How to extract info from input field in ruby - ruby-on-rails

I'm a frontend + PHP dev, trying to fix [] in a project built in Rails.
[] = Fetch color, show a slightly darker color.
This row:
<%= f.text_field attribute %>
creates an input field with a value that can be translated into a color. I'm at loss as to where to look for how it adds that value. I'm trying to use the value that this input field generates.
this is code from the file select_a_color_input.html.erb inside the app/views/shared folder. Any ideas on where to continue my treasure hunt? :)
update: I found this!
def app_text_field(attribute, args = {})
render_field 'text_field', field_locals(attribute, args)
Does that help? ^__^
The form builder
class AppFormBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder
def form_fields(partial = nil , options = {})
partial ||= 'form'
fields = ''
unless options.delete(:without_error_messages)
fields << #template.render('shared/error_messages', :target => Array(#object).last)
fields << #template.render(partial, options.merge(:f => self))
def app_text_field(attribute, args = {})
render_field 'text_field', field_locals(attribute, args)
def app_file_field(attribute, args = {})
render_field 'file_field', field_locals(attribute, args)
def render_field(name, locals)
#template.render field_path(name), locals
def field_locals(attribute, args = {})
help_options = args[:help_options] || {}
field_options = args[:field_options] || {}
html_options = args[:html_options] || {}
{ :f => self, :attribute => attribute, :help_options => help_options, :field_options => field_options, :html_options => html_options, :object => object }
def field_path(value)
When I tried to add
<%= content_tag(:p, attribute) %>
It does not give me the values, but instead the id/name of the item, not the colour.

<%= f.text_field attribute %>
This by itself is not very useful to help us gather context. What's the surrounding markup look like? attribute is a ruby variable in this instance. If it were f.text_field :attribute, then :attribute is now a symbol instead of a variable and this would indicate that it maps to the attribute method on X model. This all depends on what your form_for looks like though. I'll give an example:
<%= form_for #user do |f| %>
<%= f.text_field :attribute %>
In this case, we have a form for the User model, and our text_field maps to #user.attribute. The field itself looks something like this:
<input type='text' name='user[attribute]'>
And in the controller's #update or #create action (depending on if this is a new record or an existing record you're editing) the value would be accessible in this fashion:
However, it's impossible to say what exactly the params will look like in your particular case. What action is being run? What's the name of the file that this is being loaded from? "app/views/users/new" would indicate the #new action handles this page, and the #create action will handle the form submission.
Things we need to know to fully solve your problem:
Name and relevant code of the controller that's handling this action.
Full view path that this is being rendered from
The rest of the markup starting at form_for and ending at this field attribute
What value does attribute hold? It's a variable, so it must be holding a symbol value or something that will indicate which field is being mapped to this input.


Formatting credit card number in a number_field_tag [duplicate]

