How to get a color range from a "Drag Box" in OpenCV 2.4 - opencv

I'm using Python and OpenCV 2.4. I'm trying to get a HSV average from an area selected by dragging the mouse, much like in the camShift example provided by OpenCV. But I want the X, Y of the selected color instances in a video feed.
I've been hacking at the onmouse function in camShift. I feel it is close to want I want, I just can't seem to extract the mean HSV values of the area selected. I know I could probably get this done with a for loop, but trying to make it as responsive as possible.
def onmouse(self, event, x, y, flags, param):
x, y = np.int16([x, y]) # BUG
if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
self.drag_start = (x, y)
self.tracking_state = 0
if self.drag_start:
if flags & cv2.EVENT_FLAG_LBUTTON:
h, w = 480, 640 # self.frame.shape[:2]
xo, yo = self.drag_start
x0, y0 = np.maximum(0, np.minimum([xo, yo], [x, y]))
x1, y1 = np.minimum([w, h], np.maximum([xo, yo], [x, y]))
self.selection = None
if x1-x0 > 0 and y1-y0 > 0:
self.selection = (x0, y0, x1, y1)
self.drag_start = None
if self.selection is not None:
self.tracking_state = 1

Ok. It's crude, but this seems to be a lot closer than I was:
import numpy as np
import cv2
import video
class App(object):
def __init__(self, video_src): = video.create_capture(video_src) = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
ret, self.frame =
cv2.setMouseCallback('camshift', self.onmouse)
self.selection = None
self.drag_start = None
self.tracking_state = 0
self.show_backproj = False
def onmouse(self, event, x, y, flags, param):
x, y = np.int16([x, y]) # BUG
if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
self.drag_start = (x, y)
self.tracking_state = 0
if self.drag_start:
if flags & cv2.EVENT_FLAG_LBUTTON:
h, w = self.frame.shape[:2]
xo, yo = self.drag_start
x0, y0 = np.maximum(0, np.minimum([xo, yo], [x, y]))
x1, y1 = np.minimum([w, h], np.maximum([xo, yo], [x, y]))
self.selection = None
if x1-x0 > 0 and y1-y0 > 0:
self.selection = (x0, y0, x1, y1)
self.drag_start = None
if self.selection is not None:
self.tracking_state = 1
def show_hist(self):
bin_count = self.hist.shape[0]
bin_w = 24
img = np.zeros((256, bin_count*bin_w, 3), np.uint8)
for i in xrange(bin_count):
h = int(self.hist[i])
cv2.rectangle(img, (i*bin_w+2, 255), ((i+1)*bin_w-2, 255-h), (int(180.0*i/bin_count), 255, 255), -1)
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR)
cv2.imshow('hist', img)
def run(self):
while True:
ret, self.frame =
self.frame = cv2.blur(self.frame,(3,3))
vis = self.frame.copy()
hsv = cv2.cvtColor(self.frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, np.array((0., 60., 32.)), np.array((180., 255., 255.)))
mask2 = mask.copy()
if self.selection:
x0, y0, x1, y1 = self.selection
self.track_window = (x0, y0, x1-x0, y1-y0)
hsv_roi = hsv[y0:y1, x0:x1]
mask_roi = mask[y0:y1, x0:x1]
dHSV = cv2.mean(hsv_roi)
h, s, v = int(dHSV[0]), int(dHSV[1]), int(dHSV[2])
hist = cv2.calcHist( [hsv_roi], [0], mask_roi, [16], [0, 180] )
cv2.normalize(hist, hist, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX);
self.hist = hist.reshape(-1)
vis_roi = vis[y0:y1, x0:x1]
cv2.bitwise_not(vis_roi, vis_roi)
vis[mask == 0] = 0
if self.tracking_state == 1:
self.selection = None
cv2.imshow('camshift', vis)
if self.tracking_state == 1:
if h > 159:
h = 159
if s > 235:
s = 235
if v > 235:
v = 235
if h < 20:
h = 20
if s < 20:
s = 20
if v < 20:
v = 20
thresh = cv2.inRange(hsv,np.array(((h-20), (s-20), (v-20))), np.array(((h+20), (s+20), (v+20))))
thresh2 = thresh.copy()
# find contours in the threshold image
contours,hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh,cv2.RETR_LIST,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
#best_cnt = 1
max_area = 0
for cnt in contours:
area = cv2.contourArea(cnt)
if area > max_area:
max_area = area
best_cnt = cnt
# finding centroids of best_cnt and draw a circle there
M = cv2.moments(best_cnt)
cx,cy = int(M['m10']/M['m00']), int(M['m01']/M['m00'])
print cx, cy,(cx,cy),20,255,-1)
ch = 0xFF & cv2.waitKey(5)
if ch == 27:
if ch == ord('b'):
self.show_backproj = not self.show_backproj
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
try: video_src = sys.argv[1]
except: video_src = 0
print __doc__
I hack-sawed Rahman's example and camShift


i can't grab frame 2 object has no attribute

i want to make a separate tracking but the total inside is the sum of each track but it just keep giving me frame2 = imutils.resize(frame2, width = 500)
pture_MSMF::grabFr File "D:\pyli\lib\site-packages\imutils\", line 69, in resize
ame videoio(MSMF): can't grab frame. Error: -2147023901
(h, w) = image.shape[:2].
