I'm using this library to parse my incoming emails:
I have Mailparse extension installed and everything is fine, but when I do:
echo $from = $Parser->getHeader('from');
It echos out the name of the email sender, for example: John Smith, but I need the email address of the email sender, for example john#smith.com.
This also happens for:
echo $to = $Parser->getHeader('to');
and I can't seem to find any solution to get these, any helps here?
Thanks in adnva
You need to apply htmlspecialchars() function on to/from:
// You need to apply htmlspecialchars() function on to/from:
$from = htmlspecialchars($Parser->getHeader('from'));
$to = htmlspecialchars($Parser->getHeader('to'));
// the above code will give you something like:
// John Smith <john#smith.com>
// so to get the email address we need to use explode() function:
function get_email_address($input){
$input = explode('<', $input);
$output = str_replace('>', '', $input);
$name = $output[0]; // THE NAME
$email = $output[1]; // THE EMAIL ADDRESS
return $email;
$from = htmlspecialchars($Parser->getHeader('from'));
echo $from = get_email_address($from); // NOW THIS IS THE EMAIL
$to = htmlspecialchars($Parser->getHeader('to'));
echo $from = get_email_address($to) // NOW THIS IS THE EMAIL
Below is the code i have created so far, my goal is to use the youtube Search: list api to find streams for specific games and then publish how many streams there are for that game, I have a database for the game titles and this is my function below, my api link does work im just not able to get the Info.totalResults from it, any help would be great, Thank you for any help you can provide
function totalgamelist() {
global $wpdb;
$gamelistname = $wpdb->prefix . 'Games';
global $wpdb;
$getgames = $wpdb->get_results( 'SELECT * FROM '.$gamelistname , OBJECT );
if (empty($getgames)) {
//empty array
echo 'This is empty sorry!';
} else {
echo 'We Got Something!';
foreach ( $getgames as $getgame )
echo '<div class="gamename">'.$getgame->GameTitle;
$JSON = file_get_contents("https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?part=snippet&eventType=live&type=video&videoCategoryId=20®ionCode=US&maxResults=50&q='.$getgame->GameTitle.'&key=[API KEY]");
$json_data = json_decode($JSON, true);
echo $json_data['totalResults'];
echo '</div>';
So with the help from johnh10, i was able to find out that it wasn't my ability to display the results although the echo johnh10 gave is correct :) it was also that my server was blocking access to the url i was asking to view. Below is the curl code i used to access the url, hope it helps others.
$urlgame = 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?part=snippet&eventType=live&type=video&videoCategoryId=20®ionCode=US&maxResults=1&q='.$getgame->GameTitle.'&key=[API Key]';
$ch = curl_init($urlgame);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$data = curl_exec($ch);
$json_data = json_decode($data, true);
if (!empty($json_data)) {
$streamnumber = $json_data['pageInfo']['totalResults'];
echo ' Streams:'.$streamnumber;
} else {
echo ' Streams: No Streams Found';
echo $json_data['pageInfo']['totalResults'];
I need to read the content of a mail in a ZF2 project. I'm able to read the header and the contentType, but not the 'body'. The contentType = multipart/alternative. Until now I use thos following code:
$params = array('host' => 'myHost', 'user' => 'myUser', 'password' => 'myPwd');
$mail = new \Zend\Mail\Storage\Imap($params);
$cntMail = $mail->countMessages();
for ($i = $cntMail; $i > 0; $i--) { // reverse order
$message = $mail->getMessage($i);
if (stristr($message->subject, '[Ticket#: I' . 411401 . ']')) {
echo $message->subject . "\n";
echo $message->contentType;
if ($message->isMultipart())
echo 'is multipart';
// here the body
echo $mail->getRawContent($i); //throws an error
Any help will be appreciated, Andrea
I connected to smartermail and apparently it is not possible with ZF2 to get the content of mails in smartermail...
There is this new Export functionality developed on this application and I'm trying to test it using Behat/Mink.
The issue here is when I click on the export link, the data on the page gets exported in to a CSV and gets saved under /Downloads but I don't see any response code or anything on the page.
Is there a way I can export the CSV and navigate to the /Downloads folder to verify the file?
Assuming you are using the Selenium driver you could "click" on the link and $this->getSession()->wait(30) until the download is finished and then check the Downloads folder for the file.
