IBM Worklight 6.1 - Failed re-generating the iPhone native folder - ios

I've recently upgraded from Worklight 6.0 to 6.1 and I'm trying to get an update from a 6.1 Worklight Server from an iPhone that has a version built from 6.0 on it. This does not seem to work, so I figured I must manually deploy a version on the iPhone that was built from 6.1 in order to get the update. So I deleted the native folder under iPhone so that when I build it would regenerate itself, but I got the following error on build:
iphone build failed: com.worklight.builder.sourcemanager.handlers.ios.settings.IOSAddRemoveSettingsRefHandler - cannot update content of pbxproj file
My Worklight Studio version:
The platform version in my application-description is also
I was able to rebuild the Android version and redeploy on my phone and successfully get updates.
Any ideas what the problem could be? I thought that if I deleted the native folder I should be able to always generate a new one by building.

Try the following:
Close Eclipse
Locate your temp folder (Windows, OS X, Linux)
Delete the wlBuildResources folder
Open Eclipse


APK fails to be installed on any device

I'm new in the Xamarin Development world so I installed Visual Studio 2017 with all the needed cross compiler features.
After downloading and updating the SDKs for Android API 23, 24, 25 and 26 and some corresponding emulator images I got the emulators starting up.
I created a base Xamarin Android App within VS, compiled and deployed it to the simulator.
By deploying/installing the generated APK to the simulator I get the following error:
Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_APK: Package couldn't be installed in /data/app/BlankAndroid.BlankAndroid-1: Package /data/app/BlankAndroid.BlankAndroid-1/base.apk code is missing]
It doesn't matter which SDK I choose as “Target Framework” or which Simulator I choose (Android 6, Android 7 or 7.1). The result is the same: The apk is not installed, but the “Mono Shared Runtime” are present and will be updated.
I figured out that the created apk file does not contain a file “classes.dex” or any oder dex files just some ressources. A file “” in the directory “obj\Debug\android\bin\classes” with the generated java classes out of my C# is present. These files should be compiled with the DEX-Compiler to the classes.dex file, when I understood correctly.
Even other sample projects from the Internet have exactly the same result.
What do I do wrong?
The problem got solved by fresh installing the Android SDK and all related components. It seemed to have a SDK missmatch between an old Google Android SDK and the new installed Xamarin Android SDK.
I faced the same problem and tried many solutions from the search in web but this one to an extent solved that deploy failure issue.
In the emulator, open settings -> Apps -> Uninstall your app if it is listed
Deploy the app from visual studio again.
This solved the problem that said base.apk is missing.
Try setting your project back to the current recommended defaults. Remove all of the following properties from the .csproj file:
This will let Xamarin.Android pick the current latest default values, this apply for Visual Studio for Mac and VS 2017-2019

Worklight 6.3 project upgrade to MFP 7,1 iPad Environment unable to run

I face a problem when upgrading my project from Worklight 6.3 to MFP 7.1. I'm using MFP 7.1 to build an iPad environment with Worklight 6.3 source code (include using Worklight SDK). Besides that, I'm also copy WorklightSDK folder and files(e.g. libWorklightStaticLibProject.a) to the MFP 7.1 iPad project.
When I run the iPad environment, I get an error "Failed to load webpage with error: The URL can’t be shown" and the screen is stop at IBM landing page.
Anyone can guide or teach me to fix this problem? Thank you.
Besides that, I'm also copy WorklightSDK folder and files(e.g. libWorklightStaticLibProject.a) to the MFP 7.1 iPad project.
What do you mean by that? Is this a Hybrid app or a Native app?
In case of a Hybrid app I suggest for you to try and delete the native folder and re-build the project.
In case of a Native app I suggest that you will remove the WorklightSDK folder from the native project, create a new NativeAPI project in MobileFirst Studio and copy the newly generated WorklightSDK folder to the native project.

IBM Worklight 6.1 - How to open the iOS app in Xcode?

I have installed Worklight 6.1.0 in Eclipse Kepler in OS X 10.9.2.
I wish to create a hybrid application in iPhone environment. Generally, creating an iPhone mobile application requires Xcode and iOS SDK. I don't know how to link Xcode with worklight. Any tutorials or documentation?
Sure, plenty of tutorials, see: IBM Worklight Getting Started training modules.
The steps are:
Create new Worklight project
Add an application
Add the iPhone and/or iPad environment
You can now:
Right-click on the iPhone folder and select Run As > Xcode project
This will build and deploy the app to the Worklight Server + open the generated iOS project in Xcode
Right-click on the app folder and select Run As > Run on Worklight Development Server
This will build and deploy the app to the Worklight Server.
Navigate to the iphone\package folder and copy from it the generated, zipped, Xcode project
You can now paste it somewhere, like on the Desktop, extract it and double-click the .xcodeproj file to open the project in Xcode
You do not need to link any SDKs. Worklight does most of the job for you. It generates a fully functioning Xcode project containing your web app within, hence a Worklight Hybrid app.
The above does not replace reading the training material!

Titanium performs full rebuild after Titanium Studio 3.2

After I upgraded Titanium Studio to 3.2, whenever I build a project with SDK v. 3.2.0.GA the underlying XCode project is built from the start. This is a real pain as I have added external libraries on the XCode project and they get lost each time.
On previous versions, Studio was not doing a full rebuild so it was not even necessary to compile the project.All that was needed was to do changes, go to the emulator close the app and then reopen it.
Trying to install a pre-3.2 sdk version causes the following error Titanium SDK 3.2 [ERROR] : Invalid "--ios-version" value "7.0" 7.0.3
Could it be a flag or something else on the Studio preferences that I am missing?
Try to clean the project first (or just remove the "build" folder) and have the latest titanium cli (npm install -g titanium).
In case you have a custom Info.plist in your project try to build the proyect without it. If it works, then is something with it.

phoneGap iOs PluginManager

I use phonegap/cordova >= 3.0.0
Unfortunately I don't have an apple developer-membership.
Therefor I created a brandnew phonegap project on my mac. Without developer-key I couldn't run the project from the termina. So I opened xCode and I imported the created project. Now I put my android-project files from my windows computer into the www-order of the mac.
If I now start the app on a simulator by xCode, I always get a pluginManager message I don't understand:
I added the plugin by console and now I get this error on xCode:
I just put the entire phonegap folder from android into the ios www folder of xCode. Do I have to readd the plugins on mac then?