from mylib.centroidtracker import CentroidTracker
from mylib.trackableobject import TrackableObject
from import VideoStream
from import FPS
from mylib.mailer import Mailer
from mylib import config, thread
import time, schedule, csv
import numpy as np
import argparse, imutils
import time, dlib, cv2, datetime
from itertools import zip_longest
t0 = time.time()
def run():
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
ap.add_argument("-p", "--prototxt", required=False,
help="path to Caffe 'deploy' prototxt file")
ap.add_argument("-m", "--model", required=True,
help="path to Caffe pre-trained model")
ap.add_argument("-i", "--input", type=str,
help="path to optional input video file")
ap.add_argument("-o", "--output", type=str,
help="path to optional output video file")
ap.add_argument("-c", "--confidence", type=float, default=0.4,
help="minimum probability to filter weak detections")
ap.add_argument("-s", "--skip-frames", type=int, default=30,
help="# of skip frames between detections")
args = vars(ap.parse_args())
CLASSES = ["background", "aeroplane", "bicycle", "bird", "boat",
"bottle", "bus", "car", "cat", "chair", "cow", "diningtable",
"dog", "horse", "motorbike", "person", "pottedplant", "sheep",
"sofa", "train", "tvmonitor"]
net = cv2.dnn.readNetFromCaffe(args["prototxt"], args["model"])
net2 = cv2.dnn.readNetFromCaffe(args["prototxt"], args["model"])
if not args.get("input", False):
print("[INFO] Starting live cam 1 & 2..")
vs = VideoStream(config.url).start()
vs2 = VideoStream(config.url1).start()
writer = None
W = None
H = None
ct = CentroidTracker(maxDisappeared=10, maxDistance=100)
trackers = []
trackableObjects = {}
ct2 = CentroidTracker(maxDisappeared=10, maxDistance=100)
trackers2 = []
trackableObjects2 = {}
totalFrames = 0
totalDown = 0
totalUp = 0
x = []
totalFrames2 = 0
totalDown2 = 0
totalUp2 = 0
x2 = []
fps = FPS().start()
if config.Thread:
vs = thread.ThreadingClass(config.url)
vs2 = thread.ThreadingClass(config.url1)
while True:
frame =
frame = frame[1] if args.get("input", False) else frame
frame2 =
frame2 = frame2[1] if args.get("input", False) else frame2
frame = imutils.resize(frame, width = 500)
rgb = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
frame2 = imutils.resize(frame2, width = 500)
rgb2 = cv2.cvtColor(frame2, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
if W is None or H is None:
(H, W) = frame.shape[:2]
(H, W) = frame2.shape[:2]
status = "Waiting"
rects = []
status2 = "Waiting"
rects2 = []
if totalFrames % args["skip_frames"] == 0:
status = "Detecting"
trackers = []
blob = cv2.dnn.blobFromImage(frame, 0.007843, (W, H), 127.5)
detections = net.forward()
for i in np.arange(0, detections.shape[2]):
confidence = detections[0, 0, i, 2]
if confidence > args["confidence"]:
idx = int(detections[0, 0, i, 1])
if CLASSES[idx] != "person":
box = detections[0, 0, i, 3:7] * np.array([W, H, W, H])
(startX, startY, endX, endY) = box.astype("int")
tracker = dlib.correlation_tracker()
rect = dlib.rectangle(startX, startY, endX, endY)
tracker.start_track(rgb, rect)
for tracker in trackers:
status = "Tracking"
pos = tracker.get_position()
startX = int(pos.left())
startY = int(
endX = int(pos.right())
endY = int(pos.bottom())
rects.append((startX, startY, endX, endY))
if totalFrames2 % args["skip_frames"] == 0:
status2 = "Detecting"
trackers2 = []
blob2 = cv2.dnn.blobFromImage(frame2, 0.007843, (W, H), 127.5)
detections2 = net2.forward()
for i in np.arange(0, detections2.shape[2]):
confidence2 = detections2[0, 0, i, 2]
if confidence2 > args["confidence"]:
idx2 = int(detections2[0, 0, i, 1])
if CLASSES[idx2] != "person":
box2 = detections2[0, 0, i, 3:7] * np.array([W, H, W, H])
(startX2, startY2, endX2, endY2) = box2.astype("int")
trackers2 = dlib.correlation_tracker()
rects2 = dlib.rectangle(startX2, startY2, endX2, endY2)
tracker2.start_track(rgb2, rects2)
for tracker2 in trackers2:
status2 = "Tracking"
pos2 = tracker2.get_position()
startX2 = int(pos2.left())
startY2 = int(
endX2 = int(pos2.right())
endY2 = int(pos2.bottom())
rects2.append((startX2, startY2, endX2, endY2))
cv2.line(frame, (0, H // 2), (W, H // 2), (0, 0, 0), 3)
cv2.putText(frame, "-Prediction border - Entrance-", (10, H - ((i * 20) + 200)),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 0, 0), 1)
cv2.line(frame2, (0, H // 2), (W, H // 2), (0, 0, 0), 3)
cv2.putText(frame2, "-Prediction border - Entrance-", (10, H - ((i * 20) + 200)),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 0, 0), 1)
objects = ct.update(rects)
objects2 = ct2.update(rects2)
for (objectID, centroid) in objects.items():
to = trackableObjects.get(objectID, None)
if to is None:
to = TrackableObject(objectID, centroid)
y = [c[1] for c in to.centroids]
direction = centroid[1] - np.mean(y)
if not to.counted:
if direction < 0 and centroid[1] < H // 2:
totalUp += 1
to.counted = True
elif direction > 0 and centroid[1] > H // 2:
totalDown += 1
if sum(x) >= config.Threshold:
cv2.putText(frame, "-ALERT: People limit exceeded-", (10, frame.shape[0] - 80),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 0, 255), 2)
if config.ALERT:
print("[INFO] Sending email alert..")