That would be the simplest solution. Alternatively you can use a proxy, like BrowserMob, to watch all requests and then verify the response code. But that would be a really painful path for that alone.
The simplest way to check that the file is downloaded would be to define another step with a basic assertion.
* #Then /^the file ".+" should be downloaded$/
public function assertFileDownloaded($filename)
if (!file_exists('/download/dir/' . $filename)) {
throw new Exception();
This might be problematic in situations when you download a file with the same name and the browser saves it under a different name. As a solution you can add a #BeforeScenario hook to clear the list of the know files.
Another issue would be the download dir itself – it might be different for other users / machines. To fix that you could pass the download dir in your behat.yml as a argument to the context constructor, read the docs for that.
But the best approach would be to pass the configuration to the Selenium specifying the download dir to ensure it's always clear and you know exactly where to search. I am not certain how to do that, but from the quick googling it seems to be possible.
Checkout this blog: https://www.jverdeyen.be/php/behat-file-downloads/
The basic idea is to copy the current session and do the request with Guzzle. After that you can check the response any way you like.
class FeatureContext extends \Behat\Behat\Context\BehatContext {
* #When /^I try to download "([^"]*)"$/
public function iTryToDownload($url)
$cookies = $this->getSession()->getDriver()->getWebDriverSession()->getCookie('PHPSESSID');
$cookie = new \Guzzle\Plugin\Cookie\Cookie();
$jar = new \Guzzle\Plugin\Cookie\CookieJar\ArrayCookieJar();
$client = new \Guzzle\Http\Client($this->getSession()->getCurrentUrl());
$client->addSubscriber(new \Guzzle\Plugin\Cookie\CookiePlugin($jar));
$request = $client->get($url);
$this->response = $request->send();
* #Then /^I should see response status code "([^"]*)"$/
public function iShouldSeeResponseStatusCode($statusCode)
$responseStatusCode = $this->response->getStatusCode();
if (!$responseStatusCode == intval($statusCode)) {
throw new \Exception(sprintf("Did not see response status code %s, but %s.", $statusCode, $responseStatusCode));
* #Then /^I should see in the header "([^"]*)":"([^"]*)"$/
public function iShouldSeeInTheHeader($header, $value)
$headers = $this->response->getHeaders();
if ($headers->get($header) != $value) {
throw new \Exception(sprintf("Did not see %s with value %s.", $header, $value));
Little modified iTryToDownload() function with using all cookies:
public function iTryToDownload($link) {
$elt = $this->getSession()->getPage()->findLink($link);
if($elt) {
$value = $elt->getAttribute('href');
$driver = $this->getSession()->getDriver();
if ($driver instanceof \Behat\Mink\Driver\Selenium2Driver) {
$ds = $driver->getWebDriverSession();
$cookies = $ds->getAllCookies();
} else {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Not Selenium2Driver');
$jar = new \Guzzle\Plugin\Cookie\CookieJar\ArrayCookieJar();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($cookies); $i++) {
$cookie = new \Guzzle\Plugin\Cookie\Cookie();
$client = new \Guzzle\Http\Client($this->getSession()->getCurrentUrl());
$client->addSubscriber(new \Guzzle\Plugin\Cookie\CookiePlugin($jar));
$request = $client->get($value);
$this->response = $request->send();
} else {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Could not evaluate: "%s"', $link));
In project we have problem that we have two servers: one with web drivers and browsers and second with selenium hub. As result we decide to use curl request for fetching headers. So I wrote function which would called in step definition. Below you can find a function which use a standard php functions: curl_init()
* #param $request_url
* #param $userToken
* #return bool
* #throws Exception
private function makeCurlRequestForDownloadCSV($request_url, $userToken)
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $request_url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$headers = [
'Content-Type: application/json',
"Authorization: Bearer {$userToken}"
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
$output = curl_exec($ch);
$info = curl_getinfo($ch);
$output .= "\n" . curl_error($ch);
if ($output === false || $info['http_code'] != 200 || $info['content_type'] != "text/csv; charset=UTF-8") {
$output = "No cURL data returned for $request_url [" . $info['http_code'] . "]";
throw new Exception($output);
} else {
return true;
How you can see I have authorization by token. If you want to understand what headers you should use you should download file manual and look request and response in browser's tab network
I'm setting up a website using the EPI Twitter Oauth method. I'm able to get a user to login and retrieve their information. However when I refresh the page that has their info, the info is lost. I'm guessing this is to do with the Access Token, and am hoping someone can suggest the easiest way to fix this.
