Grails - Bootstrap - null pointers instead of services - grails

I'd like to use data generator at init in my application. It works fine when create objects using .save() method, but it doesn't work when I want to use dedicated services, because of null pointers instead of injected services. That's my code:
I have defined DataGenerator bean inside conf/spring
beans = {
My Bootstrap.groovy looks like:
class BootStrap {
def dataGenerator
def init = { servletContext ->
In `DataGenerator' I have:
class DataGenerator{
BookService bookService
def generateData() {"Generating books")
def createBooks(){
(1..40).each() {
CreateBookCommand command = new CreateBookCommand()
/* some command populate code*/
The problem is, that I cannot invoke create() method, because bookService is always null
BookService is simple grails service with some dependencies, of course placed in grails-app/services
class BookService {
UserService userService
SpringSecurityService springSecurityService
def create(CreateBookCommand command){
Book book = new Book()
command.bindTo(book), failOnError:true)
/*some other methods*/
Could you tell me how to fix it?

Try this in resources.groovy
beans = {
dataGenerator(DataGenerator) { bean ->
bean.autowire = 'byName'

I assume DataGenrator being a class outside the grails artifact (that is: placed in src/groovy), you can refer the already available service class in the context as:
beans = {
bookService = ref('bookService')
or try autowiring byName as mentioned by #sudhir.


Accessing Grails services from src/groovy

Grails services are abstractions used for implementing business logic (as well as connecting to backing services/DBs, etc.) outside of a controller. So in a typical controller you might have:
class DashboardController {
StatisticsService statsService
def index() {
// Fetches all the stats that need to be displayed to the
// admin on the dashboard.
AdminDashboardMetrics adm = statsService.getAdminStats()
render(view: "/dashboard", model: [ adm: adm ])
Here, Grails automatically injects the DashboardController with a bean instance of StatisticsService (provided of course that the service was properly created with grails create-service ...).
But what happens when I need to access StatisticsService outside of a controller, and particularly, under src/groovy?
// src/groovy/com/example/me/myapp/FizzBuzzer.groovy
class FizzBuzzer {
StatisticsService statsService
FizzBuzzer(StatisticsService statsService) {
this.statsService = statsService
def doSomething(MyData input) {
MoreData result = statsService.calculate(input)
// use 'result' somehow, etc....
How do I properly inject FizzBuzzer with the same StatisticsService instance ad what is passed into DashboardController?
You can inject grails service in spring bean by defining injection login in resources.groovy under conf > spring
As I made an ExampleService and Example class in src/groovy
class ExampleService {
def serviceMethod() {
println "do something"
Example Class under src/groovy
class Example {
ExampleService exampleService
def doSomething() {
def result = exampleService.serviceMethod()
resources.groovy under conf>spring
beans = {
ex(Example){ bean ->
exampleService = ref('exampleService')
so I can define Example ex as spring bean in grails-app and it will have ExampleService injected by itself.
Hope this helps. Thanks
You can also get a service using grails.util.Holders
For injecting MyService service class, use Holders.applicationContext.getBean("myService")
Where "myService" is the name of your service class in lower camel case.
One way of achieving this is by using ServletContext-
ApplicationContext ctx = (ApplicationContext)ServletContextHolder.
statisticsService = (StatisticsService ) ctx.getBean("statisticsService ")
see this blog -

How to inject Grails services into src/groovy classes

Grails 2.4.x here. If I created a Grails service using grails create-service com.example.Widget, then how can I inject a reference of that service (a "bean") into a class under src/groovy?
This is actually not explained anywhere in the official Grails docs, and extensive searching turned back nadda.
1) You can use Spring Beans to inject a service into a non-artefact groovy file, using resources.groovy:
class MyClass {
def widgetService
beans = {
myclass(com.example.MyClass) {
widgetService = ref('widgetService')
2) There is also an additional #Autowired annotation that can do the same thing:
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired
class MyClass {
def widget
beans = {
myclass(com.example.MyClass) {}
Notice - this time the myclass bean doesn't need the reference to the widget.
3) There is an alternative to injecting the WidgetService - using the Holders class to get the grailsApplication which will have a reference to the existing bean.
import grails.util.Holders
class MyClass {
def widgetService = Holders.grailsApplication.mainContext.getBean('widgetService')
4) There is another option that is a hybrid of 1) and 2) -
Having the bean(s) injected by autowire=true within resources.groovy:
class MyClass {
def widgetService
beans = {
myclass(com.example.MyClass) { bean ->
bean.autowire = true
This is the approach I've been using locally as I feel it's the cleanest, but it does take more advantage of Grail's 'magic' (for better or worse).

