Reportbuilder (digital-metaphors) Sum with comma values is not functioning..need Directions? - delphi

I am working with firebird 2,5 and Delphi XE and Reportbuilder.
I have a table with a column containing values like 12,15 and 52,63 now in summary band of report i use DBCALC and want to have Total Sum of this column.
The Problem is the result is not correct it comes up 64 instead of 64,78
How can i resolve this problem ? Please help..

Make sure the box in your total line is wide enough to display the complete number. The default might make it a little too small.


SPSS gives out wrong N calculation in crosstabs

I asked SPSS to calculate a crosstab for me, but the N comes out as N=1001, when - looking at the numbers - it should be N=1002?
How could this be possible?
Thank you for your help!
picture of reverenced crosstab
As I haven't seen yor data structure I am not sure if this is what the problem is caused by, but this problem has been reported by IBM before for string variables. In case you have stored the data as a string varaible (eg. "35 bis 54 Jahre", I would recommed recoding it either numerically or into shorter strings (max. 8 characters).
Here is the Link to IBMs page:

SPSS percentile issue

I am working with SPSS 18.
I am using FREQUENCIES to calculate the 95th percentile of a variable.
FREQUENCIES SdrelPromSldDeu_Acr_5_0
/PERCENTILES 1,5,95,99.
The result is given in a table
N Valid 8881
Missing 0
Percentiles 1 -1,001060644014
5 -1,000541440102
95 6619,140632636228
99 9223372,036854776000
But if I double-click the 9223372,036854776 to copy it, another number appears: 1.0757943411193715E7.
If I use MEANS to get the maximum value, the result is 2.4329524990388575E8, so the number that appears on the double-click seems possible.
I have seen 9223372,03 in other cases as well, as if it were some kind of upper limit SPSS is able to display.
Can anybody tell me if the 9223372,03 represents anything useful? Should I trust the bigger number?
It appears to be a bug in the display of SPSS.
The number you have shown is eerily similar to
which is the highest value possible if a variable is declared as a long integer.
see also:
Since your actual number is 11 degrees smaller, it should not reach this limit. Hence the conclusion that it must be a bug in the display software.
Do not trust it.
(the number behind may or may not be right, but the 9223372,03 is surely wrong)

What is the MAXIMUM number of variables that can be entered into an SPSS Frequencies command?

As it says on the tin. I know that it will be somewhere between 125 and 2013 but trying to streamline my code.
Any help greatly appreciated!
The DOCS say 1000 is the maximum (see the Limitations section). You could reach the limits of displaying tables in the output in memory, making the effective number smaller (depends on the style of tables you have it output as well as the number of rows displayed in the tables).
This isn't to say that outputting 1,000 frequencies is ever a really good idea. Why would you ever want to visually pour over that many tables?

To set a value on a PowerBuilder textbox

I am developing a billing system using PowerBuilder 12.5 Classic and I need to set 0 for a textbox; like in txtchange.Text = 0
i have two drop down list boxes
ddlb_price (defines the price value of an item)
ddlb_cash (the cash amount given by the customer)
sle_change (the change that the cashier is to give the customer)
the system should set the value for sle_change when the cashier inputs the cash.
1. this gives me syntax error;
if cash=price then
end if
2. this gives 'incompatible types in assinment
if cash=price then
end if
The single line edit (sle) control is designed to hold text. You're trying to assign it a numeric value. You will have to change the number into a string if you want the sle to display it:
sle_fare.text = "0"
sle_fare.text = string(variableHere)
Once again, I'm going to step back, ignore the actual questions, and look at how a DataWindow would help as an alternative.
You seem to want a control with a data type behind it. The DataWindow has those types of controls. Don't forget that a DataWindow doesn't have to have a SELECT statement behind it; it can have a stored procedure, web service, or nothing at all (external DataWindow) behind the data set. Once you have a control with a numeric data type behind it, you get (for free) some basic editing controls, such as not allowing alpha characters in the field and making sure the entered value is really a number (e.g. "0-.2.1" would fail).
A step beyond that is looking at one of your coming requirements: calculating change. On a DataWindow, you can create a compute with an expression that will automagically calculate your change for you, once price and cash are entered.
I certainly don't want to say you can't do things the way you're proceeding, but there are many issues that a DataWindow would remove over some other approach. The strength of PowerBuilder is in the DataWindow.
Good luck,

How to fix the endless printing loop bug in Nevrona Rave

Nevrona Designs' Rave Reports is a Report Engine for use by Embarcadero's Delphi IDE.
This is what I call the Rave Endless Loop bug. In Rave Reports
version 6.5.0 (VCL10) that comes bundled with Delphi 2006, there is a
nortorious bug that plagues many Rave report developers. If you have a
non-empty dataset, and the data rows for this dataset fit exactly into a
page (that is to say there are zero widow rows), then upon PrintPreview,
Rave will get stuck in an infinite loop generating pages.
This problem has been previously reported in this newsgroup under the
following headings:
"error: generating infinite pages"; Hugo Hiram 20/9/2006 8:44PM
"Rave loop bug. Please help"; Tomas Lazar 11/07/2006 7:35PM
"Loop on full page of data?"; Tony Chistiansen 23/12/2004 3:41PM
reply to (3) by another complainant; Oliver Piche
"Endless lopp print bug"; Richso 9/11/2004 4:44PM
In each of these postings, there was no response from Nevrona, and no
solution was reported.
Possibly, the problem has also been reported on an allied newsgroup
(nevrona.public.rave.reports.general), to wit:
6. "Continuously generating report"; Jobard 20/11/2005
Although it is not clear to me if (6) is the Rave Endless loop bug or
another problem. This posting did get a reply from Nevrona, but it was
more in relation to multiple regions ("There is a problem when using
multiple regions that go over a page-break.") than the problem of zero
This is more of a work-around than a true solution. I first posted this work-around on the Nevrona newsgroup (Group=nevrona.public.rave.developer.delphi.rave; Subject="Are you suffering from the Rave Endless Loop bug?: Work-around announced."; Date=13/11/2006 7:06 PM)
So here is my solution. It is more of a work-around than a good
long-term solution, and I hope that Nevrona will give this issue some
serious attention in the near future.
Given your particular report layout, count the maximum number of rows
per page. Let us say that this is 40.
Set up a counter to count the rows within the page (as opposed to rows within the whole report). You could do this either by event script or by a CalcTotal component.
Define an OnBeforePrint scripted event handler for the main data band.
In this event handler set the FinishNewPage property of the main data band to be True when the row-per-page count is one or two below the max (in our example, this would be 38). And set it to False in all other cases. The effect of this is to give every page a non-zero number of widows (in this case 1..38), thus avoiding the condition that gives rise to the Rave Endless loop problem.
Thanks so much for this Sean - unfortunately this wouldn't work for me but I came up with another solution...
You see I have a memo at the top of the region that might expand or contract depending on how many notes the user has left in the database. This means that the number of rows that can fit on a page varies.
However. there is another solution - you use the MaxHeightLeft property of a databand.
All you do is measure the height of your databand, multiply it by 2, and put this in your MaxHeightLeft property. This will force 1 or 2 records onto the next page if it fills up that much.
thank's a lot, this thread helps me out from my problem with endless printing loop in Nevrona Rave...., I set MinHeightLeft to 0,500, this setting is work but i'm not sure that it will work for anothers result set of my query report.
The solution is MinHeightLeft to 0,500 , i use property wastefit area in true and generated the loop in the second print, but when changed the property MinHeightLeft to 0,500 the error disapear.
Thanks !
Fabiola Herrera.
