iOS App rejected due to wrong purchase type - ios

I am stuck with one of the in-app purchase rejection issue in my app and need some help on this.
What this in-app for?
In our app we have options for user to become premium user. A user can become premium user to enjoy some benefits and it is tied to time. There are two in-app products which defines them
One month premium service.
One year premium service.
Since these are time based service, user expects these service should be made available for that user once he/she purchase the product for the specified time, from all his/her other devices. In order to track whether the user is premium service user or not, once the purchase is done, the app writes a entry in server about premium service. So when user uses other device and logs in, he/she can enjoy the premium service without any issues. For this reason I created the above mentioned products as "consumable", thinking that it is controlled by our server there will be no issues. But apple came back with rejection and asked me to change the products to "non-renewing subscription".
Here is what apple says about this
We found that the Purchasability Type for one or more of your In App Purchase products was inappropriately set, which is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.
"Premium account service for 1 month and 1 year" IAPs are set to Consumable.
However, based on product functionality, it would be more appropriate to use the Non-Renewable Subscription In App Purchase type because the service offered by your application requires the user to make an advance payment to access the content or receive the service.
The Purchasability type cannot be changed once an In App Purchase product has been created. Therefore, you will need to create a new In App Purchase product with the correct Purchasability Type. To create a new In App Purchase in iTunes Connect, go to Manage Your In App Purchases, select your app, and click "Create New". The current product will show in iTunes Connect as "Rejected".
Non-Renewable Subscription content must be made available to all iOS devices owned by a single user, as indicated in Guideline 11.6 of the App Store Review Guidelines:
11.6 Content subscriptions using IAP must last a minimum of 7 days and be available to the user from all of their iOS devices
If you choose to use user registration to meet this requirement, please keep in mind that it is not appropriate to require user registration. Such user registration must be made optional. It would be appropriate to make it clear to the user that only by registering will they be able to access the content from all of their iOS devices; and to provide them a way to register later, if they wish to access the content on their other iOS devices at a future time.
For more information about Purchasability Type, please to refer to the iTunes Connect Developer Guide.
Now I have created new in-app products which are non-renewing. But this works the same way as I mentioned earlier, i.e. the server keeps track of whether user is premium user or not, expiry date. When user goes to other device and does login, the app comes to know whether user is premium or not and based on that app works.
But I have couple of questions on this,
Should I need to provide the "Restore" button in the app? If so what is the purpose and how it works?
Since the user can access this service only after doing login to the app (it is different from app store account). Will these two logins make any issue?
Please share your valuable inputs.

It is highly unlikely that the user will end up in a situation where they won't be able to use your app unless they restore their purchases, however it is still possible. Imagine your server goes down for a day and during that day some user purchases a subscription, gets a new iPhone, installs your app on the new device and then wipes their old iPhone. I can think of a couple of other, equally unlikely, but still possible situations (Apple receipt validation server going down, etc) in which the purchase receipt will get lost in transit. It's best to provide the button, and if Apple thinks that you need it in your app, you will have a hard time convincing them otherwise.
If by "two logins" you mean user having to log in to your system and then log in to the App Store to purchase the subscription, that should not be a problem.

I recommend you make the changes Apple requested to the Purchasability Type and then re-submit. If you need to clarify a lack of a restore button put it in the notes for the reviewer


How do apps tie accounts with in-app purchase subscription?

I'm working on an iOS app where a user must sign up/sign in to an account for my app. To be able to use my services I want users to pay via in-app purchases (auto-renewing in my case). This would then tie their IAP to their account (they created with us) to be able to use on any other iOS device.
Case 1:
For example if a subscription was bought on phone A for an account, when signing on to phone B (using the same account) shouldn't make the user pay again.
Case 2:
Or if a subscription was bought for account A on a phone, when signing up for account B on the same phone should make the user pay for account B.
Basically I want an in-app purchase to tie to my account (rather than a apple device/Apple account which is how it works to my understanding.)
I understand that their are receipts which is probably part of the answer to my question. Or if this a limitation to in app purchases what other ways can this be done (other than using Apple's IAP)
The answer to the title of the question:
When a purchase is made there is an update received in the app, the next time it is launched which contains a transaction_id (original_transaction_id for renewals), you should associate this transaction id with your app user id.
Case 1: Apple provides an option to "Restore Purchases" in your app. Since, the same account is used, your app servers would already know that a user has already paid and the app shouldn't prompt the user to pay again. However, in order to receive the upcoming renewal updates on phone B, you must "Restore Purchases" which would let Apple link the previous purchase on this device as well. Once the restore is done, the users purchase receipt will be available on the device and all subsequent actions should be taken based on the content validation of the receipt.
Few points here:
Apple will reject your app, if it doesn't provide this option to the user.
Even if your app is buggy, and you failed to restore purchases, user wouldn't be charged again. The purchase would fail saying you already have purchased this.
The above case is completely based on the assumption that the user is using the same Apple Id on both the devices(same application user id doesn't matter).
Case 2: I am not sure if that is anyhow possible. Since it's the same device, the user uses the same AppleId(unless he signs out and changes apple id in App Store) and Apple will restrict the repurchase. At best you may restrict the account B with the subscription content but if your application allows multiple accounts on the same device use case(e.g Instagram), I am not sure if there's a provision for the same.
I tested the same scenario for a music service app I use. Have an active subscription, logged out and signed up with other email (app), but the purchase was denied alerting I have already purchased. However, it was allowing me upgrade and downgrade options. I didn't opt for testing them so not to mess up my account.
P.S: There are a lot of other caveats/gotchas to take care of. Some of them:
In case 2, apple restricts the repurchase but it doesn't restrict if the user chooses an option other than the current active subscription, which will upgrade/ downgrade the subscription. Based on how you have implemented things, it might even change the subscription for user A immediately or next time the user logs back in or on next renewal thereafter.
In both the cases discussed here, user uses the same Apple Id, but consider the cases - same Apple Id different app id AND different Apple Id and same app Id. (See this)
For case 2, you should always refresh receipts or restore purchases(if there's no receipt available) for a fresh user login. The receipt has a original transaction id which you should have linked the first time the purchase was made with user A. Based on the receipt, you can either choose to let user B access the content or restrict. However, you cannot let the user pay for the new account(I suppose so).
Helpful Links:
Restoring Purchases
Receipt Validation

