How to show Emoji like skype in ios sdk - ios

I am creating Chat Application. I want enable emoji symbols like skype in my application even thought the
Settings -> General ->Keyboard -> Add New Keyboard ->Emoji
Was not enabled in device.
I need to display the emoji like the above image. Please suggest me some ideas

Yes you can.
Directly assign emoji characters in control.
I have used \ue231 characters emoji as bullet in UITextView and UILabel.
lbltest.text=#"\ue231 Check this out!";
You can refer this link for getting supported emoji characters.

You try them. I think it useful.


KeyboardType numeric is not working in React native iPad

I'm implementing an App only for iPad and apparently react native doesn't support numeric keyboard type for iPad. just want to know any idea how to manage keyboard to show only numbers.
I tried some regular expression but it doesn't work properly.
For some reason this is not supported for Ipad. So you will need to either:
1) Show non-numeric characters but only accept numeric characters (via code).
2) Use this library react-native-custom-keyboard.
keyboardType = 'number-pad'
Hope it works
Or read some article

Sending images with iOS 8 custom keyboard?

I've been developing a custom keyboard for iOS 8, but stumbled upon a problem trying to send images using the keyboard. I did some research and it seems like there isn't a simple way to do this with UITextDocumentProxy because only NSStrings are allowed.
Am I either overlooking any simple ways to use a custom keyboard to send images and/or is there any way to work around this issue?
Thanks in advance
Apparently, you are not the only person to try a keyboard like this. If you look at the animated GIF on the site, the keyboard uses copy/paste to add the image to the messages.
The UIKeyInput Protocol, which is inherited by UITextDocumentProxy, has the following function:
func insertText(_ text: String) //Swift
- (void)insertText:(NSString *)text //ObjC
These only take a String or an NSString, as you already know. Because there are no other methods to insert content, it can be assumed that, currently, there is no other way.
Right now, I would suggest that you adopt a similar usage. When the user taps on the image, add it to the UIPasteboard. Maybe present a little banner on top of the keyboard saying, "You can now paste" or something, but that would be up to you to decide.

Custom Keyboard in iOS 8

iOS 8 lets us create our own custom keyboards.
Is it possible to make a custom keyboard output anything other than unattributed NSStrings?
Can I make a keyboard that outputs images to say the Messages app, or is it impossible?
No, this would be too difficult since most UITextField / UITextView can only handle NSString object.
As described in the UITextDocumentProxy only NSStrings are allowed.
UITextDocumentProxy is the communication object used by UIInputViewController. UIInputViewController seems to be the base for creating custom keyboards.
Also have a look at App Extension Programming Guide
- Custom Keyboard
You can create a twitter-style workaround: when the user selects an image, you upload it to your server and send a shortened url in reponse. this shortened url will be inserted to the text view of the host app and good luck :)

kasra not displayed on iOS

When I write arabic text containing the letter kasra (unicode character 0x650, phonetic equivalent i) to a button, the kasra is not displayed. Thus, the word mumkin appears as mumkn. If I inspect the NSString in Xcode, the kasra is present, but the kasra is not displayed in the iPhone simulator or on a real iPad. The other two short vowels (fatha and damma) are displayed correctly.
The arabic letter kasra (unicode character 0x650) is missing from all of the built-in IOS7 fonts that i have tried.
The solution was to build a different font into my app- I used AGA-Rasheeq-Bold.
This may be a bug. I just tried it in the storyboard editor and it does not seem to work. I created a string in the MAC Notes application, copied and pasted. It displays correctly in the left hand properties panel, but not in the button itself. Could you provide the exact Unicode string? You may need to open a bug report with Apple.
I can confirm that it works correctly in a Label field, but not a Button (IOS 6.1 and Xcode 4.6.3)
Try attributed text. This seems to work around the issue.

Disable “…misspelled” message from VoiceOver on iOS

How does one prevent “…misspelled” from being spoken by VoiceOver on a text field? Setting autocorrectionType to UITextAutocorrectionTypeNo doesn’t seem to make a difference.
If the iOS user types a misspelled word followed by a space or punctuation, Voiceover speaks the word followed by, “misspelled.” I want to be able to disable this behavior on a specific text field.
I would expect you to set spellCheckingType = UITextSpellCheckingTypeNo to get this behavior rather than autocorrectionType. Does that not resolve it?
