How do I check If not condition in Dust.js templates - dust.js

How do I check for if not condition in the Dust.js templates?
<p>Sorry, There are no tags!</p>

This is built into Dust, using the ^ tag (often called the "not" tag):
<p>Sorry, There are no tags!</p>


Thymeleaf - use javascript as th:if condition

I am trying to use a javascript condition as a 'th:if' condition.
In specific i want to show a html element only when a scrollbar is existing in another element and tryed like this:
<div th:if="'javascript:document.getElementById(\'my-element\').scrollHeight>document.getElementById(\'my-element\').clientHeight'"></div>
Is something like this posible? Or should I do this in the '$(document).ready' function?
As #andrewjames rightly commented above, you cant embed evaluated JavaScript expressions into Thymeleaf. You might want to change your approach.
Try something like this to use javascript and thymeleaf together -
<script th:inline="javascript">
//your code
Read more about how to use thymeleaf and javascript together in official documentation -

Razor, shortest conditional block

I frequently use code like:
<p #if(Model.Sth)
?:style="display: none;"
}>Some text</p>
Many template engines have special markers for conditional blocks, for example in Mustache you can write:
<p {{#Model.Sth}}style="display: none;"{{/Model.Sth}}>Some text</p>
Can my Razor code can be written in shorter form?
In Razor you can embed expressions inside parenthesis to execute them inline. If your conditional can be written using the ternary operator, then you can do something like this:
#(this.Model.Sth ? "style='display:none;'" : string.Empty)
The trick is getting Razor to emit the resulting string correctly back into your HTML. You could use HtmlHelper to do it, but it gets messy enough that the long-form conditional is much cleaner.
In the specific case of an attribute, however, there's a special feature of Razor, as of MVC4, that will help. If you specify an attribute using an expression that evaluates to null, MVC won't emit the attribute at all, so you can do:
<p style="#(this.Model.Sth ? "display:none;" : null)">Some Text</p>
(Note that null and string.Empty are different in this case: Razor will emit style="" if your expression evaluates to empty string.)

How to set variables in a thymeleaf fragment?

I understand Thymeleaf is made for rendering the views however, I just wanted to know if there is any way to set a variable may be in request scope in a Thymeleaf fragment?
I have a very large conditional expression that I have to repeat a lot of times across the application so it will be really helpful if I can set a variable in main layout then reuse it in all other child fragments.
I am aware of using a Spring interceptor and setting the variable in model but I prefer not to.
Please advise.
In the fragment template, define fragment with parameters:
<div th:fragment=”myfragment(myvariable)”>
<p th:text=”${myvariable}”></p>
and in layout template, include fragment with that variable specified:
<div th:include=”template :: myfragment(${variable})”></div>
Then variable is passed to the fragment template.
If you need the result of your expression only in the fragments you could use
This creates a local variable which you can use everywhere within the dom element you defined it, including fragments.
<div th:include="'path/your/file/' + ${variable}"></div>
The code above can use variables that you can choose to build the file path
If you are using Spring MVC along with Thymeleaf, then you should be able to access any bean within thymeleaf template.
Just use expressions like this in global template ...
<span th:text="${beans.myBean.verylargeexpression}"></span>

h:commandbutton calls wrong action method

I faced a interesting problem here. When I click commandButton, it calls wrong action method even button has not action attribute. What is this?
That may happen when the EL expression which you intented to use as a method expression is been evaluated as a value expression.
For example, when you have outcommented it using a HTML comment while not having configured Facelets to skip comments.
<!-- <h:commandButton value="submit" action="#{bean.submit()}" /> -->
The HTML comments namely doesn't stop EL expressions like #{bean.submit()} from being evaluated. It will ultimately generate HTML output with the return value of #{bean.submit()} inlined in the action attribute.
To naildown the root cause in your case, you should be creating and providing a fullworthy SSCCE.
See also:
How can I remove HTML comments in my Facelets?
Outcommented Facelets code still invokes EL expressions like #{bean.action()} and causes javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException on #{bean.action}

How to use underscore/javascript templates in ASP.Net MVC views

I was just wondering how you use the underscore templates in a .aspx view since the <%= %> tags that underscore uses get picked up by the .aspx rendering engine and give me errors.
For instance:
<script type="text/template" id="my-template">
<span class="event" title="<%= description %>">
<%= title %>
This template gives me an error since the .aspx rendering engine thinks I'm trying to bind this stuff to the Model.
From the fine manual:
template _.template(templateString, [data], [settings])
If ERB-style delimiters aren't your cup of tea, you can change Underscore's template settings to use different symbols to set off interpolated code. Define an interpolate regex to match expressions that should be interpolated verbatim, an escape regex to match expressions that should be inserted after being HTML escaped, and an evaluate regex to match expressions that should be evaluated without insertion into the resulting string.
So if the default <%=...%>, <%-...%>, and <%...%> delimiters aren't working for you then you can use different ones with a simple configuration change. For example, if you wanted to use {%...%} instead of <%...%>, then do this after underscore.js is loaded and before you use _.template:
_.templateSettings = {
interpolate: /\{%=(.+?)%\}/g,
escape: /\{%-(.+?)%\}/g,
evaluate: /\{%(.+?)%\}/g
