Optimizing Lua for cyclic execution - lua

I'm exeucting my Lua script once per program cycle of 10 ms. using the same Lua_state (luaL_newstate called once in my app)
Calling luaL_loadbuffer complies the script very fast for sure, still it seems unneccessary to do this every time the script is executed since the script does not change.
Tried to save binary using lua_dump() and then execute it, but lua_pcall() didn't accept the binary for some reason.
Any ideas on how to optimize? (LuaJIT is not an unfortenately an option here)

You're correct, if the code is not changing, there is no reason to reprocess the code. Perhaps you could do something like the following:
luaL_loadbuffer(state, buff, len, name); // TODO: check return value
while (true) {
// sleep 10ms
lua_pushvalue(state, -1); // make another reference to the loaded chunk
lua_call(state, 0, 0);
You'll note that we simply duplicate the function reference on the top of the stack, since lua_call removes the function that it calls from the stack. This way, you do not lose a reference to the loaded chunk.

Executing the loadbuffer compiles the script into a chunk of lua code, which you can treat as an anonymous function. The function is put at the top of the stack. You can "save" it the way you would any other value in Lua: push a name for the function onto the stack, then call lua_setglobal(L, name). After that, every time you want to call your function (the chunk), you push it onto the Lua stack, push the parameters onto the stack, and call lua_pcall(L, nargs, nresults). Lua will pop the function and put nresults results onto the stack (regardless of how many results are returned by your function -- if more are returned they are discarded, if fewer then the extras are nil). Example:
int stat = luaL_loadbuffer(L, scriptBuffer, scriptLen, scriptName);
// check status, if ok save it, else handle error
if (stat == 0)
lua_setglobal(L, scriptName);
// re-use later:
lua_getglobal(L, scriptName);
lua_pushinteger(L, 123);
stat = lua_pcall(L, 1, 1, 0);
// check status, if ok get the result off the stack


sol3: Is it possible to reset the lua state so that any coroutine function can be re-run from the beginning?

This is the overall flow of my setup:
void ScriptPlayer::new_lua_state() {
lua = {};
lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base, sol::lib::package, sol::lib::coroutine, sol::lib::math);
// Proceeds to initialize the state with usertype definitions and values
void ScriptPlayer::play(std::string path) {
main_coroutine = sol::nil;
script_env = sol::environment(lua, sol::create, lua.globals());
auto result = lua.load_file(path);
main_coroutine = sol::coroutine(result);
void ScriptPlayer::update() {
if (main_coroutine) {
"new_lua_state" is called once at the beginning of everything, then "play" is called anytime I want to execute a new lua script (that yields). "update" is executed every frame, and progresses the coroutine until it's finished, at which point it stops.
The problem:
If I call "play" while the previous script coroutine has yielded but hasn't yet finished, I expect lua to discard the whole environment and create a new one, discard the old coroutine, parse the script again, create a brand new coroutine and start its execution from the beginning.
What I get instead is that the coroutine will STILL be running from the state of the previous script's coroutine (which should be completely discarded) and not from the very beginning.
How is this possible? Where exactly is the state of the coroutine stored?
I tried wrapping the state with a thread, I tried calling lua.clear_stack but nothing made any difference in the fact that the new coroutine never starts from the beginning of the function when I re-parse the script and re-create the sol::coroutine object.
Any clarification is hugely appreciated.
Here was the solution:
Apparently my attempt of wrapping the state with a thread was faulty, because that was exactly the thing to do.
So to solve this, here's what I did:
void ScriptPlayer::play(std::string path) {
script_env = sol::nil;
main_coroutine = sol::nil;
script_thread = sol::thread::create(lua);
script_env = sol::environment(script_thread.state(), sol::create,
auto result = script_thread.state().load_file(path);
main_coroutine = sol::coroutine(result);
One this that still blows my mind is that if I remove the second line (that reset the C-held reference to the lua coroutine), the result goes back to wrongly resuming the previous coroutine, despite that very same variable being set to a different value shortly after..
This baffles me deeply.

Why am I getting a thread instead of my parameters?