print("[INFO] Alert sent")
to.counted = True
x = []
trackableObjects[objectID] = to
text = "ID {}".format(objectID)
cv2.putText(frame, text, (centroid[0] - 10, centroid[1] - 10),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (255, 255, 255), 2), (centroid[0], centroid[1]), 4, (255, 255, 255), -1)
for (objectID2, centroid2) in objects2.items():
to2 = trackableObjects2.get(objectID2, None)
if to2 is None:
to2 = TrackableObject(objectID2, centroid2)
y2 = [c[1] for c in to2.centroids]
direction2 = centroid2[1] - np.mean(y2)
if not to2.counted2:
if direction2 < 0 and centroid2[1] < H // 2:
totalUp2 += 1
to2.counted2 = True
elif direction2 > 0 and centroid2[1] > H // 2:
totalDown2 += 1
if sum(x) >= config.Threshold:
cv2.putText(frame2, "-ALERT: People limit exceeded-", (10, frame2.shape[0] - 80),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 0, 255), 2)
if config.ALERT:
print("[INFO] Sending email alert..")
print("[INFO] Alert sent")
to2.counted2 = True
x2 = []
trackableObjects2[objectID2] = to2
text2 = "ID2 {}".format(objectID2)
cv2.putText(frame2, text2, (centroid2[0] - 10, centroid2[1] - 10),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (255, 255, 255), 2), (centroid2[0], centroid2[1]), 4, (255, 255, 255), -1)
info = [
("Exit", totalUp),
("Enter", totalDown),
("Status", status),
info3 = [
("Total people inside", x+x2),
info2 = [
("Exit", totalUp2),
("Enter", totalDown2),
("Status", status2),
for (i, (k, v)) in enumerate(info):
text = "{}: {}".format(k, v)
cv2.putText(frame, text, (10, H - ((i * 20) + 20)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.6, (0, 0, 0), 2)
for (i, (k, v)) in enumerate(info3):
text = "{}: {}".format(k, v)
cv2.putText(frame, text, (265, H - ((i * 20) + 60)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.6, (255, 255, 255), 2)
text2 = "{}: {}".format(k, v)
cv2.putText(frame2, text2, (265, H - ((i * 20) + 60)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.6, (255, 255, 255), 2)
for (i, (k, v)) in enumerate(info2):
text2 = "{}: {}".format(k, v)
cv2.putText(frame2, text2, (265, H - ((i * 20) + 60)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.6, (255, 255, 255), 2)
if config.Log:
datetimee = []
d = [datetimee, empty1+empty3, empty+empty2, x+x2]
export_data = zip_longest(*d, fillvalue = '')
with open('Log.csv', 'w', newline='') as myfile:
wr = csv.writer(myfile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
wr.writerow(("End Time", "In", "Out", "Total Inside"))
if writer is not None:
cv2.imshow("Real-Time Monitoring/Analysis Window", frame)
cv2.imshow("Real-Time Monitoring 2", frame2)
key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
if key == ord("q"):
totalFrames += 1
totalFrames2 += 1
if config.Timer:
t1 = time.time()
if num_seconds > 28800:
print("[INFO] elapsed time: {:.2f}".format(fps.elapsed()))
print("[INFO] approx. FPS: {:.2f}".format(fps.fps()))
if config.Thread:
if config.Scheduler:
while 1:

How can i convert a point cloud data `(x, y, z)` into a depth map where `(x, y)` has depth `z`?

I got point cloud data in the form of [(x, y, z) , (norm_x, norm_y, norm_z)] in a text file. I am trying to convert this into a png or jpg image file where any points intensity corresponds to its depth (z).
here is how an stl 3d file looks like (left). On the right is what i am trying to make.
Thank you all for taking time to read this.
x_min = -2
x_max = 2
y_min = -1
y_max = 1
z_min = 0
z_max = 1
dx = x_max - x_min
dy = y_max - y_min
dz = z_max - z_min
Ps = []
for (i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) Ps.push([x_min + Math.random()*dx, y_min + Math.random()*dy, z_min + Math.random()*dz])
width = canvas.width
height = canvas.height
context = canvas.getContext('2d')
context.fillRect(0, 0, width, height)
imagedata = context.getImageData(0, 0, width, height)
data =
w = width - 1
h = height - 1
for (P of Ps) {
col = Math.round(((P[0] - x_min)/dx)*w)
row = Math.round(((y_max - P[1])/dy)*h)
val = ((P[2] - z_min)/dz)*255
i = 4*(width*row + col)
if (data[i] < val) data[i] = data[i + 1] = data[i + 2] = val
context.putImageData(imagedata, 0, 0)
a.href = canvas.toDataURL()
<canvas id=canvas>HTML5</canvas><br><a id=a>Download</a>

Set origin at image center for warpPerspective in OpenCV [duplicate]

I try to specify a different origin for the warpPerspective() function than the basic (0,0), in order to apply the transform independently of the support image size. I added a CvPoint parameter to the original code, but I can't find where to use these coordinates. I tried to use them in the computation of X0, Y0 and W0 but it didn't work, this only shift the transformed image in the resulting image. Any idea?
