ADO.NET Entity Framework Insert Operation -

I have a problem when I add row to SQL Server. I can add one row but after I can not. I am using ADO.NET Entity Framework and c#.
My error;
DataServiceRequestException was unhandled by usercode
An exception of type 'System.Data.Services.Client.DataServiceRequestException' occurred in Microsoft.Data.Services.Client.dll but was not handled in user code
Additional information: An error occurred while processing this request.
How can I solve this problem?


Error 0152: No Entity Framework provider found for the ADO.NET provider with invariant name 'System.Data.SqlClient'

System.Data.Entity.Core.MetadataException: Schema specified is not valid.
Model1.ssdl(2,2) : error 0152: No Entity Framework provider found for the ADO.NET provider with invariant name 'System.Data.SqlClient'. Make sure the provider is registered in the 'entityFramework' section of the application config file. See for more information.
I am trying to save my form data in SQL Server database and I am getting this message error on my page .Add() function.
I am using Entity Framework 6.

Entity framework error when inserting model

Having problem with inserting a model to database with EF in a MVC application.
Im receiving following error when callning dbContext.SaveChanges() :
[DbEntityValidationException: Validation failed for one or more entities. See 'EntityValidationErrors' property for more details.]
Any clue what this can be about?
Its strange because sometimes it works to make one insert but if i make another immediately after it crashes.
And sometimes it crashes on first insert.
You can check the accepted answer in this post: Validation failed for one or more entities. See 'EntityValidationErrors' property for more details
PS: Please remove error message details as it's of no use and it can expose private information.
More than likely you have some property on the entity that is not nullable. Most of the time when I get this error, that's the culprit. Set a watch on the 'EntityValidationErrors' property, then in the debugger expand into this property and you will see the exact message that is being thrown.

Breeze getValidationErrors not working?

A Breeze EntityMananger is throwing an exception when I try to save two related entities. The exception is being thrown client-side before any communication happens with the server. The error message in the exception is "Validation error", but calling EntityAspect.getValidationError() on each entity listed in the exception returns an empty array.
The screenshot below shows a live example:
Question: Is there some other way of finding out what exactly the validation problem is or is this a bug?
Thanks for your time!
I found the cause of the behavior. rejectChanges() is called on the EntityManager for the entities in question before the exception raised by saveChanges() is rethrown, to be handled by the code in the example above. The error state of the entities is not preserved in the exception object, so calling getValidationErrors() on each entity after calling rejectChanges() returns an empty array since at that point the changes have been rolled back and there technically aren't any errors on the entity.
So, technically not a bug. Breeze is working as designed. However, I think there's an argument to be made that the exception object passed when saveChanges() fails should contain a complete and immutable description of the problem(s) that caused the exception.

Modify entity framework mappings

I had a column in a table which type was nvarchar(50) and had entity framework to generate te mappings and the model from that table for an asp mvc project, but after tricky error i found that the 50-length was to short for the type of field. I already modified the column to nvarchar(100) and on the mappings folder the Table.cs file has a line this.Property(t => t.AColumn).HasMaxLength(50), i can guess that modifing the value to 100 should do the work, so is this all what i need or do i need Entity Framework to re-do everything, another question is how to make Razor, Entity or any tool to show some kind of message related to the mappings constrains.
The error was that AColumn was too short for a form field but it didn't show a error message, it just shows errors from the model attributes or type constrains but not things defined on the mappings like HasMaxLength(50), i want to be able to show the length error on the view if possible. The app just failed with an EntityFramework exception with a rather complicated traceback.

Error 11007: Entity type 'tableName' is not mapped. Is it because the primary key of tha table is a identity column?

I am using EF 4 to generate my entities from the database. I get the following error while I am trying to compile my Model assembly (the edmx file in a separate assembly). I get the error only on tables, who have there primary keys as identity columns. Is that an issue? or am I just making wrong judgements?
Error 11007: Entity type 'tableName' is not mapped.
Using Entity data model wizard I created my Model (edmx file).
Right click the edmx file and Add Code Generation Item to create the entities (using self tracking entity generator).
Move the entities to a different assembly by moving the and edit it to point to the edmx file in a different assembly.
Now the entity and model (edmx) are in different assembles, to enabled me to have a multi tier application.
I am unable to build the Model assembly and I get the error
Error 11007: Entity type 'tableName' is not mapped.
I have checked for solutions online. Yes, all my tables have a primary key and association between them is defined with terms of foreign keys. Any pointers on this?