I would like to make editing form fields as user-friendly as possible. For example, for numeric values, I would like the field to be displayed with commas (like number_with_precision).
This is easy enough on the display side, but what about editing? Is there a good way to do this?
I am using the Rails FormBuilder. Upon investigation, I found that it uses InstanceTag, which gets the values for fields by using <attribute>_value_before_type_cast which means overriding <attribute> won't get called.
The best I have come up with so far is something like this:
<%= f.text_field :my_attribute, :value => number_with_precision(f.object.my_attribute) %>
Or my_attribute could return the formatted value, like this:
def my_attribute
But you still have to use :value
<%= f.text_field :my_attribute, :value => f.object.my_attribute %>
This seems like a lot of work.
I prefer your first answer, with the formatting being done in the view. However, if you want to perform the formatting in the model, you can use wrapper methods for the getter and setter, and avoid having to use the :value option entirely.
You'd end up with something like this.
def my_attribute_string
def my_attribute_string=(s)
# Parse "s" or do whatever you need to with it, then set your real attribute.
<%= f.text_field :my_attribute_string %>
Railscasts covered this with a Time object in a text_field in episode #32. The really clever part of this is how they handle validation errors. It's worth watching the episode for that alone.
This is an old question, but in case anyone comes across this you could use the number_to_X helpers. They have all of the attributes you could ever want for displaying your edit value:
<%= f.text_field :my_number, :value => number_to_human(f.object.my_number, :separator => '', :unit => '', :delimiter => '', :precision => 0) %>
There are more attributes available too:
If you want a format to be created or maintained during editing, you will need to add Javascript to implement "masks." Here is a demo.
It was the first hit in these results.
You can use the number_format plugin. By specifying a number_format for an existing numeric attribute inside your model, the attribute will now appear as formatted to Rails in all forms and views. It will also be parsed back from that format (when assigned via forms) prior to insertion into the database. (The plugin also creates purely numeric unformatted_<attribute-name> accessors which can continue to be used for arithmetic, or for direct numerical assignment or retrieval by you for seamless integration.)
class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
# this model has the balance attribute, which we
# want to display using formatting in views,
# although it is stored as a numeric in the database
number_format :balance,
:precision => 2,
:delimiter => ',',
:strip_trailing_zeros => false
def increment_balance
unformatted_balance += 10
You can also combine the above with a Javascript solution, which can force the user to maintain the decimal point and thousands separators in place while editing, although this is really not necessary.
I have done something similar. We format times and lengths using a custom form builder. It makes use of the existing text_field, but wraps it so the value can be customized:
class SuperFormBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder
include ApplicationHelper
include FormHelper
include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper
include ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper
def length_field(label,*args)
scale = 'medium'
args.each do |v|
if v.has_key?(:scale)
scale = v[:scale]
value = length_conversion(#object.send(label.to_sym),scale)
options = (args.length > 0) ? args.pop : {}
return has_error(label, text_field_tag(field_name(label),value,*args) + ' ' + length_unit(scale))
def field_name(label)
return #object_name + "[#{label}]"
def has_error(label, output)
return "<div class='fieldWithErrors'>#{output}</div>" if #object.errors[label]
return output
And it is used like this:
<%= form_for( #section, {:action => 'save', :id =>}, :builder => SuperFormBuilder) do |sf| %>
<%= sf.length_field :feed_size_min_w, :size => 3, :scale => 'small' %>
<% end %>
The end result is a value in the appropriate unit based off their choice on system (Metric, Imperial) and scale IE small = inches or millimeters.
I basically copied the text_field method from the existing form builder, which uses the text_field_tag itself.
There are two gotchas: 1) Knowing the name of the object field and how to access the object to get the value which you want to format. 2) Getting the name right so when the form is submitted it is part of the correct params hash.
The form builder is given a class variable #object. You can get the value of the field using the .send method. In my case I send the label :feed_size_min_w to the #object and get its length back. I then convert it to my desired format, and give it to the text_field_tag.
The name of the field is key to having it end up in the params hash, in my instance the params[:sections] one. I made a little helper function called field_name that takes care of this.
Finally the has_error wraps the field in an error div if there are errors on that label.
I needed "nicer" format on some specified text fields, resolved it by adding this to my initializers. Seems to work nicely on Rails ~= 5.2 and it should be easy to customize.
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::TextField
def value_before_type_cast # override method in ActionView::Helpers::Tags::Base
v = super
# format as you like, when you like
if #options.delete(:nice_decimal)
v = v.to_s.gsub('.', ',') if v.is_a?(BigDecimal)
Usage in form f
<%= f.text_field :foo, nice_decimal: true %>

Rails Parse Form Input

I'm using a form to transfer some data from one part of a controller to another (new to create), but I'm having some trouble with it. When I try to get the data after submitting the form, it just gives me a nil value.
Here's the form code:
<%= f.hidden_field :owner_id, :value => #tool.user_id %>
<%= f.hidden_field :tool_id, :value => %>
<%= f.hidden_field :borrower_id, :value => %>
And this is the create action in the controller:
def create
render text: params[:rental_agreement].inspect
#rental_agreement = RentalAgreement.create
#rental_agreement.owner_id = params[:owner_id]
# render text: #rental_agreement.inspect
When I hit the "Submit" button on the form, I see this:
{"owner_id"=>"3", "tool_id"=>"1", "borrower_id"=>"4"}
That's fine, but when I change which inspection renders (comment out the top line, uncomment the bottom), all it displays is:
And if I look in the Rails console at this object, all of the fields in it are nil (except the id and created_at fields).
I'm just trying to figure out how to assign the variables from the form (owner_id, tool_id, and borrower_id) to the rental_agreement variable. Any help is much appreciated!
Your create method seems wrong. Try this.
def create
#rental_agreement =[:rental_agreement])

