No code sign identities found: setting up jenkins - ios

Trying to setup jenkins for AdHoc Distribution, tried by using homebrew, mountain lion with xcode 5.
Also tried using Jenkins App
Following is the error returned by jenkins
Code Sign error: No codesigning identities found: No codesigning identities (i.e. certificate and private key pairs)
that match the provisioning profile specified in your build settings (‚xxxxxxx) were found.
Project is getting successfully build using command line and in jenkins if I try for iPhone simulator then also its working fine.
I would like to know any tutorial by which it will be easy to setup jenkins and also please let me know any specific steps needed to give access to keychains.
any help really appreciated.

The core reason is Jenkins is running as daemon mode in Mac, just assume it is a different user - "Jenkins", so it will not have access to the keychain or provision profile as a you login using your credentials, which cause the code signing issue.
I found I have following 2 errors
"Code Sign error: There are no valid certificate/private key pairs in the default keychain"
Solution: Copy your iPhone developer certificate from "login" keychain to "System" keychain.
Detailed steps:
open the "Keychain Access" application, click the login tab, right click the certificate like "iPhone Developer: your_name (XXXXXXX)", choose copy, then click the "System" tab, right click mouse, choose "Paste 2 items"; you might need to do the same thing with the certificate like "iPhone Distribution: your_name".
After doing this, you will get the second error.
"Code Sign error: Provisioning profile 'xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxx' can't be found"
Solution: Copy the provision profile to Jenkins user folder.
The provision profile is under in the folder
/YourUserName/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles,
for example in my machine, the provision profile files are under /Users/steve/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles
In the mac, the Jenkins will be in /Users/Shared/Jenkins, create the following folder:
/Users/Shared/Jenkins/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profile, then copy the .mobileprovision file to this folder.
After doing this, the code signing issues will be fixed. Hope my finding will be helpful to other Jenkins users.
Credit: Steve Zhang


Jenkins with Xcode 8 - Cannot find Provisioning Profiles

Jenkins cannot find our recently updated provisioning profiles and after trying every known solution I'm running out of ideas what could be wrong.
Build jobs fail with error:
No profile matching 'xxxxx' found: Xcode couldn't find a profile
matching 'xxxxx'.
The build server is a Mac, running Xcode 8 and we're using Jenkins with the Xcode plugin.
Building and signing with Xcode 8 directly on the same machine is successful and I installed all the required profiles by double-clicking them.
Does anyone know any workable solution to fix this issue?
Put your provisioning profiles under
User/Shared/Jenkins/Library/Mobile Device/Provisioning Profiles.
You have to create manually folder under Library folder.
And make sure that your Distribution certificate is in "System" tab in keychain Access. If not then copy from "Login" tab and paste under "System" tab.
The fix for myself was giving the jenkins user proper permissions for the ~/Library/MobileDevice folder and the ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profile.
Otherwise the jenkins user can't read from the provisioning file folder.

iOS Code Signing Fails Only For Jenkins

I'm trying to build a Xamarin Touch project from a Jenkins build it fails at the code signing phase.
My certificates and keys are in the System keychain so should be accessible to Jenkins. I have no code signing issues when I build the project:
Using Xamarin Studio.
Using /bin/bash and xbuild logged in as the Jenkins user.
Using /bin/sh and xbuild logged in as the Jenkins user.
The only time the code signing issue is seen is when the Jenkins build itself.
The error is "User interaction is not allowed", I'm at a loss as to explain what is going wrong for the Jenkins build when everything is working as the Jenkins user when I run the same command from a shell.
You could try importing your credentials in the Jenkins credentials area.
from here:
Allowing Jenkins to stage developer profile This plugin builds on top
of Credentials Plugin to allow you to store your Apple Developer
Profile (*.developerprofile) file. This file contains a code signing
private key, corresponding developer/distribution certificates, and
mobile provisioning profiles. You can create this file from your
To upload the developer profile into Jenkins, go to "Manage
Credentials" in the system configuration page, and select "Apple
Developer Profile" from the "Add" button. See Credentials Plugin for
further details.
To use this profile for signing, add "Import developer profile" as a
build step before you run xcode, and select the developer profile to
import into the build machine. This build step will install the
developer profile into the slave's keychain.
So it turns out my problem was that my code signing keys were still in the login keychain as well as the system keychain.
I'm guessing this meant the build saw the keys in the login keychain first but then failed because that wasn't unlocked.
Once I deleted them from the login keychain, so they were only in the system keychain, it started working.
I'm still not sure why this was only a problem from within Jenkins as everything was working fine using a shell logged in as Jenkins.

