Automatic device provisioning in Xcode 4 - ios

I am currently trying to test my application in my iPhone. Currently I am using xCode version 4.6.3 with an iPhone 4 and a developer account. I have read from some sources that Apple has made an easier alternative for developers to test their application on their device with the introduction of Automatic device provisioning in Xcode 4. So this saves the hassle of creating Ad Hoc & iTunes App Store distribution. However in my current version of Xcode, there is no such function and is instead replaced with a refresh button that prompts for your developer credentials. Does this works the same way as the Automatic device provisioning that was present in the early versions for Xcode 4?
So another question in order test my application on my device, do I just need to :
1) Click on the refresh button in my Xcode organiser.
2) Enter my developer credentials
3) New profile appear in the list with the name "Team Provisioning Profile: *"
4) Select my device name from the scheme
5) Build and run
Or do I have to go through creating an App ID and a provisioning profile in the developer website and change the Bundle Identifier in the plist to the one which i created in the developer website? ?

You either need to go through the procedure of creating certificate, app id (or wild-card), provisioning profile, or you need to upgrade to Xcode 5.
Doing it manually is much easier than it was a few months ago.


Do I need an iPhone for TestFlight? [duplicate]

I have enrolled to Apple Developer Program to release my first app. My app's bundle ID is the same at, at and in my XCode project. However, XCode still gives the error in "Signing & Capabilities" tab:
Failed to create provisioning profile.
There are no devices registered
in your account on the developer website. Plug in and select a device
to have Xcode register it.
And another error:
No profiles for ‘’ were found
Xcode couldn't find any iOS
App Development provisioning profiles matching ‘’.
First error message made me think that a physical connection to an iPhone is required to create a provisioning profile.
I have never connected a physical device to my Mac before. I made my tests by iOS simulator. I was planning to do my physical device testing via Testflight.
Do I have to physically (via a USB cable) connect an iPhone to my Mac in order to create a provisioning profile? If not, what might be wrong?
Is it required to have provisioning profile in XCode to be able to use Testflight or publish an app to App Store?
Do I have to physically (via a USB cable) connect an iPhone to my Mac in order to create a provisioning profile?
Yes, if you want to use automatic signing. An automatic provisioning profile unites a computer and a device and an app; it says that this computer is allowed to build this app onto this device. Until Xcode sees the device, it can’t create the profile.
The alternative is to switch to manual signing. It’s more work but now you can generate the profiles yourself.
You do NOT need a physical iOS device (iPhone or similar) to upload an app to App Store! Whether for real or TestFlight.
I realize this qn is old now, but I'm writing this for people like me, who stumble in here fighting the same problem... 😏
What you need to upload apps on App Store:
A MacOS machine (not too old)
A paid Apple Developer Account
An app signing certificate from the above account
A provisioning profile, with or without a physical device
When trying to create a new provisioning profile in your Apple Developer Account, the first option is:
iOS App Development
Create a provisioning profile to install development apps on test devices.
If you chose this option, you need a physical device! In fact, the way I understand it, you are supposed to register the UDIDs of ALL the phones and tablets that you want to test your app on...
If, like me, you don't have an iOS device, you can instead chose the last option in the list:
Developer ID
Create a Developer ID provisioning profile to use Apple services with your Developer ID signed applications.
This one only requires an Apple Developer ID!
At the end of your create-provisioning-profile process, you have to download your profile and open it in Finder to install it (in XCode or whatever you're using). In your project, you have to switch from "automatic signing" to "manual signing". In XCode, this is done here:
If, like me, you had already downloaded your app signing certificate and installed it in your KeyChain app, you may run into this error when trying to apply your provisioning profile:
"Provisioning profile 'your profile name' doesn't include signing certificate 'your certificate name'".
The way I solved this error was:
In KeyChain:
Exporting my Apple Developer certificate to a .p12 file.
Deleting my Apple Developer certificates.
Re-importing the exported certificate file to keychain.
In XCode:
Close and re-start XCode
In the "Signing & Capabilities" tab in the project, de-select the newly downloaded profile and then select it again.
Now, it works! 🙂 From there, you should be able to follow any tutorial for uploading an app to App Store.

