Can I have a one way HABTM relationship? - ruby-on-rails

Say I have the model Item which has one Foo and many Bars.
Foo and Bar can be used as parameters when searching for Items and so Items can be searched like so:[]=barvalue1&bar[]=barvalue2
I need to generate a Query object that is able to save these search parameters. I need the following relationships:
Query needs to access one Foo and many Bars.
One Foo can be accessed by many different Queries.
One Bar can be accessed by many different Queries.
Neither Bar nor Foo need to know anything about Query.
I have this relationship set up currently like so:
class Query < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :foo
has_and_belongs_to_many :bars
Query also has a method which returns a hash like this: { foo: 'foovalue', bars: [ 'barvalue1', 'barvalue2' } which easily allows me to pass these values into a url helper and generate the search query.
This all works fine.
My question is whether this is the best way to set up this relationship. I haven't seen any other examples of one-way HABTM relationships so I think I may be doing something wrong here.
Is this an acceptable use of HABTM?

Functionally yes, but semantically no. Using HABTM in a "one-sided" fashion will achieve exactly what you want. The name HABTM does unfortunately insinuate a reciprocal relationship that isn't always the case. Similarly, belongs_to :foo makes little intuitive sense here.
Don't get caught up in the semantics of HABTM and the other association, instead just consider where your IDs need to sit in order to query the data appropriately and efficiently. Remember, efficiency considerations should above all account for your productivity.
I'll take the liberty to create a more concrete example than your foos and bars... say we have an engine that allows us to query whether certain ducks are present in a given pond, and we want to keep track of these queries.
You have three choices for storing the ducks in your Query records:
Join table
Native array of duck ids
Serialized array of duck ids
You've answered the join table use case yourself, and if it's true that "neither [Duck] nor [Pond] need to know anything about Query", using one-sided associations should cause you no problems. All you need to do is create a ducks_queries table and ActiveRecord will provide the rest. You could even opt to use has_many :through relationship if you need to do anything fancy.
At times arrays are more convenient than using join tables. You could store the data as a serialized integer array and add handlers for accessing the data similar to the following:
class Query
serialize :duck_ids
def ducks
transaction do
Duck.where(id: duck_ids)
If you have native array support in your database, you can do the same from within your DB. similar.
With Postgres' native array support, you could make a query as follows:
(SELECT duck_ids FROM queries WHERE id=1 LIMIT 1)::int[]
You can play with the above example on SQL Fiddle
Trade Offs
Join table:
Pros: Convention over configuration; You get all the Rails goodies (e.g. query.bars, query.bars=, query.bars.where()) out of the box
Cons: You've added complexity to your data layer (i.e. another table, more dense queries); makes little intuitive sense
Native array:
Pros: Semantically nice; you get all the DB's array-related goodies out of the box; potentially more performant
Cons: You'll have to roll your own Ruby/SQL or use an ActiveRecord extension such as postgres_ext; not DB agnostic; goodbye Rails goodies
Serialized array:
Pros: Semantically nice; DB agnostic
Cons: You'll have to roll your own Ruby; you'll loose the ability to make certain queries directly through your DB; serialization is icky; goodbye Rails goodies
At the end of the day, your use case makes all the difference. That aside, I'd say you should stick with your "one-sided" HABTM implementation: you'll lose a lot of Rails-given gifts otherwise.


Rails database setup Polymorphism

We have to create a request system which will have roughly 10 different types of requests. All of these requests will belong to the 'accounting' aspect of our application. Therefore we've called them "Accounting requests".
All requests share maybe only a few columns and each has up to 20 columns individually.
We started to wonder if having separate tables for each request type would be practical in terms of speed when we start to have to do very complicated joins or queries, for example, fetching ALL requests types into a single table and then sorting it.
Maybe it would be easier to just use Single Table Inheritance since it will have a type column and we'd be using one table to store all 10 accounting request types.
What do you think regarding using STI for this many polymorphic associations and requirements?
Essentially, it would have models like so:
BillingRequest < AccountingRequest
CheckRequest < AccountingRequest
CancellationRequest < AccountingRequest
Each subclass has roughly 10+ fields.
Currently reading about Multiple Table Inheritance here. This seems like the solution that fits my requirements in this case. Not sure yet though.
STI is a good fit if your models all share the same attributes.
However if your sub classes start having attributes specific to them and not applicable to others, then STI can result in a lot of null columns. In that case, I usually prefer to go with polymorphic association.
This railscast episode is a great example of the difference between the 2
You can use STI in that situation. But making STI will require all the columns into one single table and that's not the good think. The table will go very large in the number of fields.
I think you should divide into two tables like as below...
Request: A request table will be the polymorphic table which saved the information for the type of requests.
RequestItem: The request item table will save all the 20 fields records into the table and will have a foreign key of request table. The request item table will have two fields into the database that's called key and value.
It sounds do-able.
When I've looked into this, I found that making extensive use of value objects helped to control the non-applicability of some attributes to some of the types.
In my case I had types of products, some of which would not have particular measurements for example. In those cases I used a Null Object to indicate "Not applicable" where appropriate.
Edit: I also found the composed_of syntax very convenient:
For now I'm using a bit of NoSQL for such cases. Postgresql's JSONB type allows to store multilevel ruby hash. It also provides rich functionality: DB level constraints, indexes and query operators.
So common attributes are stored in standard way and child specific - in jsonb. Then you can use whatever you need on top of this: STI, Value Objects pattern, serialization or just create scopes for each child. I prefer the last one - my models are thin, most of constraints are DB level and all business logic is in service classes.
Avoiding alter table on big tables when need to add one more child type
Keeping my queries efficient
Preventing storing and selecting unnecessary columns
Serialization out of the box for JSON APIs
A bit of schemaless
Vendor lock

