Spring security authentication using ldap based on memberOf attribute - spring-security

I'm using spring authentication against ldap. If the provided user id and password exists in ldap, then I was able to get the user login. I would like to restrict this based on the user's memberOf attribute in the LDAP. If the user has memberOf attribute with a specific CN value (CN=adminaccess or CN=superadminaccess), then authentication/authorization should pass.Else authentication/authorization should fail.
<security:http auto-config="true" use-expressions="true" access-denied-page="/admin/auth/denied">
<security:intercept-url pattern="/admin/auth/login" access="permitAll" />
<security:intercept-url pattern="/admin/dashboard/*" access="hasAnyRole('ROLE_ADMINACCESS','ROLE_SUPERADMINACCESS')"/>
<security:ldap-authentication-provider user-dn-pattern="CN={0},CN=Users" group-search-base="CN=adminaccess,CN=Users" />
<bean id="ldapContext"
<constructor-arg value="ldap://xxx.ds.yyy.com:389/DC=xxx,DC=ds,DC=yyy,DC=com"/>
<property name="userDn" value="CN=aaa,CN=Users,DC=xxx,DC=ds,DC=yyy,DC=com"/>
<property name="password" value="thepassword"/>
I always go to the Access Denied page with my above configuration. If I remove the access="hasAnyRole('ROLE_ADMINACCESS','ROLE_SUPERADMINACCESS')" from the security:intercept-url, I'm able to always access with valid user/password, even if the user is not part of adminaccess (which I was hoping would be restricted because my group -search-base had specified CN=adminaccess).
Wondering what the configuration should be:
To restrict access to just users who are memberOf CN=adminaccess and/or CN=superadminaccess
Specify correct group-search-base. If I specify only CN=Users, I'm getting a timeout as this is going against our corporate ldap. When I looked up users on LDAP browser, I couldnt find a "ou" that couldhelp. With my above configuration group-search-base="CN=adminaccess,CN=Users", I dont get a timeout, but I dont think it is correct either

Not sure if there is a better way, but I was able to successfully get this working using DefaultLdapAuthoritiesPopulator and updating to the below configuration:
<security:http auto-config="true" use-expressions="true" access-denied-page="/admin/auth/denied">
<security:intercept-url pattern="/admin/auth/login" access="permitAll" />
<security:intercept-url pattern="/admin/dashboard/*" access="hasAnyRole('ROLE_ADMINACCESS','ROLE_SUPERADMINACCESS')"/>
<bean id="ldapContext"
<constructor-arg value="ldap://xxx.ds.yyy.com:389/DC=xxx,DC=ds,DC=yyy,DC=com"/>
<property name="userDn" value="CN=aaa,CN=Users,DC=xxx,DC=ds,DC=yyy,DC=com"/>
<property name="password" value="thepassword"/>
<bean id="ldapAuthProvider"
<constructor-arg ref="ldapContext" />
<property name="userDnPatterns">
<constructor-arg ref="ldapContext" />
<constructor-arg value="CN=Users" />
<property name="groupRoleAttribute" value="CN" />
With this configuration, if the login username/password provided is correct, all the groups that the user is "memberOf" (pattern CN=Users,DC=xxx,DC=ds,DC=yyy,DC=com), get loaded as his "roles" (prefixed with ROLE_) and I'm able to manage access to these roles using security:intercept-url