Here the code:
void warpPerspective( const Mat& src, Mat& dst, const Mat& M0, Size dsize,
int flags, int borderType, const Scalar& borderValue, CvPoint origin )
dst.create( dsize, src.type() );
const int BLOCK_SZ = 32;
double M[9];
Mat _M(3, 3, CV_64F, M);
int interpolation = flags & INTER_MAX;
if( interpolation == INTER_AREA )
interpolation = INTER_LINEAR;
CV_Assert( (M0.type() == CV_32F || M0.type() == CV_64F) && M0.rows == 3 && M0.cols == 3 );
M0.convertTo(_M, _M.type());
if( !(flags & WARP_INVERSE_MAP) )
invert(_M, _M);
int x, y, x1, y1, width = dst.cols, height = dst.rows;
int bh0 = std::min(BLOCK_SZ/2, height);
int bw0 = std::min(BLOCK_SZ*BLOCK_SZ/bh0, width);
bh0 = std::min(BLOCK_SZ*BLOCK_SZ/bw0, height);
for( y = 0; y < height; y += bh0 )
for( x = 0; x < width; x += bw0 )
int bw = std::min( bw0, width - x);
int bh = std::min( bh0, height - y);
Mat _XY(bh, bw, CV_16SC2, XY), _A;
Mat dpart(dst, Rect(x, y, bw, bh));
for( y1 = 0; y1 < bh; y1++ )
short* xy = XY + y1*bw*2;
double X0 = M[0]*x + M[1]*(y + y1) + M[2];
double Y0 = M[3]*x + M[4]*(y + y1) + M[5];
double W0 = M[6]*x + M[7]*(y + y1) + M[8];
if( interpolation == INTER_NEAREST )
for( x1 = 0; x1 < bw; x1++ )
double W = W0 + M[6]*x1;
W = W ? 1./W : 0;
int X = saturate_cast<int>((X0 + M[0]*x1)*W);
int Y = saturate_cast<int>((Y0 + M[3]*x1)*W);
xy[x1*2] = (short)X;
xy[x1*2+1] = (short)Y;
short* alpha = A + y1*bw;
for( x1 = 0; x1 < bw; x1++ )
double W = W0 + M[6]*x1;
int X = saturate_cast<int>((X0 + M[0]*x1)*W);
int Y = saturate_cast<int>((Y0 + M[3]*x1)*W);
xy[x1*2] = (short)(X >> INTER_BITS);
xy[x1*2+1] = (short)(Y >> INTER_BITS);
alpha[x1] = (short)((Y & (INTER_TAB_SIZE-1))*INTER_TAB_SIZE +
(X & (INTER_TAB_SIZE-1)));
if( interpolation == INTER_NEAREST )
remap( src, dpart, _XY, Mat(), interpolation, borderType, borderValue );
Mat _A(bh, bw, CV_16U, A);
remap( src, dpart, _XY, _A, interpolation, borderType, borderValue );
Ok, I found it myself! You have 2 things to do:
compute the destination dimensions in source referential, and do the remap using these dimensions ;
increment the computed points coordinates.
Here is the code thus transformed:
void warpPerspective( const Mat& src, Mat& dst, const Mat& M0, Size dsize,
int flags, int borderType, const Scalar& borderValue, CvPoint origin )
dst.create( dsize, src.type() );
const int BLOCK_SZ = 32;
double M[9];
Mat _M(3, 3, CV_64F, M);
int interpolation = flags & INTER_MAX;
if( interpolation == INTER_AREA )
interpolation = INTER_LINEAR;
CV_Assert( (M0.type() == CV_32F || M0.type() == CV_64F) && M0.rows == 3 && M0.cols == 3 );
M0.convertTo(_M, _M.type());
if( !(flags & WARP_INVERSE_MAP) )
invert(_M, _M);
int x, xDest, y, yDest, x1, y1, width = dst.cols, height = dst.rows;
int bh0 = std::min(BLOCK_SZ/2, height);
int bw0 = std::min(BLOCK_SZ*BLOCK_SZ/bh0, width);
bh0 = std::min(BLOCK_SZ*BLOCK_SZ/bw0, height);
for( y = -origin.y, yDest = 0; y < height; y += bh0, yDest += bh0 )
for( x = -origin.x, xDest = 0; x < width; x += bw0, xDest += bw0 )
int bw = std::min( bw0, width - x);
int bh = std::min( bh0, height - y);
// to avoid dimensions errors
if (bw <= 0 || bh <= 0)
Mat _XY(bh, bw, CV_16SC2, XY), _A;
Mat dpart(dst, Rect(xDest, yDest, bw, bh));
for( y1 = 0; y1 < bh; y1++ )
short* xy = XY + y1*bw*2;
double X0 = M[0]*x + M[1]*(y + y1) + M[2];
double Y0 = M[3]*x + M[4]*(y + y1) + M[5];
double W0 = M[6]*x + M[7]*(y + y1) + M[8];
if( interpolation == INTER_NEAREST )
for( x1 = 0; x1 < bw; x1++ )
double W = W0 + M[6]*x1;
W = W ? 1./W : 0;
int X = saturate_cast<int>((X0 + M[0]*x1)*W);
int Y = saturate_cast<int>((Y0 + M[3]*x1)*W);
xy[x1*2] = (short)X;
xy[x1*2+1] = (short)Y;
short* alpha = A + y1*bw;
for( x1 = 0; x1 < bw; x1++ )
double W = W0 + M[6]*x1;
int X = saturate_cast<int>((X0 + M[0]*x1)*W);
int Y = saturate_cast<int>((Y0 + M[3]*x1)*W);
xy[x1*2] = (short)(X >> INTER_BITS) + origin.x;
xy[x1*2+1] = (short)(Y >> INTER_BITS) + origin.y;
alpha[x1] = (short)((Y & (INTER_TAB_SIZE-1))*INTER_TAB_SIZE +
(X & (INTER_TAB_SIZE-1)));
if( interpolation == INTER_NEAREST )
remap( src, dpart, _XY, Mat(), interpolation, borderType, borderValue );
Mat _A(bh, bw, CV_16U, A);
remap( src, dpart, _XY, _A, interpolation, borderType, borderValue );
with this function:
CvPoint transformPoint(const CvPoint pointToTransform, const CvMat* matrix) {
double coordinates[3] = {pointToTransform.x, pointToTransform.y, 1};
CvMat originVector = cvMat(3, 1, CV_64F, coordinates);
CvMat transformedVector = cvMat(3, 1, CV_64F, coordinates);
cvMatMul(matrix, &originVector, &transformedVector);
CvPoint outputPoint = cvPoint((int)(cvmGet(&transformedVector, 0, 0) / cvmGet(&transformedVector, 2, 0)), (int)(cvmGet(&transformedVector, 1, 0) / cvmGet(&transformedVector, 2, 0)));
return outputPoint;
A much simpler and cleaner solution is to modify the perspective transformation. You can do a translation which moves the origin to the desired position, then do the perspective transformation and finally do the inverse translation.
