Universal approach to send virtual key codes with Delphi - delphi

I am trying to write international program and need to send some text to "other text edit programs" like word or notepad or a browser. On the other hand I am not sure that I can find an international way(because of the different keyboard layouts)
it would be nice to use a code like below
SendMessage(FindActiveWindowsHWND,WM_SETTEXT,0,Integer(PChar('My String')));
and I dont have function like FindActiveWindowsHWND
Edit: The code I am tried but not satisfied so far;
procedure FindActiveWindowsHWND();
ThreadInfo: TGUIThreadInfo;
activewindowsHwnd: HWND;
activewindowsHwnd:= ThreadInfo.hwndActive; (or ThreadInfo.hwndFocus);
also I used Sendinput function like this
procedure SendKey(vKey: SmallInt; booDown: boolean);
GInput: array[0..0] of tagINPUT; //GENERALINPUT;
// doesn't have to be array :)
GInput[0].Itype := INPUT_KEYBOARD;
GInput[0].ki.wVk := vKey;
GInput[0].ki.wScan := 0;
GInput[0].ki.time := 0;
GInput[0].ki.dwExtraInfo := 0;
if not booDown then
GInput[0].ki.dwFlags := KEYEVENTF_KEYUP
GInput[0].ki.dwFlags := 0;
SendInput(1, GInput[0], SizeOf(GInput));
SendKey(65,true); //to send an "A" for example
but instead it sent an "a" and when I try to send an "a" using SendKey(97,true) it sent "1".
it is really interesting that I have to send shift key down to write uppercase letters

You can use GetGUIThreadInfo() to get the HWND of the currently focused window in another process. Not all window types accept WM_SETTEXT, though. You could use SendInput() to put Unicode characters into the keyboard queue, though. Or use the Automation API, like David said, though not all window types implement that.


How to show "NUMERIC KEYPAD" for menu item shortcut assigned with `VK_NUMPAD0`?

In a Delphi 10.4.2 Win32 VCL Application, on Windows10 X64 (German language) I set the shortcuts for some menu items programmatically:
mRasterizedDoubleSize.Shortcut := VK_ADD;
mRasterizedHalveSize.Shortcut := VK_SUBTRACT;
mRasterizedResetToOriginalSVGSize.Shortcut := VK_NUMPAD0;
This results in the following menu at run-time:
Why "Zehnertastatur" (numeric keypad) is not shown for the third menu item?
How can I show "ZEHNERTASTATUR" (NUMERIC KEYPAD) for the menu item shortcut assigned with VK_NUMPAD0?
I have filed a Quality Report for this bug in Vcl.Menus: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-33296
Please vote for it!
EDIT: I have tried Andreas' advice, but it does work only programmatically at run-time, not at design-time in the Object Inspector:
mRasterizedResetToOriginalSVGSize.Caption := mRasterizedResetToOriginalSVGSize.Caption + #9 + '0 (NUMPAD) ';
Isn't there a function that translates the word "NUMPAD" into the current system language at-run-time?
EDIT2: I have tried this to get the word for the VK_NUMPAD0 shortcut, but it only gives back the same "0" without the "NUMPAD" suffix:
var s: TShortCut;
s := ShortCut(VK_NUMPAD0, []);
CodeSite.Send('TformMain.FormCreate: ShortCutToText(s)', ShortCutToText(s));
EDIT3: I now have debugged Vcl.Menus: The bug seems to be in Vcl.Menus.ShortCutToText: While VK_ADD ($6B) is correctly translated by GetSpecialName(ShortCut), VK_NUMPAD0 ($60) is NOT being translated by GetSpecialName(ShortCut)!
EDIT4: I have found the solution:
function MyGetSpecialName(ShortCut: TShortCut): string;
ScanCode: Integer;
KeyName: array[0..255] of Char;
Result := '';
ScanCode := Winapi.Windows.MapVirtualKey(LoByte(Word(ShortCut)), 0) shl 16;
if ScanCode <> 0 then
if Winapi.Windows.GetKeyNameText(ScanCode, KeyName, Length(KeyName)) <> 0 then
Result := KeyName;
var s: System.Classes.TShortCut;
s := ShortCut(VK_NUMPAD0, []);
CodeSite.Send('ShortCutToText', MyGetSpecialName(s));
One approach is like this:
Use a TActionList. This is good practice in general. Define your actions within this list, and then simply map them to menu items, buttons, check boxes, etc. The action list facility is one of the very best parts of the VCL IMHO.
Now, create an action named aResetZoom with Caption = 'Reset zoom'#9'Numpad 0' and NO ShortCut. Put this on the menu bar.
Then, create a new action named aResetZoomShortcut with the same OnExecute (and possibly the same OnUpdate) and shortcut Num 0 (set at design time or programmatically at run time). Don't put this on the main menu.
The result:
and the action is triggered when I press numpad 0 (but not the alpha 0).
There are many variants to this approach. Maybe you can make it work with a single action with no ShortCut but with Num 0 in its SecondaryShortCuts list. Or you can use the form's KeyPreview and OnKeyPress properties instead of the "dummy" action.
Many options. Choose the one that is best suited for your particular scenario.
Bonus remarks
Please note it is perfectly possibly to set captions with tabs at design time using the Object Inspector. See example video.
You can probably do localisation using the Win32 GetKeyNameText function. The following code is adapted from the VCL:
name: array[0..128] of Char;
FillChar(name, SizeOf(name), 0);
GetKeyNameText(MapVirtualKey(VK_NUMPAD0, 0) shl 16, #name[0], Length(name));
// string(name) now is 'NUM 0' on my system
That being said, personally I don't mind if shortcut descriptions are non-localized or manually localised -- like the rest of the application.
A clarification on how to use the localisation code:
procedure TForm5.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
name: array[0..128] of Char;
NameAsANormalString: string;
FillChar(name, SizeOf(name), 0);
GetKeyNameText(MapVirtualKey(VK_NUMPAD0, 0) shl 16, #name[0], Length(name));
NameAsANormalString := name;
on my system.

