Ad Hoc distribution app is gray, after transfer from iTunes to iPhone - ios

I've been develoming an app and is at a stage now where i want to make other ppl able to tst out my app. I've created a Ad Hoc provisioning profile and build an .ipa file with archives. After that i added the .ipa file to iTunes apps library and sync'ed iTunes with my iPhone. After this i look at my phone and the app is grayed out and if i press it it writes installing, but never gets done installing.
I've tried to recreate my certificat + profile + ipa file. And i did uninstall the debug app that was on my device, before i transferred the one with a ad hoc profile.
Ov, and as a side note the app works 100% if i just build a release build through xCode, and use xCode to transfer it, but i NEED that .ipa file so that solution wont cut it for me.
What am i doing wrong here, plzzz help?^^
SOLUTION: Don't use " "(space) in the file name of the .ipa file

Are you 'distributing' the application and saving for ad-hoc/enterprise deployment ? The chances are the provisioning profile you created doesn't have the device UDID in it. Check on the dev portal that your ad hoc profile has that device included.

If you instal the app from xCode and you can see the log in the console debugger, that's mean that you are not in "distribution" mode but in debug mode.
Verify your provisioning profile and the build mode.


Beta iOS app distribution problems

I have an app ready and I want to test the beta in some external devices. I am using the correct bundle id and in the iTunes connect page I created a certificate , added the devices and then created an ad-hoc provision profile. I opened it on Xcode and then archive the app and export it. I used Diawi and Ubertesters for the app distribution but in both cases I get "Unable to download app". I am missing something ?
Most probably the issue is connected to the device provisioning. Please make sure you've added your device UDID to the provisioning profile and sign your .ipa file with it. Once the newly signed up build is uploaded to Ubertesters, please try to install it on your device.

iOS: Is a Distribution build supposed to work on my Developer device?

I am confused with profiles and certificates for the build I am trying to put on the Appstore.
In I have properly created both a developer and distribution certificate. they are both linked to the single app I have created.
I have registered my device (iphone)
I also have properly created 1 development provisioning profile and 1 distribution provisioning profile.
When I build with dev certificate + dev provisioning profile: app works fine on my device
But I know the build needs a distribution certif and provisioning profile in order to get approved on the appstore.
However when I build with distribution certificate + distribution provisioning profile, the build is succesful, but I can't launch the app on my iphone, other iphone (with or iTunes). It immediately crashes with the infamous error popup: "unable to download. "XXX" could not be installed at this time".
When I look at the device's log from Xcode, it clearly states the crash comes from a profile issue.
Is the distribution build supposed to work on my iPhone?
You can check you Beta release build to your developer device using 'Apple Ad Hoc Distribution profile/certificat'. Here are Apple Dev link Beta Testing Your iOS App
No. A distribution build will not just be installable on your device. You are meant to submit it to iTunes Connect from Xcode, where you build it from an archive, or from Application Launcher where you would submit it as an IPA.
you should have created adhoc distributed provisioning profile and add your device to that profile.
But you need iTunes Connect to submit the app to App Store. This time you can create provisioning profile for app store.
Advantages of iTunesConnect.
1. You need not to add new device to the provisioning profile every
time you want to test the app in new device.
2. You can add as many as new test users to the app and can mark them as internal and external users.
3. You can upload as many builds as you want and test those builds.

How can I test a production iOS App Store build?

I'm new to iPhone development and i'm not sure how to test the actually binary that will be sent to Apple. Today I released a build that works great on my local device but the released App Store version did not work and hung on launch.
I'm trying to figure out how I can test my production builds so this doesn't happen again.
I tried creating an ad-hoc binary and saved the ipa to my desktop, then imported into iTunes. The app synced and downloaded but remained dark and said 'waiting..'.
I signed up for Test Flight and it said my IPA was created for production and the sdk could not be found.
Do I need to research ad-hoc builds and profiles? This seems to be getting confusing really quickly and i'm not sure where to start looking/learning.
When you create an archive to submit to the AppStore, it is saved under the organizer (Press Command + Shift + 2 to open Organizer).
You can save the same archive for Ad-hoc distribution as a .IPA file, and then install it using iTunes or TestFlight.
In the Organizer, just select the right archive, click 'Distribute', and select 'Ad-hoc distribution' and sign the IPA with your Ad-Hoc distribution profile (if you haven't created an ad-hoc distribution profile, create one at, download it and double-click on it to import it to your Mac OS Keychain) to generate the .IPA file.
As long as you re-sign your AppStore archive with an ad-hoc distribution profile, it should install and execute on your test devices.
Follow these steps hopefully it will work
Delete the application from your iPhone.
Create a new Adhoc Distribution provisioning profile, make your the devices you want to run on are included in that profile.
Make sure the certificate associated with the newly created profile has a valid private/public key pair.
After creating an archive, see the build must be created with the newly created profile(From a drop down that comes after archive).
If the problem persists, to verify rename the .ipa to .zip go to payload folder right click .app and show package contents see the embedded profile shows the correct profile and have the devices added.

Install iPhone application in my device

I was recently developing an iPhone application using Xcode. Now I want to install this app on my iPhone in order to test it.How can I do this? could you tell me please a step by step answer because I am new to this.
I have already created an account on the
iPhone Dev Center
now what is the next step?
As per Apple guidelines:
To test your app on a variety of devices and iOS versions, create a special distribution provisioning profile, called an ad hoc provisioning profile, and send it, along with the app, to testers. An ad hoc provisioning profile doesn’t require that testers be enrolled in an Apple Developer Program, be added to your team, create signing certificates, or use Xcode to run your app. Instead, app testers simply install the app and the ad hoc provisioning profile on their device to launch the app. You can then collect and analyse crash reports or logs from these testers to resolve problems before you ship your app.
Can I do what is mentioned here? and if yes how ?
go to memeber login area and login with your credential..
go to certificate , Identifiers & Profile tab
go to keychain access and create a .csr file and save it, it'll
required for creating certificates
create a certificate from certificate tab
create App Ids from identifier tab
Register your device UDID from Devices tab
Create distribution profile from Provisioning Profile tab and download & save it.
Install the Provisioning profile to your device and build your project using that profile.
Archive your project and create .ipa file
Final step: Install that .ipa file to your device.
Hope it'll help you. Happy Coding.....
With the free account you can not test/run apps on a device.

ios - what is the right code signing configuration for an Ad-Hoc build meant to be transfered from itunes to device?

I am learning how to create an ad-hoc version of the app so that I can put it on my local iTunes and from that, to transfer it to the device.
I created a distribution provisioning profile and named it Production Provisioning AdHoc. Then I added the device I am testing on to that profile. Then in code signing, for the distribution setting, I set it to that provisioning profile, but what should be the develop setting? Does that matter?
The problem I am experiencing is that when I archive my project and distribute it as AdHoc, I am able to see the app in iTunes, but when I do the sync and apply to transfer it to the device, even though iTunes says the app is on the device, the app never gets installed on the device.
Please help me understand what I may be doing wrong and how to fix it. I have been stuck on this since yesterday.
Not sure about iTunes allow .ipa transfer or not. But you can use Xcode to transfer .ipa to device.
Here is steps to install .ipa to your device.
« Open Xcode->Window->Organisor.
« Click on devices tab
« Drag your .ipa to your device listed in side bar.
