ModelState binding custom array of checkboxes -

ViewModel Binding is working, the object passed back to the edit controller contains the correct values, which is a list of selected options. However, ModelState binding is not working, the model state AttemptedValues exist, but aren't being reloaded into the fields.
I have a model with the following properties
class Model
public List<string> AvailableValues { get; set; }
public List<string> SelectedValues { get; set; }
But in my view I have some categorization, so I can't do a direct foreach.
foreach (var category in CatgoryList.Categories)
foreach (var available in Model.AvailableValues.Where(x => category.AvailableValues.Contains(x))
var check = Model.SelectedValues!= null && Model.SelectedValues.Contains(available.Id);
check &= (ViewData.ModelState["SelectedValues"] != null) && ViewData.ModelState["SelectedValues"].Value.AttemptedValue.Contains(available.Id);
<input type="checkbox" name="SelectedValues" id="available.Id" value="available.Id" checked="#check"/>#available.FriendlyName<br>
The ModelState does contain SelectedValues from the previous post, but it doesn't auto-bind, because I have a custom field for the checkboxes.
This code is smelly
Is there a better way to get the data to load from the Attempted Value
Ok, so my question wasn't clear enough, let me clarify.
On a validate, I'm retuning the same view if there was an error.
The modelstate is holding the previously entered values in ModelState["field"].Value.AttemptedValue.
With fields created using the helpers, TextboxFor, CheckboxFor, etc, these values are automatically filled in.
However, when using the normal reflexes for checkbox binding, only the values of the checked checkboxes are returned in the data object passed back to the controller. This means I'm not using the logic that fills values in from the ModelState.
What I've done is dig through the modelstate myself for the attempted values, because they do exist under the field name "SelectedValues". But I have to manually apply them. The value there looks like this.
ModelState["SelectedValues"] = "Value1;Value2;Value4"
Is there a better way to get the data to load from the Attempted Value in the model state.

The primary "smell" (to use your term) I see here is that the code you have in the nested foreach is written directly in your view (*.cshtml), but code of that complexity should be in your Controller action.
You should calculate and generate all the data your view will need in the controller, and then pass that data through to the view using Model (looks like you are already doing that) and you can also use the ViewBag to pass additional data not contained in your Model. Then the view is just responsible to generate the HTML.
That's the other problem I see with your code - you are referencing the ViewData.ModelState which is highly unusual to see in a view. The ModelState should be examined in the controller before you even decide which view to render.
It looks like maybe you are just passing data through ViewData.ModelState that should actually be passed through ViewData/ViewBag.
You can read more about passing data to a view here.

Ok, so basically, I couldn't find anything that will do this for me. The default Html helper methods just don't cover this scenario.
So, I wrote an extension method.
Basically it pulls in the enumerator from the model using the expression you send to it, just like any other helper, but you also send the entry in the list you want to build a checkbox against.
It ends up looking like this.
#Html.CheckboxListEntryFor(x => x.SelectedEntries, AvailableEntries[i].Id)
The method does the following
Get the propertyInfo for the list and check if selected entries contains the values.
Check if the ModelState is invalid, if so, overwrite the checked value with the modelstate entry
build an html checkbox that uses the property name as the name and id of the checkbox, and sets checked based on the previous steps.
public static MvcHtmlString CheckboxListEntryFor<TModel, TProperty>(this HtmlHelper<TModel> htmlHelper,
Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> expression, string entryValue)
PropertyInfo info = GetPropertyInfo(typeof (TModel), expression);
var enumerator = info.GetValue(htmlHelper.ViewData.Model);
var check = enumerator != null && ((IList) enumerator).Contains(entryValue);
if (!htmlHelper.ViewData.ModelState.IsValid)
check = htmlHelper.ViewData.ModelState[info.Name] != null &&
var fieldString = String.Format(
"<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"{0}\" id =\"{1}\" value=\"{1}\"{2}/>",
info.Name, entryValue, check ? " checked=\"checked\"" : string.Empty);
return MvcHtmlString.Create(fieldString);


Metadata vs ViewData in HtmlHelper (DropDownListFor Bug?)