How to Skip Spring Login Page

I am using siteminder for authentication but currently for development purpose I am faking the URL attributes like SM_USER through fiddler tool. I am able to get the attribute in my class where I have Implemented my custom methods to get the user Permissions from DB. Everything works fine,at the end it redirects to the Spring Security Login Page.Below is my code snippet...
<http pattern="/pages/UnAuthorized.jsf*" security="none"/>
<http pattern="/pages/Logout.jsf*" security="none"/>
<http pattern="/pages/SessionTimeout.jsf*" security="none"/>
<http auto-config="false" use-expressions="true">
<intercept-url pattern="/**" access="fullyAuthenticated" />
<custom-filter position="PRE_AUTH_FILTER" ref="siteminderFilter" />
<logout logout-url="/logout" logout-success-url="/pages/Logout.jsf" />
<authentication-manager alias="authenticationManager">
<authentication-provider ref="customAuthenticationProvider" >
<bean id="siteminderFilter" class="org.springframework.security.web.authentication.preauth.RequestHeaderAuthenticationFilter">
<property name="principalRequestHeader" value="SM_USER"/>
<property name="authenticationManager" ref="authenticationManager" />
<bean id="userDetailsServiceWrapper"
<property name="userDetailsService" ref="UserPermissionsProcessor"/>
<bean id="customAuthenticationProvider" class="org.springframework.security.web.authentication.preauth.PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider">
<property name="preAuthenticatedUserDetailsService" ref="userDetailsServiceWrapper">
I tried using entry-point-ref as suggested it in one of the post but didn't worked for me.
Is it creating the Authentication Object? If yes set that in SecurityContextHolder as follows.
If authentication object is not present, then the below line fails,
and obviously you will be redirected to the login page.

Spring Security with CAS and Forms login

I am writing an application that needs to use CAS authentication for employees, and a username/password form login (which validates against a database table) for customers.
The idea is the front page would have a link to send them to CAS for employees ("click here if you are an employee"), and below that username & password boxes for non-employees.
I have both of these working in separate test apps - based on the sample applications in Spring Security - but am not clear how to combine the two AuthenticationProviders into one.
Current config - mainly from the CAS config with Forms config added:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-3.1.xsd
http://www.springframework.org/schema/security http://www.springframework.org/schema/security/spring-security-3.1.xsd">
<!--Set up the url based security features-->
<security:http entry-point-ref="casEntryPoint" use-expressions="true" >
<security:custom-filter position="FORM_LOGIN_FILTER" ref="casFilter" />
<security:logout logout-success-url="${cas.sso}/logout" />
<security:access-denied-handler ref="accessDeniedHandler" />
<!-- Set up the form login -->
<security:form-login login-page="/login.jsp" authentication-failure- url="/login.jsp?login_error=1"/>
<!-- Specify a destinatation for 403 errors raised by the above URL patterns
this is performed as a 'forward' internally -->
<bean id="accessDeniedHandler"
<property name="errorPage" value="/error/403.html"/>
<!--Hook in the properties for the CAS-->
<bean id="serviceProperties" class="org.springframework.security.cas.ServiceProperties">
<property name="service" value="${cas.service}"/>
<property name="sendRenew" value="true"/>
<!--Set up the CAS filter-->
<bean id="casFilter"
<property name="authenticationManager" ref="authenticationManager"/>
<property name="authenticationFailureHandler" ref="accessFailureHandler" />
<!-- Specify a destinatation for 401 errors raised by casFilter (and UserService) -->
<bean id='accessFailureHandler'
<property name="defaultFailureUrl" value="/error/401.html" />
<property name="useForward" value='true' />
<property name="allowSessionCreation" value="false" />
<!--Set up the entry point for CAS-->
<bean id="casEntryPoint"
<property name="loginUrl" value="${cas.sso}"/>
<property name="serviceProperties" ref="serviceProperties"/>
<property name="encodeServiceUrlWithSessionId" value="false"/>
<!--Setup authentication managers-->
<security:authentication-manager alias="authenticationManager">
<security:authentication-provider ref="casAuthenticationProvider"/>
<security:authentication-provider ref="customAuthenticationProvider"/>
<!-- Our own user details service, which hooks in to the database -->
<bean id='userService' class='test.security.UserDetailsServiceImpl' />
<!-- Enable annotations -->
<security:global-method-security pre-post-annotations="enabled"/>
<!-- Customise an auth provider with the local specifics-->
<bean id="casAuthenticationProvider"
<property name="userDetailsService" ref="userService"/>
<property name="serviceProperties" ref="serviceProperties"/>
<property name="ticketValidator">
<bean class="org.jasig.cas.client.validation.Cas20ServiceTicketValidator">
<constructor-arg index="0" value="${cas.sso}"/>
<property name="key" value="testSSO"/>
<!-- Custom auth provider that validates usernames&pwds against DB -->
<bean id="customAuthenticationProvider" class="test.security.CustomAuthenticationProvider" />
This gives the error message:
Filter beans '<casFilter>' and '<org.springframework.security.web.authentication.UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter#0>' have the same 'order' value.
How can I put both filters into the chain? Or do I need to write my own filter that (somehow?) knows which method is being chosen and then delegates the relevant specific filter?
I am new to Spring Security so is there a better way of doing this entirely?
casFilter must be placed at position=CAS_FILTER