Here is a small example program in python, which rotates an image by 45 degrees around the point(100, 100):
import cv2
import numpy as np
def translation_mat(dx, dy):
return np.array([1, 0, dx, 0, 1, dy, 0, 0, 1]).reshape((3,3))
def main():
img = cv2.imread(r"pigeon.png", cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
# a simple rotation by 45 degrees
rot = np.array([np.sin(np.pi/4), -np.cos(np.pi/4), 0, np.cos(np.pi/4), np.sin(np.pi/4), 0, 0, 0, 1]).reshape((3,3))
t1 = translation_mat(-100, -100)
t2 = translation_mat(100, 100)
rot_shifted =
size = (img.shape[1], img.shape[0])
img1 = cv2.warpPerspective(img, rot, size)
img2 = cv2.warpPerspective(img, rot_shifted, size)
cv2.imshow("Original image", img)
cv2.imshow("Rotated around (0,0)", img1)
cv2.imshow("Rotated around(100, 100)", img2)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Not that you read the order of transformations from right to left.
rot_shifted =
will apply t1 first, then rot, and then t2.
For those of you looking for this piece in Python, here's a start. I'm not 100% sure it works as I've stripped some optimizations from it. Also there is an issue with lineair interpolation, I simply didn't use it but you might want to take a closer look if you do.
import cv2
import numpy as np
def warp_perspective(src, M, (width, height), (origin_x, origin_y),
flags=cv2.INTER_NEAREST, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT,
borderValue=0, dst=None):
Implementation in Python using base code from
Note there is an issue with linear interpolation.
B_SIZE = 32
if dst == None:
dst = np.zeros((height, width, 3), dtype=src.dtype)
# Set interpolation mode.
interpolation = flags & cv2.INTER_MAX
if interpolation == cv2.INTER_AREA:
raise Exception('Area interpolation is not supported!')
# Prepare matrix.
M = M.astype(np.float64)
if not(flags & cv2.WARP_INVERSE_MAP):
M = cv2.invert(M)[1]
M = M.flatten()
x_dst = y_dst = 0
for y in xrange(-origin_y, height, B_SIZE):
for x in xrange(-origin_x, width, B_SIZE):
print (x, y)
# Block dimensions.
bw = min(B_SIZE, width - x_dst)
bh = min(B_SIZE, height - y_dst)
# To avoid dimension errors.
if bw <= 0 or bh <= 0:
# View of the destination array.
dpart = dst[y_dst:y_dst+bh, x_dst:x_dst+bw]
# Original code used view of array here, but we're using numpy array's.
XY = np.zeros((bh, bw, 2), dtype=np.int16)
A = np.zeros((bh, bw), dtype=np.uint16)
for y1 in xrange(bh):
X0 = M[0]*x + M[1]*(y + y1) + M[2]
Y0 = M[3]*x + M[4]*(y + y1) + M[5]
W0 = M[6]*x + M[7]*(y + y1) + M[8]
if interpolation == cv2.INTER_NEAREST:
for x1 in xrange(bw):
W = np.float64(W0 + M[6]*x1);
if W != 0:
W = np.float64(1.0)/W
X = np.int32((X0 + M[0]*x1)*W)
Y = np.int32((Y0 + M[3]*x1)*W)
XY[y1, x1][0] = np.int16(X)
XY[y1, x1][1] = np.int16(Y)
for x1 in xrange(bw):
W = np.float64(W0 + M[6]*x1);
if W != 0:
X = np.int32((X0 + M[0]*x1)*W)
Y = np.int32((Y0 + M[3]*x1)*W)
XY[y1, x1][0] = np.int16((X >> cv2.INTER_BITS) + origin_x)
XY[y1, x1][1] = np.int16((Y >> cv2.INTER_BITS) + origin_y)
A[y1, x1] = np.int16(((Y & (cv2.INTER_TAB_SIZE-1))*cv2.INTER_TAB_SIZE + (X & (cv2.INTER_TAB_SIZE-1))))
if interpolation == cv2.INTER_NEAREST:
cv2.remap(src, XY, None, interpolation, dst=dpart,
borderMode=borderMode, borderValue=borderValue)
cv2.remap(src, XY, A, interpolation, dst=dpart,
borderMode=borderMode, borderValue=borderValue)
x_dst += B_SIZE
x_dst = 0
y_dst += B_SIZE
return dst

Specify an origin to warpPerspective() function in OpenCV 2.x

I try to specify a different origin for the warpPerspective() function than the basic (0,0), in order to apply the transform independently of the support image size. I added a CvPoint parameter to the original code, but I can't find where to use these coordinates. I tried to use them in the computation of X0, Y0 and W0 but it didn't work, this only shift the transformed image in the resulting image. Any idea?