I'm experimenting with custom ModelMetadataProvider. It would appear that some of the html helpers like TextBoxFor use these just fine. However, in other cases like DropDownListFor, they favor ViewData instead. For example, looking at some reflected code I see:
bool flag = false;
if (selectList == null)
selectList = SelectExtensions.GetSelectData(htmlHelper, name);
flag = true;
object defaultValue = allowMultiple ? htmlHelper.GetModelStateValue(fullHtmlFieldName, typeof (string[])) : htmlHelper.GetModelStateValue(fullHtmlFieldName, typeof (string));
if (defaultValue == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
if (!flag)
defaultValue = htmlHelper.ViewData.Eval(name);
else if (metadata != null)
defaultValue = metadata.Model;
Note all the different attempts to get "defaultValue". Using metadata.Model is dead last. Why the separation here? If you trace that code thru you eventually end up at a call to ViewData.Eval, which as a fall back just uses reflection to get the value out of the model anyway. Is there such a thing as a custom ViewData provider to bridge that gap?
EDIT: I'm beginning to lean toward the idea that this is a bug in the framework.
Consider two pieces of code:
#Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.ErrorData.Shift, Model.ShiftOptions, new { #class = "form-control" })
The code above passes in the options "Model.ShiftOptions". Because of this it doesn't pass the condition "selectList==null" and consequently "flag" is never set and instead proceeds to try to get the default value from only the type via reflection (the Eval call).
However with this code:
#{ ViewData[Html.NameFor(m => m.ErrorData.Shift).ToString()] = Model.ShiftOptions;}
#Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.ErrorData.Shift,null, new { #class = "form-control" })
..."flag" is now satisfied and the default value is now retrieved metadata.Model. Why would different mechanisms for providing the list options change (or even influence for that matter) where the default value is retrieved from?
Edit #2
Warning: The above ViewData "fix" does not work if the DropDownListFor is called in an editor template (EditorFor) for a complex type. The NameFor call will return the name of the property INCLUDING the outer context that the EditorFor was called from, ie MyViewModel.ErrorData.Shift. However, the code for DropDownListFor in the orginal snip at the top looks for a ViewData item WITHOUT the original context, ie ErrorData.Shift. They both use
ExpressionHelper.GetExpressionText((LambdaExpression) expression)
However, NameOf uses html.Name on that result. When DDLF finally gets around to generating its name, it does something similar so it's name is correct, but it makes no sense that it doesn't include it's full context when looking for a view data option.
All the HtmlHelper methods for generating form controls first check if there is a value for the property in ModelState (the GetModelStateValue() method) to handle the case where the form has been submitted with an invalid value and the view is returned (refer the 2nd part of this answer for an explanation of why this is the default behavior).
In the case where you use DropDownList(), for example
#Html.DropDownList("xxx", null, "--Please select--")
where xxx is IEnumerable<SelectListItem> that has been added as a ViewBag property, the value of selectList is null and the code in the first if block is executed and the value of flag is true (and note also that the model may or may not have a property named xxx, meaning that metadata might be null)
alternatively, if you used the strongly typed DropDownListFor() method, for example
#Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.SomeProperty, Model.SomePropertyList, "--Please select--")
the value of selectList is not null (assuming that SomePropertyList is IEnumerable<SelectListItem>and is not null) and the value of flag is false
So the various checks are just taking into account the different ways that you can use either DropDownList() or DropDownListFor() to generate a <select> element, and whether you are binding to a model property or not.
Side note: The actual code (from the private static MvcHtmlString SelectInternal() method) is bool usedViewData = false;, not bool flag = false;