Signing iOS App: App ID Cannot be Registered to Your Development Team

I need to replace a deployed iOS native app with a new Ionic3 / Cordova hybrid app. The new hybrid app builds successfully (on macOS Sierra 10.12.6) but I can't sign the app (so that it can be uploaded to the app store).
As a first step, I'm focused on getting the new app on the app store (as alpha to test with TestFlight). I've removed all "development" certificates/profiles from
There's a lot of information/questions/answers on the web about signing apps. I've spent a couple of days on this issue and cannot get it to work no matter what I read or what I try.
The current iOS app code (deployed)
In /bbh.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj, PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "NSP.BBH-Mobile";
Re-create development provision
Open Keychain. Delete all developer/iPhone certificates. Delete all keys.
On, delete development certificate and development provisioning profiles.
Confirm my iPhone device is registered with the correct UDID.
In Keychain, generate a certificate signing request file.
In, create a development certificate, upload the certificate signing request generated in the previous step, download the certificate .cer file.
Double click on the .cer file. Keychain opens. Choose to add to "log in".
In Keychain > certificates, choose export, specify the strong password. Certificates.p12 file will be generated.
In, create a development provisioning profile. Choose "iOS App Development". Choose an App ID ... but which one?
App IDs in
BBH Mobile = com.bbh.*
BBH Mobile = NSP.BBH-Mobile
Xcode iOS Wildcard App ID = *
Notice on-screen reads:
"If you plan to use services such as Game Center, In-App Purchase, and Push Notifications, or want a Bundle ID unique to a single app, use an explicit App ID.
If you want to create one provisioning profile for multiple apps or don't need a specific Bundle ID, select a wildcard App ID. Wildcard App IDs use an asterisk (*) as the last digit in the Bundle ID field.
Please note that iOS App IDs and Mac App IDs cannot be used interchangeably."
We need push notifications so choose an explicit App ID = AYW4J8P7X3.NSP.BBH-Mobile
app id = team id (generated by apple) + bundle id (supplied by the user)
It makes sense to choose this App ID which includes the bundle id of the iOS currently deployed.
Choose a development certificate (just created), choose all devices.
Download the development profile and double click to install (in Xcode).
Double-clicking doesn't seem to do anything? How do I know it's installed in Xcode correctly?
Do I need the .mobileprovision file on my iPhone? The mac server is in the cloud so I don't have my iPhone connected via USB to the mac.
Open Xcode. Confirm my apple account added in Xcode > Preferences > Accounts. In the project, targets, signing, click "Automatically manage to sign".
Choose my personal team. The following errors are displayed:
Error 1: The app ID "NSP.BBH-Mobile" cannot be registered to your development team. Change your bundle identifier to a unique string to try again.
Why does it prompt to change bundle id? Isn't it standard to have one app id and to generate both a debug/development and release?
Error 2: No profiles for 'NSP.BBH-Mobile' were found Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching 'NSP.BBH-Mobile'.
But we just created a new development provision and selected App ID = NSP.BBH-Mobile. Why doesn't Xcode recognize this?
you may try unselect Automatically manage signing and import provisioning profile manually.
These are the steps I took to finally resolve this issue. It may not be optimal but it at least worked.
1. In Xcode, turn off automatically manage signing.
2. For signing (debug), select my development provision profile.
3. For signing (release), create a production provision profile, then select the new production profile.
Even though I only wanted to create a signed debug for testing it seems I still had to provide valid signed release provision too.
Even after deleting all keys/certificates etc. and starting from scratch it seems Xcode has created a certificate too. Annoying - it's difficult to tell who created what now.
There was no need to change the bundle ID from the original iOS native app being replaced.
Creating a new production provision did not affect the existing production provision (which I could not use because I don't have the key).

How to run iOS application in real device through terminal without a paid apple developer account?

First this not duplicate of Test iOS app on device without apple developer program or jailbreak
I know it is possible to run app on device using Xcode 7 and free AppleId but i want to achieve this using terminal only Or in other words, Is there any way to generate provisioning profile & certificate using unpaid Apple Id through terminal.
If i will follow mentioned steps then my app installed and run successfully in device but i want to generate IPA using this free certificate and provisioning profile using terminal only.
In Xcode, add your Apple ID to Accounts preferences, described in
Adding Your Apple ID Account in Xcode.
In the project navigator,
select the project and your target to display the project editor.
Click General and choose your name from the Team pop-up menu.
Connect the device to your Mac and choose your device from the
Scheme toolbar menu. Below the Team pop-up menu, click Fix Issue.
Xcode creates a free provisioning profile for you and the warning
text under the Team pop-up menu disappears.
Click the Run button. Xcode installs the app on the device before launching the app.
I am working on some automation task and want to generate and install this signed iPA using unpaid Apple Id through Terminal.
I do not believe this is possible. The challenge is not just extracting the provisioning profile that is created in Xcode. That will not work because Xcode also manages the devices in the profile. So if your devices change, you need Xcode to register the new device and add it to the profile on Apple's servers, before re-downloading it. It also manages the bundle ID.
In theory, if you were to set up the app and all devices in Xcode before grabbing the provisioning profile from ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles, maybe it would work.
If you can successfully get the profile. maybe you can use these instructions to build and install on the device as long as it was set up ahead of time: install application in iphone device through command line

