Ruby: more readable way to write nested if conditions? [closed] - ruby-on-rails

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is there a more readable way in Ruby (or using Rails model helpers) to write the following:
def get_question
if self.is_question?
elsif self.is_answer?
elsif self.is_comment?
if self.trackable.is_question?
elsif self.trackable.is_answer?
There must be a more "Ruby way" of writing this so it's easier to read for other developers.

I tend to write that sort of thing like this:
def get_question
return self.trackable if self.is_question?
return self.trackable.question if self.is_answer?
return nil if !self.is_comment?
return self.trackable.commentable if self.trackable.is_question?
return self.trackable.commentable.question if self.trackable.is_answer?
return nil
that's pretty mu-idiomatic but I don't know if it qualifies as Ruby-idiomatic. Yes, there's an unnecessary return at the end but I like the symmetry and how it makes everything visually line up.
In real life, I'd probably want replace all that logic with a question method on the self.trackable. Then each thing could implement question (or to_question, get_question, or whatever name made the most sense in the broader context):
# Inside questions...
def question
# Inside answers...
# Nothing special needed, we've already got one.
and so on for the other possible possible self.trackable things. That would leave your get_question looking like this:
def get_question
self.trackable.respond_to?(:question) ? self.trackable.question : nil
or you could do away with get_question completely if you knew that self.trackable would also respond to question.


Making mailer functions more DRY [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Inside a mailer file, I have 11 methods all of which start with the line
#reservation = reservation
Is there a way to make this DRY? I tried the following:
def set_reservation
#reservation = reservation
and then
before_action :set_reservation
Unfortunately, this always gave me something along these lines:
AgentReservationMailer#send_reserve_complete_mail: processed outbound mail in 1.7ms
NameError: undefined local variable or method `reservation' for #<AgentReservationMailer:0x007ffc9ae5bb38>
I'm still a very junior level developer, but I would like to try and make things look as professional as I can - is what I am trying to do even possible though?
The reason you're seeing the error is that the mailer does not know of a variable reservation inside the set_reservation method. I'm assuming that the 11 methods you mention, which use the
#reservation = reservation
take reservation as an argument. As it stands, there really is no need to try and reduce duplication.
As a side note, DRY is not a principle you should follow blindly. If you had a couple of lines that were the same in each method, then that would indeed justify an "extract method" refactoring. But replacing that #reservation = reservation assignment with e.g. a method call set_reservation(reservation), you'd still end up repeating one line across all methods.

using an external .rb in a controller [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I currently have a separate .rb file that contains smth like this:
if lang == 'fr'
#a = 'AAAAAAA'
#b = 'BBBBBBB'
#c = 'CCCCCCC'
#a = 'sadadddsad'
#b = 'dsafdsfdasfdsa'
#c = 'dsadasfdsfsfd'
, only with a lot more strings.
Being a large library of strings, and wanting to keep this in one place as these will be used in multiple controllers and functions within, what is a good method to call these files from inside a function in controllers?
Looks like you want to use Internationalization in your app. You could follow this link to know more and its implementation.

Convention: if (!foo) vs unless (foo). And while (!foo) vs until (foo) [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am learning Ruby along with RoR and noticed that instead of using
if !foo
ruby provides
unless foo
In addition, instead of:
while !foo
we have
until foo
Coming from C++/Java, it seems to just confuse me when I read unless/until. Does it seem like people who program a lot in ruby conventionally use unless/until instead of just negating if/while?
Is this something I should just get used to or do you see a lot of variance on the subject?
Yes, using unless condition instead of if !condition is common and idiomatic.
unless foo
# ...
It's especially common to use as a post condition:
# Bad
raise "Not Found" if !file_exists?(file_name)
# Good
raise "Not Found" unless file_exists?(file_name)
When in doubt, follow ruby-style-guide
From the syntax section of the ruby style guide:
Favor unless over if for negative conditions (or control flow ||).
# bad
do_something if !some_condition
# bad
do_something if not some_condition
# good
do_something unless some_condition
# another good option
some_condition || do_something
Favor until over while for negative conditions.
# bad
do_something while !some_condition
# good
do_something until some_condition

Ruby attribute meta programming [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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My user has the attribute:
I would like to change an attribute value based on another set of attributes on the same model. I would like to do some processing mapping on user, say:
def magic (user)
user.local(1..3) = process(user.step(1..3)_local)
The code above of course does not work (example). I am not sure how to do it dynamically without going through each attributes individually. I want to map processing one to another. Any ideas?
You can use Object#public_send and method, like this:
def magic(user)
(1..3).each do |n|
user.public_send("local#{n}=", process(user.read_attribute("step#{n}_local")))

What's the best way to resize thousands images using paperclip and rails? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a model with 6 paperclip photos (photo1, photo2, photo3, photo4, photo5 and photo6).
Because recently changes on design of site i need to resize all style on the six pictures. The styles are small, medium and large.
My idea is use a before filter method to do a Model.photo1.reprocess! and add a column to model table (for example "reprocess" as boolean) to check if it's was reprocessed or not.
This idea i think it's more eficcient than use a rake script to migrate all photos in one single migration with the next deploy.
Product Controller
before_filter :check_image_reprocess, :only => [:show]
def check_image_reprocess
#product = Product.find(params[:id])
if #product.reprocess == false! unless
#product.photo2.reprocess! unless #product.photo2.nil?
#product.photo3.reprocess! unless #product.photo3.nil?
#product.photo4.reprocess! unless #product.photo4.nil?
#product.photo5.reprocess! unless #product.photo5.nil?
#product.photo6.reprocess! unless #product.photo6.nil?
#product.update_attributes(:reprocess => true)
Actually it's works, but if exists any comments about this or better suggestions, there will be very welcome :) ?
Thanks in advance
This way it's working perfectly after 1 week of testing !!