Grails create a service from a factory

I would like to utilize a service written in Java in my Grails app using dependency injection. Creating it in Java without injection would look like this:
I would like to use this in the same way services are injected for controllers, services, and jobs.
class ImportJob {
def elementService
I know this should go into resources.groovy and this is what I have so far:
serviceFactory(ServiceFactory) { bean ->
bean.factoryMethod = 'newInstance'
elementService(ElementService) {
I have found few resources in the documentation to help with this. How do I complete the elementService so it is creating the object as described above? Should I use a BeanBuilder?
You could create a FactoryBean for this since it's not as direct as calling a method in a class:
package com.mycompany
import org.springframework.beans.factory.FactoryBean
import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean
class ElementServiceFactoryBean implements FactoryBean<ElementService>, InitializingBean {
private ElementService elementService
ElementService getObject() { elementService }
Class<ElementService> getObjectType() { ElementService }
boolean isSingleton() { true }
void afterPropertiesSet() {
elementService = ServiceFactory.newInstance().elementService
and you'd register it in resources.groovy as
Use bean.factoryMethod and bean.factoryBean in the elementService bean.
serviceFactory(ServiceFactory) { bean ->
bean.factoryMethod = 'newInstance'
bean.scope = 'singleton'
elementService(ElementService) { bean ->
bean.factoryMethod = 'getElementService'
bean.factoryBean = 'serviceFactory'
This is a simple solution especially if ServiceFactory is external and cannot be changed.

Grails - access static config object in codec class

I am currently updating my Grails project in order not to use the deprecated ConfigurationHolder class.
This goes fine in most cases, but I am facing trouble in my custom codec classes, where I have been using the following approach until now:
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.ConfigurationHolder as CH
class MyCodec {
static boolean myStaticConfigProperty=CH.config.myStaticConfigProperty
static encode = { something ->
Direct injection using
def grailsApplication
does not work in this case since this will be injected as a non-static object.
Instead I have tried to use the approach suggested in this post getting-grails-2-0-0m1-config-info-in-domain-object-and-static-scope, but I cannot make it work even after injecting the grailsApplication object into my codec metaclasses in the bootstrap:
class BootStrap {
def grailsApplication
def init = { servletContext ->
for (cc in grailsApplication.codecClasses) {
cc.clazz.metaClass.getGrailsApplication = { -> grailsApplication }
cc.clazz.metaClass.static.getGrailsApplication = { -> grailsApplication }
Could anyone suggest an approach that will allow me to access the config object in a static way inside codec classes?
I'd suggest something like this completely untested code:
class MyCodec {
static def grailsConfig
static boolean myStaticConfigProperty = grailsConfig.myStaticConfigProperty
static encode = { something ->
class BootStrap {
def grailsApplication
def init = { servletContext ->
for (cc in grailsApplication.codecClasses) {
cc.grailsConfig = grailsApplication.config
If all of your codec classes just need the same one configuration property, you could skip injecting the grailsApplication and/or the config object entirely, and just set the one static property from BootStrap.
it works for me in grails 2.2.3
import grails.util.Holders as holders;
class MyFileCodec {
static encode = {file ->
def configPath= holders.grailsApplication.config.share.contextPath
return "${configPath}/${}"
grails.util.Holders has been introduced since grails 2.0, it's the way to access config object.

springSecurityService in resources.groovy grails file?

I'm having trouble accessing springSecurityService from resources.groovy file, I'm trying to load user locale setting and create LocaleResolver
import User
beans = {
localeResolver(org.springframework.web.servlet.i18n.SessionLocaleResolver) {
def user = User.get(
if (user?.settings?.locale) {
defaultLocale = new Locale(user?.settings?.locale)
Your code above doesn't make a lot of sense. In resources.groovy you're supposed to define the implementation class of Spring beans and set their dependencies. It looks like you're trying to actually write the implementation class in resources.groovy.
Instead you should write your own LocaleResolver class
package org.example
class MyLocaleResolver extends AbstractLocaleResolver {
def springSecurityService
// implementation of methods omitted, because I haven't clue how you want to resolve Locales
Then in resources.groovy, define a bean of this type that replaces the default localeResolver bean
beans = {
localeResolver(org.example.MyLocaleResolver) {
springSecurityService = ref('springSecurityService')