Here the code:
void warpPerspective( const Mat& src, Mat& dst, const Mat& M0, Size dsize,
int flags, int borderType, const Scalar& borderValue, CvPoint origin )
dst.create( dsize, src.type() );
const int BLOCK_SZ = 32;
double M[9];
Mat _M(3, 3, CV_64F, M);
int interpolation = flags & INTER_MAX;
if( interpolation == INTER_AREA )
interpolation = INTER_LINEAR;
CV_Assert( (M0.type() == CV_32F || M0.type() == CV_64F) && M0.rows == 3 && M0.cols == 3 );
M0.convertTo(_M, _M.type());
if( !(flags & WARP_INVERSE_MAP) )
invert(_M, _M);
int x, y, x1, y1, width = dst.cols, height = dst.rows;
int bh0 = std::min(BLOCK_SZ/2, height);
int bw0 = std::min(BLOCK_SZ*BLOCK_SZ/bh0, width);
bh0 = std::min(BLOCK_SZ*BLOCK_SZ/bw0, height);
for( y = 0; y < height; y += bh0 )
for( x = 0; x < width; x += bw0 )
int bw = std::min( bw0, width - x);
int bh = std::min( bh0, height - y);
Mat _XY(bh, bw, CV_16SC2, XY), _A;
Mat dpart(dst, Rect(x, y, bw, bh));
for( y1 = 0; y1 < bh; y1++ )
short* xy = XY + y1*bw*2;
double X0 = M[0]*x + M[1]*(y + y1) + M[2];
double Y0 = M[3]*x + M[4]*(y + y1) + M[5];
double W0 = M[6]*x + M[7]*(y + y1) + M[8];
if( interpolation == INTER_NEAREST )
for( x1 = 0; x1 < bw; x1++ )
double W = W0 + M[6]*x1;
W = W ? 1./W : 0;
int X = saturate_cast<int>((X0 + M[0]*x1)*W);
int Y = saturate_cast<int>((Y0 + M[3]*x1)*W);
xy[x1*2] = (short)X;
xy[x1*2+1] = (short)Y;
short* alpha = A + y1*bw;
for( x1 = 0; x1 < bw; x1++ )
double W = W0 + M[6]*x1;
int X = saturate_cast<int>((X0 + M[0]*x1)*W);
int Y = saturate_cast<int>((Y0 + M[3]*x1)*W);
xy[x1*2] = (short)(X >> INTER_BITS);
xy[x1*2+1] = (short)(Y >> INTER_BITS);
alpha[x1] = (short)((Y & (INTER_TAB_SIZE-1))*INTER_TAB_SIZE +
(X & (INTER_TAB_SIZE-1)));
if( interpolation == INTER_NEAREST )
remap( src, dpart, _XY, Mat(), interpolation, borderType, borderValue );
Mat _A(bh, bw, CV_16U, A);
remap( src, dpart, _XY, _A, interpolation, borderType, borderValue );
Ok, I found it myself! You have 2 things to do:
compute the destination dimensions in source referential, and do the remap using these dimensions ;
increment the computed points coordinates.