Prevent iOS in app purchase being shared between devices

I intend my app to gain access to my server after the in-app purchase is complete. This access requires real work, and data & traffic ($$).
A typical client might own anywhere up to a couple of hundred devices (and I assume on one account, for their simplicity).
Thus I only get the one payment across many, many devices interacting with the server.
I'm not trying to be stingy - but can I prevent multiple devices sharing the same purchase (in my case server access)?
Or do I implement another method for selling access?
You'll have to implement another method. Apple's guide explicitly states that:
Users can restore products that they previously purchased—for example, to bring content they’ve already paid for onto their new phone.
If the same iTunes account is associated with more than one device then Apple requires any purchases to be available on all those devices.
#Tommy is correct - regarding non-consumable IAPs. However, you could implement a non-recurring subscription in-app purchase instead and give each device a unique identifier. When the user attempts to access the server, you could see if that identifier is in your database (if the user has purchased the IAP), and determine whether or not they need to purchase a subscription. Even though you may not want a subscription-based service, you could probably make a membership for a very long period of time like 10 years (it's not required to be selected in iTunes Connect) and handle it that way. Only issue is that you need to figure out a way to give each device a unique ID that won't change.
Further to the #Tommy answer, in the February 3, 2014 version of Apple's Getting Started with In-App Purchase on iOS and OS X it says:
There are a handful of important guidelines to keep in mind as you design your application:
- You must make your In-App Purchase items available to all of the devices registered to a user
Users view the items they purchase as theirs to keep and permanent. Therefore be sure
purchased items are available in all instances of your app running on all the devices the user
owns, even after your app is deleted from a device, reinstalled, or downloaded to a new device.
For Non-Renewing Subscriptions, [blah, blah, blah]..
Additionally, your application must include a mechanism to deliver the purchased Non-
Renewing Subscription In App Purchase to all iOS devices owned by a single user.
Looks like there is no way to restrict items to a single device :(

How to implement a licensing mechanism when purchasing an App Store application if the license system is on our own server?

I am looking to start selling an app on the Apple app store however currently the app uses our own servers to generate a license to the customer once they have purchased it. How can our existing licensing system which uses our own servers be implemented if a customer purchases the app from the App Store instead?
The application license will be a yearly renewable one. Therefore, so far, from what I have read, the app on the App Store could just come with an auto-renewal option (opt-out of course) so that would take care of the subscription cycle but how can our own server issue the customer the one year license which they could then renew from iTunes using the auto-renew function of the App Store?
I am sorry if this is not clear but it would go like this:
Customer downloads application from app store with a one year auto
renewal subscription.
Customer pays.
The app store verifies the
Once payment is verified it contacts our server to create a
license for that purchase and for one year.
That license is sent back
from our server to the purchased app to unlock the subscription.
Please correct me if my understanding on how this works is wrong but if anyone can point me in the right direction or give examples of how an application on the app store can successfully issue licenses from their own server then I would be very grateful.
As an example, look at "Aviation Exam". They let you buy subscriptions on-device as in-app purchases, or on their own website. In each case the details are synced to a user's account on their own server, so the same exam can be used from any device.
Look at the Apple documentation for how in-app purchase subscriptions work on iOS. Then your app can send details of a purchase to your servers, and download further information.
Edit; after discussion in comments:
If you want payment to go via Apple then it has to be via App Purchase or In-App Purchase. In-App Purchase specifically supports the idea of buying a subscription for a limited time. This is explained at the second link above.
If you want the user to create an account on your server you can either have a page in the app for them to input their details, or you can bring up a web page served from your website. Either way, the info can go to your server and it can create an account.
The key thing is, if payment went via Apple then inside the app is the only place you know this. The app can send this info to your server. You need some common identifier (i.e. a user-name) that is known to your server and to your user, then the user keys it in to your app and it can all be matched up.
There is nothing complicated here, to a decent software developer. All they need is an existence proof such as I gave at the top, and they can figure out how to link the info together.
Edit 2
Some tutorials for in-app purchase listed at: In-App purchase server model
Lots of low-level detail at: Verify receipt for in App purchase
If you prefer to handle payment yourself, not via Apple, then the situation is very different. Now, your own systems have to keep track of what has been bought, when subscriptions run out, etc. To begin with, the app won't know this at all. However, once you identify the user by having them enter credentials (username/password), you can fetch all the details from your back-end system to the app and proceed as above. Again, this is all visible in the example I gave at the beginning, which supports both Apple and non-Apple payments.
One thing to note: if you handle payment yourself then Apple isn't getting its 30% cut, which is the usual App Store commission, so they may not like this. The guidelines say:
11.1 Apps that unlock or enable additional features or functionality with mechanisms other than the App Store will be rejected
11.13 Apps that link to external mechanisms for purchases or subscriptions to be used in the App, such as a "buy" button that goes to a web site to purchase a digital book, will be rejected
That's pretty clear-cut, but since there are apps that rely on subscriptions or content purchased elsewhere, they don't seem to follow these rules in every case. Even the Amazon Kindle app was allowed back, once they took the 'buy' button off.

