
