I am using lua 5.3 from my C/C++ game to allow certain parts of its behavior to be scripted.
From the C++ program, every frame I call the lua function main in the following manner:
lua_getfield(VMState, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, "main");
int result = lua_pcall(VMState, 0, 0, 0);
I expect the script to define a function called main, which does a bunch of stuff. For example, I can have a script that does something like this:
local f = function()
draw_something({visible = true, x = 0, y = 0})
main = function()
draw_something() is a callback to the C code, which does something interesting with the parameters passed:
lua_getfield(VMState, 1, "visible");
bool visible = (bool)lua_toboolean(VMState, 2); lua_pop(VMState, 1);
if (!visible)
// Do some other stuff
Of interest, is that by the time this callback is called, the anonymous table I passed as a parameter to do_something in the lua side, is now at stack position 1, so I can call lua_getfield() from the C side, to access the "visible" field, and do something with it.
This works pretty well, and I've done lots of stuff like this for years.
Now, I want to convert the lua call to f to a coroutine, so I do something like this from the lua side:
local f = function()
draw_something({visible = true, x = 0, y = 0})
local g = coroutine.create(function()
while true do
main = function()
The result should be the same. However, it now turns out that by moving the call to draw_something() inside a coroutine, the parameter I had passed to the function, which should have been a table, is now a thread? (lua_istable() returns 0, while lua_isthread() returns 1).
Interestingly, it doesn't matter how many parameters I pass to my function: 0, 1, 4, 50, from inside the callback I'm only getting one parameter, and it is a thread.
For some reason, this is happening with some functions that I exported, but not all. I can't see any difference in the way I'm exporting the different functions though.
Is there any reason why lua would switch my parameters to a thread?
I found the answer.
It turns out that the lua_State that is passed to you on a lua_CFunction is not guaranteed to be the same to the one you first got on lua_newstate()
I suppose that each coroutine might get its own separate lua_State. If you always do stuff on the lua_State you got on lua_newstate(), you might have problems with coroutines, so you have to ensure you always use the lua_State you got passed on your lua_CFunction.

How do I access the value of the counter in a process?

In this program, I cannot for the life of me figure out how to access the value of the counter in a process.
%% First the interface functions.
start() ->
spawn(counter, loop, [0]).
increment(Counter) ->
Counter ! increment.
value(Counter) ->
Counter ! {self(),value},
{Counter,Value} ->
stop(Counter) ->
Counter ! stop.
%% The counter loop.
loop(Val) ->
increment ->
loop(Val + 1);
{From,value} ->
From ! {self(),Val},
stop -> % No recursive call here
Other -> % All other messages
I assume it's:
{From,value} ->
From ! {self(),Val},
which returns the value of the counter, but every time I use PID ! {PID,value}, or something similar to that it returns the thing after !, e.g. {<0.57.0>, value}.
You shouldn't use ! operator explicitly, it is considered an anti-pattern. You could run into some problems with typos in atoms or some bad data, just like you did this time.
To ensure correct communication with you one usually create some wrapper functions witch handle correct data format and communication with process. Function just like increment/1 value/1 and stop/1. In fact if you would use those, you would get expected results; in your case, assuming that PID is your counter, just call counter:value(PID).
Let me explain
There are few thing you seem to getting little bit wrong.
First of all ! will send message to another process. And that's all it does. Since everything in Erlang is expression (needs to return something, have a value) each call to ! will return right hand side of !. PID ! ok. will return ok, no matter what (there is slight chance that it will fail, but lets no go there). You send your message, and go on with your life, or execution.
Than, some process after receiving your message might decide to send you some message back. In case of {From, value} it will, in case of increment it wont. If you are expecting to get message back you need to wait for it and retrieve it from your mailbox. receive clause will do both waiting and retrieving. So if you decise to use ! on your own you should fallow it with receive with correct pattern match. You can see that value/1 function does just that.
Third thing is correct use of process ID's. I guess you started your counter correctly and you have it's Pid, and you can send messages to it with !. But if you expect it to send something back it needs to know your process ID, your address if you will. So you should have called PID ! {MyPid, values}. How to get MyPid? With self() function. Again, just like in value/1 function.
And last thing many people get wrong at the begging. counter module is just a file with some functions, it's not whole actor/process, and it's not an object. Fact that some value/1 and stop/1 are implemented in it, it doesn't mean that they will be run on counter actor/process. They are functions like any other, and if you call them they will be evaluated in your actor/process, on your stack (same goes for calling them from shell, shell is just another actor). You can spawn new process and tell it to run loop/1 function, but that's all it does. All increment/1 value/1 and stop/1 calls will be executed "on your side".
If this is somewhat confusing try to imagine some simpler function inside counter module, like
add(A, B) ->
A + B.
You can execute it from shell even without any counter process started. It will be created in your process, on your stack, it will add two numbers and return result.
This is important because when you call counter:value(Counter). it will execute Counter ! {self(),value}, "on your side", on your process, so self() will return Pid of your process, not the Pid of counter.
In theory you don't need to know this if you are just using those wrapper function (API or interface if you will), but since you are learning Erlang I would guess you will soon have to write such wrapper. Understanding what happens where is crucial then. Just remember that there is no magic in modules, no secret binding or special execution. Those are just plain old functions and they will be behaving just like in any other language. Only spawn, receive and maybe ! are little different.