Rails Data Modelling

In my company, we are trying to cache some data that we are querying from an API. We are using Rails. Two of my models are 'Query' and 'Response'. I want to create a one-to-many relationship between Query and Response, wherein, one query can have many responses.
I thought this is the right way to do it.
Query = [query]
Response = [query_id, response_detail_1, response_detail_2]
Then, in the Models, I did the following Data Associations:
class Query < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :response
class Response < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :query
So, canonically, whenever I want to find all the responses for a given query, I would do -
"_id" = Query.where(:query => "given query").id
Response.where(:query_id => "_id")
But my boss made me use an Array column in the Query model, remove the Data Associations between the models and put the id of each response record in that array column in the Query model. So, now the Query model looks like
Query = [query_id, [response_id_1, response_id_2, response_id_3,...]]
I just want to know what are the merits and demerits of doing it both ways and which is the right way to do it.
If the relationship is really a one-to-many relationship, the "standard" approach is what you originally suggested, or using a junction table. You're losing out on referential integrity that you could get with a FK by using the array. Postgres almost had FK constraints on array columns, but from what I researched it looks like it's not currently in the roadmap:
You might get some performance advantages out of the array approach if you consider it like a denormalization/caching assist. See this answer for some info on that, but it still recommends using a junction table: This answer and the comments also offer some thoughts on the array performance vs the join performance:
Another advantage of using the array is that arrays will preserve order, so if order is important you could get some benefits there:
But even then, you could put the order directly on the responses table (assuming they're unique to each query) or you could put it on a join table.
So, in sum, you might get some performance advantages out of the array foreign keys, and they might help with ordering, but you won't be able to enforce FK constraints on them (as of the time of this writing). Unless there's a special situation going on here, it's probably better to stick with the "FK column on the child table" approach, as that is considerably more common.
Granted, that all applies mainly to SQL databases, which I notice now you didn't specify in your question. If you're using NoSQL there may be other conventions for this.

Rails: Multiple trees for a single item

I want to categorize objects in multiple trees to reflect their characteristics and to build a navigation on.
So, given the following trees:
An object could e.g. belong to both Category-1-2 and to Category-2-2-1.
The goal is to be able to fetch all objects from the database
that belong to a certain category
that belong to a certain category or its decendants
A more practical example:
A category might have a hierarchy of 'Tools > Gardening Tools > Cutters'.
A second category: 'Hard objects > Metal objects > Small metal objects'
An object 'Pruners' would be categorized as belonging to 'Cutters' as well as 'Small metal objects'.
I want to be able to
retrieve all 'Gardening Tools' -> 'Pruners'
retrieve all Category children of 'Gardening Tools' -> 'Cutters'
retrieve all 'Hard objects' -> 'Pruners'
retrieve all 'Hard objects' that are also 'Cutters' -> 'Pruners'
retrieve all 'Soft objects' that are also 'Cutters' -> []
Any pointers? I have briefly looked at closure_tree, awesome_nested_sets etc., but I am not sure they are a good match.
Please note that the code here is all pseudo code.
I would use ancestry gem and would model your data with three model classes.
This way your data is normalized and it's a good base to build on.
Category - ancestry tree
has_may Memberships
has_may Products through Memberships
belongs_to Category
belongs_to Products
has_may Memberships
has_may Categories through Memberships
From there on you need to figure out how to perform the equerries efficiently.
My way of doing this is to understand how to do it with SQL and then figure out how to express the queries with activercord's DSL.
Some resources: This book has some examples of complex SQL queries turned into reusable scopes and helpers Rails's documentation, see section on joins and includes A great explanation of SQL joins
Queries examples:
Find a category.
Find a category and include it's products inside the specified category.
Category.find(category_id).join(:memberships => :products)
Find a category's sub-tree ind include products
Category.subtree_of(category_id).join(:memberships => :products)
Find all categories a products belongs to.
I just did this and I chose not to use ancestry, but closure_tree because the author says it is faster and I agree with him. Know you need a `has_and_belongs_to_many' between Categories (which I like to call tags whenever I add multiple to a single object) and Objects.
Now the finders, the bad news is that without your own custom query you might not be able to do it with one. Using the gems methods you will do something like:
Item.joins(:tags).where(tags: {id: self_and_descendant_ids })
The code is clean and it executes two queries, one for the descendant_ids and another one in Objects. Slight variations of this, should give you what you need for all except the last. That one is tough and I haven't implemented it (I'm in the process).
For now, you will have to call tag.self_and_ancestor_ids on both (Query count: 2), all items in those tags (Query count: 4) and intersect. After this, some serious refactoring is needed. I think we need to write SQL to reduce the number of queries, I don't think Rails query interface will be enough.
Another reason I chose *closure_tree* was the use of parent_id, all siblings share it (just like any other Rails association) so it made it easier to interface with other gems (for example RankedModel to sort).
I think you could go for one of the tree gems, personally I like Ancestry. Then make an association for each category to have many objects and each object can belong to many categories.
Have you stumbled on any problems already or are you just researching your options?