Ruby on Rails: Submitting an array in a form

I have a model that has an attribute that is an Array. What's the proper way for me to populate that attribute from a form submission?
I know having a form input with a field whose name includes brackets creates a hash from the input. Should I just be taking that and stepping through it in the controller to massage it into an array?
Example to make it less abstract:
class Article
serialize :links, Array
The links variable takes the form of a an array of URLs, i.e. [[""], [""]]
When I use something like the following in my form, it creates a hash:
<%= hidden_field_tag "article[links][#{url}]", :track, :value => nil %>
The resultant hash looks like this:
"links" => {"" => "", "" => ""}
If I don't include the url in the name of the link, additional values clobber each other:
<%= hidden_field_tag "article[links]", :track, :value => url %>
The result looks like this: "links" => ""
If your html form has input fields with empty square brackets, then they will be turned into an array inside params in the controller.
# Eg multiple input fields all with the same name:
<input type="textbox" name="course[track_codes][]" ...>
# will become the Array
# with an element for each of the input fields with the same name
Note that the rails helpers are not setup to do the array trick auto-magically. So you may have to create the name attributes manually. Also, checkboxes have their own issues if using the rails helpers since the checkbox helpers create additional hidden fields to handle the unchecked case.
= simple_form_for #article do |f|
= f.input_field :name, multiple: true
= f.input_field :name, multiple: true
= f.submit
TL;DR version of HTML [] convention:
<input type="textbox" name="course[track_codes][]", value="a">
<input type="textbox" name="course[track_codes][]", value="b">
<input type="textbox" name="course[track_codes][]", value="c">
Params received:
{ course: { track_codes: ['a', 'b', 'c'] } }
<input type="textbox" name="course[track_codes][x]", value="a">
<input type="textbox" name="course[track_codes][y]", value="b">
<input type="textbox" name="course[track_codes][z]", value="c">
Params received:
{ course: { track_codes: { x: 'a', y: 'b', z: 'c' } }
I've also found out that if pass your input helper like this you will get an array of courses each one with its own attributes.
# Eg multiple input fields all with the same name:
<input type="textbox" name="course[][track_codes]" ...>
# will become the Array
# where you can get the values of all your attributes like this:
params["course"].each do |course|
I just set up a solution using jquery taginput:
I wrote a custom simple_form extension
# for use with:
class TagInput < SimpleForm::Inputs::Base
def input
#builder.text_field(attribute_name, input_html_options.merge(value: object.value.join(',')))
A coffeescrpt snippet:
And a tweak to my controller, which sadly has to be slightly specific:
#user = User.find(params[:id])
attrs = params[:user]
if #user.some_field.is_a? Array
attrs[:some_field] = attrs[:some_field].split(',')
I had a similar issue, but wanted to let the user input a series of comma separated elements as the value for the array.
My migration uses rails new ability (or is it postrges' new ability?) to have an array as the column type
add_column :articles, :links, :string, array: true, default: []
the form can then take this input
<%= text_field_tag "article[links][]", #article.links %>
and it means the controller can operate pretty smoothly as follows
def create
def split_links
params[:article][:links] = params[:article][:links].first.split(",").map(&:strip)
params.require(:article).permit(links: [])
Now the user can input as many links as they like, and the form behaves properly on both create and update. And I can still use the strong params.
For those who use simple form, you may consider this solution. Basically need to set up your own input and use it as :array. Then you would need to handle input in your controller level.
#inside lib/utitilies
class ArrayInput < SimpleForm::Inputs::Base
def input
#builder.text_field(attribute_name, input_html_options.merge!({value: object.premium_keyword.join(',')}))
#inside view/_form
= f.input :premium_keyword, as: :array, label: 'Premium Keyword (case insensitive, comma seperated)'
#inside controller
def update
pkw = params[:restaurant][:premium_keyword]
if pkw.present?
pkw = pkw.split(", ")
params[:restaurant][:premium_keyword] = pkw
if #restaurant.update_attributes(params[:restaurant])
redirect_to admin_city_restaurants_path, flash: { success: "You have successfully edited a restaurant"}
render :edit
In your case just change :premium_keyword to the your array field
I had some trouble editing the array after implementing this for my new.html.erb, so I'll drop my solution to that problem here:
Edit a model property of type array with Rails form?