iOS: Bundle format unrecognized, invalid, or unsuitable

When I try to run an iOS app on real devices it give me the following error, but it works on simulator, also I uploaded test build on TestFlight successfully, I tried to use another bundle identifier but no luck.
The project is built using Swift and using CocoaPods to include Alamofire and other libraries.
Without having all the details it sounds like you need to update your Provisioning Profile for Distribution or Development.
You will first need to go to the Apple Developer portal and login in to your account. Then select "Certificates, Identifiers and Profiles", followed by "Devices". Add your iPhone's name and UDID to the list if it is not there already.
After your device is registered to your account you will need to update the Distribution Profile (to allow devices to open your app through the beta distribution channel of Test Flight) as well as your Development provision profile to allow team members to build and run the app through xcode on their device instead of the simulator.
First select Distribution and click on the preexisting Distribution Profile for your application. Select the edit option and make sure the check mark next to your device is selected. Then generate a new Distribution profile. This will cause a download to automatically occur in your browser window. Once its complete you should click the download and this will automatically add it to xcode.
Now create a new provisioning profile for your application. Add the appropriate App Bundle Id and select your device from the list. Generate the new profile and a download will again be triggered in the browser window. Once the download is complete again click the download which will automatically add the profile to xcode.
Your application should now be able to run on your device when building and running through xcode as well as when it is downloaded from your beta distribution channel.

iOS 9 new feature Free Provisioning (Run your app on a device, just with your Apple ID, without Apple developer membership)

Would like to know about the new feature Free Provisioning introduced in iOS9 & Xcode 7.
How Apple is now achieving that, as before we knew our device ids were enrolled in the profiles and hence it was possible to deploy the app on devices.
Now only with Apple ID how the things in the background are achieved, also is there any restrictions on how many number of devices I can add my build with Free Provisioning.
Any help is greatly appreciated thanks...
1. How it works?
Apple Ref : How to use free provisioning
As stated in above link under Launch Your App on Devices Using Free Provisioning point 6. "Xcode creates a free provisioning profile for you"
Update: Above point 6 is removed from link, but there is no change in the way it works and steps in above link still work!
Profile created in this way is tied to your apple id, when you try to run app on new device that device's UDID gets added in this profile.
2. How to use free provisioning?
Requirements: Apple ID, XCode 7 or above
Go to XCode Preference
Go to Accounts tab and hit plus "+" button on bottom left to add your Apple ID.
After successfully adding Apple ID click on view details on bottom right
Click the Create button next to "iOS Development"
Connect your device and select your device as build destination.
In target's general setting,
a. Set app identifier you want to give to your free profile
b. set team id as your apple id
c. If using XCode 7, hit Fix Issue button below provisioning profile warning.
If using XCode 8, there is no Fix Issue button XCode will automatically do this.
In both cases of XCode versions, Xcode will either create new profile if not found for your apple id or add new device to your existing profile.
Run the app, this will install app.
Click app icon to start app manually, you will get "Untrusted Developer" dialog. To trust your apple id, Go to iPhone setting > General > Device Management > Select your apple id and click trust.
After step 8 you can run and debug app using free provisioning.
3. What are the Limitations?
I tried to install app with free provisioning and could run/debug app. But there are few catches. Profile created by XCode is bit different than our usual developer profiles
From profile raw file
There is new key LocalProvision with value true
Many services like following are not available, See full list of services
Apple Pay, Game Center, iCloud, In-App Purchasing, Push Notifications, Wallet (Was Passbook)
Expires in 7 days (this was changed sometime in May, previously it was 90 days).
Old: 90 days
New: 7 days
Under <key>ProvisionedDevices</key> there is list of devices on which I tried to install app, still unknown maximum number of devices possible, I tried to install on 3 devices which worked successfully.
This is not alternative to publishing app for free on app store, you still need to enroll to developer program to publish apps.
Testflight based internal / External testing is not possible.
Apple haven't disclosed the thing like, how they are managing on their developer portal. But I think they just removed the restriction of Paid Developer program & rest of the thing kept as it is.
For standard developer Program Apple support 100 device so I think same will apply here.
Refer this link for more info..
Copied from:
Apple has imposed a number of limitations on when and how you can use free provisioning to run your application on an iOS device, ensuring that you can only deploy to your device. These are listed in this section.
Access to iTunes Connect is also limited and therefore services such as publishing to the App Store and TestFlight are unavailable to developers provisioning their applications freely. An Apple Developer Account (Enterprise or Personal) is required to distribute via Ad Hoc and In-House means.
Provisioning Profiles created in this way will expire after three months, Signing Identities after one year. Furthermore, provisioning profiles will only be created with explicit App IDs and so you will need to follow the instructions above for every app that you wish to install.
Provisioning for most application services is also not possible with free provisioning. This includes:
Apple Pay
Game Center
In-App Purchasing
Push Notifications
Wallet (Was Passbook)
Some more informations.
You can archive app with free provisioning profile. But You can't export ipa in "XCode 7"
But you can use XCode 5 or Command line "xcodebuild" to export ipa file.
I tried using OTA to install this ipa file. And it's work!
So... If there has a way to add UUID to your account without XCode (REST api calls). You can distribute your app to anyone you want.