MVC ViewModel Binding Construction vs. Flattening

In my ViewModel (also in my Domain model), I have kinda dynamic Property Structure where the Profile Elements are a List of the base class ProfileVM and refer to a ProfileDefinitionElement (just to explain the ViewModel without pasting the full thing).
public class OwnProfileVM
public OwnProfileVM() {}
public ProfileDefinitionVM ProfileDefinitionVM { get; set; }
public ProfileVM ProfileVM { get; set; }
So I bind my Properties using a Linq Single statement:
#Model.ProfileDefinitionVM.ProfileElementDefinitions.Single(p => p.Key == ProfileElementKey.CompanyName.ToString()).Title
This works for showing data. But when posting back like this:
#Html.TextBoxFor(model => ((ProfileElementTextVM)model.ProfileVM.ProfileElements
.Single(p=> p.ProfileElementDefinition.Key == ProfileElementKey.CompanyName.ToString()))
..the model properties are null.
This is because of the parameterless constructor which builds the OwnProfileVM object without any properties filled in.
After some research I found out that there are two ways to solve this:
"Flatten" the ViewModel. So I would have a fixed Property for every Profile Element. This would work, but the disadvantage would be that I couldn't map the data with the Automapper. I would have to fill the ViewModel to the Model "manually". This would result in more Code in the Controller and a "bigger", but simpler ViewModel. Seen in this article
Find a way to pass the Definition data into the ViewModel Constructor to build the list of Properties before posting back.
Now my questions:
Is the second way even possible and if yes, how would this be done? I havent found a way to do this.
If the first question can be answered with yes, which way would you prefer?
Looks complicated. It may be best to simplify it a bit.
In my experience, model properties are null in the controller because the binder cannot understand how to link the form element name with the associated property. For example, I've seen it with lists where foreach has been used:
(model has a) List<Something> Somethings.....
foreach (Something thing in Model.Somethings)
#Html.EditorFor(m => thing)
This is rendered in the resulting html as <input name="thing"..... which is useless. The solution here is to use a for loop and access the model's properties via their path rather than copying pointers to instances, such as:
for (int i = 0; i < Model.Somethings.Count; i++)
#Html.EditorFor(m => Model.Somethings[i])
This is then rendered with the correct <input name="Model.Somethings[i]"..... and will be understood by the model binder.
I expect this issue you're facing here is similar. You need to add the necessary accessors to your properties so that the correct names and ids can be rendered in your view and picked up by the binder.
I'm not sure of the exact definition of your class so this example is not likely to be completely right.
This class includes a this[string index] method which will get and set the element using your property key as the index:
public class ProfileElements : List<ProfileElement>
public ProfileElement this[string index]
return base.First(p => p.ProfileElementDefinition.Key == index);
base[index] = value;
And in your view, you could use this like:
#Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.ProfileVM.ProfileElements[ProfileElementKey.CompanyName.ToString()].Text)
Hopefully, this will do what you need. how to edit member list variables

Given the following model which has a name, url, and an arbitrary list of keywords (I want the user to add a series of keywords) ...
public class Picture
public Picture()
keywords = new List<string>();
public string name {get;set:}
public string url {get;set;}
public List<string> keywords{get;set;}
... and the following action in my controller ...
public ActionResult Edit(FormCollection fc)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
// do stuff
return View(ModelManager.Picture);
In the FormCollection I have the following field
fc["keywords"] = "keyword1,keyword2,keyword3"
And I then create a Picture object based on the form collection.
However, I would prefer to use a strongly-typed action such as
public ActionResult Edit(Picture p)
But in this approach, my p.keywords property is always empty. Is there some way to help the framework recreate my p.keywords property before it hits my controller's action method?
I thought an Editor Template might work here, but I don't think there is a way to model bind a nested IEnumerable view model member. Your fastest bet may be handling it directly with FormCollection and some string parsing magic. Otherwise, if you have to strongly-type this, maybe a custom model binder like this could help if you can control your keyword element id's:
public class PictureKeywordBinder : IModelBinder
public object GetValue(ControllerContext controllerContext,
string modelName, Type modelType,
ModelStateDictionary modelState)
Picture picture = new Picture();
//set name, url, other paramaters here
foreach(var item in Request.Form.Keys)
if (item.StartsWith("keyword"))
//add any errors to model here
return picture;
Maybe the keyword id's could be setup in a partial view passed the sub model from your parent view:
<% Html.RenderPartial("PictureKeywords", Model.keywords);
Are your keywords seperate text boxes? If so, create an inputs like this and they will be populated by the model binder.
<input name="keywords[0]" type="text">
<input name="keywords[1]" type="text">
<input name="keywords[2]" type="text">
The way I got around this, is to use a hidden input to store the csv string of items, in your case, keywords.
I then hooked into the form submit event (using jQuery) and appended the inputs to form the csv string, which is then stored in the hidden input. This hidden input was strongly typed to a property on my model.
It's a little clunky, but if you have a dynamic number of possible keywords then this works quite well (except if JS is disabled of course)
In what way you are expecting the user to add more keywords? In the form comma separated values(CSV) or by dynamically adding textboxes?
Based on your requirement, i have two solutions with me.

How to transfer value from a DropDownList to a property of a serialized model object