Unable to Configure Spring Security With X.509 Certificate and Anonymous User

I am attempting to authenticate via X.509 smart card to my application. For the moment, my application doesn't have any users defined, so I'm trying to use anonymous authentication. I'll switch it to hasRole() once I create users.
<security:authentication-manager alias="authenticationManager">
<security:authentication-provider user-service-ref="myUserService" />
<!-- TODO: Enable this once I am ready to start annotating the service interfaces -->
<security:global-method-security pre-post-annotations="enabled" />
<security:http use-expressions="true" authentication-manager-ref="authenticationManager" access-denied-page="/index2.xhtml" >
<security:anonymous enabled="true" />
<security:x509 subject-principal-regex="CN=(.*?)," user-service-ref="myUserService" />
<security:intercept-url pattern="/**" access="isAnonymous()" requires-channel="https" />
<!-- TODO: configure invalid-session-url, delete sessionid -->
<security:concurrency-control max-sessions="2" error-if-maximum-exceeded="true"/>
<bean id="roleVoter"
<constructor-arg ref="roleHierarchy" />
<bean id="roleHierarchy"
<property name="hierarchy">
It seems to be caught in the infinite loop issue, which I thought I was avoiding using isAnonymous().
I'm probably making a dumb error, so if someone can point out said stupidity, I'd be grateful.
The issue was a problem with configuring FacesServlet in web.xml. The FacesServlet was mapped to one path, which seemed to be incompatible with the intercept-url defined for Spring Security.
We've since jettisoned JSF (and good riddance).

Spring Security 3 SavedRequestAwareAuthenticationSuccessHandler not saving original request

I am trying to configure spring security 3 so that when a users is forced to login again (eg. when the session has timed out) the user will be taken back the the page they where on before the authorisation process began.
I am using a SavedRequestAwareAuthenticationSuccessHandler but the original request does not seem to be saved in the cache.
Below is my security configuration.
<security:http auto-config="false"
entry-point-ref="authenticationEntryPoint" >
<security:intercept-url pattern="/*" access="hasRole('ROLE_USER')" />
<security:intercept-url pattern="/views/*" access="hasRole('ROLE_USER')" />
<security:intercept-url pattern="/data/*" access="hasRole('ROLE_USER')" />
<security:intercept-url pattern="/auth/*" access="permitAll" />
<security:logout invalidate-session="true" logout-success-url="/views/auth/login" logout-url="/views/auth/logout" />
<security:session-management invalid-session-url="/views/auth/login" >
<security:concurrency-control max-sessions="1" error-if-maximum-exceeded="true" />
<security:custom-filter ref="authenticationFilter" position="FORM_LOGIN_FILTER"/>
<security:authentication-manager />
<bean id="authenticationFilter" class="com.security.web.filter.UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter">
<property name="allowSessionCreation" value="true" />
<property name="authenticationManager" ref="authenticationManager"/>
<property name="authenticationFailureHandler" ref="aAuthenticationFailureHandler" />
<property name="authenticationSuccessHandler" ref="authenticationSuccessHandler" />
<bean id="authenticationManager" class="com.security.web.manager.AuthenticationManager" />
<bean id="authenticationEntryPoint" class="org.springframework.security.web.authentication.LoginUrlAuthenticationEntryPoint" >
<property name="loginFormUrl" value="/views/auth/login"/>
<bean id="authenticationFailureHandler" class="org.springframework.security.web.authentication.SimpleUrlAuthenticationFailureHandler">
<property name="defaultFailureUrl" value="/views/auth/login?error=true"/>
<bean id="authenticationSuccessHandler" class="org.springframework.security.web.authentication.SavedRequestAwareAuthenticationSuccessHandler">
<property name="defaultTargetUrl" value="/views"/>
Any help would be appreciated.
I know this question is old, but I wanted to document what I found for others.
Short Answer
The problem is that if you use the invalid-session-url on the <session-management> tag, then the original request will not be saved in the cache.
This is discussed at the spring source forum:
In the above forum, Luke Taylor, a senior member of the security team says:
The invalid-session-url implies that the previous session has expired and the user should start again. There's no connection with the RequestCache which is used for restoring a request after a user has logged in.
When a session expires you can't know that it is safe to continue with the requested URL as some required state may have been lost along with the session. It may be OK in your particular case, but it's not a safe assumption in general.
You may be missing this :
<bean id="requestCacheAwareFilter"
<constructor-arg ref="requestCache"/>
<bean id="requestCache" class="org.springframework.security.web.savedrequest.HttpSessionRequestCache"/>
also you need to add requestCache been to authenticationSuccessHandler
<property name="requestCache" ref="requestCache"/>

