Rails Admin doesn't show gem models - ruby-on-rails

I have been using Rails Admin in my Rails application for a while now. Recently, we decided to separate our API from our Web Application and we decided to have our models (that are shared between the two) in a Gem.
Now, Rails Admin, which somehow scans the models in my app, have stopped showing me these models in the admin panel (even though they are accessible from the application).
Any idea on how to fix it?
My gem directory structure is:
name1-name2(main directory)
name2.rb (which requires all other models)

Use config.included_models which whitelists models, both healthier and will let you include gem models:
config.included_models = ['User', 'YourNameSpace::ModelName']

Try making a local version of the model that inherits from the shared version in the gem. Rails admin might be looking only at models local to your app.


Apartment: uninitialized constant Tenant (NameError)

I am using the Apartment Gem for the first time for Multitenancy in a Ruby on Rails project. I am trying to create multiple tenants for users in your digital library Rails application.
I am using Devise Gem for the authentication of the application, and I have generated the and I have generated config file by running the code below in my terminal
rails generate devise:install
I have also generated a User model for Devise using the code below in my terminal
rails generate devise User
And for the Apartment Gem, I have installed it and generated the config file by running the code below in my terminal
bundle exec rails generate apartment:install
I have also configured the config/initializers/apartment.rb initializer file as needed using the documentation provided, but when I run the command below in my terminal
rails generate devise:views
to generate the views for Devise, I get the error below
uninitialized constant Tenant (NameError)
I have tried to figure out the cause of the issue, but I still haven't been fortunate to get it fixed. I need some help. Thank you in advance.
I later realized that the issue was from the configuration that I made initially to Apartment Gem's config/initializers/apartment.rb initializer file.
After creating the User model, I also added it to the excluded models list in the config/initializers/apartment.rb initializer file.
config.excluded_models = %w[Tenant User]
I was supposed to instead replace Tenant in the excluded models list with the User model.
config.excluded_models = %w[User]
And that fixed the issue for me.
N/B: If I named the model name of my subdomain for the multiple tenants as Tenant, then I the configuration can be left like this
config.excluded_models = %w[Tenant]
But for my case, I named the model name of my subdomain for the multiple tenants as User
That's all.
I hope this helps

Can I have common namespaces in new rails applications?

Is it possible to create whole rails applications under a common namespace?
Lets assume that my company name is Acme, Inc. and I have the following rails projects: Blog, Store, WebService.
By default, if I do something like rails new blog the generated applications will be like:
module Blog
class Application < Rails::Application
module Store
class Application < Rails::Application
module WebService
class Application < Rails::Application
where every project/application is self contained and there is no implicit reference to the company. Ideally I would like to have all this applications under the company namespace, so we can refer to them as:
Is this possible? Recommended?
ruby-2.0.0-p451, rails 3.2.17
Snapshot of generated files and project structure after doing rails new acme/blog as suggested:
The correct way to do this is with engines. Each engine is like a standalone app, with it's own routes, test suite, etc, but you can have some common infrastructure like rake tasks, etc.
I think I am probably late here to answer this, as others have already suggested nice approaches. Like, maintaining code within one common repository and creating rails engine.
I would like to share this famous project called spree, which follows the architecture you're looking for. You can visit spree's code on github here.
For example:
Spree::Core - spree_core engine as a gem to maintain all models and base modules etc.
Spree::Backend - spree_backend engine as a gem to maintain all admin related controllers, views, assets etc.
Spree::Frontend - spree_frontend engine as a gem to maintain user facing code i.e. controllers, views, assets related to it.
I guess you can use it as a reference for your application development.
If your trying to manage your code, why don't you just make a Blog Gem that you can include in each application. Then you would manage the code under one common repository for the Gem. Sees to me that's the Rails/Ruby way to do this

How to externalize Rails model (api/gem/plugin)

currently I am working on a RoR application (2.3.14 with ActiveRecord) (let's call it A).
Now I started another project B (a remote testing app using capybara, looks something like this: https://github.com/searls/remote-capybara-cucumber-example).
But now I need to have access to the model of application B for test data setup (and possibly test assertions). I therefore would like to use the existing model classes (and some additional libraries like factory_girl if necessary).
I certainly don't want to wrap my project B in a Rails app and copy the model classes. So is there a way to organize A so that B can access the model and create/update/destroy entities?
Are there any keywords for further research (I tried several google searches containing rails model as a gem, as a plugin, externalize rails model etc... but nothing useful turned up (mostly the documentation of ActiveRecord)
Rails 2.x does make it very hard to share the model layer between two applications.
If you don't care about maintaining migrations twice, you can put the models into a gem and then require it in your apps.
Another way is to symlink the db and app/models directories from both applications to a shared folder. This works quite well though you have to be careful because rake tasks and generators now affect both applications.
Rails 3.1 ships with an improved implementation of rails engines. Engines allow you to isolate parts of an rails application and package them up as a gem.
You could try using an alias (symbolic link) to the A's app/models directory in the B project.
On Mac/Linux:
ln -s /volumes/code/project-a/app/models/ /volumes/code/project-b/models

Ruby Gem Development - How to use ActiveRecord?

I'm currently trying to develop my first ruby gem and I'm already stuck. I used the "bundle gem" command to create the basic structure and read some tutorials but what I can't find is how to integrate ActiveRecord.
Where do I create my migrations?
Do I create the "db/migrations" folder within the lib folder or at the root?
And do I have to do anything in the Rakefile (I found some questions where the answer was something like "you have to create your own [my_gem]:db:migrate" or something like that.)
All I need is a way to create a gem, which defines ActiveRecord models (including the migrations of course), which can then be used by a rails app.
Any help on that one would be greatly appreciated!
Greetings, Flo
When building a gem to integrate with a rails project, you want to build a railtie engine. If you are using rails 3.0.x, use enginex, if you are using rails 3.1 you should be use the new generator:
rails g plugin new your-plugin-name
Then, inside your gem, you can just define models, inside the app/models/ folder and they will automatically be picked up.
Migrations is somewhat harder: for rails 3.1 it is ok if you define them in the correct folder, in rails 3.0 you will have to manually generate a task to copy the migrations to your code-base. Check this link where I answered that very question.
For more information on rails engines check this and this article.
getting the functionality of ActiveRecord can be done by:
require "rubygems"
require "active_record"
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
This should work.

What's your solution for 'contact forms' in Ruby on Rails applications?

With a quick Google search, one can find literally hundreds of examples for contact forms using PHP and/or JavaScript, but there don't seem to be any "ready-made" contact forms for Ruby on Rails. Do they exist? What do you use for contact forms in your Ruby on Rails apps?
Personally, I use an ActiveRecord model for mine as I like to keep a store of messages being sent, and then use an ActionMailer after saving a record to send an email.
Alternatively there is a gem called MailForm which allows you to build a form model without a database table, which will work with other gems such as Formtastic.
As for ready-made contact forms, I don't know of any (though they may well exist) as it's not particularly time-consuming to build one from scratch.
I was running into the same issue with wanting an easy to use out of the box Contact Form, but wasn't able to find one. So I've written ContactUs a Rails Engine that you can easily drop into any Rails 3+ application. I tried to keep it dead simple and as easily configurable as possible. It does require the Formtastic gem since I wanted an easy way to hook into peoples existing form styles though.
To install the Engine add the contact_us gem to your Gemfile:
gem 'contact_us', '~> 0.1.3'
Run bundle and the install rake task:
$ bundle
$ bundle exec rake contact_us:install
Then just modify the generated initializer in /config/initializers/contact_us.rb to have the email you want the form submissions sent to.