include 'lib/EpiCurl.php';
include 'lib/EpiOAuth.php';
include 'lib/EpiTwitter.php';
include 'lib/secret.php';
$twitterObj = new EpiTwitter($consumer_key, $consumer_secret);
$oauth_token = $_GET['oauth_token'];
if($oauth_token == '')
$url = $twitterObj->getAuthorizationUrl();
echo "<div id=\"container\">";
echo "<div id=\"content\">";
echo "<div id=\"holder\">";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div id=\"nav\">";
echo "<a href='$url'><img src=\"signup.jpg\" class=\"linkimage\" /></a>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</div>";
$token = $twitterObj->getAccessToken();
$twitterObj->setToken($token->oauth_token, $token->oauth_token_secret);
$_SESSION['ot'] = $token->oauth_token;
$_SESSION['ots'] = $token->oauth_token_secret;
$twitterInfo= $twitterObj->get_accountVerify_credentials();
$username = $twitterInfo->screen_name;
$profilepic = $twitterInfo->profile_image_url;
include 'home.php';
$msg = $_REQUEST['tweet'];
$twitterObj->setToken($_SESSION['ot'], $_SESSION['ots']);
$update_status = $twitterObj->post_statusesUpdate(array('status' => $msg));
$temp = $update_status->response;
echo "<br /><div align='center'>Updated your Timeline Successfully .</div>";
It looks to me that you are only checking $_GET for the oauth token. I believe that this may be causing this "lost info" issue because by the time you refresh the page the oauth token has been stored in a session variable and may no longer be stored in the URL. I think you may want to replace the following:
$oauth_token = $_GET['oauth_token'];
$oauth_token = empty($_SESSION['ot']) ? $_SESSION['ot'] : $_GET['oauth_token'];
I was using basic auth to send tweets from a server every time a song changed. Now they have blocked basic auth and I am not sure how to incorporate it. I have a server at home that updates an html file on the webserver and then calls the following script to tweet out from that file. Any ideas on how to accomplish this simply?
$username = '#####';
$password = '#####';
DEFINE(htmlfile, '/homec/public_html/site.com/twitter.html');
$stationURL = "http://www.site.com";
$maxLimit = "139";
$f=#fopen(htmlfile, "r");
if ($f!=0)
$da=#fread($f, 4096);
$da=str_replace("\r", "\n", $da);
$da=str_replace("\n\n", "\n", $da);
$d=explode("\n", $da);
$d[0]=trim($d[0], "|"); // title
$d[1]=trim($d[1], "|"); // artist
if ($d[0]=="" || $d[1]=="")
$message = urlencode('' . $d[1] . ' - ' . $d[0] . ' #bandradio #nowplaying ');
$stationURL = urlencode(' ' . $stationURL);
if ((strlen($message) + strlen($stationURL)) > $maxLimit)
// We have to truncate the artist-title string to make room for the station URL string.
$message = substr($message, 0, (($maxLimit - 2) - strlen($stationURL)));
$message .= ".." . $stationURL;
// No need to truncate, it all fits.
$message = $message . $stationURL;
} // if ($d[0]=="" || $d[1]=="")
// The twitter API address
$url = 'http://twitter.com/statuses/update.json';
// Set up and execute the curl process
$curl_handle = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_URL, "$url");
curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 2);
curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
//curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "status=$message");
//curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "$username:$password");
$buffer = curl_exec($curl_handle);
$resultArray = curl_getinfo($curl_handle);
Download the latest version of TwitterOAuth from http://github.com/abraham/twitteroauth/downloads Unpack the download and place the twitteroauth.php and OAuth.php files in the same directory as a file with the following code. Register an application at http://dev.twitter.com/apps and from your new apps details page click on "my access token" to get your access token. Fill the four required variables into the script below and you can then run it to post new tweets.
$connection = new TwitterOAuth('app consumer key', 'app consumer secret', 'my access token', 'my access token secret');
$connection->post('statuses/update', array('status' => 'text to be tweeted'));