circumventing spring security

In our app spring security uses ldap as a provider.
i am working on a change that will let you flip a flag in dev that will allow you to log in if your user/pass matches a value from database. the ldap server might be down and you can still log in.
What ive realized though is that some urls are secured with
so i need to still have some dealings with spring security in order for my logins to work. How do i go about doing this?
You can configure 2 providers: one LDAP provider and another DAO provider.
<sec:authentication-manager alias="authenticationManager">
<sec:authentication-provider ref="yourLdapAuthenticationProvider" />
<sec:authentication-provider ref="yourDaoAuthenticationProvider" />
If the LDAP fails, it will fall back to DAO authentication provider.
You will need to configure your own authentication filter to inject that flag into yourDaoAuthenticationProvider so that when the authentication falls back to yourDaoAuthenticationProvider, it can check whether to proceed with further authentication (say, in development) or ignore it (say, in production). So, in your authenticationFilter, override setDetails() to store the flag:-
myAuthenticationFilter bean
protected void setDetails(HttpServletRequest request, UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authRequest) {
YourObject yourObject = new YourObject(request.getParameter("devAuthAgainstDAO"));
With this, have your yourDaoAuthenticationProvider to check against this flag before proceeding with further authentication.
In the end, your configuration will look something like this:-
<sec:http auto-config="false" entry-point-ref="loginUrlAuthenticationEntryPoint">
<sec:logout logout-success-url="/login.jsp"/>
<sec:intercept-url ... />
<sec:custom-filter position="FORM_LOGIN_FILTER" ref="myAuthenticationFilter"/>
<bean id="myAuthenticationFilter" class="[YOUR_CUSTOM_AUTHENTICATION_FILTER]">
<property name="authenticationManager" ref="authenticationManager"/>
<property name="authenticationFailureHandler" ref="failureHandler"/>
<property name="authenticationSuccessHandler" ref="successHandler"/>
<bean id="loginUrlAuthenticationEntryPoint"
<property name="loginFormUrl" value="/login.jsp"/>
<bean id="successHandler"
<property name="defaultTargetUrl" value="/welcome.jsp"/>
<property name="alwaysUseDefaultTargetUrl" value="true"/>
<bean id="failureHandler"
<property name="defaultFailureUrl" value="/login.jsp?login_error=1"/>
<bean id="yourLdapAuthenticationProvider" ... />
<bean id="yourDaoAuthenticationProvider" ... />
<sec:authentication-manager alias="authenticationManager">
<sec:authentication-provider ref="yourLdapAuthenticationProvider"/>
<sec:authentication-provider ref="yourDaoAuthenticationProvider"/>