Passing hash as values in hidden_field_tag

I am trying to pass some filters in my params through a form like so:
hidden_field_tag "filters", params[:filters]
For some reason the params get changed in the next page. For example, if params[:filters] used to be...
"filters"=>{"name_like_any"=>["apple"]} [1] gets changed to...
"filters"=>"{\"name_like_any\"=>[\"apple\"]}" [2]
note the extra quotations and backslashes in [2] when compared to [1].
Any ideas? I'm attempting to use this with searchlogic for some filtering, but I need it to persist when I change change objects in forms. I would prefer not to have to store it in session.
My solution was just to re-create each of param with key-value pair:
<% params[:filters].each do |key,value| %>
<%= hidden_field_tag "filters[#{key}]",value %>
<% end %>
You actually want/need to 'serialize' a hash using hidden fields.
Add this to your ApplicationHelper :
def flatten_hash(hash = params, ancestor_names = [])
flat_hash = {}
hash.each do |k, v|
names =
names << k
if v.is_a?(Hash)
flat_hash.merge!(flatten_hash(v, names))
key = flat_hash_key(names)
key += "[]" if v.is_a?(Array)
flat_hash[key] = v
def flat_hash_key(names)
names =
name = names.shift.to_s.dup
names.each do |n|
name << "[#{n}]"
def hash_as_hidden_fields(hash = params)
hidden_fields = []
flatten_hash(hash).each do |name, value|
value = [value] if !value.is_a?(Array)
value.each do |v|
hidden_fields << hidden_field_tag(name, v.to_s, :id => nil)
Then, in view:
<%= hash_as_hidden_fields(:filter => params[:filter]) %>
This should do the trick, even if you have a multilevel hash/array in your filters.
Solution taken
I just wrote a gem to do this called HashToHiddenFields.
The core of the gem is this code:
def hash_to_hidden_fields(hash)
query_string = Rack::Utils.build_nested_query(hash)
pairs = query_string.split(Rack::Utils::DEFAULT_SEP)
tags = do |pair|
key, value = pair.split('=', 2).map { |str| Rack::Utils.unescape(str) }
hidden_field_tag(key, value)
Here's how I managed to pass a parameter value through my view - that is, from View A through View B and on to the controller:
In View A (index):
<%= link_to 'LinkName', {:action => "run_script", :id =>} %>
In View B (run_script):
<%= form_tag :action => 'index', :id => #object %>
<%= hidden_field_tag(:param_name, params[:id]) %>
In the controller:
Just reference params[:param_name] to make use of the value.
The key transition that wasn't documented anywhere I could find is where {... :id =>} from View A is passed on to View B as <%... :id => #object %>, which View B then passes on to the controller as (:param_name, params[:id]) through the hidden_field_tag construct.
I didn't see this documented anywhere but after perusing several posts across several sites including this post (whose syntax provided the key inspiration), the solution finally gelled. I've seen the caveats on hidden fields pertaining to security but have found no other way to do this given my current design, such as it is.
it's because when you convert in HTML with your hidden_field_tag, the backquote is add. After when you received it like a string not a Hash.
The Hash type can't exist in HTML. You have only string. So if you want pass your hash (not recommend by me), you need eval it when you received it. But can be a big security issue on your application.
As a caveat to Vlad's answer, I had to use raw:
<%= raw hash_as_hidden_fields(:filter => params[:filter]) %>
to get it to work in Rails 3.1.1. Essentially, the text being output was being escaped, eg., "<" becoming "&lt".
Assuming the hash is strings, symbols, numbers, and arrays, you can call eval to convert the params string of the hash from the hidden_fields form back into a hash in the controller. Then the backslash escape characters for the quotes added are no longer an issue:
hash = eval(params["hash_string"].to_s)
Credit to the following article for helping identify this simple solution for my case:
How do I convert a String object into a Hash object?
Keep in mind the contents of the params should be cleaned with .require and .permit.

How can I format the value shown in a Rails edit field?