Loading all the data but not from all the tables

I watched this rails cast but still I have some confusions about what is the best way of writing an efficient GET REST service for a scenario like this:
Let's say we have an Organization table and there are like twenty other tables that there is a belongs_to and has_many relations between them. (so all those tables have a organization_id field).
Now I want to write a GET and INDEX request in form of a Rails REST service that based on the organization id being passed to the request in URL, it can go and read those tables and fill the JSON BUT NOT for ALL of those table, only for a few of them, for example let's say for a Patients, Orders and Visits table, not all of those twenty tables.
So still I have trouble with getting my head around how to write such a
.find( :all )
sort of query ?
Can someone show some example so I can understand how to do this sort of queries?
You can include all of those tables in one SQL query:
#organization = Organization.includes(:patients, :orders, :visits).find(1)
Now when you do something like:
It will load the patients in-memory, since it already fetched them in the original query. Without includes, #organization.patients would trigger another database query. This is why it's called "eager loading", because you are loading the patients of the organization before you actually reference them (eagerly), because you know you will need that data later.
You can use includes anytime, whether using all or not. Personally I find it to be more explicit and clear when I chain the includes method onto the model, instead of including it as some sort of hash option (as in the Railscast episode).

Duplicating logic in methods and scopes (and sql)

Named scopes really made this problem easier but it is far from being solved. The common situation is to have logic redefined in both named scopes and model methods.
I'll try to demonstrate the edge case of this by using somewhat complex example. Lets say that we have Message model that has many Recipients. Each recipient is being able to mark the message as being read for himself.
If you want to get the list of unread messages for given user, you would say something like this:
That would use the named scope unread_for that would generate the sql which will return the unread messages for given user. This sql is probably going to join two tables together and filter messages by those recipients that haven't already read them.
On the other hand, when we are using the Message model in our code, we are using the following:
This method is defined in message class and even it is doing basically the same thing, it now has different implementation.
For simpler projects, this is really not a big thing. Implementing the same simple logic in both sql and ruby in this case is not a problem.
But when application starts to get really complex, it starts to be a problem. If we have permission system implemented that checks who is able to access what message based on dozens of criteria defined in dozens of tables, this starts to get very complex. Soon it comes to the point where you need to join 5 tables and write really complex sql by hand in order to define the scope.
The only "clean" solution to the problem is to make the scopes use the actual ruby code. They would fetch ALL messages, and then filter them with ruby. However, this causes two major problems:
Performance: we are creating a lot more queries to the database. I am not sure about internals of DMBS, but how harder is it for database to execute 5 queries each on single table, or 1 query that is going to join 5 tables at once?
Pagination: we want to keep fetching records until specified number of records is being retrieved. We fetch them one by one and check whether it is accepted by ruby logic. Once 10 of them are accepted, process will stop.
Curious to hear your thoughts on this. I have no experience with nosql dbms, can they tackle the issue in different way?
I was only speaking hypotetical, but here is one real life example. Lets say that we want to display all transactions on the one page (both payments and expenses).
I have created SQL UNION QUERY to get them both, then go through each record, check whether it could be :read by current user and finally paginated it as an array.
def form_transaction_log
sql1 = #project.payments
.select("'Payment' AS record_type, id, created_at")
.where('expense_id IS NULL')
sql2 = #project.expenses
.select("'Expense' AS record_type, id, created_at")
result = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute %{
(#{sql1} UNION #{sql2})
ORDER BY created_at DESC
result = do |record|
klass = Object.const_get record["record_type"]
klass.find record["id"] do |record|
can? :read, record
#transactions = Kaminari.paginate_array(result).page(params[:page]).per(7)
Both payments and expenses need to be displayed within same table, ordered by creation date and paginated.
Both payments and expenses have completely different :read permissions (defined in ability class, CanCan gem). These permission are quite complex and they require querieng several other tables.
The "ideal" thing would be to write one HUGE sql query that would do return what I need. It would made pagination and everything else a lot easier. But that is going to duplicate my logic defined in ability.rb class.
I'm aware that CanCan provides a way of defining the sql query for the ability, but the abilities are so complex, that they couldn't be defined in that way.
What I did is working, but I'm loading ALL transactions, and then checking which ones I could read. I consider it a big performance issue. Pagination here seems pointless because I'm already loading all records (it only saves bandwidth). An alternative is to write really complex SQL that is going to be hard to maintain.
Sounds like you should remove some duplication and perhaps use DB logic more. There's no reason that you can't share code between named scopes between other methods.
Can you post some problematic code for review?