Xcode's Bot always returns error

I got an issue with Xcode's Bot. It always returns the "User canceled the operation. Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1" error string after running the command below:
/usr/bin/codesign --force --sign <MY_PRIVATE_KEY> --entitlements /Library/Developer/XcodeServer/Integrations/Caches/2cdd321641e8c114e4eba9819b017479/DerivedData/Build/Intermediates/ /Library/Developer/XcodeServer/Integrations/Caches/2cdd321641e8c114e4eba9819b017479/DerivedData/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/
I can run this command in Terminal with sudo. I'm using Xcode 6.3.1 and OS X Server 4.1.53 in my Mac 10.10.4.
Thank for your help.
This looks like a code signing error. There are a few different reasons for this to happen so you will need to do some troubleshooting. Can other bots build on your server? If so then its probably a build settings issue in this specific project.
In the Xcode Project go to the Project Target that your trying to build, and then Build Settings, and Code Signing. Under the Provisioning Profile you can either choose Automatic or explicitly choose the correct provision, and then under the Code Signing Identity choose iOS Developer. This is probably where your issue is if its related to the project. Do you have a proper provision setup for the project on the Apple Developer Portal?
If you can't get any bots to run on your server then the issue could be with how you set up Xcode Server. Have you added the server to your team? Here is the blog post that I used to get mine up and running, although you don't need to do all of those steps in the post. Focus specifically on the Setup Certificates section and Setup Provisioning Profiles section.
I fixed the issue by copying the missing provisioning file from my local directory "/Users/phuongle/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles" to "/Library/Developer/XcodeServer/ProvisioningProfiles". Do not use the downloaded provisioning file from directly.
I just want to note here for everyone having the same issue with me.

Xcode Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1 : errSecInternalComponent