I'm testing some concepts in ASP.NET MVC multisteps (Style Wizards) with a small application which allow me to records organizations in a database.
To make things easier, I've a class OrganizationFormModelView that contains an object of class Organization and a property called ParentOrgList of SelectList type. The only purpose of the selectList property is to be used by a DropDownList.
I've also serialize OrganizationFormModelView to get the multisteps Wizard effect.
In my first view (or first step), I use a dropdownlist helper to assign a value to one of the the Organization's property called ParentOrganization, which draws data from the ParentOrgList.
<% = Html.DropDownList("Organization.ParentOrganization", Model.ParentOrgList)%>
The first time the page loads, I'm able to make a choice. And, my choice is reflected in my object Model all along the wizard' steps(see Visual studio in debugging mode).
But, when any time I'm redirected back to the first view (first step), I get the following error message:
"The ViewData item with the key 'Organization.ParentOrganization' is of type 'System.String' but needs to be of type 'IEnumerable'."
Thanks for helping
After considering carefully my code, I understand now what's going on. OrganizationFormModelView is the class that is being serialized, and here's its definition.
public class OrganizationFormViewModel
public Organization Organization { get; set; }
public SelectList ParentOrgList = null;
public OrganizationFormViewModel(Organization organization, SelectList cList)
Organization = organization ?? new Organization();
ParentOrgList = pList;
From that, I've concluded that, After each serialization process, ParentOrgList is set to null, so I need to find a way of re-assigning value to it. So, below is what I did:
public ActionResult CreateOrganization(string nextButton)
//Omitted for brievety
if (formViewModel.ParentOrgList == null)
formViewModel.ParentOrgList = repository.CommuneList;
//Omitted for brievety
I also, modified the View so that, even if the value of the ParentOrgList is continuously re-assigned, but the DropDownList keeps the user's choice. So, I choose an Helper overload with default value.
<% = Html.DropDownList("Organization.ParentOrganization", Model.ParentOrgList,
Now, everything is working perfectly.
However, If someone knows how to proceed differently with the Serialization business, it'd be helpful to share.

How do I set a value for the default option with Html.DropDownList

I'm using ASP MVC RC1.
A form I'm using contains a dropdownlist which I have put in a view with this code.
<%= Html.DropDownList("areaid", (SelectList)ViewData["AreaId"], "Select Area Id")%>
However, when rendered, this is what I get
<select id="areaid" name="areaid">
<option value="">Select Area Id</option>
<option value="1">Home</option>
What I'd like is for the Select Area Id option to have a value of 0 and mark it as selected by default so it is consistent with the other values and I can validate whether or not an area has been chosen as it is a mandatory value. AreaId is an integer so when I currently click the form without touching the dropdownlist at all, MVC complains that "" is not an integer and gives me a binding error.
SO how do I set a value for the default option and then make it selected on the form?
Thanks, Dan
I think you have three four options. First when you are building your SelectList or enumerable of SelectItemList, prepend the selection with your option label and default value. Putting it at the top will make it the default if some other value isn't already chosen in the model. Second, you could build the select (and options) "by hand" in the view using a loop to create the options. Again, prepending your default selection if one isn't supplied in the model. Third, use the DropDownList extension, but modify the value of the first option using javascript after the page is loaded.
It doesn't seem to be possible to use the DropDownList extension to assign a value to an optionLabel as it is hard-coded to use string.Empty. Below is the relevant code snippet from
// Make optionLabel the first item that gets rendered.
if (optionLabel != null) {
listItemBuilder.AppendLine(ListItemToOption(new SelectListItem() { Text = optionLabel, Value = String.Empty, Selected = false }));
EDIT: Finally, the best way is to have your model take a Nullable value and mark it as required using the RequiredAttribute. I would recommend using a view-specific model rather than an entity model for the view. Since the value is Nullable, the empty string will work fine if posted back without choosing a value. Setting it as a required value will cause the model validation to fail with an appropriate message that the value is required. This will allow you to use the DropdownList helper as is.
public AreaViewModel
public int? AreaId { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> Areas { get; set; }
#Html.DropDownListFor( model => model.AreaId, Model.Areas, "Select Area Id" )
For MVC3, SelectList has an overload whereby you can define the selected value.
Function Create() As ViewResult
ViewBag.EmployeeId = New SelectList(db.Employees, "Id", "Name", 1)
Return View()
End Function
In this case, I happen to know that 1 is the id of the default list item I want, but presumably you could select the default via query or what ever floats your boat
Instead of passing the default item from the definition in the View, You can add the "Select Area" data at the 0th index of the List from the controller.
This way the Select Area data has an index value of 0.
I wanted to use the same SelectList for multiple drop downs and didn't want to duplicate the SelectList in the model so I just added a new Html Extension method that took in a value and set the selected item.
public static MvcHtmlString DropDownList(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string name, string value, IList<SelectListItem> selectList, object htmlAttributes)
IEnumerable<SelectListItem> items = selectList.Select(s => new SelectListItem {Text = s.Text, Value = s.Value, Selected = s.Value == value});
return htmlHelper.DropDownList(name, items, null /* optionLabel */, htmlAttributes);
