Invoke iPad application from iPhone app - ios

I developed one iPhone application that runs in iPad in 1x/2x mode. In the same application i have a module that is designed specific to iPAD.
How should i invoke these iPAD screens?

You can't have half an iPhone app and half an iPad app, even if you could that would be terrible for the users and you shouldn't! storyboards enable you to have 2 files, one for iPhone and one for iPad and you can simply load whichever is applicable.
Xcode even handles this for you by allowing you to specify which is which in the project settings.
There is no way to switch between the 1x/2x as you have mentioned. The app is either set to run in this mode on iPad (because its an iPhone app), or its not because its universal and supports both, or is iPad only


Change Devices parameter of iOS project programmatically

I have to make my app run on iPad in iPhone mode(legacy zoomable mode).
I can do it with changing Devices option in Xcode project settings, But i released my app in app store in universal device mode so apple says you can't remove this feature in newer version of your app!
Is there any way to do it programmatically? for example can i set Devices option to iPhone in code at runtime? or can i fake it?(made app run like iPhone app in zoomable mode in iPad)
There is no possible way to change an iPad app to iPhone-only at runtime. It would be possible to display your view controllers on an iPad in such a way that they appear the size of an iPhone. But Apple would reject your app for bad user experience.
Once you release an app as Universal, Apple will not let you change the app to iPhone-only. And why would you want to do that? Why would you deliberately want to hurt your customers using iPads?
Your only solution would be to release a brand new app (different bundle id) that is iPhone-only. But then this is bad for all of your existing users (iPhone and iPad).
The proper solution is to embrace your Universal app and properly support iPads.

Devices says IPhone but application can still be downloaded for ipad?

I recently pushed an application to appstore. Now i have no idea why, but it says that its compatible with ipad too. In Deployment info i picked IPhone only. How is this possible and how can i change this fast.
Thank you
Even if you have chosen iPhone in Deployment info. The app will still get install in iPad. Here are list you can chose in deployment info.
Universal :- These apps are designed to work on both iPhone and iPad.
When running on an iPad, these apps confirms to the larger screen of iPad as well as screen of iPhone.
iPhone apps :- These are apps designed specifically for iPhone. These apps can still run on iPad. However they will run on iPhone compatibility mode. There are some apps that utilize unique features of the iPhone such as ability to place phone calls. These apps will be unavailable to iPad.
iPad :- Designed specifically for iPad. Cannot install on iPhone.

iPhone Target launches on iPad

So I'm trying to make a separate iPad and iPhone version for this app I'm working on and I've already made two different targets. My iPad target works as expected as it won't launch on an iPhone. However, my iPhone target still launches on both iPhone and iPad. I've also set the main interface in the deployment info as iPhone.
Here's a picture of the settings:
Does anyone know why my iPhone target isn't exclusively targeting iPhones?
EDIT: To clarify, I am building two separate versions (one for iPad, one for iPhone). My iPhone target is able to launch on both iPad and iPhone, which is not what I want. I want my iPhone target to only open on an iPhone.
It is an Apple policy decision that iPads can run all iPhone applications at iPhone resolution; it is a licensing term that you cannot take steps to override that policy decision (e.g. by detecting your environment and declining to offer any functionality).
So there's nothing you can do. Apple has spoken.

iPhone app on iPad without compatibility mode

I've developed an iphone only app (so 'Targeted Device Family' is set to iPhone since the beginning of the project) and when I finished I've tried to run it on the iPad just to check if the compatibility mode was working correctly but surprisingly it loads a full screen, without any compatibility mode!
Of course since it's an iphone app it doesn't look good at all. Can you think of the reason why the targeted device family = iPhone doesn't fire the compatibility mode on the iPad? (I tried on real device and simulators as well).
In iOS 8, there is an issue that when you use the new Launch Screen File, your app will automatically become universal. This issue is solved in iOS 8.1 beta, and therefore this is not a real solution.
For now, you are better off using Launch images in the asset catalog.
Also add the device modifier ~iphone to the launch file will make sure that the app is not see as an universal app.

Converting iPhone app to Universal Retaining Emulator Mode - Xcode 5.1.1

I have an older nib-based iPhone project that I would like to make universal. To save time, since a redesign is approaching, I would like it to run as an iPhone app running on an iPad (emulation mode) but still be available on the app store as a universal binary.
I can easily generate an iPad-only binary that runs in emulation by right-clicking my iPhone target -> "duplicate target" -> "Duplicate and Transition to iPad". That's how I get an iPad target that runs in emulation mode (along with a folder full of iPad compatible nibs that are not used by the app - the new target uses the original iPhone nibs).
But how to submit this as a universal app? When I switch the target to universal it stops using emulation mode and looks for it's own set of nibs (which need considerable UI tweaking - even the auto-generated ones)
Anybody know any workarounds?
I'm afraid that can't be done. Apple's definition of a Universal App is one that runs on both devices WITHOUT emulator mode on the iPad.
You can however duplicate your iPhone storyboard into an iPad storyboard and tweak your UI so that it resembles what you see in iPhone Emulator Mode. I've explained how to do this here:
