Pagination in jsf2 in ui:repeat - jsf-2

I am creating web application for booking tickets. After querying from DB for given inputs now i have 230 records (ticket informations) which has been added to list ,as objects (pojo's) .in JSF i am using "ui:repeat" to iterate the list. Here got confused how to create pagination on this. (i want to display 40 records /page). I should not hit the backend for each and every "NEXT" or "PREVIOUS" click .. Any help would be thankful.
Note: when i hit search button my flow will navigate to result.jsf page where i passed the 230 records for display.
Technology: Spring web flow and JSF 2

simplest solution is to use PrimeFaces DataTable Pagination or equivalent without reinventing the wheel


How to implement google like search textbox in MVC application?

I have an MVC application. In which i have a textbox according to the textbox values I want to list search items from database to grid in view without postback. I am new to MVC if this question is wrong, kindly correct me.
If your new to ASP.NET MVC i suggest these tutorials, they are free.
To answer your question you will need to do the following (high level)
write some JavaScript / JQuery that makes an Ajax request sending the textbox value, this should fire on the KeyUp event after a little delay, also after x amount characters have been entered to get some meaningful results.
This Ajax request will call a Controller Action where you can do the Database Lookup, this will return JSON.
Your Javascript should render the results so the user can select a result and this will populate the textbox, the user can then click the search button to do the search is a plugin that can do most of the client side functionality that I mentioned above.
This is a nice ASP.NET MVC AJAX tutorial:
Your Javascript should render the results so the user can select a result and this will populate the textbox, the user can then click the search button or this could be fired without the last click, anyhow you will have to re-bind / render your grid with the selected filter applied, this would have to be another AJAX request.
You may want to consider using one of these to help with the data binding and AJAX calls
jQuery Grid:

Render large portion of page using jQuery & AJAX

I have an ASP.NET MVC application with a page that displays a large table of rows & columns of information.
I have a textbox at the top of the page allowing a user to filter the results in the table. I want the user to be able to start typing a word in the textbox and with each keypress, the results in the table to be updated based on the users filter text.
I've done similar things where I simply return a JsonResult response from my Controller, with a couple of small bits of data, but am not sure of the recommended approach if I want to essentially re-render my whole table (with the new data within it) upon each keypress?
I should also mention that the ViewModel I intend to use when the page is first loaded (prior to any ajax stuff happening) contains an IPagedList, as the table data needs to be paginated and sortable.
What I would do is to work with JQuery ajax API and also with partial views.
Have a look at following article. It displays how you can be able to manipulate your html seamlessly on ASP.NET MVC :
Working With JQuery Ajax API on ASP.NET MVC 3.0 - Power of JSON, JQuery and ASP.NET MVC Partial Views
Also, following question might help :
How to pass an array through in JQuery Ajax and how to concieve it in server side?
You can use the templates to render the html.
i.e Parametrized html + json = to be rendered html
Have a look at it could be a very good fit for you
Take a look at the DataTables plug-in for jQuery. It may match your requirements and provide exactly what you need.

Struts2 & jquery - custom pagination - how to go to page2 without hitting the db again

thanks in advance for any input. I am using struts2 and jquery in this app.
I tried to use displaytag for pagination but my tables have images and there wasn't a way I could make displaytag work with images.
So now I have custom coded pagination which uses <s:subset> which works great so far except that I don't know how to make it go to another page.
Basically in <s:subset> I just want to change the start attribute and then refresh my JSP. My code evaluates the start attribute correctly with a given page number.
My s:subset tag is like below,
<s:subset source="pageableList.pagedList" count="pageableList.pageSize" start="pageableList.start" >
I think I want to use <s:url> to display my clickable page numbers but I'm having trouble there.
I have my page numbers in a list (which I evaluate in my action class right after my search completes), then in my JSP where I need to display the clickable page numbers, I iterate through the list, displaying the page numbers like below -
<s:iterator value="pageNumList" > | <a href='#'> <s:property/> </a> </s:iterator>
I guess I need to pass the clicked value of page number to the action class, then since the search results are in a list in the action class, without hitting the database again just display the results page with the new value of start attribute.
Any ideas how I might do that? I have been considering using a Decider attribute with <s:subset> but maybe there is a simpler way?
Thanks again for any input.
If you do not want to hit your DB again, cache the results of the initial query in RAM in your Action class (reference a static cache somewhere). Also, you don't have to go with a cache-all-or-nothing approach -- you can cache the first N pages and then when you near the end of the cache, fetch the rest. If you do it right, you can maintain minimum RAM footprint but preserve a snappy user experience that leverages user think time (depends on your app).

How do I do very large pagination in ASP.NET MVC?

I am following the NerdDinner MVC application as a guide to do my paging. What if my results are more than 1000 pages, I want to show perhaps the numbers 1 2 3 4 5 .. 10 on the bottom of my page and perhaps something like >> to move to the next set of 10 or 100 pages.
How can I do this in MVC?
I use the implementation demonstrated by Martijn Boland at:
Go for JQuery Datatables. that's the easiest way to solve pagination issues.Return the controller as JsonActionResult and supply it to datatables data.
The remaning will be taken care by data tables. like pagination, search functionality at all.
Check this

How do I repopulate everything in a wizard style page for ASP.NET MVC?

I've got a page that creates a ticket in our help desk system. It acts as a wizard with the following steps:
Step 1
User selects the customer from a dropdown list. There is a jquery onchange event that fires and generates the list for step 2 and hides the step1 div and shows the step2 div.
Step 2
User selects the location from a dropdown list. This is generated based on the customer selected in step 1. There is a jquery onchange event that fires and generates the list for step 3 and hides the step2 div and shows the step3 div.
Step 3
User selects the type from a dropdown list and enters text into 3 different text boxes. If the user fails to enter text or enters invalid text my controller changes the model state to invalid and returns the view.
How can I get all the dropdowns to repopulate again with the correct selection the user chose and get the page to redisplay on Step 3?
My first thought was to use ajax and when the user clicks the Create button, I could create the ticket from there and if successful send them to the ticket detail. If unsuccessful, well just display an error message and i'm still on the page so no big deal. Now that I write it out I think this is best. Are there any major issues using ajax? It seems most sites use some type of javascript or ajax these days.
Second thought is to not use ajax at all and submit all the pages to the server.
What do you suggest?
The 3 steps display completely different markup.
There is possibly not much you can gain by an AJAX-version, except the avoided page flicker when you change the steps.
If you go the non-AJAX way you gain:
nice bookmarkable links ( -> -> -> )
browser history works
easier testing
To redisplay the lists after step 3 you would load all of them and set the selected item according to the parameter in the URL.
I agree with you. Use AJAX to submit the ticket.