Delphi, retrieve both visible text and hidden hyperlink when pasting into a delphi application

How can I do that? I've been looking all over the internet to find some clues but failed.
You can click on a link in the browser and copy it and then paste it into a word doc document for example.
I using a tcxGrid with some fields and want to paste this link into the field. The field will show you the text but if you click on it it will open the browser with this link.
I can fix all the later part but I don't know how to extract the text and the link from the clipboard.
Does anyone know how to do it?
I've found an old article that describes how you can do it but the result is not good. I get Chinese text instead of HTML.. see below my test code:
function TForm2.clipBoardAsHTML: string;
URL: THandle;
HTML: THandle;
Ptr: PChar;
CF_HTML := RegisterClipboardFormat('HTML Format');
CFSTR_INETURL := RegisterClipboardFormat('UniformResourceLocator');
result := '';
with Clipboard do
HTML := GetAsHandle(CF_HTML);
if HTML <> 0 then
Ptr := PChar(GlobalLock(HTML));
if Ptr <> nil then
Result := Ptr;
Data looks like:
and much more.
So something is wrong with my code it looks.. :(
The recommended format CFSTR_INETURL does not exist in the clipboard when takes a copy from Firefox, and Excel so I couldn't get any data using that format.
Latest test - Retrieve of format names.
procedure TForm2.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
i: integer;
s: string;
szFmtBuf: array[0..350] of PWideChar;
fn: string;
fmt: integer;
for i := 0 to clipBoard.FormatCount - 1 do
fmt := clipBoard.Formats[i];
fn := WideCharToString(#szFmtBuf);
if fmt >= 49152 then
Memo1.Lines.Add(fmt.ToString+ ' - '+fn);
Finally I made this code work :) but the main question how I'll get the url from the clipboard are still unsolved. :(
If I loop through all found formats I only get garbage from them.
The formats from Firefox looks:
49161 - DataObject
49451 - text/html
49348 - HTML Format
50225 - text/_moz_htmlcontext
50223 - text/_moz_htmlinfo
50222 - text/x-moz-url-priv
49171 - Ole Private Data
It really depends on which format(s) the copier decides to place on the clipboard. It may place multiple formats on the clipboard at a time.
A hyperlink with url and optional text may be represented using either:
the Shell CFSTR_INETURL format (registered name: 'UniformResourceLocator') containing the URL of the link, and the CF_(UNICODE)TEXT format containing the text of the link, if any.
the CF_HTML format (registered name: 'HTML Format') containing whole fragments of HTML, including <a> hyperlinks and optional display text.
The VCL's TClipboard class has HasFormat() and GetAsHandle() methods for accessing the data of formats other than CF_(UNICODE)TEXT (which can be retrieved using the TClipboard.AsText property).
You need to use the Win32 RegisterClipboardFormat() function at runtime to get the format IDs for CFSTR_INETURL and CF_HTML (using the name strings mentioned above) before you can then use those IDs with HasFormat() and GetAsHandle().
You can also enumerate the formats that are currently available on the clipboard, using the TClipboard.FormatCount and TClipboard.Formats[] properties. For format IDs in the $C000..$FFFF range, use the Win32 GetClipboardFormatName() function to retrieve the names that were originally registered with RegisterClipboardFormat().