Here is the code thus transformed:
void warpPerspective( const Mat& src, Mat& dst, const Mat& M0, Size dsize,
int flags, int borderType, const Scalar& borderValue, CvPoint origin )
dst.create( dsize, src.type() );
const int BLOCK_SZ = 32;
double M[9];
Mat _M(3, 3, CV_64F, M);
int interpolation = flags & INTER_MAX;
if( interpolation == INTER_AREA )
interpolation = INTER_LINEAR;
CV_Assert( (M0.type() == CV_32F || M0.type() == CV_64F) && M0.rows == 3 && M0.cols == 3 );
M0.convertTo(_M, _M.type());
if( !(flags & WARP_INVERSE_MAP) )
invert(_M, _M);
int x, xDest, y, yDest, x1, y1, width = dst.cols, height = dst.rows;
int bh0 = std::min(BLOCK_SZ/2, height);
int bw0 = std::min(BLOCK_SZ*BLOCK_SZ/bh0, width);
bh0 = std::min(BLOCK_SZ*BLOCK_SZ/bw0, height);
for( y = -origin.y, yDest = 0; y < height; y += bh0, yDest += bh0 )
for( x = -origin.x, xDest = 0; x < width; x += bw0, xDest += bw0 )
int bw = std::min( bw0, width - x);
int bh = std::min( bh0, height - y);
// to avoid dimensions errors
if (bw <= 0 || bh <= 0)
Mat _XY(bh, bw, CV_16SC2, XY), _A;
Mat dpart(dst, Rect(xDest, yDest, bw, bh));
for( y1 = 0; y1 < bh; y1++ )
short* xy = XY + y1*bw*2;
double X0 = M[0]*x + M[1]*(y + y1) + M[2];
double Y0 = M[3]*x + M[4]*(y + y1) + M[5];
double W0 = M[6]*x + M[7]*(y + y1) + M[8];
if( interpolation == INTER_NEAREST )
for( x1 = 0; x1 < bw; x1++ )
double W = W0 + M[6]*x1;
W = W ? 1./W : 0;
int X = saturate_cast<int>((X0 + M[0]*x1)*W);
int Y = saturate_cast<int>((Y0 + M[3]*x1)*W);
xy[x1*2] = (short)X;
xy[x1*2+1] = (short)Y;
short* alpha = A + y1*bw;
for( x1 = 0; x1 < bw; x1++ )
double W = W0 + M[6]*x1;
int X = saturate_cast<int>((X0 + M[0]*x1)*W);
int Y = saturate_cast<int>((Y0 + M[3]*x1)*W);
xy[x1*2] = (short)(X >> INTER_BITS) + origin.x;
xy[x1*2+1] = (short)(Y >> INTER_BITS) + origin.y;
alpha[x1] = (short)((Y & (INTER_TAB_SIZE-1))*INTER_TAB_SIZE +
(X & (INTER_TAB_SIZE-1)));
if( interpolation == INTER_NEAREST )
remap( src, dpart, _XY, Mat(), interpolation, borderType, borderValue );
Mat _A(bh, bw, CV_16U, A);
remap( src, dpart, _XY, _A, interpolation, borderType, borderValue );
with this function:
CvPoint transformPoint(const CvPoint pointToTransform, const CvMat* matrix) {
double coordinates[3] = {pointToTransform.x, pointToTransform.y, 1};
CvMat originVector = cvMat(3, 1, CV_64F, coordinates);
CvMat transformedVector = cvMat(3, 1, CV_64F, coordinates);
cvMatMul(matrix, &originVector, &transformedVector);
CvPoint outputPoint = cvPoint((int)(cvmGet(&transformedVector, 0, 0) / cvmGet(&transformedVector, 2, 0)), (int)(cvmGet(&transformedVector, 1, 0) / cvmGet(&transformedVector, 2, 0)));
return outputPoint;
A much simpler and cleaner solution is to modify the perspective transformation. You can do a translation which moves the origin to the desired position, then do the perspective transformation and finally do the inverse translation.
Here is a small example program in python, which rotates an image by 45 degrees around the point(100, 100):
import cv2
import numpy as np
def translation_mat(dx, dy):
return np.array([1, 0, dx, 0, 1, dy, 0, 0, 1]).reshape((3,3))
def main():
img = cv2.imread(r"pigeon.png", cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
# a simple rotation by 45 degrees
rot = np.array([np.sin(np.pi/4), -np.cos(np.pi/4), 0, np.cos(np.pi/4), np.sin(np.pi/4), 0, 0, 0, 1]).reshape((3,3))
t1 = translation_mat(-100, -100)
t2 = translation_mat(100, 100)
rot_shifted =
size = (img.shape[1], img.shape[0])
img1 = cv2.warpPerspective(img, rot, size)
img2 = cv2.warpPerspective(img, rot_shifted, size)
cv2.imshow("Original image", img)
cv2.imshow("Rotated around (0,0)", img1)
cv2.imshow("Rotated around(100, 100)", img2)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Not that you read the order of transformations from right to left.
rot_shifted =
will apply t1 first, then rot, and then t2.
For those of you looking for this piece in Python, here's a start. I'm not 100% sure it works as I've stripped some optimizations from it. Also there is an issue with lineair interpolation, I simply didn't use it but you might want to take a closer look if you do.
import cv2
import numpy as np
def warp_perspective(src, M, (width, height), (origin_x, origin_y),
flags=cv2.INTER_NEAREST, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT,
borderValue=0, dst=None):
Implementation in Python using base code from
Note there is an issue with linear interpolation.
B_SIZE = 32
if dst == None:
dst = np.zeros((height, width, 3), dtype=src.dtype)
# Set interpolation mode.
interpolation = flags & cv2.INTER_MAX
if interpolation == cv2.INTER_AREA:
raise Exception('Area interpolation is not supported!')
# Prepare matrix.
M = M.astype(np.float64)
if not(flags & cv2.WARP_INVERSE_MAP):
M = cv2.invert(M)[1]
M = M.flatten()
x_dst = y_dst = 0
for y in xrange(-origin_y, height, B_SIZE):
for x in xrange(-origin_x, width, B_SIZE):
print (x, y)
# Block dimensions.
bw = min(B_SIZE, width - x_dst)
bh = min(B_SIZE, height - y_dst)
# To avoid dimension errors.
if bw <= 0 or bh <= 0:
# View of the destination array.
dpart = dst[y_dst:y_dst+bh, x_dst:x_dst+bw]