I would like to make editing form fields as user-friendly as possible. For example, for numeric values, I would like the field to be displayed with commas (like number_with_precision).
This is easy enough on the display side, but what about editing? Is there a good way to do this?
I am using the Rails FormBuilder. Upon investigation, I found that it uses InstanceTag, which gets the values for fields by using <attribute>_value_before_type_cast which means overriding <attribute> won't get called.
The best I have come up with so far is something like this:
<%= f.text_field :my_attribute, :value => number_with_precision(f.object.my_attribute) %>
Or my_attribute could return the formatted value, like this:
def my_attribute
But you still have to use :value
<%= f.text_field :my_attribute, :value => f.object.my_attribute %>
This seems like a lot of work.
I prefer your first answer, with the formatting being done in the view. However, if you want to perform the formatting in the model, you can use wrapper methods for the getter and setter, and avoid having to use the :value option entirely.
You'd end up with something like this.
def my_attribute_string
def my_attribute_string=(s)
# Parse "s" or do whatever you need to with it, then set your real attribute.
<%= f.text_field :my_attribute_string %>
Railscasts covered this with a Time object in a text_field in episode #32. The really clever part of this is how they handle validation errors. It's worth watching the episode for that alone.
This is an old question, but in case anyone comes across this you could use the number_to_X helpers. They have all of the attributes you could ever want for displaying your edit value:
<%= f.text_field :my_number, :value => number_to_human(f.object.my_number, :separator => '', :unit => '', :delimiter => '', :precision => 0) %>
There are more attributes available too:
If you want a format to be created or maintained during editing, you will need to add Javascript to implement "masks." Here is a demo.
It was the first hit in these results.
You can use the number_format plugin. By specifying a number_format for an existing numeric attribute inside your model, the attribute will now appear as formatted to Rails in all forms and views. It will also be parsed back from that format (when assigned via forms) prior to insertion into the database. (The plugin also creates purely numeric unformatted_<attribute-name> accessors which can continue to be used for arithmetic, or for direct numerical assignment or retrieval by you for seamless integration.)
class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
# this model has the balance attribute, which we
# want to display using formatting in views,
# although it is stored as a numeric in the database
number_format :balance,
:precision => 2,
:delimiter => ',',
:strip_trailing_zeros => false
def increment_balance
unformatted_balance += 10
You can also combine the above with a Javascript solution, which can force the user to maintain the decimal point and thousands separators in place while editing, although this is really not necessary.
I have done something similar. We format times and lengths using a custom form builder. It makes use of the existing text_field, but wraps it so the value can be customized:
class SuperFormBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder
include ApplicationHelper
include FormHelper
include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper
include ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper
def length_field(label,*args)
scale = 'medium'
args.each do |v|
if v.has_key?(:scale)
scale = v[:scale]
value = length_conversion(#object.send(label.to_sym),scale)
options = (args.length > 0) ? args.pop : {}
return has_error(label, text_field_tag(field_name(label),value,*args) + ' ' + length_unit(scale))
def field_name(label)
return #object_name + "[#{label}]"
def has_error(label, output)
return "<div class='fieldWithErrors'>#{output}</div>" if #object.errors[label]
return output
And it is used like this:
<%= form_for( #section, {:action => 'save', :id =>}, :builder => SuperFormBuilder) do |sf| %>
<%= sf.length_field :feed_size_min_w, :size => 3, :scale => 'small' %>
<% end %>
The end result is a value in the appropriate unit based off their choice on system (Metric, Imperial) and scale IE small = inches or millimeters.
I basically copied the text_field method from the existing form builder, which uses the text_field_tag itself.
There are two gotchas: 1) Knowing the name of the object field and how to access the object to get the value which you want to format. 2) Getting the name right so when the form is submitted it is part of the correct params hash.
The form builder is given a class variable #object. You can get the value of the field using the .send method. In my case I send the label :feed_size_min_w to the #object and get its length back. I then convert it to my desired format, and give it to the text_field_tag.
The name of the field is key to having it end up in the params hash, in my instance the params[:sections] one. I made a little helper function called field_name that takes care of this.
Finally the has_error wraps the field in an error div if there are errors on that label.
I needed "nicer" format on some specified text fields, resolved it by adding this to my initializers. Seems to work nicely on Rails ~= 5.2 and it should be easy to customize.
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::TextField
def value_before_type_cast # override method in ActionView::Helpers::Tags::Base
v = super
# format as you like, when you like
if #options.delete(:nice_decimal)
v = v.to_s.gsub('.', ',') if v.is_a?(BigDecimal)
Usage in form f
<%= f.text_field :foo, nice_decimal: true %>