delphi Is there a way to get captions used by OS (windows) for buttons, like ok, cancel, abort etc

To translate my application;
I am using one or more textfile(s) where the button captions, warnings, error messages are translated to the language which the user can select from a list of languages.
Translating of warnings and error- and other messages can be specific, so these should be translated by me.
I wonder if it is possible to retrieve captions for buttons like OK, Cancel, Abort, Close are retrievable from windows according to the selected display language of windows.
the following function seem to do what I want
function GetButtonCaption(const ButtonType: Integer): WideString;
hDll: THandle;
Buffer: WideString;
BufferLen: Integer;
Result := '';
hDll := LoadLibrary('User32.dll');
if hDLL <> 0 then
SetLength(Buffer, 255);
BufferLen := LoadStringW(hdll, ButtonType, PWideChar(Buffer), Length(Buffer));
if BufferLen <> 0 then
Result := Copy(Buffer, 1, BufferLen);
there was a list of some constants as example to pass
So far it does what I am searching for.
At this point need to find where to get those identifiers/constants.
I found the identifiers, these are stored at the string table of user32.dll.
Until now I can view the string table using visual studio, don't know if it is possible via Delphi.
It seems allso that, other files (dll's), like shell32.dll has it's own string table.
Finally, I think I have my answer, except someone know a better way to get these informaion.

How do I add the key binding Shift+Ctrl+H X to the Delphi IDE using the ToolsApi?

Adding a new ShortCut to the Delphi IDE is not too difficult because the Open Tools API provides a service for this. I am trying something apparently more complex: Add a Wordstar like additional ShortCut:
I want something to happen when the user presses
Shift+Ctrl+H followed by the single key X
where X should work regardless of the state of the Shift key.
This is my code:
procedure TGxKeyboardBinding.BindKeyboard(const BindingServices: IOTAKeyBindingServices);
DefaultKeyBindingsFlag = kfImplicitShift + kfImplicitModifier + kfImplicitKeypad;
GExpertsShortcut: Byte;
ShiftState: TShiftState;
FirstShortCut: TShortCut;
SecondShortCut: TShortCut;
GExpertsShortcut := Ord('H');
ShiftState := [ssShift, ssCtrl];
FirstShortCut := ShortCut(GExpertsShortcut, ShiftState);
SecondShortCut := ShortCut(Ord('X'), []);
BindingServices.AddKeyBinding([FirstShortCut, SecondShortCut],
TwoKeyBindingHandler, nil,
DefaultKeyBindingsFlag, '', '');
So, if I set ShiftState := [ssCtrl] pressing
Ctrl+H X
calls my TwoKeyBindingHandler method.
But with ShiftState := [ssShift, ssCtrl] pressing
Shift+Ctrl+H X
does nothing.
Oddly enough, when specifying ShiftState := [ssShift, ssCtrl] (which should only affect the first key) pressing
Shift+Ctrl+H Shift+X
calls my TwoKeyBindingHandler method, even though the second ShortCut is added without a modifier key.
Any idea? Is this maybe a known limitation/bug of the Delphi IDE/Open Tools API? Is there a known workaround?
I tried it in Delphi 2007 and Delphi 10 Seattle, no difference.
You should be able to do it using the GetKeyState function.
The program has two operations - Think of it as opening a drop down menu item. When ctr-shift-h is pressed your programme will need to flag that the 'Menu' is now open and that subsequent keypresses will either activate an option or close the 'menu' if an invalid key is presses.
function IsKeyDown(const VK: integer): boolean;
IsKeyDown := GetKeyState(VK) and $8000 <> 0;
procedure Form1.OnkeyDown(...)
if Not H_MenuOpen then
if IsKeyDown(vk_Control) and IskeyDown(vk_Shift) and IsKeyDown(vk_H) then
//Some Boolean in the form
//Will probably need to invalidate some parameters here so that
//no control tries to process the key
if H_MenuOpen then
if key=vk_X then
//x has been pressed
*Your code here*
//possibly invalidate some of the params again
//Nothing valid
OK, since apparently nobody has found an answer, here is what I ended up doing:
I had already planned to show a hint window listing all possible characters for the second key (actually that code was already working fine, using the approach suggested by Helen Fairgrieve in her answer to this question). Instead, I now register only a one-key shortcut:
TwoKeyBindingHandler, nil,
DefaultKeyBindingsFlag, '', '');
And in the TwoKeyBindingHandler method, I show a popup menu which contains those characters as the shortcuts. The IDE/VCL/Windows then handles the rest for me.
This is what it looks like:
It's not an answer to the actual question but it solves my problem. Sorry if you got here expecting something more.