# Original code used view of array here, but we're using numpy array's.
XY = np.zeros((bh, bw, 2), dtype=np.int16)
A = np.zeros((bh, bw), dtype=np.uint16)
for y1 in xrange(bh):
X0 = M[0]*x + M[1]*(y + y1) + M[2]
Y0 = M[3]*x + M[4]*(y + y1) + M[5]
W0 = M[6]*x + M[7]*(y + y1) + M[8]
if interpolation == cv2.INTER_NEAREST:
for x1 in xrange(bw):
W = np.float64(W0 + M[6]*x1);
if W != 0:
W = np.float64(1.0)/W
X = np.int32((X0 + M[0]*x1)*W)
Y = np.int32((Y0 + M[3]*x1)*W)
XY[y1, x1][0] = np.int16(X)
XY[y1, x1][1] = np.int16(Y)
for x1 in xrange(bw):
W = np.float64(W0 + M[6]*x1);
if W != 0:
X = np.int32((X0 + M[0]*x1)*W)
Y = np.int32((Y0 + M[3]*x1)*W)
XY[y1, x1][0] = np.int16((X >> cv2.INTER_BITS) + origin_x)
XY[y1, x1][1] = np.int16((Y >> cv2.INTER_BITS) + origin_y)
A[y1, x1] = np.int16(((Y & (cv2.INTER_TAB_SIZE-1))*cv2.INTER_TAB_SIZE + (X & (cv2.INTER_TAB_SIZE-1))))
if interpolation == cv2.INTER_NEAREST:
cv2.remap(src, XY, None, interpolation, dst=dpart,
borderMode=borderMode, borderValue=borderValue)
cv2.remap(src, XY, A, interpolation, dst=dpart,
borderMode=borderMode, borderValue=borderValue)
x_dst += B_SIZE
x_dst = 0
y_dst += B_SIZE
return dst

Drawing a line between two points

Here's what I got so far. I rewrote the code to simplify things a bit. Previous code wasn't actually the real, basic algorithm. It had fluff that I didn't need. I answered the question about pitch, and below you'll see some images of my test results.
local function Line (buf, x1, y1, x2, y2, color, pitch)
-- identify the first pixel
local n = x1 + y1 * pitch
-- // difference between starting and ending points
local dx = x2 - x1;
local dy = y2 - y1;
local m = dy / dx
local err = m - 1
if (dx > dy) then -- // dx is the major axis
local j = y1
local i = x1
while i < x2 do
buf.buffer[j * pitch + i] = color
if (err >= 0) then
i = i + 1
err = err - 1
j = j + 1
err = err + m
else -- // dy is the major axis
local j = x1
local i = y1
while i < y2 do
buf.buffer[i * pitch + j] = color
if (err >= 0) then
i = i + 1
err = err - 1
j = j + 1
err = err + m
-- (visdata[2][1][576], int isBeat, int *framebuffer, int *fbout, int w, int h
function LibAVSSuperScope:Render(visdata, isBeat, framebuffer, fbout, w, h)
local size = 5
Line (self.buffer, 0, 0, 24, 24, 0xffff00, 24)
do return end
Edit: Oh I just realized something. 0,0 is in the lower left-hand corner. So the function's sort of working, but it's overlapping and slanted.
Yeah, this whole thing's broken. I'm plugging numbers into Line() and getting all sort of results. Let me show you some.
Here's Line (self.buffer, 0, 0, 23, 23, 0x00ffff, 24 * 2)
And here's Line (self.buffer, 0, 1, 23, 23, 0x00ffff, 24 * 2)
Edit: Wow, doing Line (self.buffer, 0, 24, 24, 24, 0x00ffff, 24 * 2) uses way too much CPU time.
Edit: Here's another image using this algorithm. The yellow dots are starting points.
Line (self.buffer, 0, 0, 24, 24, 0xff0000, 24)
Line (self.buffer, 0, 12, 23, 23, 0x00ff00, 24)
Line (self.buffer, 12, 0, 23, 23, 0x0000ff, 24)
Edit: And yes, that blue line wraps around.
This one works.
Line (self.buffer, 0, 0, 23, 23, 0xff0000, 24 * 2)
Line (self.buffer, 0, 5, 23, 23, 0x00ff00, 24)
Line (self.buffer, 12, 0, 23, 23, 0x0000ff, 24)
local function Line (buf, x0, y0, x1, y1, color, pitch)
local dx = x1 - x0;
local dy = y1 - y0;
buf.buffer[x0 + y0 * pitch] = color
if (dx ~= 0) then
local m = dy / dx;
local b = y0 - m*x0;
if x1 > x0 then
dx = 1
dx = -1
while x0 ~= x1 do
x0 = x0 + dx
y0 = math.floor(m*x0 + b + 0.5);
buf.buffer[x0 + y0 * pitch] = color
Here's the spiral.
The one below dances around like a music visualization, but we're just feeding it random data. I think the line quality could be better.
This is what I settled on. I just had to find valid information on that Bresenham algorithm. Thanks cs-unc for the information about various line algorithms, from simple to complex.
function LibBuffer:Line4(x0, y0, x1, y1, color, pitch)
local dx = x1 - x0;
local dy = y1 - y0;
local stepx, stepy
if dy < 0 then
dy = -dy
stepy = -1
stepy = 1
if dx < 0 then
dx = -dx
stepx = -1
stepx = 1
self.buffer[x0 + y0 * pitch] = color
if dx > dy then
local fraction = dy - bit.rshift(dx, 1)
while x0 ~= x1 do
if fraction >= 0 then
y0 = y0 + stepy
fraction = fraction - dx
x0 = x0 + stepx
fraction = fraction + dy
self.buffer[floor(y0) * pitch + floor(x0)] = color
local fraction = dx - bit.rshift(dy, 1)
while y0 ~= y1 do
if fraction >= 0 then
x0 = x0 + stepx
fraction = fraction - dy
y0 = y0 + stepy
fraction = fraction + dx
self.buffer[floor(y0) * pitch + floor(x0)] = color
Here's what this one looks like.
