Removal of in-app purchase product in itunes connect - ios

I want to change the type of in-app purchase from auto-renewable to non-consumable one.
So I remove the in-app purchase product in itunes connect and create a new one.
The problem is when restoring, does old users who had ever purchased the auto-renewable receive the old transactions back?
I have another problem now. >_<
1. I remove the old auto-renewable product.
2. Add a new non-consumable product.
3. Add a update version of my app.(ex. 1.3.0)
When I try to test in-app purchase with new product in sandbox, I receive 21004 when I verify the receipt with app-store. I cannot find any definition of error 21004 on non-consumable product.
Only auto-renewable product defines it. It means shared-key not match.
But receipt verification of non-consumable product didn't need shared-key.
Does someone teach me what happen?


consumable products are not getting reflected in purchase receipt for ios

When I purchase a consumable in-app purchase item I am getting an updated response in the receipt token but when I purchase the same item it is not adding that record to the receipt as my item is consumable and it should be purchased multiple times so if anyone faced the same issue then please tell me what kind of settings I need to make so it can work properly.
Also, subscriptions are working completely fine only issues with consumable products.

Does Apple allow changing from Non-consumable IAP to Subscription? [duplicate]

I've had in-app purchase feature with non-consumable pricing in Apple Store. And the app has pricing to use it.
How to change non-consumable to auto-renewable subscriptions? Somehow keep user who purchased the app. And new user charge with auto-renewable subscriptions.
No you can't change it, just make sure in your App, you use
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue]restoreCompletedTransactions];
Restore old purchase and check if you find that the user has purchased the non-consumable product (old users), restore the product for free. If user has not purchased that product before (new users), ask them to purchase the new auto-renewable subscriptions.

How to change non-consumable to auto-renewable subscriptions and keep old user?

I've had in-app purchase feature with non-consumable pricing in Apple Store. And the app has pricing to use it.
How to change non-consumable to auto-renewable subscriptions? Somehow keep user who purchased the app. And new user charge with auto-renewable subscriptions.
No you can't change it, just make sure in your App, you use
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue]restoreCompletedTransactions];
Restore old purchase and check if you find that the user has purchased the non-consumable product (old users), restore the product for free. If user has not purchased that product before (new users), ask them to purchase the new auto-renewable subscriptions.

Change an IAP from Non-Renewing subscription to Auto-Renewing

In my app I have a Non-Renewing subscription to access one of the feature.Now my client has asked me to change it to Auto-Renewing subscription, I am confused on how to start the same. Should I change the existing to product or should I remove the Non-Renewing & add a new Auto-Renewable item. 1000's of user are already purchased the product as Non-Renewable, will updating the same cause any problem for them. Can anyone please guide me on how to implement it.

Auto-renewable subscription issue in iOS 8 Application

When I used non-consumable in-app purchase product for testing after purchased it will give proper result that is You are already purchased but in Auto-renewable subscription it will always ask for purchase for the same user and for the same product. How to resolved it.
You can read apple's documentation to test Auto renewable subscriptions
A Side Note: In the consumable case it is prohibited that you forward the user to the store if he/she already purchased the item. Unless, he/she reinstalled the app. or installed it on a different device that didn't used to purchase the item in the first place.
Auto-renewale here is your answer.