Need a ComboBox with filtering

I need some type of ComboBox which can load it's items from DB. While I type some text in to it, it should filter it's list, leaving only those items, that have my text somewhere (at the beginning, middle...). Not all my DataSet's have filtering capabilities, so it is not possible to use them. Is there any ready to use components with such abilities? I have tried to search in JVCL, but without luck.
You could try customizing the autocomplete functionality of a regular ComboBox. Loading its items from a DB is easy:
while not Table1.Eof do begin
ComboBox1.Items.AddObject( Table1.FieldByName('Company').AsString,
TObject(Table1.FieldByName('CustNo').AsInteger) );
As far as the auto-complete for middle-of-word matching, you might try adapting this code. The functionality that matches at the beginning of the text in the Items is enabled by setting AutoComplete to true, and needs to be turned off before you try writing your own OnChange event handler that does auto-complete. I suggest that you could more safely do the match and selection on the enter key, because attempting to do it on the fly makes things quite hairy, as the code below will show you:
Here's my basic version: Use a regular combobox with onKeyDown, and onChange events, and AutoComplete set to false, use above code to populate it, and these two events
procedure TForm2.ComboBox1Change(Sender: TObject);
SearchStr,FullStr: string;
i,retVal,FoundIndex: integer;
if fLastKey=VK_BACK then
// copy search pattern
ctrl := (Sender as TCombobox);
SearchStr := UpperCase(ctrl.Text);
FoundIndex := -1;
if SearchStr<>'' then
for i := 0 to ctrl.Items.Count-1 do begin
if Pos(SearchStr, UpperCase(ctrl.Items[i]))>0 then
FoundIndex := i;
fsearchkeys := ctrl.Text;
if (FoundIndex>=0) then
retVal := ctrl.Perform(CB_SELECTSTRING, 0, LongInt(PChar(ctrl.Items[FoundIndex]))) ;
if retVal > CB_Err then
ctrl.ItemIndex := retVal;
ctrl.SelStart := Pos(SearchStr,UpperCase(ctrl.Text))+Length(SearchStr)-1;
ctrl.SelLength := (Length(ctrl.Text) - Length(SearchStr));
end; // retVal > CB_Err
end; // lastKey <> VK_BACK
procedure TForm2.ComboBox1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
Shift: TShiftState);
fLastKey := Key;
Suppose the contents of the list are "David Smith", and "Mark Smithers". You type S and it matches the first letter of the last name, in David Smith. Now it shows David Smith with the "David S" part not selected, and the "mith" part selected (so that the next characters you type will replace the auto completed portion, a standard auto-complete technique). Note that the above code has had to prefix the S you typed with the "David " part you didn't type. If you are a lot more clever than me, you can find a way to remember that the user typed "s" and then, maybe an "m", followed by some more letters, and eventually having typed "Smithe", match Smithers, instead of always David smith. Also note that you can only set the SelStart and SelLength to select a continuous length of a string.
The code I have provided will only work when the list of items never contains any repeated substrings. There are good reasons why the Windows Common Control combobox "autocomplete" functionality only works with prefix matching, and not mid-string matching.
Since anything that would implement mid-string matching should probably draw the part you typed in not-selected, and since that not-selected part would be in mid-string, you would probably need to write your own control from scratch and not rely on the TComboBox base code, and its underlying MS Common Controls combobox functionality.
DevExpress' "TcxExtLookupCombobox" has this capability - and more. Might be overkill though.
