How to use Refresh Control in UITableViewController ios7 - ios

I am parsing an xml file and displaying it's content in a UITableView, I want to set up the pull to refresh feature. I noticed in the "attributes inspector" there is a section that says "Refreshing", I set that to Enabled. How do I actually set up the action to reload the data in the table? Thanks in advance.

You can implements the pull to refresh feature programmatically via coding or by doing drag drops from the Storyboard. This is the example on how to do it in the easy way (using drag drops).
Check the refreshing attribute on inspector
Then take a look at the storyboard, there will be new view named Refresh Control created underneath the TableView. Do right click on the view then implements the Value Changed event.
Please see image below.


How to add items to an Outlet Collection in Xcode

I am creating a quiz app and for the buttons I need an outlet collection. So far in the array, I only have one button but I want to add the other three. On the other tutorial I've watched, it says to click the button on the side and drag to the thing you want to add (image link below). This doesn't work for me, is there a certain way you need to click? I've done this before, but this time its not working. The difference this time is that I've created a new class. I am not very familiar with Xcode or swift, sorry. Thank you.
Xcode is really buggy as far as outlet connections are concerned. Emptying the Derived Data folder as well as clean / rebuild help. But results could still be problematic. However, the old way to connect things which has been around since before the existence of an Assistant editor still works reliably. Select the ViewController and drag from ITS outlets in the Connection editor to the storyboard items (i.e. buttons).
Use Interface Builder alone. Use the Identity inspector to make sure your view controller has the correct class, the class where you put your outlet collection property. Now use the Connections inspector for your view controller. You'll see the outlet collection listed there; drag from it to your buttons, one by one.

How to place textfield in table view controller to read contents

I am a little stuck after reading a tutorial and trying to go it alone.
Essentially I am trying to link my form components (the text boxes and buttons) to my view controller window via control click and drop. In the book this looks fairly simple as its just a case of drag and drop but when I do it, nothing happens!
Please could someone give me some indication as to why this could be?
Please change the class of the UITableViewController in your storyboard to LoginTableViewController. Select the tableViewController in the storyboard and check the class inspector in Xcodes sidebar.You can change there to LoginTableViewController.

change order of list in tableview by clicking on whole cell

I currently have a 'tableview' with a list of items and I have enabled an 'edit' button to go into edit mode which shows the 'reordering controls' on the right side of the screen. I have also enabled 'canMoveRowAtIndexPath' and 'moveRowAtIndexPath:toIndexPath' to allow for the user to hold and drag the reorder control on the right side to reorder the list and have the data model update.
Is there a way to enable this but allow the user to click and drag the whole cell and not only the 'reorder controller'? Essentially I want to enlarge the area of the reorder controller's function to the whole cell when tableview is in editing mode.
for anyone else who is interested, I used this guide to get it working: b2cloud
the starting code template does not work as optimally since it has nib files and I'm using Xcode5 but it still works. The important code is all in the actualy tutorial as he lists how to set the reorder control to the size of the size via inserting it as a subview.
There is a way to enable this that allow the user to click and drag the whole cell and not only the 'reorder controller'!
Please check it out:
This might be helpful to you, Sir :)

drill down UITableView using storyboard in iOS program

I'm trying to develop an iOS app that has drill down UITable View. I got a drill down table view tutorial, but the number of UITableViews is static. What I need is a dynamic one. My requirement is simple. I need to access an FTP Server and get the directory hierarchy (I guess I need to store it in NSDictionary or in an xml file) and display the content in the UITableView. If it is a text file, I need to display it in some view, otherwise I need to display the selected folder's content in the same UITableView, and it goes on till the bottom of the directory hierarchy.
I need to use the storyboard.
I've had to make a something very similar to what your talking about in a previous application I worked on.
In that I created table views inside of table view cells with a button at the top to expand and collapse the view using the cell height.
This worked pretty well but since then I've found the best way to simply programmatically add ui elements to either your table view cells or view.
In both cases I created a management system using parent child architecture to hold your information.
I hope this puts you in the right direction :)

how do I set up a table view in interface builder for a 'settings' type interface

So I guess the table view has been designed around the idea of using dynamic data received at run time, but I want to make a settings type app where all of the cell values are known as I build it, so I was hoping to be able to set the section / row configuration, labels ect, as well as the properties for each cell (whether it has other views inside it like a switch, or whether it is a button etc) all in interface builder.
can I do that? how?
I am using xcode 4.4.1
To use static cell content you have to make sure that you are adding a UITableViewController not just a UITableView dragged into a UIViewController. The latter requires dynamic prototypes.
Once you've added the table view controller to your storyboard it is as simple as selecting "static cells" in the attributes inspector. From there you can drag and drop UITableViewCells and modify them as you wish.