How to stop parsing and reset yacc?

I am writing a job control shell. I use Yacc and Lex for parsing. The top rule in my grammar is pipeline_list, which is a list of pipelines separated by a comma. Thus, examples of pipelinelists are as follows:
cmd1 | cmd2; cmd3; cmd4 | cmd5 <newline>
cmd1 <newline>
<nothing> <newline>
I represent a pipeline with the pipeline rule (showed below). within that rule, I do the following:
1. call execute_pipeline() to execute the pipeline. execute_pipeline() returns -1 if anything went wrong in the execution of the pipeline.
2. Check the return value of execute_pipeline() and if it is -1, then STOP parsing the rest of the input, AND make sure YACC starts fresh when called again in the main function (shown below). The rationale for doing this is this:
Take, for example, the following pipelinelist: cd ..; ls -al. My intent here would be to move one directory up, and then list its content. However, if execution of the first pipeline (i.e., "cd ..") in the pipelinelist fails, then carrying on to execute the second pipeline (i.e. " ls -al") would list of the contents of the current directory (not the parent), which is wrong! For this reason, when parsing a pipelinelist of length n, if executing of some pipeline k > n fails, then I want to discard the rest of the pipelinelist (i.e., pipelines k+1..n), AND make sure the next invocation of yyparse() starts brand new (i.e. recieve new input from readline() -- see code below).
if tried the following, but it does not work:
simple_command_list redirection_list background pipeline_terminator // ignore these
if (execute_pipeline() == -1)
// do some stuff
// then call YYABORT, YYACCEPT, or YYERROR, but none of them works
int main()
char *buffer = readline("> ");
if (buffer)
struct yy_buffer_state *bp;
bp = yy_scan_string(buffer);
} // end if
} // end while
return 0;
} // end main()
You can use YYABORT; in an action to abort the current parse and immediately return from yyparse with a failure. You can use YYACCEPT; to immediately return success from yyparse.
Both of these macros can only be used directly in an action in the grammar -- they can't be used in some other function called by the action.

How to exit a Lua script's execution?

I want to exit execution of Lua script on some condition .
Example :
content = get_content()
if not content then
-- ( Here i want some kind of exit function )
next_content = get_content()
--example there can lot of further checks
Here I want that if I am not getting content my script suppose to terminate is should not go to check to next.
Use os.exit() or just return from some "main" function if your script is embedded.
kill process by sending a signal
do return end
stop execution
The two methods are not equal if you want to write and execute some luacode in the interpreter after stopping the execution by launching your program using the -i flag.
th -i main.lua
extract from the lua api doc :
For syntactic reasons, a break or return can appear only as the last statement of a block (in other words, as the last statement in your chunk or just before an end, an else, or an until). For instance, in the next example, break is the last statement of the then block.
local i = 1
while a[i] do
if a[i] == v then break end
i = i + 1
Usually, these are the places where we use these statements, because any other statement following them is unreachable. Sometimes, however, it may be useful to write a return (or a break) in the middle of a block; for instance, if you are debugging a function and want to avoid its execution. In such cases, you can use an explicit do block around the statement:
function foo ()
return --<< SYNTAX ERROR
-- `return' is the last statement in the next block
do return end -- OK
... -- statements not reached
In lua 5.2.0-beta-rc1+, you can add a label at the end of your code called ::exit:: or something of the like, and then whenever you need to exit the program just call it like this:
goto exit