I am trying to add new provisioning profile to my Xcode, to test an app on the device. Here are the steps I followed:
Deleted all certificates and provisioning profiles
Create/Add IOS Dev Certificate
Add My IOS Device Online
Create IOS Provisioning Profile
Add IOS Provisioning Profile
Clean App
Build Then Run App
Set Codesigning nd Provisioning Profile In Build Settings
Lots of Googling > to no successes
Here is the error I get:
CSSM_SignData returned: 800108E6
/Users/alexpelletier/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyExpense-efnqzvoqwngzcmazaotyalepiice/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/ errSecInternalComponent
Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1
Open Keychain Access, then in the File menu select Lock All Keychains.
Then go back to Xcode and clean and rebuild. It will prompt you for your password again to unlock the keychain.
After this, assuming you have no other compile issues, it will succeed!
This occurs when the login keychain is locked. To unlock the login keychain, run:
security unlock-keychain login.keychain
If your keychain is password-protected, specify the password using the -p option:
security unlock-keychain -p PASSWORD login.keychain
If you're using a continuous integration system, you'll likely want to inject the password via an environment variable/token, which most CI systems offer in their settings.
The error code in question is described in Apple's docs as an internal error, so it's entirely possible this occurs in other cases too.
It seems like a bug in the code signing mechanism, restarting your mac should solve the problem
Had the same issue on High Sierra/Xcode 9.4.1, all attempts to sign ended in errSecInternalComponent
Go to Keychain Access
Go to the login keychain
Select the category "My Certificates"
Find the certificate you're signing with and expand it to see the key.
Double click the key
Go to the "Access control" tab.
Update key access control to "Allow all applications to access this item"
run codesign command on mac terminal and "Always allow" /usr/bin/codesign access to key
If trying to sign from ssh/CI you also need to run
security unlock-keychain login.keychain
before trying to sign app bundle
I have met the same problem, I restart my macOS,and it works.
In China,we have a saying between developers:
Little problems,just restart.Big problems,should reinstall.
Sometimes,the above saying will greatly help you!
In case it helps someone else, I encountered an errSecInternalComponent error with codesign because I was running it over an ssh session to my macOS machine. Running the same command from a terminal window on the macOS machine itself worked.
Presumably this is because codesign needs access to the private key from the login keychain.
Running security unlock-keychain login.keychain (as explained by cbracken's answer) from the same session also should work.
As pointed out by #Equilibrium in one of the comments, if you are in command line env. like Jenkins(my case), you might need to pass the password to the security-unlock command mentioned in the solutions.
So instead of using,
security unlock-keychain login.keychain
security unlock-keychain -p <login-keychain-password> <path-to-login-keychain>
where path-to-login keychain can be $HOME/Library/Keychains/login.keychain(my case) or simply login.keychain
for anyone that encountered this issue from jenkins and ssh:
high possibility that you have not granted access to the private key in keychain, i tried but not sure why all of these are not working:
security import .p12 file with -A or -T /usr/bin/codesign
security set-key-partition-list -S apple-tool:,apple:,codesign: -s -k #{password} #{keychainPath}
change all provisioning profile to [UUID].mobileprovision and copy them to '~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles' on jenkins server
clean derived data and reboot jenkins server
make sure default keychain is login keychain and unlocked it.
finally resolved by:
1.ssh [user]#[jenkinsServerIP] -L 5900:localhost:5900, log into jenkins server 'vnc://localhost'
this will launch a remote screen, if your jenkins server allow this...
then open to grant access of /usr/bin/codesign to the private key
good luck
Nothing work for me from the above Solution.
Fallowing Solution Work for me...
First Open Keychain Access
Then Select Login And click Certificates
Double click Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certificate Authority
Open trust section, and set to "Use System Defaults" from "Always Trust"
Clean the build folder and run
I ran security unlock-keychain login.keychain and my login password didn't work. So I rebooted, and then just ran Xcode again and it worked. Running the command works as well. Strange issue.
If trying to sign from ssh run command:
security unlock-keychain login.keychain
before trying to sign app bundle
or from UI
Update key access control to "Allow all applications to access this item"
Thx to #Equilibrium and #Jon McClung
I had the same issue Found out the problem is with code signing the app.
Opened the developer account and accepted the updated agreement and it worked.
Right clicking on the private key associated with the codesigning cert in the keychain, and then clicking on 'allow all applications' instead of relying on a prompt fixed it for me, since the build was happening via ssh.
I had to:
1) delete the certificate associated to the project
2) Back to the Xcode and revoke the app certificate
3) The Xcode require a new certificate
4) Lock all KeyChain
5) Clean the project
6) Rebuild
That's it. Hope it helps to anyone.
If you get errSecInternalComponent after
Warning: unable to build chain to self-signed root for signer …
, you might have the wrong Apple World Wide Developer Relations root certificate in your keychain. In this case, make sure that you import the WWDR certificate with which your developer certificate was signed. I imported the WWDR certificate expiring in 2023 and two hours later finally realized that it didn't work because my developer certificate had been signed with the WWDR certificate expiring in 2030 (AppleWWDRCAG3.cer). Download page:
Posting a work-around that we finally had to resort to, in case someone else is running out of things to try...
After installing a new Apple Distribution certificate in our "login" keychain, our Jenkins job suddenly started to fail singning iOS apps with the same errSecInternalComponent error:
Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1
Our build pipeline calls security unlock-keychain, and we have no problems with our Enterprise Distribution cert (which was coincidentally updated and installed in the same Keychain just a few weeks prior), where the unlocking works as expected.
After trying all the usual things mentioned in this thread and elsewhere, we ended up running codesign manually as the Jenkins user in a new Terminal window, taking the exact same command as found in the Jenkins log: /usr/bin/codesign --force --sign...
This prompted entering the password to unlock the Keychain, which we did, and then selected "Always Allow".
After that Jenkins manages to sign (as expected).
This is obviously a bit of a work-around since we might have to do this again when the cert has expired, and it's really strange that unlocking works for Enterprise certs, but not the cert used for distributing through App Store... They literally share the same pipeline.
Just try it once using mac terminal but not from ssh session
security unlock-keychain login.keychain
And choose always allow in the prompted dialog.
And then you could xcodebuild in the remote session.
The above methods are useless to me.
I resoled it by:
Open keychain access.
Click Login Menu.
Remove all personal certificates.
Clean the project.
That's it. Hope it helps to anyone.
In my case, this solved.
xcode -> preferences -> accounts -> select the account -> manage certificate -> (+) in bottom left -> Apple development
In my case BUCK was trying to sign the IPA for development, but there were not any development certificates installed. Changing the build config to release (this is what I needed - to build for iTunes) fixed it for me.
Just wanted to callout if someone face similar issue what I did. In my case my apple dev and distribution certificates, keys and provisioning profiles where upto date. My iOS code build was working in user mode without any issue however it does not work due to code sign issue when the code build runs with root privileges i.e. % sudo or invoking the Xcode using sudo through command line.
So, I copied the corresponding working certificates and keys the login to the system location in the keychain tool. Then it started working without any code sign issue.
Similarly, we can export the required certificates, keys for build from the working machine and import those into non working machine's keychain tool may solve the issue.
For me, I was able to sign files when using the Mac directly or via VNC, but not via ssh. I figured it must be something to do with access to the certificate within the keychain. I was already doing a security unlock-keychain [keychain name] but this didn't appear good enough.
What finally fixed it for me was (within a direct/VNC connection, not ssh):
Make sure the keychain in which your certificate resides is locked. Close Keychain Access.
Open Terminal
Do not run security unlock-keychain [keychain name].
Run a signing process using codesign tool. You will be challenged for a password to the keychain.
Enter the password and click "Always allow"
From now on I was able to use codesign via ssh, so long as I included security unlock-keychain [keychain name] before the command.
If you have a code signing certificate with the same name in the keychain, make sure you remove it. I had one which XCode reported as "Missing private key". I had to remove it via Keychain Access before the correct certificate was used by codesign.

jenkins build fail on another Mac due to provisioning profile not found

I am trying to build project on another mac,not the one on which I'm developing.And I chose Jenkins to help with it.
I have seen similar questions,but my situation seems different.
Below is the log from Jenkins console:
something has been done before:
export the profile from organizer of the old one and import to the new one.
copy the keys from keychain and copy to the new Mac's keychain,including system.
specify the name of provisioning profile in the project.
I'm not sure if anyone has seen the same thing,but if anyone does,please kindly show me some tips to overcome this,thanks.
The steps you included are for copying/replacing certificates and identities. Provisioning profiles are different.
The provisioning profiles are located under ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles. Please note these have to be available for the user under which Jenkins is running.
Locate the provisioning profile on your old machine, and copy it to the new. The provisioning profile has a filename <UUID>.mobileprovision. The UUID is the number you see in your error message
Alternatively, launching Xcode on the new machine, and letting it sync with all latest profiles would work too, as long as your run it with Jenkins' user.
