Passing arguments to nested to_json call - ruby-on-rails

Consider a controller action that returns the following:
Post.includes(:comments).to_json(:include => [:comments])
Is it somehow possible to pass arguments to the to_json comments method call so that I could modify comments json representation in this place rather than doing it in Comment model?

to_json only accepts a list of options, per the documentation... If you absolutely had to, you could monkey-patch to_json to do whatever work you needed to do, then call super to execute the default to_json, but I wouldn't recommend this.
In your situation, based on what I understand you're describing, it's probably best to simply do it either on the Comment model, or as a private method on the controller.


How do i stub a method/attribute of all instances of a class based on another attribute value?

Either this doesn't exist or i am looking at this the wrong way.
In rspec, I want to stub a method/attribute of all the instances of a class but only if that instance follows a certain condition, for example:
the following code will stub all posts with given comments:
Post.any_instance.stub(:comments).and_return([comment1, comment2])
but I only want to stub comments if the post is published, otherwise i want a blank comments array.
Is there any way I can do something like this:
Post.any_instance.stub(:comments) do |post|
post.published ? [comment1,comment2] : []
I have seen solutions where you send an argument to the stubbed method and based on argument value you can return different values, but that's not the case here.
The code you've included should work fine. Stubbing with a block is documented in, although it's deprecated now in favor of the new methods described at

Rails params "method" isn't a method, is it?

In the Rails documentation, the following example is given as a way to display what the server receives from a POST request:
def create
render plain: params[:article].inspect
In the subsequent description, the text states
The params method is the object which represents the parameters (or fields) coming in from the form. The params method returns an ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess object.
While I understand that all methods are objects, I don't understand how it's correct to refer to the params object as a method. Specifically, the phrase "returns an ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess object" suggests to me that there are two calls going on--what in python might look like:
but I don't think that's what's actually going on.
The conversation around those lines also refers to params as a method, so I'm starting to think I must be missing something.
I'm new to Ruby, and while I understand that all methods are objects,
No, they aren't. Methods belong to objects (more precisely: methods are defined in modules, and executed in the context of objects), but they are not, by themselves, objects. (It is, however, possible to obtain a reflective proxy which represents the concept of a method by calling the method method, which returns a Method object.)
I don't understand how it's correct to refer to the params object as a method.
Because it is a method. Not an object.
What else would it be? Syntactically, it's obvious that it can only be one of three things: a keyword, a variable, or a method call.
It can't be a keyword, because Rails is just a Ruby library, and Ruby libraries can't change the syntax of the language (e.g. add or remove keywords). It can't be a variable, because in order for it to be parsed as a variable, the parser would need to have seen an assignment to it within the same block.
Ergo, the only thing it can possibly be, is a method call. You don't even need to know anything about Rails to know this. It's just basic Ruby syntax 101.
Specifically, the phrase "returns an ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess object" suggests to me that there are two calls going on--what in python might look like:
but I don't think that's what's actually going on.
That is exactly what is going on. You call the method params and then you call the method [] on the object that is returned by calling the method params.
This is in no way different from you call foo, then call bar on the return value of foo.
The params method is a method, returns a hash (which holds some details about parameters send to the app). Simplified it looks like this:
def fake_params
{ :controller => 'foo', :action => 'bar' }
You can call another method directly on the returned hash like this:
fake_params[:action] #=> 'bar'
params is a method defined in ActionController::Metal which returns the request.parameters object.

before_filter with parameters and private methods

I want to pass some variables to a method called with the before_filter. It is possible to use the controller instance like before_filter with parameters. But in my case I have a private method.
I can't use the same solution for it.
Is there any way to parse the arguments to it?
It's not nice, as already was stated, but usage of .send does help and it is also mentioned in the Action Controller Overview Guide, therefore I think there is no real better way.

how is rails params hash made available to controller methods

I understand the rails params hash is available in my controller methods, but I'm trying to understand how that happens. Is it a parameter passed to the method? If so, how can we access it since controller methods don't have any declared arguments?
Its not a parameter, its actually just a 'getter' function, that is declared in
So calls to params[:something] is really a method call which returns a hash, from which you access the http parameters.

Understanding delegate and scoped methods in Rails

In active_record/base.rb, module ActiveRecord you can see this code:
delegate :find, :first, :last, :all, :destroy, :destroy_all, :exists?, :delete,
:delete_all, :update, :update_all, :to => :scoped
Let's take first method, so i assumed that first method delegates to scoped method and then scoped should return the first record from database. But scoped is just the anonymous scope, how the current construction is doing its job?
At the same time, how dynamic methods work, like find_by_name, find_all_by_name_and_colour?
According to the documentation, delegate:
Provides a delegate class method to
easily expose contained objects’
methods as your own. Pass one or more
methods (specified as symbols or
strings) and the name of the target
object via the :to option (also a
symbol or string)
So this delegates the methods in the list to the scoped method, which is defined in ActiveRecord::NamedScoped::ClassMethods, and which returns an anonymous scope.
As to why ActiveRecord does this, it is so we can continue to use familiar methods such as find while behind the scenes AR is actually calling the fancy new Arel methods. For instance, when you do
What actually gets executed is:
I'll answer to your second question. find_by_name and find_all_by_what_you_want rely on ruby's precious method_missing. Whenever a method doesn't exist, the object calls method_missing, which you can overwrite. For example, I may want to overwrite method_missing, catch all non-existing method calls, check with some regex if they start/end/contain some keywords, etc.
In your example, I'll overwrite method_missing, check if it starts by find, and if yes, split on the 'and' keyword to get an array of they attributes with which I want to do my find.
Here is a pretty good example :
First: "delegate" delegates to an object, not a method - so "scope" must be some object.
Without inspecting the source to verify and just going on my working knowledge of ActiveRecord, I'm going to assume that "scope" will be the current AR instance, unless it's being called on an association proxy.
User.first # "scope" will be User
User.posts.first # "scope" will be the Post collection proxy
#christianblais is correct on question #2, method_missing is handling these calls. Furthermore, Rails actually defines the missing method on first call, so that subsequent calls to it do not incur the overhead of method_missing
