iOS Thrift SSL Connection - ios

I have been using Thrift for data connections to server in my iOS app. I would now like to secure it using SSL but it appears the libraries only have a Java solution for TSSLTransportFactory.
Does anybody have a solution for this for iOS?

There are two JIRA tickets here and here, both with a patch attached which is not so old and should do it. We would appreciate your feedback wether or not you were able to use it successfully, both here at SO and in JIRA.


Openfire Meeting iOS Implementation

I have set up openfire on my EC2 ubuntu server with openfire meetings installed.
Focus user, test users, group chat and ofmeet are configured using admin console http://myserver:9090/.
Multi users video conference is working properly on chrome browser using https://myserver:7443/ofmeet/?r=testroom.
Now i want to implement this in an iOS app and i have no idea where to start.I did look into some demo projects but still unable to figure it out.
Can someone please help with this? If anyone has worked with something like this please let me know. Thanks
Try the following jitsi projects
The Openfire Meetings plugin is an implementation that wraps various Jitsi projects (such as VideoBridge and Meet). To create a native client that works with Openfire Meetings, it is advisable to use the native client implementations as provided by the Jitsi project.
A good place to start are the React-Native based SDKs that are part of Jitsi Meet:

Receiving message from client in Unity

I'm trying to receive a message in Unity from a client connected. However, I do not find a way to create a server in Unity that accepts an external client (an iOS app) and reads messages. Any help?
Using socket with unity is a bit complicated and tricky but it is possible. I answered this question few days ago and see no need to re-post the code here. Here is a complete working Unity socket server code.
Unity3d C# plugin to act as a socket server

PJSIP Calls fail while calling a client over a different network

I have build a PJSIP app for VoIP.
Which works well when trying to connect a client which is using the same network.
I am maintaining the connection over TLS.
I have successfully configured RTPEnginge
And using Kamailio 4.3
I have tried all the methods on the PJSIP help site for getting through NAT.
I am able to connect the call with a client but unable to hear any audio.
Please help or suggest a way to solve this issue.
Any help or guidance is much appreciated.
The exact reason could certainly be confirmed only by getting much more informations.
However, from your description, you may be simply missing a RTP relay: kamailio usually requires rtpproxy to be installed.
You will also need to configure kamailio (kamailio.cfg) to use rtpproxy.
Here is the documentation for kamailio's rtpproxy module.

Realtime communication app backend

I am developing a desktop application which will communicate with an iOS app and transfer/receive data in realtime. What is the best way to do this? Should I use something like OpenFire as the backend server?
What about using Bonjour? This project on GitHub will help you a lot.
I am going with OpenFire. OpenFire has a lot of options starting from private messaging to conferencing to email notifications using plugins. Overall, it is more flexible than any of the other solutions out there.

Blackberry application to establish an http connection

i have been working on developing an blackberry application. as per now i want the application to connect to a local server on my network and fetch a file from that machine. i have been using the library given by a named blackberry developer Mr.peter is the link for the same Http connection through BIS-B
my requirement would be setting up connection to the local server using any transport mode but it should be able to render the text downloaded.
i tried using the demos provided by blackberry samples as it comes with the plugin for eclipse the http demo from those samples shows only trying to setup an http connection string and the networkapidemo sample shows diffrent http codes when the url is entered as desired.i am running all the applications on the simulator. i havent tried running any of my apps on the hardware
may i know why this problem arises of http codes....ill also want to know guidelines about how to set a simple http connection just to download a file(text file) from a local server.
I have tried many forums too. if anybody would have a look at it i would post it here.
Only a simple connection is becoming a headache!
anyways...waiting for replies..
thanx in advance guys :)
It does not matter whether you want to communicate with local or remote server.
1) See the API docs on HttpConnection. There are sample code in there.
2) Unfortunatelly, on BB you should be aware of Network Transports. Check this thread to get all info you need on Network Transports.
The second point explains an approach that will work on any OS. If you need an OS 5+ only approach, then check the ConnectionFactory API. ConnectionFactory usage sapmles.