3 Month free only on first installation

I need to implement a system where when the user install my app for the first time, he has 3 month of free use.
After three month the app has to show in-app purchase options.
I need to avoid that if the user remove and reinstall app, he can again use three month of free use.
I thought to use InApp purchase (a free, Non-Consumable item) to achieve my goal.
Using 'Non-Consumable' I have that 'SKPaymentTransaction *originalTransaction' contains the date of original transaction, so I can know If 3 month are expired or not and if the user reinstall or install the app in other devices, he can restore the remaining days using the same iTunes account.
Unfortunatly Apple reject the app using this reasons:
11.7: Apps that use IAP to purchase items must assign the correct Purchasability type
We found that the Purchasability Type for one or more of your In App Purchase products was inappropriately set, which is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.
'3 mese' is set to Non-Consumable. However, based on product functionality, it would be more appropriate to use the Non-Renewable Subscription In App Purchase type because the service offered by your application requires the user to make an advance payment to access the content or receive the service.
They suggest me to use Non-Renewable Subscription, but I dont have free price in Non-Renewable Subscription, so its useless for me.
In wich way I can achive my goal ?
Should I use KeyChain to store some identifier ?
But in this way the user will have 3 month in each device and I will not able to identifier uniquely on my server and, in addition, formatting the iphone he will have another 3 months of free use
Maybe in the app could I force the user to create an account on my server (or unsing for example) to have 3 month free ? Anyway the user could create several fake accounts except if I ask for personal data as phone number...but I think that Apple could reject the App if I ask personal data
What is the best choice be adopted in these cases?
For this I would firstly, create a back-end system. Possibly using Then I would register the users UDID when they sign up to the app. This way its the device that they have registered not just the app. Then create a code that will allow them to access the app but perform a check in the database on parse to see whether or not they are allowed the free content. If not, then show the payment options.

How to 'fake' a restore in-app purchase for previous app users when moving from paid to free

Our app is moving from paid to free, and in the process, moving a key functionality from being included to activating via In-App purchase. Obviously, we don't want current users who paid for the app functionality to be charged again in the In-App purchase for functionality they already had. So on the update by the user, we want to 1) identify current users and 2) make it so they don't see the In-App purchase in the first place, sort of 'faking' the In-App purchase so that the app will appear to them exactly as it did before.
The app does not have a backend, so we have to determine current users from new by examining the saved user data fields for certain values. I do understand that if a previous user has deleted the app from their device that nothing can be done, and I don't mind charging them for the In-App purchase, since they never used the app anyway.
But for those current users who update and assuming we can examine the saved user data and determine that they are current users, what would be a good way to bypass the In-App purchase and make the app look like they already got it, when in fact they never paid for it? Thanks!
Here's what I would do - keep in mind this will take some time:
Set up a server (I prefer EC2) with mySQL on it. Plenty of tutorials about this.
Submit an update to your app that sends the user's UUID to your server.
Wait. This is the hardest part. You'll need to wait until satisfactory majority has updated to your app. That majority percentage is up to you to figure out. It could take months for this to happen.
Make your new, free, app send the UUID to the server.
Check to see if the UUID is in the DB.
If it is, set whatever you would have set when an in-app purchase was made to true.
You have several options:
Free in-app purchase for a limited time:
You would create a free tier in-app purchase content and release an update that somehow makes the user sign up for it. This way, when your user switches devices they can restore the purchase and regain the functionality.
Wait for a period so most people use the in-app purchase content
Change the tiers and release your app as free
Dual versions
Make a demo version of your app. Note this can be rejected by Apple.
Create a file in the filesystem
Make a file in the filesystem and save into iCloud. The app will check for the file and thats how you would determine if the user has paid for the app (or should buy the in-app purchase).
iCloud will synchronise the file between user's devices and it will make sure that whatever device the user uses the app will see the user as 'paid'.
I hope this helps, currently having this problem myself.
