Need to generate custome url for - ruby-on-rails

Hi I am a web application in ROR and shortening url using whenever i create an url using i could custom url like now i want to remove and needs to add my own custom url like how to do that?
when i Google about this and found the following url now i have a registered domain for this from and need help to integrate the custom domain with my bitly account? and my application is a feedback engine wherein we are charging user for subscription so i choose business account and received a mail from that per month i need to pay $1995.. is custom domain name in will cost this much?

what you want is a url shortener algorithm.
Simple explanation with least efforts:
Have a table that you would store your URLs in for lookup, and the id should be auto-incremented(This is default with AR in Rails), convert the id to base 36 with ruby
6788999.to_s(36) #=> "41ifb"
Then you can have a URL as:
When the request for the shortened URL hits the controller(which you can basically even use bare Routing for) convert the param to an integer:
"41ifb".to_i(36) #=> 6788999
This is a simple basic URL shortener service


How could I create a dynamic URL redirect?

I want to redirect
So basically, I want a certain part of the URL I type ("STUFF") to be inputted into the redirected URL. Is this possible?
P.S.: Using Apache

Redirect multiple domains to same azure website with custom parameters

I have a scenario where I have a web site that will be used by multiple customers.
But I do not want to publish the web site to each customer domain's. Instead I will publish the web site to an azure web site for example and I want all the customers domains to redirect to this but I need to know which customer is this so I can display the correct content. for example I am thinking about appending or sending a hidden custom parameter in the query string or such.
What I need to know is
How can I redirect all the domains to
How can I pass a hidden parameters in the redirect for example any request from the customer domain e.g "" will be redirected to "" and "" to ""
I do not want to publish any web site content on the customer web site that means the customer domain root directory will be empty.
There are quite a few different ways you can do this.
The first thing you need to determine is: How are you going to handle the redirection to
Are you going to place code directly on the customers website to
Do you have the access to the customers DNS's allowing you to forward their site to
Do you want to create a CNAME record and point it to your Azure Website?
Method #1
If you have access to the customers website then this becomes the easiest method.
As you described above, I would simply redirect the user back to your site with some type of custom url i.e .
When the user hits this page you could then set a cookie in their browser so that you know where they came from and then redirect them to the home page at This would happen almost instantly and the customer would never notice.
Method #2
If you are able to forward the domain or they can only redirect the user to the main website at, you can simple look for the referring url when the request comes in. Then as you do above, based on the referring URL you can then set your cookie and show the proper content.
Method #3
This is assuming you have access to the customers DNS records and are able to create a CNAME record for ->
In that case, when the user visits the site you would just pull down the HOST and then set your content based on that.
The specific code is here:
string url = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
// http://localhost:1302/TESTERS/Default6.aspx
string path = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsolutePath;
// /TESTERS/Default6.aspx
string host = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host;
// localhost
You can find more information here: How to get the URL of the current page in C#
Let me know if you have any questions or end up implementing any of these solutions.

Linkedin OAuth2.0 : How to configure OAuth 2.0 Redirect URL with a wildcard subdomain url for a multi tenant application

I am trying to configure a LinkedIn application for a multi tenant site. I will have 20+ tenants using the same application and the number is going to increase every time.
As per Linkedin API documentation ( we need to ensure following points
We strongly recommend using HTTPS whenever possible
URLs must be
absolute (e.g. "", not
URL arguments are ignored (i.e. is the same as
cannot include #'s (i.e.
"" is invalid)
Can i configure redirect url as https://* instead of specifying url of each tenant separately.
You cannot do a subdomain based wild card mapping as the IP should know the RP.
You can change the logic after you get the authorization callback, so you set the cookie and then you will have to redirect the user back to the tenant URL instead of the base URL.
Anyway, after successful authorization, you will be redirecting the user to an action, just figure out the subdomaina and the construct the URL and do the redirection
Since the use of the URL or other approaches seem to be a hack, can you please try to have a facade like application (or Gateway like one) that has a URL that is registered in linkedin and then on receiving the response, it can use a state or other factor to redirect to the tenant URL. This can use a 302 and it will be invisible unless the user is on a very slow network. This approach does not require any hack like approach.
Here state can be a function that takes a tenant info and generates a dynamic hash that is stored for tracking and redirection.

Google Analytics & vanity urls?

Is there a way to use Google Analytics to track vanity urls that redirect to other site locations?
Like this:
Resolves to:
I'd like to know how many visitors used the vanity link. Filtering the Site Content doesn't give an accurate report.
I believe you can, but you need to decorate your vanity link href with additional meta details if you have control of it, or you'd need to track the URL hit server side before you redirect the user. I believe the Analytics has an API you can call from your server side code.

How to Force Bots/Apps to use your URL Shortener

I've used several Twitter apps and they all seem to shorten URLs using the website's own URL shortener instead of or or something. For instance, Amazon's is Is it that these apps are really keeping up with the most popular sites (Amazon, Dell, ESPN, Microsoft, Google, Apple, etc) or is there a metatag, javascript, or something else that I can add to my web application to have it use a custom URL shortener? We have one that we've used forever as our domain name is over 20 characters in length.
Basically, apps that are supporting and other URL shorteners can tell who you are and thus shorten the URL appropriately using a custom domain.
